~~~ At Spain's house - The next morning ~~~
"WHAT THE-A F***!!!!!" Spain stumbled into Romano's room, Prussia and Frace following close behind.
"W-What wrong Roma?" Spain asked, attempting to get his bearings.
"This. Is what's-a wrong!" Romano exclaimed, pointing to his face. Right under his nose was a large, Italian mustash drawn on in green permanent marker. A note was also taped to the window.
"Actually, the avesome me thinks it's an improvement. Keseseses." Prussia stated. Romano glared at him and threw a pillow at his face, knocking Prussia off his feet and onto the floor.
"Wait, where is (Y/n)?" France asked, looking around the room.
"That's the-a other problem! That-a burger bastardo came and-a took her last night! He left-a this stupido note!" Romano spat, glaring at the note on the window.
~~~ Somewhere else in the world ~~~
(Y/n) yawned and rolled off the bed she was lying on. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before looking around the room. The walls were painted a baby blue and posters of superheroes were hung up on the wall. Above the bed was an American flag. On the opposite side of the room, there was a wooden dresser. A couple picture frames were on the dresser and a couple more photos on the wall surrounding the dresser.
"Huh, I must be in Alfred's room then... I wonder how I got here..." (Y/n) wondered aloud as the bedroom door flung open. Alfred stumbled into the room. His hair was a mess and his glasses were crooked, making it seem like he just got out of bed.
"(Y/n), dudette! Are you ok?" Alfred asked. "I heard a loud noice and I thought another country came to kidnap you!" He exclaimed. (Y/n) smiled and got back to her feet.
"I'm fine Alfie. Thanks for worrying though!" She said, giggling. (Y/n) carefully fixed Alfred's glasses, making his cheeks turn red.
"I-It's all in the day of being a hero!" He stated, putting his hands on his hip and posing. (Y/n) laughed and nodded.
"That's right! Now let's go eat! I smell pancakes!" (Y/n) cheered before walking in a random direction. Alfred laughed and walked in the opposite direction.
"Kitchen in this way dudette!" He called. (Y/n) laughed again and quickly ran after Alfred.
"MATTIE!!!!" (Y/n) cheered, tackling the shy Canadian into a large hug. Alfred laughed and tackled the two as well.
"Woo!" He cheered. Mathew chuckled before prying (Y/n) and Alfred off him, flipping a pancake onto a stack of large pancakes.
"Wow! You made all these Mattie? They look tasty!" (Y/n) cheered. Alfred nodded.
"Mattie makes the best pancakes!" Alfred cheered, giving Mathew a noogy and laughing loudly. Mathew squirmed around in his grip while his polar bear held a plate in his mouth.
"Alfred! Let go! My pancakes are gunna burn!" Mathew exclaimed. Alfred laughed and let go of Mathew, taking a step back as Mathew quickly began flipping more pancakes before they burned. (Y/n) grinned and slid towards the fridge, grabbing some strawberries.
"I'm going to cut up some strawberries and make some hot chocolate. That cool with everyone?" (Y/n) asked. Alfred and Mathew both nodded. (Y/n) nodded before grabbing a steak knife. "Do you guys have a cutting bored?" She asked. Mathew grabbed one and tossed it towards her while keeping his attention on the pancakes. (Y/n) grinned a she caught the cutting bored before twirling around Mathew to get to the sink, washing the strawberries. Mathew put more batter on the pan to make another pancake before going around (Y/n) to grab some plates. (Y/n) ducked under Mathew's arms before going to cut the strawberries. Mathew's polar bear carried three plates over to the table while Mathew tossed the silverware towards Alfred and grabbed some maple syrup from the fridge before turning the stove off. (Y/n) brought the now finished hot chocolate (that appeared out of no where) and the freshly cut strawberries to the table before sitting down. Alfred gave everyone a fork and knife while Mathew brought the pancakes.
(Y/n) laughed and quickly washed the plates as Mathew cleaned up a bit.
"Duuuuuude. I'm so bored!" Alfred exclaimed, Burring his face in his arms on the table.
"W-Why don't you help us clean then Alfred?" Mathew asked, glancing at his brother.
"Nah. That sounds boring." He replied. Mathew sighed as (Y/n) giggled.
"Why don't you get a game to play?" She suggested. Alfred shot out of his seat and ran off, yelling something about being the hero and the best game.
"What game did you choose Alfred?" (Y/n) asked. The three were sitting in a triangle in a dark room, a laptop in front of each person.
"The scariest video game ever! FNAF!" Alfred cheered.
"Are you sure about this?" Mathew asked. Alfred scoffed and nodded.
"Duh. The hero is always right! Now, begin night one!"
~~~ A couple hours later ~~~
"H-Hey! This isn't so ba- HOLY MAPLE!!! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?!"
~~~ Another hour later ~~~
(Y/n) shakily flipped the light back on. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale, matching the same expressions Mathew and Alfred had. The only difference was that Mathew had gently kicked the laptop away from him and was hugging his polar bear. Alfred had punched a hole in his screen and was now curled up in a ball on the floor, anime tears falling from his eyes. (Y/n) fell between the brothers and hugged her knees.
"T-That... Was the scariest game ever... Never playing it again... Ever." (Y/n) mumbled.
"H-How about we play another game? A non scary game." Mathew suggested, looking up from his polar bear.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Canada..."
"I-I'm not scared... I-I'm just acting like this so y-you two won't be as s-scared..." Alfred mumbled. (Y/n) rubbed her arms and took a deep breath, attempting to calm down.
"I have an idea..." She mumbled. Mathew and Alfred eagerly moved closer to the (h/c)ed female. (Y/n) gave the two a shaky smile before taking Mathew's glasses, placing them on her own face. A dark blush made it's way to his face as he stared at (Y/n).
"What's this suppose to do?" Mathew asked quietly.
"Take our minds off the game?" (Y/n) asked before pushing the glasses up. "How do I look?" She asked, doing a couple poses. Alfred's face lit up as well as (Y/n) leaned towards Mathew to put his glasses back on. She then leaned towards Alfred and took his glasses off, placing them on her face.
"Hey! Now I can't see!" Alfred exclaimed, looking around to try to find (Y/n) or Mathew. A dark shade of red rested on his cheeks. (Y/n) giggled and booped their noses before giving Alfred his glasses back. Mathew grinned and moved closer to (Y/n).
"I have another idea on how to get our minds off the game." He said.
"What's that bro?" Alfred asked, moving closer as well. A light blush formed on (Y/n)'s face as she backed up a bit. The two lunged at her and began tickling her, causing (Y/n) to fall back onto the floor and squirm around.
"Ahahahaha! S-St- S-Stop! Hahahahahahaha! G-Guys!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Mathew and Alfred laughed as well.
"Nah. This is lots of fun." Alfred replied.
"Defiantly getting my mind off FNAF." Mathew added. (Y/n) shook her head before finally squirming away from their grips. She smiled before tackling Alfred, tickling him back. Mathew grinned and helped (Y/n) pin his brother down. Alfred laughed loudly as tears came to his eyes, squirming around on the floor before breaking out of Mathew's grip and sliding out from under (Y/n). Alfred began tickling Mathew while (Y/n) laughed and joined in.
(Y/n), Mathew and Alfred all lied on the floor. Their faces red and tears in their eyes from laughing so much. (Y/n) took a couple deep breaths in attempt to catch her breath.
"My face hurts from smiling so much..." Mathew said, rubbing his cheeks.
"Dude, you think that's bad? My stomach hurts from laughing so much!" Alfred exclaimed. (Y/n) laughed.
"That was a lot of fun..." She said. Alfred and Mathew nodded.
"You can say that again!" They both agreed. (Y/n) giggled tiredly before yawning, rubbing her eyes. Alfred noticed and nudged Mathew quietly. Mathew sat up and raised an eyebrow in confusion until (Y/n) yawned again. He quickly nodded and stood up, dashing out of the room. Alfred quietly made his way towards (Y/n) and scooped her up in his arms while Mathew came back in with a couple of pillows and blankets. Mathew lied the blankets down and Alfred lied (Y/n) down ontop.
"She's so cute when she's sleeping!" Alfred exclaimed, putting a pillow under her head.
"Defiantly... But should we just leave her? Someone else could take her." Mathew said.
"Right! I guess we have no other chance but to stay by her side!" Alfred said, laughing quietly. Kumajiro lied down ontop of (Y/n)'s legs and fell asleep instantly, making Mathew laugh. Alfred lied down on (Y/n)'s right and snuggled into her side happily. Mathew lied down on (Y/n)'s left before putting another blanket ontop of everyone. The brothers wrapped their arms around (Y/n) before falling asleep as well, a light blush on their cheeks.
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