
Third person POV:

A week and three days passed and (Y/n) was still sitting in the cell, refusing to eat. The other guards in the prison had found that she flinched whenever she heard their footsteps, so they had developed a hobby of passing by her cell just to scare her.

(Y/n) flinched as another guard walked closer to her cell. Once the guard walked past the cell, he grabbed the bars and made a loud noise, making (Y/n) jump and fall backwards. The guard laughed and walked away. (Y/n) brought her knees to her chest and just lied there on the floor, her eyes a dull void of life. A loud buzz echoed through the jail as the doors opened. The rest of the criminals left, making (Y/n) tense at the sound of their footsteps. (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut and buried her head in her knees. Her cell door opened and two people walked in.

"Poppet? Are you ok?" Oliver asked, nearing (Y/n). (Y/n) flinched away and forced a smile, re opening her eyes.

"Hey guys." (Y/n) said. Her voice was raspy was wavering from little use.

"What the f**k happened to you?" Allen asked. He was holding a tray of food. (Y/n) forced a laughed and struggled to sit up.

"Isolation." (Y/n) stated. Oliver crouched down and helped (Y/n) sit up before sitting in front of (Y/n).

"Hungry poppet?" Oliver asked. Allen walked over and sat down beside Oliver.

"Not really."

"You're f**king eating doll. You haven't eaten in a f**king week and three days." Allen stated. (Y/n) opened her mouth to respond, only to have a forkful of meatloaf loaf shoved in her mouth. (Y/n) was about to spit it out when Oliver put a hand over her mouth.

"Nuh uh poppet. You'll need your strength for later~" Oliver said, giggling. (Y/n) unhappily ate the meatloaf.

Once the meatloaf was gone, Allen placed the tray aside and Oliver lifted a bottle of water to her lips. (Y/n) drank some of the water, the cool liquid soothing her dry and sore throat.

"Could you break the straight jacket if you wanted to?" Allen asked.

"I can f**king break handcuffs. What the f**k do you think?" (Y/n) asked.

"Then why the f**k haven't you?"

"Because it would make things f**king harder for you guys! I still want to f**king escape!" (Y/n) hissed.

"How considerate poppet! Your so nice!" Oliver gushed. (Y/n) blushed lightly but leaned closer to Oliver.

"Aw~ Aren't you the cutest Ollie~ You always know how to cheer me up!" (Y/n) cooed. Oliver's cheeks turned red as he looked away.

"Well... Uhhh..." Oliver stuttered. (Y/n) chuckled and backed away. Allen glared at Oliver before looking away. (Y/n) noticed and turned to Allen.

"What? You want something from me?" (Y/n) asked, leaning closer to Allen.

"F**k that!" Allen grumbled. (Y/n) smirked and placed a light kiss on his cheek. Allen's cheeks lit u as he looked away again. "F**king... Crazy idiot..." 

"I want a kiss too poppet!" Oliver whined, a bit of pink swirling in his eyes. (Y/n) leaned back towards Oliver and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well before sitting back normally.

"Shouldn't you two be leaving now?" (Y/n) asked.

"That's right! Lets go Al! See you soon poppet!" Oliver exclaimed, standing up.

"Bye doll~" Allen said as he stood up. The two walked out of the cell and closed the door before walking off. Once they were gone, (Y/n) burst out coughing from using her voice so much. Once her coughing fit was over, (Y/n) sighed and leaned against the wall, closing her eyes.


Five hours later, (Y/n)'s cell door opened. (Y/n) opened one eye, expecting to see someone there, but no one was. Confused, (Y/n) slowly sat up more and opened her other eye.

"What the f**k...?" She whispered, looking around. A light green light appeared out of no where and Gilbert walked out of it, the light disappearing afterwards. Gilbert smirked.

"It vorked!" Gilbert cheered quietly. He looked over to (Y/n) and grinned. "Time to escape birdie!" He exclaimed. (Y/n) struggled to get to her feet, but over all managed. She stumbled out of the cell and towards Gilbert, her legs still and sore from not using them for over a week.

"Alright birdie. Ve need to get to the others. Which is on the first floor past all the guards." Gilbert exclaimed. (Y/n) nodded before pulling at the straight jacket.

"Damn this. I don't have enough strength to break it because I haven't eaten!" (Y/n) grumbled.

"Ve'll get Oliver to help once ve reach him. Until then, I hope jou can still fight vith jour legs." Gilbert said before picking (Y/n) up and running away from her cell. (Y/n) was cursing herself for being so useless at the moment and trying to get free from the jacket. At first, no one noticed them running off. But then their luck ran out and one of the guards noticed them.

"The crazy prisoner is escaping!" He yelled. Gilbert put (Y/n) down and kicked the guard back.

"verpiss dich!!!!" Gilbert yelled, causing everyone else to look in their direction.

"Dammit..." (Y/n) muttered, struggling against the straight jacket again.

"Get the prisoner at any cost necessary!" The guards yelled. (Y/n) cursed as the guards rushed towards the two. Gilbert began fighting two guards while Another two began cornering (Y/n).

"Not so tough without your arms, are you?" One of the guards asked, smirking. A dark glint appeared in (Y/n)'s eyes as she smirked.

"You wanna bet ba***rd?" (Y/n) asked before kicking the guard. He caught her leg and (Y/n) used this to swing onto his shoulders, her legs wrapping around his throat and cutting off his air supply. The man clawed at her legs as (Y/n) leaned back. Her weight caused the man to tip backwards, also making (Y/n) land on her head. She groaned in pain but quickly got back to her feet and stepped on the man's face, putting most of her weight on his nose. The other guard ran at (Y/n) while she held the struggling guard to the ground.

"You coward. Wait your f**king turn!" (Y/n) yelled, her eyes flashing red. A sudden strength burst through her body and she ripped the straight jacket apart. She grabbed the other guard's throat and threw him into a wall. "You don't just interrupt someone while their choking some other person! You just don't do that!" (Y/n) exclaimed. The guard just groaned before passing out. (Y/n) clicked her tongue in annoyance and took her foot off the other guard, pulling it back and kicking his head. The guard passed out. (Y/n) pulled the rest of the jacket off her and stretched, the loud snapping of bones echoing through the hallway as she stretched.

"Ah~ That's much better!" She cheered. Gilbert grinned.

"Good! Jou're out! Lets go before more come!" He said. (Y/n) nodded and the two ran through the twisted halls, beating up guards until they reached the first floor, where the rest of the group was tossing unconscious bodies into a pile.

"Alright! Time to go everyone! We are on a tight schedule." Oliver said, clapping his hands.

"F**k yeah!" Allen cheered. He was holding his baseball bat, which was slightly bloody.

"Luciano, Matt, Francois, Flavio, Feliancio and Lovino are vaiting outside." Ludwig said. He was holding a rifle. 

"Better get going before everyone wakes up~" AG said. She was sitting on the counter, watching everything with amusement. She looked over at (Y/n), who was shocked, and smirked. "Nice to have you back (Y/n)." She said. Strapped to her waist was a hand gun and a knife, and strapped to her back was a crowbar.

"What the f**k is AG doing here? With weapons!?!" (Y/n) asked. AG grinned.

"I came to break you out of jail of course~ And why can't I have weapons? It's not like I haven't killed before." AG said, shrugging. (Y/n) sighed.

"We need to go now! They'll be waking up in a minuet or so!" Mathew whispered.

"Mattie is right dudes! Let's get out of here!" Alfred yelled. Everyone ran out of the police station as a loud alarm rang through the building. A white van pulled up and the back doors flew open. Francois and Matt stood there, dressed in black. They both held guns.

"Get the f**k in." Matt stated. Everyone piled in and the two closed the doors. Flavio was driving, Luciano, Lovino and Feliancio were positioned out of the windows, holding guns. Everyone without a weapon grabbed one and stayed alert as the van jerked forward, speeding away. Police sirens soon followed them, along with gun shots.

"F**king bastardos!" Luciano yelled, firing at the cars.

"Eat-a lead!" Lovino yelled as well.

A police officer fired a bullet at the van and it hit the handle of the back, making it swing open. Matt and Francois, who got everyone to put on masks, crouched in the back and pointed their guns at the officers.

"aller brûler dans enfer!" Matt yelled.

"Everyone watch out!" AG yelled, walking towards Matt and Francois. She was holding a grenade.

"Why the f**k do we even have a grenade!?!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Why not?" Alfred asked as AG puled the key thing out of the grenade and threw the actual explosive part at the police cars. They swerved away so they wouldn't get blown up.

"Hit it!" Allen yelled.

"Brace yourselves!" Flavio called before pressing down on the gas. The van lurched forward again before leaving a trail of dust behind them. Alfred's grip faltered and he was suddenly flying towards the road. (Y/n) ran towards the edge of the van and wrapped her arms around his waist. Allen ran forward as well, grabbing (Y/n)'s waist and pulling the two back inside. Matt and Francois closed the doors again.

"That was entertaining..." Arthur mumbled, setting his gun down. Ludwig and Gilbert nodded.

"Where the f**k are we going and where the f**k is everyone else?" (Y/n) asked.

"Language poppet. Please." Oliver stated.

"Right... Sorry..." She mumbled.

"And to answer your questions doll, we're going to an abandoned house in a forest. That way no one can find you. And everyone else is already there."

"So, we are all going to live in one house together, away from everyone else, for who knows how long?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yup! Pretty much dude!" Alfred cheered. (Y/n) hummed.

"Ok. Sounds good to me. Like I said when we first met, you're all f**king hot."


verpiss dich - F**k off - German

aller brûler dans enfer  - Go burn in hell - French 

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