
Third person POV:

Basch, Hermes and Hercules stood on the stage as everyone stopped talking and sat down. (Y/n) was siting next to Elizabeta and Natalia near the back. Natalia was on her phone and Elizabeta was rambling on about how to scare Gilbert and Alfred.

"Listen up!" Basch ordered, shooting a bullet into the ceiling. Everyone stopped talking, half frozen in fear. "Good. We have eliminated a bunch of people."

"What? Why!?" Lizzy asked, looking up from her nails.

"You really are stupid, huh?" Hermes asked. Lizzy opened her mouth to say something but Hermes continued. "We're eliminating because this stupid talent show has gone on for too much time. It's almost been a whole week." Lizzy crossed her arms and looked away.

"Now when I call your name you have not been eliminated. (Y/n), Elizabeta, Natalia, Kitty, Markell, Egil, Thurston, Bernard, Loki, Mathias, Emil, Tino, Berwald, Lukas, Alfred, Mathew, Feliancio, Lovino, Luciano, Flavio, Allen, Matt, Ludwig, Gilbert, Kiku and Antonio. Sorry, but everyone else has been eliminated." Hercules said before yawning. Yells of protest came from the audience but were silenced when Basch pointed his gun at them.

"Those with their names called can get into groups or go solo. I don't really care. Now scatter." Basch ordered. (Y/n) shot Elizabeta and Natalia a smile as she stood up.

"I'm going by myself today. I don't feel like being dragged around." She said before disappearing into the crowd of teens, worming through the crowd before disappearing into an empty room and locking the door. Natalia and Elizabeta smirked at each other before linking arms and going into the crowd as well.


(Y/n) let out a sigh in relief and leaned against the locked door. She slid down the door and sat on the floor, letting out a shaky breath.

"It's finally almost over..." (Y/n) said. "I just need to win this and then I get those idiots to leave me alone." She added, nodding to herself. (Y/n) looked down at her leg and winced at the sight. Her skirt had come up a bit when she sat down, revealing one of the any scars on her legs. It was deeper then the rest had spelt out 'wh**e'.

"Damn... I need to get the f*** over this and grow up." (Y/n) scolded, pulling her skirt back down. "This is f**king nothing when compared to those who f**king die in war, or become prisoners of war." She added. (Y/n) took a deep breath, forcing some tears away before standing up.

"Alright... Lets just get this thing over with so I can get to work, and then pass out in another pool of blood." (Y/n) stated.


A couple hours passed and (Y/n) made her way back to the cafeteria. Basch noticed her and grabbed a microphone.

"Alright! Now that everyone is here, we can start." He said, rolling his eyes. "You all should know the drill by now so go on and do whatever." Basch added before setting the mic down and polishing his gun.

"Let's go up first! I want to show my love that I can win this!" Egil exclaimed, standing up. He linked arms with Loki and giggled. "Come on big brother!"

"I'm not your big brother! And don't touch me!" Loki spat, ripping his arm away from Egil. Thurston tripped Bernard as he walked past him, Markell shoved Egil and Loki away as he walked on stage, Paul was on Bernard's back unhappily and Peter was holding Tino and Berwald's hands.

"Paul, Peter, Tino and Berwald are just helping out with this song." Markell said once everyone was on stage. He flipped whoever was in the music booth off as the music began.


Peter, Berwald and Tino walked off stage once they did their part of the song. Markell, Egil, Thurston, Loki, Bernard and Paul bowed before walking off the stage.

"You didn't do half bad, pint sized." Thurston said, shoving Paul. Paul rolled his eyes.

"Is that  suppose to be a complement? Cause it sucks." Paul stated, shoving Thurston back.

"Come on bro! Lets go up next!" Alfred cheered, dragging Mathew on stage. Mathew stumbled behind him.

"S-Slow down Alfred! I can't keep up!" Mathew called.

"HAHAHA!!!!" Alfred laughed before waving towards the music booth and dropping Mathew's wrist. Mathew stumbled across the stage, almost falling as the music began.


Alfred bowed and laughed as he walked off the stage, seeming to forget about Mathew. Mathew sighed and bowed as well before walking off stage.

"Let's-a go up next Ludwig!" Feliancio cheered, dragging Ludwig and Kiku on stage.

"That means it's our turn amigo!" Antonio said, looking over at Gilbert. Gilbert laughed and walked on stage as well. "Come on Lovi~" Antonio added, linking arms with Lovino. Lovino struggled to get out of his grip.

"Don't-a touch me!" Lovino exclaimed. Antonio laughed.

"Antonio made this-a dance for us! He's-a so cool!" Feliancio said, giggling as the music began.


Everyone on stage bowed as the teens in the crowd cheered. Many of the girls and some of the boys were blushing. The six walked off stage together. (Y/n) stood up next and grabbed a mic.

"I might as well change things the f*** up." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Ugh, the sl*t's going on stage again."

"Can't she just like, leave the school? She causes way too much trouble."

"Does she think she looks cool with that new hair style? Because it makes her look like a fake b**ch." Some of the girls whispered. (Y/n) ignored them as the music began.


(Y/n) bowed, her face wiped of any emotion.

"Go f*** yourselves." (Y/n) stated before walking off stage. She walked towards an empty seat in the back of the room and sat by herself. The cafeteria was silent for a while before Mathias stood up. He dragged Berwald and Lukas on stage as well and the music started before the two could argue.


As the three bowed and walked off stage, Emil was dragged on stage by a puffin, who also started the music.

"H-Hey! I never agreed to do this!" Emil exclaimed as Lukas got his phone out.

Skip to 1:17


Flavio jumped out of his seat as Emil rushed out of the cafeteria to get a drink. He dragged Luciano and Lovino on stage while Feliancio skipped after the three happily.

"It's our-a turn~" Flavio cheered. Luciano and Lovino rolled their eyes.

"This is-a lot of fun! Now I-a see why (Y/n) likes to do this-a!" Feliancio added, nodding.

"Don't-a touch me bastardo!"

"Let go of-a me!" Lovino and Luciano yelled, getting out of Flavio's grip.

"Play the-a music!" Flavio cheered, pointing at the music booth.


The four bowed and went back to their seats.

"If Feliancio and Lovino can go again, I want to go again too!" Alfred yelled, running on stage.


"My turn!" Gilbert yelled, running on stage and shoving Alfred off. He laughed.

"Keseseses! Hold onto jour socks, cause i'm gunna blov them off vith my avesomeness!" Gilbert announced as the music began.


Gilbert bowed as (Y/n) snickered to herself.

"He has earned my respect for dancing to a girly a** song like that." (Y/n) said. Gilbert laughed, bowed once more, and jumped off the stage to go back to his seat.

"You think that was good? You all need standards." Natalia stated, standing up. Elizabeta stood up as well.

"You're just realising this now Nat?" Elizabeta asked as the two walked on stage.

"No. But this was the first time I could say it to their faces." Natalia said, shrugging.

"It's sad we need to associate ourselves with those... Things... All the time." Elizabeta said, sighing. Natalia nodded.

"True. But that's why were're here." She stated. Elizabeta nodded as the music began.

(Left - Natalia, Right - Elizabeta)


The two bowed and walked off stage together, their arms linked together. Kitty stood up next, her hands on her hips.

"I guess it's my turn then!" She said, giggling. She winked at her friends and grabbed a mic.


Kitty bowed and blew a kiss to the crowd before skipping off stage. Hermes picked up a mic from the table they were sitting at.

"And that's all so buzz off. More people will be eliminated tomorrow." He said, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Most people began speed walking away, not wanting for Basch to pull his gun out again.

"Took them long enough..." Basch grumbled.

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