Drop her.
Third person POV:
The man dragged (Y/n) into the gym, where two other students were being held at gun point by three other men dressed in black. One of students was a blonde who was bawling silently. The other student had a black eye and a cracked lip. (Y/n) was shoved in the middle of the two, her hands being bound once she was on the floor.
"Yoosung...? Rain...? Is that you?" (Y/n) asked quietly. The blonde gave a quiet hum while the bloody one have a short nod.
"Nice to see that you're not actually dead (L/n)." Rain muttered.
"You too." (Y/n) whispered as another gun shot echoes through the school. (Y/n) flinched slightly but the two boys stayed completely still.
"You get used to it after a while." Yoosung muttered. One of the men in black shoved his gun closer to Yoosung's head.
"Shut up." He stated. Yoosung stayed quiet, tears welling up in his eyes again.
"All classrooms are secured boss. No sign of (Y/n) (L/n)." One of the men in black stated, saluting.
"She has to be here somewhere." The boss grumbled.
"What did you do this time?" Rain asked.
"Nothing as far as I remember." (Y/n) replied quietly.
"Daddy. Did you find her yet?" A young girl asked impatiently, walking into the room. "Oh, she's right there! Can you kill her now?" The girl asked, pointing to (Y/n). Everyone looked at her. One of the men in black yanked her to her feet and dragged her to the centre of the gym. Tears pricked (Y/n)'s eyes as two men held her still, their grips leaving more bruises on her arms.
"LET HER GO YOU BA***RDS!!!" Rain yelled. One of the men pointed their gun at Rain.
"Stop moving!" The man yelled. Rain didn't listen, trying to get the rope off his wrists.
"DAMN YOU BA***RDS! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Rain yelled. The girl clicked her tongue in annoyance, looking at her nails.
"You can kill him too if you want." She stated. The boss rolled his eyes but nodded to the man pointing his gun at Rain. The man pulled the trigger as Rain stood up, making the bullet enter his stomach. The blood staining his shirt. Rain fell to his knees, holding his stomach.
"This hurts... So f**king worse then a paintball..." Rain muttered.
"Rain! What are you doing you f**ker!?" (Y/n) cried, struggling against the men who held her still. One of the free men walked in front of (Y/n), pointing his gun at her. Yoosung's head shot up.
"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Yoosung yelled. He kicked the two men near him down and ran towards (Y/n). One of the men he knocked down grabbed his gun and shot Yoosung's back twice while the other shot his leg. Sending Yoosung to the floor. Tears streaming down his face. Tears now flooded down (Y/n)'s face freely.
"No! NO! YOU BOTH WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO DIE! IDIOTS! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO LIVE YOU F**KERS!!!" (Y/n) yelled. She stomped on one of the men in black's feet before body checking the other, getting free from their grips. (Y/n) ran at the boss and punched his face, only to get pulled away by more of his men. The man holding the gun walked back in front of (Y/n) and placed the gun on her forehead, his face void of any emotion. (Y/n) struggled helplessly, her hope seeming to disappear instantly. The man loaded the bullet in place and placed his finger on the trigger.
(Y/n) struggled weakly once more, her tears clouding her vision.
Rain and Yoosung both attempted to stay awake, but blood loss was catching up to them. Their vision getting blurry and dark around the edges.
(Y/n) closed her eyes, excepting her fate. She took a deep breath and waiting for the pain to come, only to hear the gym door burst open. A teen with short blonde hair and green eyes walked in, holding a pistol. He shot the man holding (Y/n) at gun point before pointing it at the men holding (Y/n) still.
"Drop her." The boy growled, walking closer to the men. Two other people walked into the gym. Both had brown hair and green eyes and they both held rifles. The brunette on the left had a lazy look and had a cat resting on his head. The brunette on the right walked over to the snobby girl and held her at gun point, causing her to scream and cry out for help.
"Who the f*** do you think you are? Telling me what to do!" The boss exclaimed. The brunette yawned before shooting the man.
"He talked too much..." He muttered. The blonde got all the rest of the men on the ground and kicked their guns away. The non lazy brunette tied the girl up before going towards Yoosung and Rain. (Y/n) was on the floor as far away from Rain and Yoosung as she could get, shaking violently. Her eyes wide, dilated and her skin was super pale. She was muttering things under her breath, hugging her knees to her chest. Once the blonde was done tying up the men in black, he went to help the two brunette men with the wounds.
A couple minuets later, the police arrived, taking the men in black and the snobby girl back to the station. As well as counting up the casualties. The ambulance has yet to arrive.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" The countries called, searching the school. Hungary and Belarus gasped once they got into the gym, catching the attention of everyone else.
"Oh my word..." Hungary muttered, one hand moving to cover her mouth. (Y/n) was in one corner of the room, holding onto a gun for dear life. Her whole body was shaking and her eyes darted around anxiously. Yoosung and Rain were lying in pools of their own blood, their wounds half tended to.
"What the f***..." Allen muttered.
"Poor sunflower... She looks so scared..." Ivan said. The others nodded, slowly moving into the room.
"Will Little sister be ok big brother?" Belarus asked Ivan quietly.
"Da. I'm sure she will will..." Ivan replied quietly.
"Put the gun down please." The non lazy brunette said.
"D-Don't touch me! D-DON'T F**KING TOUCH ME!" (Y/n) cried.
"Everything will be ok now." The other brunette added. (Y/n) pointed the gun at him, leaving her right side open. The blonde took the opportunity and twisted the gun out of her hands, making it fall to the floor. (Y/n) squirmed around and tried to kick the three as the blonde held her arms behind her back. He guided her past the countries and out of the gym. Tino, Egil, Mathias, Alfred, Feliancio, Lovino and Flavio burst out crying. The others were forcing their tears back so they could be strong for the others.
"She'll be alright. Just needs some time to realise that her friends didn't die." The non lazy brunette said. "Basch will give her something to knock her out before letting the hospital taker her." He added before walking off, dragging the lazy brunette with him.
(Y/n) struggled against Basch's grip until he took a needle out of his jacket pocket. He stuck it into her neck and inserted the liquid. (Y/n)'s eyes rolled back and her body fell into Basch's arms. Basch grunted and lifted (Y/n) into one of the ambulance beds.
"There are two wounds kids in the gym. Please go get them." He said. The worker nodded and rushed into the building. Basch went into the back of the ambulance with (Y/n) and the door closed. The ambulance speeding off.
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