Third person POV:

The next day when (Y/n) sat down in her seat on the bus, her face instantly paled and her eyes turned to swirls.

"What the... F**k is wrong... With me...?" (Y/n) asked herself, her soul trying to escape her body. Lutz got up from his spot and sat next to (Y/n). He grabbed her soul and shoved it back in her body.

"Motion sickness liebling~" He teased. (Y/n) groaned, her head falling onto Lutz's shoulder as the bus turned a corner. Many of the countries in the background got jealous.

"Ich hasse dich..." (Y/n) muttered. Lutz chuckled.

"Ich liebe dich auch~" He replied, winking. (Y/n) groaned again.


Once the bus stopped, (Y/n) was dragged off the bus by Lutz. And as soon as she touched the ground, the color returned to her face and her eyes went back to being normal.

"That's better~" (Y/n) cheered, stretching. She giggled to herself before walking into the school, leaving behind an amused looking Lutz.


After announcements and whatnot, Mathias and Markell ditched their English work to help (Y/n) finally finish her small book. (Much to Ms Pink's happiness)

"What does this say?" Markell asked, pointing to the left page. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at the page momentarily.

"W-We play a-t the w-wat... Water.... P-Par-k." (Y/n) read. Mathias grinned and clapped loudly.

"You did it! Next page!" He cheered, pointing to the right page.

"T-The w-waterp-park haz s-s-slidez." (Y/n) read. Mathias cheered again before handing (Y/n) a small box of smarties. (Y/n) grinned and grabbed the box, quickly opening in and dumping out the candies. She gave the brown smarties to Mathias and the pink ones to Markell before eating the rest. Stacking the box on the smarties on the small tower made from smarties boxes beside her.

"Tak skal du have!" (Y/n) cheered.

"Next page." Markell said. (Y/n) turned the page, making Ms Pink smile, writing something down on her clip board.

'Stayed the whole class!'


During second period, the teacher actually let the class cook in partner of two or three. Most of the girls tried joining a group with the Brits, but they insisted to work with (Y/n). Causing the girls to glare at her. Arthur, Oliver and (Y/n) decided to make (favourite flavor) cupcakes. Oliver was teaching Arthur how to make icing while (Y/n) the batter.

"How many cupcakes should we make?" (Y/n) asked the Brits.

"A dozen?" Oliver asked. Arthur nodded.

"A dozen it is..." (Y/n) mumbled, pouring the batter into the cupcake wrappers and putting them into the oven.

"Bloody hell... I never knew making icing could take this much time..." Arthur muttered.

"How do you normally make icing?" Oliver asked.

"I don't make it. Just store bought stuff." Arthur said, shrugging. Oliver gasped.

"You need to try some of this REAL stuff right now!" He exclaimed, shoving a spoonful of icing into Arthur's mouth. His eyes widened as he ate the icing on the spoon.

"This is... Really good..." Arthur muttered. Oliver beamed happily. (Y/n) shook her head at the two before poking her finger into the icing and tasting the icing for herself.

"Mmm... That's f**king delicious!" (Y/n) cheered. Oliver winced at the swearing but didn't say anything. He could hold back on his swear jar until they got (Y/n) back to normal.

"The cupcakes will be ready 15-20 minuets!" (Y/n) said, sitting down in a chair.


About ten minuets later, most kids in the class were waiting for their treats to finish cooking or to finish cooling. So most kids were relaxing. The teacher was asleep at his desk.

"How do you think the cupcakes will turn out poppet?" Oliver asked.

"F**king perfect of course!" (Y/n) stated. "Duh. We made them together!"

"That's so nice love!" Arthur said. Oliver nodded.

"I'm just saying the truth. So stop tearing up." (Y/n) said. Arthur's cheeks turned red as he turned away.

"I'm not bloody tearing up!" He growled, making Oliver laugh. Oliver opened his mouth to say something when a loud alarm went off on the announcements, making everyone jump in surprise.

"Emergency. Emergency. Emergency. This is a code red. Emergency. Emergency. Emergency." The announcement said before repeating. The teacher (who was now wide awake) jumped up from his desk. He let some of the kids who were in the halls into the classroom before closing and locking the door. Most of the girls were in tears as everyone huddled up in the corner farthest away from the door so if anyone looked in, you couldn't see anyone. The teacher closed the blinds on the windows before joining the students on the floor, his face pale. Arthur and Oliver looked around in a daze. (Y/n) was next to them, stiff as a rock, her eyes focused on the door.

"Remind us what a code red is again love." Arthur whispered.

"It's when someone comes near the school with a gun or with threats of killing the students. It doesn't normally happen, but we run drills just in case." (Y/n) said, her eyes not leaving the door. "But I don't think this is a drill..." She added. Arthur and Oliver hummed in understanding before staying quiet. The room was silent for a couple minuets before a loud bang could be heard. Someone outside the room jiggled the door handle a couple times before cursing loudly. More silence for a moment before the door was kicked down. A man wearing all black with a black bandanna over his nose and mouth entered the room. He held a black rifle in hiss hands, pointing it at all the children and teacher. The teacher attempted to stand in front of as many kids as he could. One of the girls in the room burst out crying, holding her friend closely.

"SHUT THE F*** UP!" The man yelled, pointing the rifle at the girl. She whimpered but bit her lip in attempt to be quieter. 

"Where the f*** is (Y/n) (L/n)?!" The man asked, scanning the room. No one spoke up, all though a couple of the girls looked like they wanted to. "I ASKED YOU ALL A DAMNED QUESTION! WHERE THE F*** IS (Y/N) (L/N)?!?!" He asked again. (Y/n) took a shaky breath and stood up.

"(Y/n) (L/n) doesn't go to this school anymore. She moved away last week." (Y/n) stated. The man pointed his gun at (Y/n), his eyes narrowed.

"What the bloody hell are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed!" Arthur hissed. (Y/n) ignored him as the oven holding their cupcakes beeped.

"Can I go get those?" (Y/n) asked, pointing towards the oven.

"No. Sit the f*** down." The man ordered.

"But if we leave them in there then the cupcakes will catch fire. And you wouldn't want to burn alive while trying to find a girl who doesn't even go to this school." (Y/n) stated. Her voice almost robotic like.

"Fine. Get the damned cupcakes." He growled. (Y/n) nodded and stepped over kids before walking over to the oven. She turned the oven off and grabbed the cupcakes out of the oven with her bare hands, placing it on the counter to cool.

"You did it. Now go sit back down." The man said. (Y/n) obeyed and went back to her spot.

"What the hell?" Arthur hissed, glaring at (Y/n). (Y/n)'s face stayed free of emotion.

"Sacrifice all to save one or sacrifice one to save all...?" (Y/n) asked quietly. The two Brits shot her a confused look. Oliver went to say something only to get cut off by a scream and a gun shot, coming from the classroom across the hall. The girl who was crying earlier began sobbing hysterically, some of the other girls trying to hold their frightened tears back.

"No one f**king move or I'll shoot." The man stated. The girl in hysterics went to seek comfort from a friend, only to have a bullet through her head. Her body collapsed to the floor, creating a small puddle of blood. The girl's friend screamed, tears streaming down her face as her other friends hugged her close. Crying quietly as well. A ringing filled (Y/n)'s ears as the reality of the situation they were in hit her. Someone is dead. Someone just died. It's not just a game. It's real life. You cant just regenerate with three new lives. Because in this world it's kill or be killed. You step out of place and you'll have a bullet through your head. (Y/n) took a couple deep breaths and watched the man closely. He shifted his weight every couple minuets while glancing out the door. Almost nervously.

"Sacrifice unus pro omnibus." (Y/n) muttered to herself. She waited until the man shifted again to get to her feet. She raced away from the group and hid behind one of the counters. Arthur and Oliver were calling out to her, only to be silenced by the man, who was now aiming his gun at the counter (Y/n) was hiding behind. (Y/n) took in a shaky breath as the man shot at the wall behind her.

"Get out here you f**king brat!" The man yelled, firing again. (Y/n) crawled towards her cupcake and grabbed them from the counter. By now, her hands wouldn't stop shaking and her features were paler then normal.

"Sacrifice unus pro omnibus..." (Y/n) muttered again. She grabbed one of the cool cupcakes and blindly threw it at the man. The man made a noise of shock as the cupcake bounced harmlessly off his rifle. (Y/n) took the opening to jump over the counter and tackle the man. She kicked the rifle out of his hands, wrapping both her hands around his neck. The man gasped for air as he grabbed (Y/n)'s hair, pulling it.

"F**king leave already dumba**'s!" (Y/n) yelled, kicking the gun towards the class. The teacher scrambled to his feet and stumbled towards the windows, the class following behind him. Oliver and Arthur tried to get to (Y/n), only to have the teacher drag them off. The teacher broke the window and helped get the kids out of the school, where most attempted to run back to their houses. More gun shots came from outside as a couple more men shot at the running children. Some of them falling to the ground. The man under (Y/n) let go of her hair and gripped her neck with one hand. (Y/n)'s grip loosened slightly, letting the man use his free hand to punch her off. (Y/n) flew across the classroom and crashed into a counter. She had a purple bruise in the shape of a hand around her neck. The man gasped for breath as he got back to his feet.

"You b**ch!" He yelled, yanking (Y/n) to her feet and forcing her arms behind her back. "You'll f**king regret this!" He said before dragging (Y/n) out of the classroom.



Ich hasse dich - I hate you - German

Ich liebe dich auch - I love you too - German

Tak skal du have - Thank you - Danish  

Sacrifice unus pro omnibus - Sacrifice one for all - Latin

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