Chibi Earth II

China opened the door and groaned, holding (Y/n) closer to his body. Scotland was sitting in a chair, smoking, France, Spain, Prussia and Denmark were drinking, America was attempting to steal the cookies Finland and Sweden made, Russia was hiding in a closet from Belarus, who was attempting to kick the closet door down. Ukraine was attempting to calm her sister down, Greece was quietly talking with Japan, Italy was hanging off Germany, Romano was yelling at Germany, Hungary helping Ukraine, and England was glaring at Scotland from the other side of the room. Norway was bugging Iceland and Sweden and Finland were chatting happily.

"Aiyeah... I leave for a couple minutes and the place is in chaos, aru..." He grumbled. (Y/n) leaned back in China's arms, looking up at him.

"Mr China, why is it so loud in here?" She asked. The room froze, all the countries stopping what they were doing to look over at the two. It stayed that way for a moment before Hungary rushed over, dragging Ukraine and Belarus with her.

"AWWW!!!! SHE IS TOO CUTE!" Hungary cheered, grabbing (Y/n) from China and spinning her around happily. (Y/n) giggled as Hungary stopped spinning.

"I'm (Y/n)! What's your name miss?" She asked.

"I'm Hungary! This is Ukraine and this is Belarus." Hungary introduced.

"It's nice to meet you Miss Hungary, Miss Ukraine, Miss Belarus."

"Drop the miss. We're not that old yet! Oh my gosh, we can do so many fun things together! Like learn creepy songs, and beat up boys, and make food!" Hungary cheered, walking towards the doors, still with (Y/n) in her arms.

"Yay!" (Y/n) cheered.

"Wait aru! What are you--" China began. Hungary waved him off, laughing.

"Don't worry old man! We'll bring her back soon!" She laughed before racing off, dragging Belarus along. Ukraine waved to everyone before running to catch up. China sighed and shook his head.

"I'm getting to old for this aru..." He grumbled.


Hungary laughed before tossing (Y/n) onto a bed. (Y/n) giggled and clapped her hands together as the three girls sat down next to her.

"Miss Hungary, what are we going to do?" (Y/n) asked.

"Teach ya a couple tricks to scare the boys! One, America, Denmark and Prussia are terrified of scary songs. Especially if sung creepily." Hungary began, a large smile on her face. Belarus crossed her arms and glared at a wall as Hungary rambled on about what everyone was scared on.

"Miss Belarus, are you ok?" (Y/n) asked quietly. Belarus glanced at (Y/n) before going back to glaring at a wall.

"No. I want to see big brother." She stated. (Y/n) crawled onto Belarus' lap and looked up at her.

"We can go see your big brother soon, Kay? But I wanna see you smile first." (Y/n) said, using her fingers to bring the ends of Belarus' lips upwards. Belarus cracked a small smile and nodded.

"Fine." (Y/n) giggled for a moment before looking back up at Belarus.

"Miss Belarus, can you be my big sister? I wanna be apart of a fun family like yours!" She cheered. Belarus froze for a moment before nodding, wrapping her arms securely around (Y/n)'s waist.

"Alright..." Hungary squealed as Ukraine smiled happily.

"Welcome to the family little sister." Ukraine said happily.

"Aww! Can I be your big sister too?" Hungary asked. (Y/n) laughed and nodded.

"Yeah! Now we can be a big family! And scare all the boys as a family!" She cheered.

~~~ Half an hour later ~~~

Hungary laughed quietly as she brushed (Y/n)'s hair, placing a dark (f/c) bow in her hair. The bow held (Y/n)'s curl to her head and had little blood drops on it. She was wearing a dark black and purple long sleeve, dark blue overall shorts and knee high white socks. Blood stains were splattered in random places on her clothes.

"We're gunna scare them so good!" Hungary cheered. Belarus and Ukraine nodded in agreement.

"But not too much, right?" Ukraine asked. "I don't want to scare little brother too much." Hungary laughed and shook her head.

"Nah. He'll be fiiiiine." Hungary stated, before clapping her hands together. "Alright little sister, your hair is done. We just need to change your eyes to look creepier and then we can begin!" (Y/n) nodded before squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. When (Y/n) reopened her eyes, they had a glowing red pupil, the rest of the eyes was black.

"How's this big sisters?" She asked. Belarus gave a thumbs up, Ukraine nodded, her face pale, and Hungary cheered quietly.

"Perfect! Now, let's start!"


"Ve~~ Germany, I'm-a gunna go make some-a pasta!" Italy cheered, jumping out of his chair. Germany rubbed his temples and sighed.

"Ja, Ja. Go ahead Italy." He grumbled. Italy cheered before grabbing Romano's arm and dragging him along.

"What the-- Let-a go of me you-a idiota!" Romano yelled, stumbling after Italy. A couple minutes after they were both gone, a dark (f/c) mist entered the room. The lights flickered off and the only exit slammed shut, locking.

"D-Dudes... What was t-t-that?" America asked, looking around.

"No need to fear comrades. I have a flashlight, da?" Russia said, pulling out a flashlight from his pocket.

"Why the hell do you have a flashlight in your pocket?" England asked. Russia just smiled and shrugged as everyone unconsciously moved towards the middle of the room. (Except Greece. He was sleeping again.) Russia turned the flashlight on only to be met face to face with Belarus. Blood dripped down from one eye and a creepy smile was on her face. (Not real blood of course) Russia dropped the flashlight and jumped backwards. The flashlight broke as Belarus disappeared. Creepy music filled the room, drifting around in the dark (f/c) mist.

(Play music)

Belarus began singing creepily, moving around the room, getting closer and closer to the group as (Y/n) snuck around behind them, a large, creepy smile plastered onto her face.

"B-Belarus... Not c-c-cool..." Denmark stuttered, looking around in fear. (Y/n) giggled creepily before jumping onto Denmark's back, joining in on the singing. Denmark screamed and clung onto Norway. America jumped when Denmark screamed, looking around in terror.

"It's just like a horror game!" America exclaimed loudly, hugging England tightly. Canada raised his eyebrow as (Y/n) disappeared from Denmark's back, her voice bouncing off the walls as Belarus snuck up behind Russia, tapping his shoulder lightly. Russia turned around as Belarus tackled him in a hug, making his scream loudly, jumping away in surprise. Canada wandered out of the group and towards the sleeping Greece, only to see (Y/n) pop in front of him from no where. Her eyes began to glow brighter as she continued singing her lines, tilting her head to the side and slowly walking towards Canada, who hugged Kumajiro and walked back towards the group, his face pale. France screamed and jumped into Spain's arms as Belarus snuck up on him as well. (Y/n) disappeared from in front of Canada and reappeared in front of America, hugging his arm. America screamed before passing out, making (Y/n) giggle a bit before glancing at Scotland, who was nervously inching towards the locked doors. She skipped towards him and spun him in a circle before shoving him back towards the group.


Once the music ended, the lights flickered back on and the doors opened. Hungary almost fell over laughing while Ukraine checked to make sure the ones who passed out were ok. (Y/n) giggled and clapped her hands, jumping around happily.

"Thank was so much fun big sister! You're sooooo good at singing!" (Y/n) cheered, jumping into Belarus' arms. Belarus cracked a small smile before nodding.

"You sing well too little sister." Belarus said before putting (Y/n) back onto the ground. (Y/n) grinned.

"Thanks! Hey, should go see if big brother is alright. You scared him really well!" She added. Belarus glanced at Russia, who was hiding in a corner, his face pale, before nodding and walking over. (Y/n) giggled before running over to Scotland, who was sitting at a table and holding his head, mumbling to himself.

"Heya mister! Sorry if I pushed you too hard! I didn't mean to!" (Y/n) said, tugging on his large jacket. Scotland looked up and gave a small smile.

"Thanks lass. But I'm fine. Ye gave everyone a pretty big scare." Scotland said. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yup! It was all big sister Hungary's idea!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Scotland nodded.

"I could tell. Now, shouldn't yer eyes be goin' back to normal?" He asked.

"Oh yeah! One sec!" (Y/n) cheered before squeezing her eyes shut. The blood on her clothing disappeared and the blood from Belarus' eye faded away as well. (Y/n)'s eyes turned back to (e/c) as she opened her eyes. "There we go!" She cheered. Scotland gave a small smile as America rushed towards the two.

"Dudette! That was totally, one of the most scariest things I've witnessed!" He yelled, picking (Y/n) up and walking around. (Y/n) waved to Scotland before squishing America's cheeks.

"Are you ok mister? You fell on the door kinda hard when I grappled your arm!" (Y/n) said. America grinned and nodded. (Although it looked funny cause his cheeks were still squished together.)

"Of course I'm fine! I'm the hero!" He cheeked, his voice muffled. (Y/n) giggled and nodded.

"Great!" She cheered before taking her hands off his cheeks. America laughed loudly before placing (Y/n) on his shoulders and running around the room. (Y/n) put her arms out like an airplane and laughed happily.

"We're-a back with the pasta!" Italy cheered, bursting into the room. Romano rolled his eyes as he walked in after his brother, both holding a large bowl of fresh pasta.

"Slow down idiota fratello. The-a pasta will fall." Romano stated. Tears sprung to Italy's eyes as he began bawling, running towards Germany. His bowl of pasta somehow landed perfectly on the table as he hugged Germany. Romano glared at Germany before placing his pasta on the table as well.

"Yes! Food! I'm starving!" America cheered, running towards the table. (Y/n) sneakily climbed down from his shoulders and fell to the ground, giggling as she got back to her feet, brushing off her clothes.

"You alright love?" England asked, walking towards the child. (Y/n) grinned and nodded.

"Yup! I've dealt with worse!" (Y/n) said, shrugging, England opened his mouth to question it when (Y/n) laughed. "Let's go eat! The pasta smells amazing!" She cheered before running towards China. China picked her up and placed her on his lap. Japan sat on the left of China while Russia sat on the right, grinning childishly. Greece had woken up and came to sit down while everyone else piled into their seats, grabbing some pasta and eating happily. China made a small plate for (Y/n) before handing her a fork.

"Thanks Mr China!" She cheered, taking a bite of the food. Her face brightened happily. "Wow Mr Italy! Mr Romano! This pasta is awesome!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Italy laughed while Romano nodded and looked down, a light blush on his cheeks from the reconition.

"You're so adorable Earth! Isn't she Swe?" Finland asked cheerfully. Sweden nodded.



"Perfect. The spell should wear off in another day or so. When it starts wearing off, our plan will begin."

"How do you f***ing know that? The author didn't even f***ing know that!"

"Language Allen! And I know this because I let AG borrow my spell~ She wants the poppet too meet us too you know."

"She already met me."

"Shut up Matt."


Once everyone was done eating, (Y/n) wandered away from the countries and into the kitchen. She rolled up her sleeves before pushing one of the chairs over to the sink, where all the dishes were piled up. (Y/n) turned the water onto boiling and grabbed some soap and a sponge before putting her hands into the hot water. Her hands turned bright red from the heat, but the heat didn't seem to effect her in any other way. (Y/n) hummed a soft tune to herself as she washed all the dishes, placing them on the other side of the counter.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here sunflower?" Russia asked, walking into the kitchen. (Y/n) glanced over at the tall Russian and gave him a small smile before turning back to the sink.

"I'm washing the dishes Mr Russia. Daddy gets me to wash the dishes at home." (Y/n) said cheerfully. Russia walked towards the small child before turning off the hot water and picking her up, carrying (Y/n) out of the kitchen.

"Do your hands hurt?" Russia asked, glancing down at her hands. They were bright red and raw looking. Her fingers had little cuts from scrubbing too hard and there was drops of blood. (Y/n) shrugged and looked down.

"Not really Mr Russia. I would get worse if I broke a plate." (Y/n) said quietly. Russia's eyes darkened as he set (Y/n) down the counter in the bathroom. He grabbed some colourful band aides and began fixing up her fingers.

"From who sunflower?" Russia, forcing his tone to normal so he wouldn't scare the child. (Y/n) kicked her legs happily and smiled up at Russia.

"Who what Mr Russia? I don't know what you're talking about." (Y/n) said, forcing a large smile. Russia shook his head before messing up her hair, picking her up again.

"Never mind sunflower." He said, walking out of the bathroom. (Y/n) thought for a moment before poking Russia's cheek.

"Mr Russia, do you like to dance?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head to the side. Russia smiled and gave a small nod.

"Da. Do you like to dance little sunflower?" (Y/n) nodded happily.

"Da! Want to go dance with me?" (Y/n) asked happily. Russia offed and entered a dance studio looking room. (Y/n) looked around in wonder.

"Woah! This place has everything!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air as Russia placed her on the floor. AG appeared on the roof and waved a CD player around.

"Heeeeey nerds! What kinda music ya need to dance? I got all kinds! Hip hop, pop, ballet, musical, classic... What do ya like?" AG asked. (Y/n) looked up at Russia and smiled.

"I'm good with anything. What about you?" (Y/n) asked.

"Ballet, da?" Russia replied. AG gave a two fingered salute to the two and pressed a random button on the CD player and ballet music began playing. (Y/n) grinned happily and began stretching briefly before dancing. Russia stretched as well before joining in. AG grinned and watched from the roof as the two danced together. (Y/n) did little twirls and jumps while Russia caught her and did his own twirls and jumps.


After about half an hour of dancing, (Y/n) passed out in Russia's arms as he walked back towards the confrance room. AG had disappeared after taking some pictures of their dancing. Russia looked down at the child in his arms and gave a smile. A real one, not just his childish one. He held her protectively in one arm and pushed the large doors open with the other. The room quieted down instantly as Russia walked in, everyone looking at him in confusion.

"Dude, where were you? You were like, missing for half an hour!" America exclaimed loudly. Russia gave his childish smile as a deathly aura surrounded him, his scarf moving to choke America. America pulled at the scarf as his face turned pale.

"The little sunflower is sleeping. Keep your voice down, da?" Russia stated. America nodded frantically and the scarf retreated, letting America fall onto the floor. Denmark laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! Feel my pain bro!" He yelled. Norway glared at him and began choking him with his tie.

"Shut up Dane!" He hissed, dragging him towards the other Nordics. 

"She's so cute aru!!!" China exclaimed, hugging his panda. Japan nodded.

"Rike an anime character." He said. "Innocent and roveabre."

"I vanna hold the little birdie!" Prussia whisper yelled. Hungary glared and smashed his face with her pan.

"Don't touch my little sister!" She whisper yelled, Prussia groaned. Belarus walked over to Russia and leaned over to look at (Y/n). Russia tensed for a moment as Belarus smiled softly and placed a kiss on (Y/n)'s forehead before standing back up.

"Be careful big brother. You hurt her and you die, da?" Belarus stated before walking towards Ukraine and Hungary.

"(Y/n) is quiet polite for her chibi age." England commented, glancing at the sleeping child.

"That is very odd..." Japan added, nodding.

"Why does the-a Bella have band aides on her-a fingers?" Italy asked, skipping over. Russia looked over at him and Italy burst into tears, running towards Germany. Germany sighed and awkwardly patted Italy's back.

"Vhat do ve do vith Earth until she turns back to normal?" Germany asked, looking around. "Does anyone here actually knov Hov to take care of a little girl?"

"It can't be too difficult, I mean... I raised America!" England said, taking a sip of tea.

"And we all see how well that turned out." Iceland said, crossing his arms.

"I raised Canada! He turned out amazingly!" France exclaimed, flipping his hair. Everyone tilted their head to the side.

"Who?" Denmark asked. Canada sighed and raised his hand.

"Me." He said, although no one heard him. France sighed and patted Canada's back.

"I raised Iceland." Norway stated.

"The avesome me raised Vest!" Prussia announced.

"I raised Italy!" Hungary cheered. "He looked so cute in my old dresses!" She added. Italy smiled and 've'd, still hugging Germany. Germany sighed and shook his head.

"Vell, vhat do little girls like to do?" Germany asked. The room fell quiet for a moment.

"Uhh... Color?" America suggested, shrugging.

"We could always put a movie on for the lass." Scotland piped up, leaning back in his chair.

"Or play-a games!" Italy cheered.

"Lego!" Denmark cheered, grabbing a large bucket from no where, filled to the top with Lego.

"Sleep..." Greece mumbled. The countries began suggesting different ideas quietly as Russia placed (Y/n) on a small couch, careful not to wake her. He draped his coat over her small body before joining in on the conversation.


A couple hours later, the countries had all left to go set up different activities for the young girl to do when she woke up. The room was dark and the door was on,y open a crack, a little light coming into the room. The blinds were closed, blocking the light from entering the room. (Y/n) was lying on the small couch, clutching Russia's jacket tightly as she slept. Her peaceful face turned into one of pain as she tossed around before bolting up. Silent tears streamed down her face as she hugged her knees close to her chest. (Y/n) attempted to keep her sobs quiet as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm all alone again... Not again... No one died... Everyone is ok..." She whimpered quietly. The door opened a bit more.

"Little birdie? Jou alright?" Prussia asked quietly, walking into the room. (Y/n) quickly wiped her tears away and forced a smile. (Her tears came right back)

"H-Hey Mr Prussia. What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked. Prussia took one look at (Y/n)'s state before siting down next to her. He immediately pulled (Y/n) onto his lap and hugged her close, rocking her softly.

"Shh... There's no need to cry birdie. Everything's alright." Prussia whispered. (Y/n) hugged Prussia tightly as tears flooded down her cheeks once more.

"I don't wanna go back Mr Prussia! Don't make me go back! I'm all alone!" (Y/n) cried.

"Go vhere birdie? Vhat do jou mean?" Prussia asked softly. (Y/n) shook her head.

"So much pain... So much blood... So much blood, so much teasing... Too much... Please don't make me go back Mr Prussia!" (Y/n) cried, Burring her face in his chest.

"I vont. Jou don't have to go back. I promise." Prussia whispered. (Y/n) rubbed her face on Prussia's dress before rubbing her eyes, sniffling.

"Thank you Mr Prussia. Sorry about crying on you." (Y/n) said, her tears slowly going away. Prussia ruffled her hair and gave a lopsided grin.

"No problem birdie! Jou ok nov?" (Y/n) nodded as Prussia stood up. He tossed (Y/n) in the air once before carrying her out of the dark room and into the hallway, wandering around.

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