Chibi Earth?!
Once everyone was done eating and the dishes were cleaned, everyone went off to do their own morning thing. After (Y/n) scolded them all, there haven't been anymore petty arguments.
"Wah~ It feels so nice to relax like this! I haven't been able to do that for a while!" (Y/n) exclaimed, stretching out on one of the beds in one of the many bedrooms the countries just happened to have in their world meeting building. A small smile made it's way to her face as she sat up, looking down at her hands. Her left hand flickered for a moment before going back to normal. (Y/n)'s smile turned sad as she lied back down on the bed.
"And so its begun..." She mumbled, closing her eyes.
"Dudes! What happened yesterday?! I don't remember a thing!" America exclaimed.
"I can't remember anything either..." England said, tapping his chin.
"Everything is just like a fuzzy memory aru." China said, his panda crawling from one shoulder to the other.
"I know what happened~" AG said, popping out of no where. America screamed and jumped away from AG, making her laugh.
"Stop doing that! It's freaky!" America exclaimed. AG and the other countries laughed.
"Vhat do jou mean?" Germany asked. AG grinned.
"You were all turned into your chibi forms! (Y/n) took care of all of you yesterday!" AG exclaimed. "I even got a bunch of pictures!"
"Woah! Dude, pass em here! I wanna see them!"
"Oh yeah! I-a remember now! (Y/n) was-a so nice!" Italy cheered.
"Idiota fratello. (Y/n) is-a always nice." Romano stated, crossing his arms. His cheeks were tinted pink. AG squealed.
"KAH!!! I just had the bestest idea! We should turn (Y/n) into her chibi form! Awww! That would be so cuuuuute!" AG exclaimed. America, Denmark, Italy, Finland, China and Prussia nodded.
"Great idea AG!" Finland cheered, smiling happily.
"But how would we do it? Don't think I didn't notice when America and Denmark messed with our magic." Norway stated, causing England to glare at America, who laughed nervously.
"You forget that I have magic too~" AG said mischievously. Everyone tilted their heads to the side exept the two Italians.
"Sì she-a is the author of this-a book! She-a can do whatever she-a likes!" Italy cheered. Romano smacked the back of his head.
"Stop breaking the-a forth wall idiota!" He yelled. Italy's eyes watered as he ran to Germany crying, who sighed.
"You don't have to be so mean Roma!" Spain said. Romano glared at him and looked away, crossing his arms.
"Don't tell me-a what to-a do tomato bastardo..."
"So... You'll use your magic to transform Earth into her chibi form then aru?" China asked.
"Yuppers! The only problem is that she was a chibi twice in her life. In the very begining and after WW2. So she'll be the most recent Chibi self. That fine with everyone?" AG asked.
"Ja!" Prussia cheered. AG nodded before disappearing.
A couple minuets later, AG walked back into the room holding a scared little girl. She had choppy (h/c) hair, dull (e/c) eyes and was wearing a tattered old black dress, and dirty old flats. AG placed the girl down and gave her a small smile.
"(Y/n), these people will be watching you for now, ok? I'll be back soon." AG said. Chibi (Y/n) looked up at AG and forced a small nod.
"Understood." She stated. AG gave her another smile before turning to look at the overly shocked countries.
"Ground rules with little (Y/n) are all written on this paper." AG said, holding up a peice of paper that came from no where. "I don't exactly know when she'll turn back to normal, so make the most about your time~" She cheered.
"Lies..." Sweden stated. AG giggled before disappearing. (Y/n) looked up at the countries and blinked once before running out of the room.
"Aiyeah! Come back here aru!" China exclaimed, running after the small girl.
"What happened to the rittre girr?" Japan asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion. Greece shrugged before going to find somewhere peaceful to sleep.
"War..." America mumbled under his breath. Spain nodded.
"Sì. She mentioned something about that when she hung out with us." He added.
"The poor girl..." Finland said sadly, looking down. Sweden put one hand on his shoulder in a comforting manor. Finland stayed silent for a moment before jumping to his feet, a large smile on his face. "I know! I'll go make some cookies for her!" He cheered before running off, Sweden following close behind.
"Poor little bambina... Her-a dress was-a all ruined!" Italy cried. Romano scoffed and rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Why the hell did she run off?" England asked.
"The poor lass was probably scared off by yer cookin'." England turned towards the door to see a tall man leaning there. He had messy red hair and the same green eyes as England.
"What are you doing here Scotland?" England spat. Scotland chuckled.
"Nice to see ye too brother. And I decided to come visit. Heard somethin' about a beautiful woman." Scotland stated, shrugging. England took a deep breath to calm down before glaring at Scotland again.
"She is the little girl running around. The personification of Earth."
"I know all that ye idiot. I've met the lass before." Scotland stated, rolling his eyes.
"Wha... You know what, never mind. I don't have time for this." England grumbled before storming out of the room. Scotland sighed and shook his head before pushing off the wall and collapsed onto a chair. Mumbling something about being ungrateful.
"What am I doing still standing here? I need to protect the Earth from these monsters!" Hungary exclaimed before bashing Prussia's face in and running out the door.
"Vhat the hell vas that for?!" He exclaimed as France handed his a tissue for his bleeding nose.
(Y/n) glanced behind her to see China still running after her, worriedly looking into the different rooms. (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion before hiding underneath a water fountain in the middle of the hallway. China stopped running and attempted to catch his breath as he crouched down, looking at (Y/n).
"You can run really fast, aru!" He exclaimed. (Y/n) blinked and forced a nod. "Can you come out from under the water fountain?" China asked. (Y/n) slowly shook her head no.
"Why not little one?" He asked. (Y/n) shook her head again before squishing more towards the wall.
"No..." She whispered, hugging her knees close. China thought for a moment before grabbing a hello kitty plush from his pocket and waving it around like a puppet.
"Can I have a hug? I loooooove hugs!" China exclaimed, making a different voice for the hello kitty plush. (Y/n) shook her head again, making the plush jump around. "Why not? I won't hurt you." China said, still using the hello kitty voice.
"But I might hurt you." (Y/n) said quietly, making China pause for a moment.
"How could you hurt me?" China asked, moving the hello kitty plush around again. (Y/n) hugged her knees closer to her chest.
"I end up hurting everyone. I hurt mommy... I hurt daddy... I hurt the kids at school..." (Y/n) said, shaking her head. China put the plush down.
"I promise you won't hurt me aru. Just come on out from under the water fountain." China said, his voice going back to normal. (Y/n) hesitated for a moment before crawling out from under the water fountain. She grabbed the plush and hugged it tightly before crawling onto China's lap.
"Thank you mr...." She began. China chuckled and soothingly rocked her back and forth.
"My name is China aru. What's your name?" China asked, even though he already knew. (Y/n) gave China a small smile.
"(Y-Y/n)... I think... Daddy never calls me by my name anymore though... Not since mommy died." (Y/n) stated. China nodded, a bit confused, but decided not to press it any further. (Y/n)'s smile grew a bit more as she snuggled into China's lap. "You're so warm..." She mumbled. China picked the small girl up before walking back towards the confrance room.
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