Back to Square One

Third person POV:

(Y/n) groaned, sitting up from the bed. Her hair was all messed up with her curl sticking out at one side of her head. She looked around in confusion before paling.

"Oh my maple... Holy sh*t... I'm so f**king dead. Holy sh*t." (Y/n) muttered, quickly getting out of the bed and pulling on her sneakers. She ran out of the kitchen, paying no mind to the taped up brick wall in the store as she ran out of the cafe. (Y/n) ran past Alex and AG on her way out the door, heading towards the school.

"Where is she going?" AG asked. Her hair was also all messed up and her clothes were all torn and covered in glitter.

"School does start in twenty minuets." Alex said, shrugging. His hair was all sticking up and leaning towards the right and his clothes were in the same condition at AG's.

"Oh yeah. I forgot she had to go to school. Whoops." AG said, shrugging.


(Y/n) ran into the school and raced into her English classroom, cursing loudly as one of the popular girls tripped her. (Y/n) fell head first into the doorway, letting out a colorful stream of curses in Italian.

"Look who's almost late! What? Did you just come back from another one night stand?" One of the girls asked. (Y/n) got to her feet and glared at the girl.

"No, that was you." (Y/n) stated. "Now I don't have any time for your bulls**t. Move out of the way s**t." She ordered. The girls scoffed.

"How dare you! First, you kill our friends! And now you're telling US what to do? I don't think so." A second girl said, doing a hair flip and looking at her nails. 

"Oh? And what the f*** are you going to do about it?" (Y/n) asked.

"You don't want to find out." The third girl stated. (Y/n) scoffed and rolled her eyes before shoving the three aside.

"Back the f*** up." She growled as the bell rang. (Y/n) cursed again. "F**king thanks b**ch." (Y/n) grumbled before walking into the next room. Mathias and Markell were already sitting in their usual spots at the front. Mathias was on his phone and Markell was doing his work quietly. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at them before tossing her bag onto one of the back tables, sitting down next to it.

"Any reason why you're late this morning?" Ms Pink asked.

"I f**king missed the bus." (Y/n) lied.

"Well, now that you're here, you can do your assigned work. Would you like one of the boys to hel-"

"I don't f**king need their sh**ty help so f*** off." (Y/n) said. Markell and Mathias looked at each other.

"But we always help you." Mathias said. (Y/n) glared at him.

"I said I don't need your f**king help right?! So mind your own f**king business and leave me the hell alone! I can f**king do this by myself!" (Y/n) announced, standing up. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the classroom again.


(Y/n) slumped down on the floor in the cafeteria, her head being hidden by the tables.

"Who f**king needs English anyways? And why the f*** do we need other people to f**king survive. You only end up getting f**king hurt in the end. It's a sh**ty cycle." (Y/n) grumbled, not noticing the tall teen walking into the cafeteria quietly. "Everyone in this f**king school can do die in a f**king hole for all I care! I let people past my f**king walls and they go and f**king destroy my heart! And now look what it's f**king done to me! I can't f**king stop shaking!" (Y/n) exclaimed, looking down at her hands, which were shaking.

"It's all that stupid f**ker's fault. If he hadn't adopted me none og this would've happened! I would've ended up dying for all I care! Damn it!" (Y/n) cursed.

"Stop yelling. I can't think." (Y/n) looked up and glared at Viktor, who was standing in front of her.

"F*** off."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. We're at school." Viktor stated.

"You know what I f**king meant f**ker." (Y/n) grumbled, glaring down at the floor. Viktor looked at (Y/n)'s shaking hands briefly before grabbing the back of her shirt, walking out of the cafeteria while (Y/n) struggled in his grip, yelling out curses along the way.


"Sit still." Viktor ordered, placing (Y/n) down on a desk in a nearly empty classroom. Matt and Zao were also in the classroom, playing a game of cards.

"Don't f**king tell me what to f**king do." (Y/n) grumbled, but complied anyways. Viktor walked over to Zao and whispered something to him. Zao rolled his eyes and grabbed a bottle from his pocket, tossing it towards Viktor before placing his cards face down on the table, smirking. Matt put his cards down as well and scoffed as Zao re shuffled the deck. Viktor walked back over to (Y/n).

"These will help with your shaking." Viktor stated, showing (Y/n) the bottle. (Y/n) looked at them wearily.

"в чем подвох?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You tell us what's going on at home." Viktor said, gaining Matt and Zao's attention. (Y/n) clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Nothings going on at my f**king house. And even if things f**king were, why the hell would you three care. You barley know me." (Y/n) stated, getting off the table and walking towards the door. Zao stood up from his chair and somehow jumped across the room, tacking (Y/n) to the floor. He held her wrists above her head and his legs were keeping hers on the floor.

"Listen up aru. You may not know us but we know you. Whatever you're hiding... I will find out." Zao stated, his face getting closer to (Y/n)'s. (Y/n) clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Great. So you're all a bunch of f**king stalkers. Do me a f**king favour and leave me the f*** alone. Dig any deeper into my life and you'll be in a world of f**king pain." (Y/n) grumbled before headbutting Zao and kicking him off her. (Y/n) got back to her feet and dusted off her clothes before turning on her heel and walking away.


Lunch time came around and (Y/n) was sitting in the club room, sitting in the darkest corner of the room. During Food and Nutrition, (Y/n) had ignored the two English gentleman, not bothering to do her work and glaring at anyone who looked in her direction. Including the teacher.

"(Y/N)!!! YOU'RE OK!!!!" Yoosung yelled, running into the room and tackling (Y/n) in a hug. Seven followed behind him.

"Mhm. You're ok too. That's good. Try not to get shot again." (Y/n) said, patting Yoosung's back a bit awkwardly. Seven and Yoosung let go of (Y/n) and grinned.

"The talent show is coming up! I'm super excited!!! Pretty much all the new kids sighed up!" Yoosung cheered, jumping around. Seven nodded, plastering a smile as he grabbed a bag of HBC.

"More competition. All though, none as great as us." Seven said, collapsing onto a chair and spinning around.

"Good luck to you all in the prelims round of the talent show." Jaehee said, walking into the room with Jumin and V.

"Prelims? Why are we having prelims?" Yoosung asked.

"It's not an elimination round or anything. It's just the first round, so people can know their competition and what not. Mr Alistor even assigned three judges plus V." Jaehee said, looking up from her clipboard.


"Three new students. Their first day was the school shooting, so today is technically their first day." Jumin said.

"Yo, where's Zen?" Seven asked.

"Play practice. They're just running lines." V said, shrugging.

"Ah..." (Y/n) mumbled. "Has anyone seen Rain?"

"Hm? Oh yeah! He's still in the hospital since his wound was much more severe then mine were. But he's ok and should be out of the hospital in two days." Yoosung said, booting up a computer. (Y/n) stood up.

"Since we can't practice today, I'm going to leave. I'll see you all tomorrow." (Y/n) said, grabbing her bag and walking out of the club room. Everyone glanced at each other in confusion.


(Y/n) stormed into the cafeteria and grabbed Gillian by the back of his jacket before dragging him out of the cafeteria. (Y/n) dragged him towards the lockers and slammed him into one. Gillian flinched under her glare.

"You and your f***boy friends need to back out of the f**king talent show." (Y/n) stated.

"B-But vhy...?" Gillian asked quietly. (Y/n)'s glare intensified.

"I don't need to f**king answer you. Just do it or something bad will happen." (Y/n) threatened.

"A-Are jou... Threatening me...?" He asked. "B-Because jou're not very i-intimidating." (Y/n) growled lowly before punching Gillian's cheek, making a purple bruise form on hi paper white skin.

"I don't need to be f**king intimidating." She stated before walking away. Gillian lightly touched his bruised cheek, flinching at the pain.

"Wie sollen wir helfen wenn sie uns nicht reinlässt...?"


 в чем подвох - What's the catch - Russian

Wie sollen wir helfenwenn sie uns nicht reinlässt - How are we supposed to help her when she wont let us in? - German

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