Back to School

Third person POV:

Hours later, the rest of the 2p's and 1p's entered Arthur and Oliver's house. They were all covered in blood and holding blood covered weapons.

"Hov's (Y/n)?" Gilbert asked.

"She's recovering right now." Arthur said. He was washing his bloodied hands in the kitchen sink. Yao and Kiku were sleeping in chairs and Elizabeta was on the couch. "Her ribs were broken, three bullet wounds, many bruises and past wounds that re opened." Arthur said.

"How is her father?"

"Tch. He's no father to (Y/n)." Matt stated, setting his bloody hockey stick by the door and running a hand through his hair. "Who does that to their child? Adopted or not."

"He's f**king dead." Allen added, chuckling. "Didn't stand a f**king chance."

"He got what he deserved." Antonio stated.

"Did you leave any evidence?" Arthur asked.

"Who do you-a think we are? We're-a killers." Flavio stated. "Of course we-a didn't leave any evidence." Oliver walked further into the house and set two plastic bags on the table.

"I got new ingredients for my cupcakes!" He cheered. "And (Y/n)'s candy! Some of it is broken, but I though she might like to have it."

"I-a have enough blood for my-a pasta sauce to-a last a week!" Luciano cheered. His arms were full of jars of blood.

"Pasta~" Feliancio cheered. He was also covered in blood, surprisingly.

"Jou could hardly tell vho the bastard vas! Right Ludvig?" Lutz said, nudging his counterpart. Ludwig nodded, a slight smirk on his face.

"Well! Let's all get cleaned up before the blood stains your clothes." Arthur said.

"Ah! My-a clothes! These were-a new!" Flavio whined before bolting out the door.

"We'll all meet back here in the morning!" Oliver called as people began leaving.

"Good job Oliver." Arthur said. "I just wish I could come give that git a piece of my mind."

"Thanks Artie!" Oliver cheered. "I'm going to go get all cleaned up! Could you be a dear and put the organs and things in plastic bags and into the fridge? Thanks!" He added before rushing off. Arthur sighed and grabbed the plastic bag with the organs from the table.

"Bloody git... Making me do his bloody dirty work. Tch." Arthur grumbled.


(Y/n) groaned and slowly opened her eyes, wincing when the sunlight blinded her. Her whole body ached and she had a massive headache. Her throat was sore and her ribs were in the most pain, screaming in pain everytime she moved. (Y/n) slowly sat up, ignoring the pain in her body. She looked around the room she was in, immediately noticing it wasn't her own. She was sitting on an actual bed, the walls were painted a baby blue, the door was a baby pink, and their were family pictures and pictures of cupcakes on the walls.

"Where... Where the f**k am I...?" (Y/n) asked herself. Her voice was raspy and very quiet. The baby pink door opened and a pale boy with pink hair and freckles popped inside.

"Oh! Poppet, you're already up! How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? Water? Pain killers? Fresh bandages?" Oliver asked. (Y/n) opened her mouth to reply, onto to have yesterday's events flood back to her. Her daily beating, being shot, being saved, wounds patched up and trusting everyone enough to fall asleep.

"Holy sh-- Holy sh-- What the fu--" (Y/n) asked, unable to finish a sentence. Oliver walked closer to (Y/n), sighing.

"Oh dear. It seems shock has set in." He said. (Y/n) swallowed and shook her head.

"Why did you help me?" (Y/n) asked. "I've been so mean and pushed you all away... Why would you save me?"

"We don't care if your mean poppet. We're all mean sometimes. What matters is if you change for the better, or for the worse." Oliver said, a soft smile on his face.

"I don't deserve any of this though. I don't deserve to live! I'm a pathetic human that can't do sh*t! You should've left me there to die! I told Antonio that last time he saved me!" (Y/n) ranted, tears welling up in her eyes. Her hands began shaking again as well. "None of you were suppose to save me! I was suppose to die and be free from this hell! Now I can never be free! I'll have to go back home and face that f**king bastard for the rest of my life!" The pink door opened again and Zao walked in, tossing (Y/n) a bottle of pills.

"These will calm your nerves aru. Stole em from the hospital. They're the exact same ones they gave you after the school shooting. Take one a day aru." Zao stated, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. (Y/n) shakily opened the bottle and got a pill out of the bottle, swallowing the pill dry.

"I'll be taking that before you try to kill youself. Not that it would work or anything. But just to make sure!" Oliver said, taking the bottle of pills from (Y/n) and putting them in his pocket.

"What do you mean that won't fu--" (Y/n) began before Zao cut her off.

"The bus will be here in five minuets aru." He stated before walking back out of the room.

"Right!" Oliver called before turning to face (Y/n). "Since you're still recovering from all the damage yesterday, Lutz has agreed to stay here and make sure you stay in bed. He'll just be outside the bedroom door and one phone call away from any of us! So be a good girl and stay in bed!" Oliver said before giggling and skipping out of the room. (Y/n) groaned once the door closed.

"No f**king way am I staying here. It's the last f**king round of the f**king talent show. No f**king way am I missing that." (Y/n) muttered to herself, lying back down on the bed. "I'll wait until they all leave for school and then escape through the window." She added before falling asleep.

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