2p Axis

Third person POV:

(Y/n) looked at herself in the bathroom mirror before nodding to herself. She was wearing a black t shirt that read 'Don't care', a (f/c) hoody, ripped jeans and a pair of combat boots. (Y/n) left the bathroom, dropping Francois' shirt by his bedroom door before walking downstairs.

"It's great to be back~" (Y/n) cheered. "Anything weird happen while I was a chibi?" She asked, sitting down between Matt and Allen. Allen shrugged.

"Eh, not really." Matt said. Kuma sniffed (Y/n) before putting his head on her lap. (Y/n) giggled and began letting his head.

"Alrighty then! That's good. Hey, are the cupcakes done yet Ollie?" (Y/n) asked, looking over at the cheerful Brit. Oliver nodded happily and brought a plate full of cupcakes with bright colored icing. (Y/n) grabbed a baby blue cupcake and began eating it happily. The cupcake was very sweet and had a slight metallic taste to it. Allen groaned, rolling his eyes before grabbing a salad from the fridge. Matt was already eating some pancakes, feeding some to Kuma as well.

"Thanks Ollie! Your cupcakes are the best!" (Y/n) cheered. Oliver smiled and sat down, eating one of the cupcakes as well.

"I'm glad you think so poppet~" Oliver cheered.


After a couple minutes if peaceful silence, Allen's cellphone began ringing. He groaned, rolling his eyes before grabbing his phone and walking into the living room.

"Who the f*** is it?" Allen asked. Oliver turned around in his chair so he could see Allen.

"Swear jar!" Allen stuck his middle finger up at Oliver.

"Yeah. She changed back earlier today. Why do you f**king care? ... DON'T YOU DARE COME OVER S***HEAD!!! ... What that f***? ... F**KING FINE!!!" Allen ended the call before throwing his phone out the window. "DAMN HIM AND HIS F**KING PLANS!!!"

"Who was it?" Matt asked, looking up from his pancakes with little to no intrest in the answer.

"F**king Luciano and the Axis." Allen grumbled. A (f/c) glow surrounded the broken window pieces as they began repairing themselves. Allen's phone floating back into the living room and fixing the screen.

"Thanks doll face..." Allen muttered, grabbing his phone from mid air and shoving it in his pocket.

"No problem Al." (Y/n) replied, grabbing another cupcake. "And what's wrong about Luciano coming over? Who is Luciano?"

"You met Luciano once when your were a chibi. You threw a knife at his head because he threw a knife at Allen." Oliver said.

"He's pretty much our rival, but also our comrade... We all want to kill off our 1p and take over the world." Matt said, shrugging.

"Ohhh..." (Y/n) said, nodding. "I get it... I think..."

"Eh. Close enough." Matt mumbled before standing up. "I'm going hunting!" He announced before walking out the door, grabbing a cigarette from his pocket. Kuma trailed after him. (Y/n) stood up and grabbed her cupcake wrappers and the dirty dishes from the table. She threw away her wrappers before washing the dishes.

"So Allen, when's Luci coming over?" Oliver asked. Allen opened his mouth to respond when someone knocked on the front door. "Oh! That must be them!" Oliver skipped onwards the door and opened it happily. A blonde wearing a pink scarf tackled Oliver in a hug.


"FLÁVIO!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! We have SO much to talk about!" Oliver cheered, putting the blonde into the house. Four others trailed inside. There was a tall, buff looking blonde with a scar on his cheek, a shorter guy with black hair and red eyes (he had a katana at his side), a guy with white hair pulled up into a loose pony tail and a guy with a small hat and red eyes. (Y/n) turned the water off and walked over to Oliver.

"Dishes are all washed Ollie~ Huh? Who are these guys?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Ah, we-a meet again bella ragazza~" The one wearing the hat said, winking at (Y/n). (Y/n) smiled.

"You must be Luciano right? The guy who threw a knife at Al while I was a chibi!" (Y/n) said, her eyes lighting up happily. 

"That's-a me." (Y/n) smirked, an evil glint in her eye as she appeared behind Luciano, a large kitchen knife in one hand. She held it to his throat, her eyes glowing red.

"Try to kill my friends again and It'll be the last move you ever make." She hissed before reappearing back in her original spot. The knife was gone and (Y/n) was surrounded by a cheerful aura. "Alright! Let's go do whatever you guys are here to do!" She cheered, giggling. Luciano paled slightly while the tall blonde snickered quietly.

"You-a must be Earth! I'm-a Flávio!" The blonde wearing the pink scarf introduced, shaking (Y/n)'s hand happily. Once he dropped her hand, Flávio noticed (Y/n)'s clothing. He gasped loudly. "Oh my! What are you-a wearing?!" (Y/n) looked down at her clothes before rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ehhh... I just turned back to my regular size and AG dropped a pile of clothes into my lap before disappearing. I didn't really get much of a choice... Although, it's really comfy!" (Y/n) said, giggling. Flávio clicked his tongue.

"This-a simply won't do... I-a know! I'll-a make you-a some amazing clothing bella~ Be right-a back!" Flávio yelled before running off. An arm wrapped around (Y/n)'s shoulders as she was pulled towards the tall blonde.

"Jou never said that she vould be this hot Luciano~" The blonde purred, licking (Y/n)'s ear.

"I hope you know that, that felt really weird..." (Y/n) stated, tilting her head back to look at the blonde. He laughed loudly and let (Y/n) go.

"I'm Lutz. This is Kuro und mien bruder Gillian." (Y/n) smiled.

"It's nice to meet you all! You might already know this, but I'm (Y/n)! Also, the personification of Earth!"

"Poppet, could you leave the room while we discuss some things here?" Oliver asked. (Y/n) nodded.

"Sure thing Ollie! See you guys soon!" (Y/n) called before heading up into the guest room. 

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