All the Jingle Ladies

 After stuffing myself with a dish so delicious that I'm tempted to buy myself a ticket to Ireland, I smile at Liam. "Thanks. That was ridiculously good. Where'd you learn to cook?"

Liam smiles and lounges back in his chair, stretching his legs under the table. "My da. He used to be a chef in Dublin. He makes the best food I've tasted--your cafeteria doesn't even come close to comparin'."

"You miss him?" I ask.

Warmth gleams in Liam's pale eyes--perhaps a reflection of the lights on his Charlie Brown Christmas trees--and he nods. "All the time. It won't be the greatest Christmas without him."

"Well, at least I'll be here." Heat rushes to my face. What did I do? Invite myself to spend Christmas with this guy? You're an imbecile. "I mean, if you want to do something on Christmas. Or not. Either's fine. Crap, it's getting late. Uh, I should go."

A deep laugh rumbles from Liam's chest and he watches me as I squirm in my seat. It is after midnight, but I'm a night owl and way too wired to sleep right now. Liam says, "I suppose we could find something to do over the rest of Christmas Break."

My eyes widen as Liam winks, and my face goes from pink to tomato red. "Or we could, uh, just do our own things. I need to go look for more trees, and..."

"Let me help you!" he exclaims. Even though Liam seems like a confident guy with a super hot accent, there's something about him that's hungry or empty or lonely, something that I recognize. Maybe it's a yearning loneliness or a lack of belonging. I might have a home and a family, but I detest them, and Liam is far from his. We're both missing something and maybe we want to find it in each other.

"You want to help me? With what?"
"You need to find some tree samples, right? I'll go tree hunting with you if you wouldn't mind some company?"

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest. Maybe that will keep the warmth inside from overflowing. "What makes you think I need company?"

Liam shrugs his ridiculously broad shoulders. "Well, you could have used some help earlier tonight. And I'd be happy to chop down a tree if you need me to or pluck pine needles or whatever it is you need."

An image of Liam as a lumberjack pops into my mind and that's almost enough to make me agree, but ration triumphs at the last section. "Some of the pines aren't native to this area so I'm probably going to have to drive a ways. Thanks, but I'd better do this solo."

"You have car, then?" he asks, leaning closer to me across the table. His fingers thrum on the scratched wood.

"I'm a wonderful copilot," he says, a corner of his mouth tugging up. "I know all the best Irish indie bands. What do you say to a road trip?"

I scrunch up my nose and tilt my head. "How do I know you're not going to lure me into the woods and chop my head off with your ax?"
"It's a little late to question whether I'm a murderer, Keidy." He gives me another infuriating grin. "I swear, I'm safe."

"A road trip?" I repeat skeptically. My next few days are as empty as my savings account, but I'm not sure I can handle a road trip with a stranger. Then again, that stranger just so happens to be an adorable Irish guy. He doesn't exactly feel like a stranger.

"Yes, a road trip. We'll get you your tree samples. My only demand is we see a few holiday sights as we go. I'll even drive if you'd like. I haven't seen much of the States and you have a car. I'll be the best navigator y've ever had. What do y'say?" Liam leans closer and takes my hand where it perches on the edge of the table. He squeezes it and my resolve melts like butter. "C'mon, Keidy. Live a little."

His final words crack through my remaining hesitation. How many breaks and college nights have I spent wishing I were doing something wild and daring rather than watching Netflix with a tub of ice cream on my stomach? If I had the money, I would have gone to Bermuda for the break, but I didn't. Now I have the chance to leave my college campus and go on a real adventure with an adorable Irish guy who seems to like my company.

"You don't mind driving across the state to find a bunch of pine trees?"
"Not at all."

"You'll let me veto all music choices?"

"If you insist."

"Just how far do you want to go?"

Liam grins. "I don't know, maybe New York? Philadelphia? I have a lot to see, Keidy. I expect a tour of all the sights." His eyes light up with the possibilities.

I frown. I do not want to see all the happy families and couples gawking at the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, reminding me of just how alone I am. Then again, I wouldn't be alone. I'd be with Liam. Christmas cheer is slightly less annoying with him around.

"Two beds," I add. "If we're staying overnight anywhere, I want two beds. No shenanigans."

Liam grins at me again. I get the feeling he likes making me uncomfortable. "Two beds, fine. Is that it? Is the interrogation over?"

I suppress a grin. Why not go on a road trip with Liam? I can get my pine tree samples, and I won't have to worry about spending the break alone with Netflix. Plus he's holding my hand right now and my thoughts aren't exactly clear...I pull my hand from his grasp and frown at him in mock severity.

"I don't get it. Why do you want to come?" I tilt my head to look at him from a different angle, the line of dark hair on my forehead swishing into my vision. "Pine tree sampling isn't the most exciting thing in the world, and in case you forgot, we just met."

"You're the one who offered to join me for Christmas. Are you rescinding your offer?"

"No!" I exclaim. "Well, maybe. At least until you explain yourself."

Liam shrugs. "Keidy, we're both bored and lonely. That's why I invited you here tonight, and that's why you agreed. Besides, you're funny and cute and you don't realize it. I like you already, and I think we should make the best of our break now that we've found each other."

My nose wrinkles. Is he trying to use me for my car? Or is he genuine? My deep-set insecurities don't want to believe he's genuine. I've never been considered funny or cute. I've been called quirky and weird and boyish and strange, but not funny and certainly never cute. Do I trust him? Or do I call his bluff now and spend the holidays alone, as always? I like you already. He must be lying.

"And I really would like to see this area a little," he adds with a grin. "What do you say? Ice skating, caroling, and as many Christmas trees as your little heart desires."

I narrow my eyes at him. I've learned to distrust compliments over the years. My first and only high school boyfriend told me how hot I was, and I believed him. As I fell for him, he started to pressure me into having sex, but I wasn't ready. He thought his compliments earned him the right to have sex with his girlfriend--he was only kind to me because he wanted something, and as soon as I ended it, he told me what he really thought. Ugly. Worthless. Weird. My parents are the same way. They only tell me they love me when they want something from me.

"What's in it for you?"

Liam's eyebrows furrow. "What? What do you mean?"

"You wouldn't go on a Christmas tree roadtrip with a random girl unless there was something in it for you." Bitterness laces my voice, but I can't help it.

"You're in it for me," he says without the typical teasing smile. "I'm serious, Keidy. I quite like your company."

For a long moment, I stare into his eyes, the warm blue of a sultry summer day. He doesn't flinch under my glare or my questions. I almost believe him. I almost believe he wants to come because he actually likes me. Or at least likes me more than sitting in an empty apartment for the next week.

"Fine." Liam lets out a cheer and bangs his fist on the table. "But I'm driving, I'm choosing the music, and I call the right to veto at least three holiday sights if they're too Christmas-y."

"One holiday sight."


"Fine." Liam grins at me. "We'll have fun, Keidy. I promise."

This might be a giant mistake, but I believe him. We will have fun--until something goes horribly wrong and Liam proves to be a selfish liar like the vast majority of humanity. But before that horrible catastrophe? We'll have a blast.

"When do you want to go?" I stutter, at a total loss for words. When I went on my Christmas tree heist this morning, I never expected to meet Liam, not in my wildest dreams, but here he is. He still sits in his chair at the kitchen table, leaned back with his legs outstretched and his hands behind his head. Effortlessly hot but shockingly kind.

"Tomorrow morning, but maybe not bright and early." His smile dazzles me and I stumble as a stand up.

"Well, I guess I'll get going. Good night. Er, good morning." I grab my coat and make for the door in a blur of exhaustion and euphoria.

Liam jumps from the table and his hand catches mine as I reach my arm into my coat. My body goes liquid except for where his hand touches mine--where he touches me is pure gold.

"Keidy, wait! You promised."


"Christmas movies, remember?" A teasing grin that turns my liquid body to dust.

I glance at the plastic watch on my wrist. "It's after one. I'm going to bed." My words sound solid, but I linger in the doorway with my eyes on Liam's. I've already committed to a roadtrip with this guy, what can a couple Christmas movies hurt? It's not like I'll be able to sleep a wink tonight.

"You said I get to pick, right?" I acquiesce, tugging my coat off again.

Liam smiles at me fully, revealing a set of teeth that should be on a dentist's advertisement. "So do I, but it has to be Christmas." Liam plops onto the gray couch in the apartment's living room and grabs the remote.

"Fine, Die Hard," I answer as I sit next to him, keeping at least a little distance between us but not so much that a little unintentional cuddling couldn't occur.

Liam's jaw drops and he turns to stare at me. "Die Hard?" He shakes his head. "You Americans. I shouldn't even be surprised."

Still, he doesn't protest as he finds the movie on Amazon and rents it. I settle back into the couch, propping my feet on the coffee table, and stare at the screen with laser vision to keep myself from looking at Liam. He expels some sort of heated magnetism that makes me uber aware of every movement he makes as he kicks one leg out and rests his arm on the sofa cushion.

As the movie continues, the adrenaline wears off even with Liam a few insurmountable inches from me and I feel my head start to nod. I blink sleep away and narrow my eyes on Bruce Willis.

"I'm not sure this counts as a Christmas movie, Keidy," Liam murmurs from what feels like a thousand miles away.

My head drops again and I shake away the slumber. "It's totally a Christmas movie," I mumble. Slowly, my awareness of Liam and my surroundings fades and I let myself fall into a deserved slumber.

They're so freaking cute, am I right? Is anyone surprised that they're opening up to each other so quickly? And why do you think Liam really wants to roadtrip with Keidy? Can he be trusted? Let me know your thoughts in the comments--along with your favorite winter/holiday drink!

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