There were very few things that can make the Supreme King happy. A successful day in the office, a peaceful talk with Yubel, or a day where the four brothers don't cause trouble for him. Although, the latter was a very rare occasion. However, if Haou had to guess, then this current situation would always be on top of the list of things that make him happy.
That situation being him waking up to Serafall's peacefully sleeping face as she laid on his chest in his bed. The Supreme King has been awake for a while now, and all he did was stare at her while running his hand through her silky black hair.
After a few moments, Serafall groaned before rubbing her eyes as she woke up. When she opened them and saw Haou's smile, she immediately returned it full-heartedly. "Good morning," she greeted.
"Good morning," the Supreme King returned the greeting as the current Leviathan snuggled to his neck. "Aren't you going to move so I can get up?" he asked, believing that it was time to move out of bed.
However, Serafall tightened her hold on his body, making it clear she had no intention of either getting up or letting him go. "No~," she whined childishly. "Let's stay here for a bit longer," she complained.
Haou sighed. Truthfully, he wanted to stay with her in bed for as long as she desired. However, he didn't want to have a late start to the day. "We need to get up, Serafall. After all, I got-"
"You're thousands of years old, Haou," Serafall cut him off, already figuring out what he was going to say. "Don't give me that, 'I need to get up for school,' crap," Haou sighed, figuring out that this excuse wasn't valid, so he decided to try another tactic. But, apparently, Serafall accounted for that, too. "I can deal with my work when I get back, right now… I just want to stay like this," Haou would be lying if he didn't desire the same, so he just went back to running his hand through her hair. Serafall smiled in victory and laid back on his chest.
They both stayed quiet, simply enjoying the other one's presence. There was no need for words, especially after last night. The only downside is that Serafall is probably going to have a mountain of paperwork to deal with when she gets back. But, she couldn't bring herself to careless at the moment.
After a few moments of silence, Serafall spoke again. "Haou?... Tell me, why did you leave?" she asked. The Supreme King knew this was coming. After the Civil War was over, they had stayed in the underworld for a few months at most before Haou and his forces returned to the world of Duel Monsters. Serafall then looked up at him with eyes that showed a mixture of fear and sadness. "Did… did I do something wrong?"
"Of course not," the Supreme King immediately held her face and brought it closer to his. "You're everything I could ever wish for and more," Haou knew that Serafall was very nervous at being in a romantic life, mainly at the fear of losing it.
Serafall didn't exactly have much luck with romance before Haou came into the picture. She used to be in love with Sirzechs, but he didn't return her feelings and chose Grayfia instead. Haou didn't hold anything on Sirzechs because of that. After all, you can't control who people love, and Serafall herself held nothing against Grayfia.
The current Leviathan seemed to gain hope in her eyes. "Then… why did you leave?" she asked again, somewhat relieved that it wasn't because of her.
The Supreme King sighed before answering. "Duel Monsters… my people, they are not comfortable with the supernatural world," Haou started explaining. "I had to leave, in order to keep them from being in the world they despise."
Duel Monsters live really long lives. Some of them live for nearly millions of years. There are many of them that were around since the days of the Great War, from the days they were hunted to be used as slaves, and the fact the Euclid tried to do the same thing only caused them to be even more cautious of the Supernatural world.
Serafall knew that. She took every chance she can get to learn of her lover's world and it's people. "I see," she nodded before her fear returned. "Does that mean… that you'll leave again?" from what she understood, Haou always has to keep his people hidden, and this means that he could vanish again.
However, much to her relief, he shook his head, denying that notion. "No, I made that mistake once, it won't happen again," he informed her as he held her tightly. "Now, we should get up now," Serafall juts gave a cute pout and were about to say something before Haou beat her to speak. "You really want to keep your sister waiting?"
Serafall can feel one of her eyebrows twitch before she sighed. "You just had to go there," she mumbled before taking off the covers and getting off the bed, revealing her nude form with her hair falling freely on her back, a view that Haou full-heartedly enjoyed. "But, we're taking a bath together," she practically ordered looking at him over her shoulder.
The Supreme King chuckled and nodded, agreeing to her demand before getting up from the bed himself. "FREEDOM!!!" However, just as they were about to go into the bathroom, a loud yell made up of two voices was heard throughout the house, and possibly all of Kouh.
Serafall looked a little startled and looked at Haou, seeing that he didn't look surprised. Seeing her look, he said, "That was probably Yugo and Yuya being let out of 'the room'," explaining what those voices were.
Serafall was somewhat confused. She was curious about what 'the room' was, but seeing the two brothers' reaction last night along with how happy they were at getting out, she decided that, sometimes, ignorance is a blessing… besides, she had a bath with Haou to go to.
Kouh Academy was as lively as always, except for a few people. Three of those people were Yuya, Yugo, and Yuri. Currently, the first two of those three looked broken. There was no light in their eyes as they hugged their knees while sitting in the Academy's yard during lunchtime.
Yuri, while looking better than the two, still looked pretty lifeless himself. There were dark circles around his now red eyes as if he hadn't gotten any sleep for weeks because of nightmares. Honestly, he would probably use that to summarize what he went through.
Yuto was the only one between his brothers that didn't look any different. He was calmly eating his lunch, while giving his brothers disappointed looks every now and then, probably because of what they did to be in that state.
Meanwhile, Haou, or Judai to be exact, was sitting beside them in the usual spot under the tree. The cat that would usually steal his food, which Judai has named Pharoah, was sitting beside him eating a fish, one that Judai gave him earlier as an offering to not steal his food.
Koneko was also there, but she was quiet, even more than usual. She hasn't even touched her Bento box. Her head was filled with many thoughts after the conversation yesterday at the house of the Supreme King.
"Hey, Koneko," speaking of the Supreme King, he tried calling her out, only for more thoughts to start filling her head after hearing his voice. She couldn't help herself but question if it was Judai or Haou speaking. "Hey!"
Upon noticing him raise his voice and seeing him wave his hand in front of her face, the white-haired girl finally looked at him. "Yes?" she asked.
"I asked if you're going to eat your lunch, class isn't that far from starting," Judai reminded her while pointing at her still closed Bento box.
Koneko stared at him for a moment before nodding. "Right," she decided to have lunch now and maybe ask Judai about what's going on later.
"Anyway," Judai then turned back to the two still sane and two broken brothers. "Like I was saying, how do you guys think Kokabiel got the swords?" he asked with curiosity.
Judai, or Haou to be exact, knew that Kokabiel couldn't have gotten the Excaliburs on his own. Even with Valper and Freed helping him, it still would have been difficult considering how much the church cherishes those pieces.
"He had Cerberus' children," Yuri said while trying to rub away the dark circles under his eyes, with little effect. "He summoned them during the beginning of the fight, and they were willingly following his orders."
The Supreme King put a hand on his chin in thought. He knew that Kokabiel wouldn't be able to actually steal any of Cerberus' children without the Olympic Pantheon knowing about it. Plus, Yuri pointed out that they were willingly following his orders, which brought him to a realization.
"Hades," Haou's golden eyes replaced Judai's brown ones as he came to the conclusion that the Olympic God of hell was in on this. Suddenly, he stood up from his spot and looked around to make sure no humans were looking. "Yuto, you're in charge until I return," the purple-haired teen nodded as a portal made of darkness appeared behind Haou before the Supreme King walked in.
When she saw his golden eyes appear, Koneko realized that it was Haou speaking and not Judai. She managed to notice this pattern whenever the one who was speaking changed. She didn't know if it was an important detail, but she still memorized it since it helped her know who was talking.
However, one thing still confused Koneko, so she asked, "Where is he going?" to the four brothers.
Yugo and Yuya were still pretty broken, Yuri wasn't far from their state, so it was Yuto who answered. "He's probably going to take care of Hades," the Dark Rebellion dragon said before going back to his lunch.
In the underworld, in Hades' part of it to be exact, the Olympic God of hell was in his castle, sitting on a large throne, watching as his reapers moved around his chambers.
To say he was agitated would be an understatement. After going through all the trouble of helping Kokabiel, aiding him at getting the Excalibur, and giving him a few of Cerberus' children, the rogue fallen angel failed.
That wasn't the most problematic for Hades right now. He was actually more worried about someone trailing Kokabiel back to him. He didn't really care if the Devils from the Biblical Pantheon knew, but he was worried that they would inform Zeus about his involvement.
The leader of the Olympic pantheon made it clear not to get involved with the Biblical pantheon, mostly because of his friendship with the now-deceased Biblical God. The two of them were friends in the past, and his death has hit the God of thunder hard.
"Lord Hades!" a Reaper came in barging through the gates.
"What is it?" while Hades was concerned that Zeus might have came for him, he still tried to look angry to strike fear in the heart of the Reaper.
"T-There is someone breaching the castle!?" the Reaper informed the Olympic God of hell making him rather confused, he didn't believe anyone was stupid enough to try to break into his castle.
However, before he can question the Reaper any further, the gates of his chamber were suddenly destroyed, being smashed into pieces that scattered through the room. The reapers immediately went on the defensive and stood around where the door used to be.
What walked through the now empty doorframe was none other than Haou, wearing his Supreme King armor, and the aura around him was anything but happy.
"Hades," the Supreme King noted as he looked at the Olympic God of hell who was sitting on his throne, uncaring about the reapers around him.
"Who do you think you are?!" Hades demanded while tightly gripping the armrest of his throne.
Normally, Haou wouldn't even bother answering the questions of someone like Hades, but this time was different. "I am Supreme King Haou," that name caused Hades to flinch slightly. "and you have finally overstepped your boundaries, Hades."
The Olympic God of hell grit his teeth. This was the other reason that Zeus had forbidden getting into trouble with the Biblical pantheon for. Most deities knew about the World of Duel Monsters, and they all heard rumors about their King. And, according to Zeus, he was close friends with the current Satans, so getting into a war with them would get Haou involved as well.
"Why are you here?" Hades asked, wanting to know what brought the Supreme King into his realm.
"Kokabiel," Hades flinched again as Haou spoke that name. "You were trying to help him restart the Great War," it was a fact, not a question.
"So, what of it?" Hades knew that there was no talking out of this. He didn't believe that Haou was that much of a threat, seeing his reapers surround him.
"You know, there's a reason why I didn't get involved in the supernatural world," Haou started as he raised his hand where golden flames appeared.
Seeing him make a move the reapers around him started either casting spells or attacking him with weapons. However, Haou waved his hand, sending a wave of golden flames that devoured the reapers.
Hades stood up from his throne as he saw the Supreme King walk through the golden flames. "It's because that, no matter how much you people hate each other, I never thought you'd be stupid enough to kill yourselves!" Haou said.
The Olympic God of hell immediately raised his hand and sent blasts of white energy at the Supreme King. The blasts hit their mark and created a large cloud of smoke causing Hades to take a breath of relief.
However, the air barely left his lungs as an armored hand grabbed the side of his head and sent him flying towards the side of the room. "However, I realize now that it was a MISTAKE!" Haou cried out as he immediately jumped after the thrown God.
Hades picked himself up from the rubble, only for Haou's foot to connect to the side of his head, sending him smashing through a few walls, out of the chambers, and into the courtyard of the castle. The courtyard was a large open space with statues of Hades covering the sides.
"I realize now that you idiots need someone to keep you in line!" Haou walked out of the walls that were destroyed by Hades' body.
The Olympic God of hell managed to pick himself up and started glaring at Haou. He had always thought that the stories about the Supreme King's power were exaggerated, that he wasn't as strong as other deities made him out to be, but apparently, that wasn't the case.
Gathering all his power, Hades' body started giving out a dark aura as a large magical circle suddenly appeared high in the sky aiming at Haou. Hades brought down his hand, causing a large beam of energy to shoot out of the magical circle and head towards the Supreme King.
Haou was not fazed. Raising his hand, the Supreme King opened his palm where a small black hole suddenly appeared, just as the beam had reached him. Much to Hades' shock, the black hole started absorbing the blast that he just sent towards Haou like it was nothing.
When the blast was fully absorbed, the black hole vanished as Haou brought down his arm and glared at Hades from behind the mask of his helmet. "I realize that you people need a monster to fear. And, if it has to be me, then so be it!" The Supreme King raised both hands to his chest and pointed his open palms to each other. An orb of darkness with golden outlines started appeared between his hands. The orb started small, the size of a golf ball, and started getting bigger until it reached the size of a peach ball. "Dark end," Haou raised the orb before bringing down his arms and sending it to the ground.
Hades didn't even know what happened before his vision turned black as he saw the orb smack into the ground. The entire area of Hades' castle was then covered in a pitch-black dome made of darkness, completely covering everything inside from anyone's.
When the darkness was gone, all that was left of Hades' castle was a large, smoking, empty crater. There was nothing left. No reapers, no castle, and no Hades. The only remaining thing at the center of that crater was Haou, with smoke coming off his armor from the heat.
The Supreme King scoffed in disappointment. He was hoping that Hades would be at least strong enough to survive that. But, he supposed that age had caught up with the Olympic God of hell… well, FORMER Olympic God of hell, now.
Haou then looked around at the crater, finally getting a grasp of how much destruction he caused. "Well, this will be fun to explain to Zeus," he said sarcastically knowing The leader of the Olympic pantheon will definitely want an explanation. "At least Hestia and Posiedon still owe me that favor," he added, believing that the goddess of hearth and god of water would help explain his situation, or at least calm Zeus down.
A portal made of darkness appeared in front of Haou as he walked inside, fully ready to live up with what he told Hades. He believed that the supernatural world was getting out of control. People like Kokabiel and Hades did what they did because they simply didn't believe there was anyone that could actually stop them, mainly because of the death of the Biblical God.
The Supreme King has decided that it was enough time hiding, that he would give the supernatural world someone to fear, a reason to think twice before trying to do what Hades and Kokabiel did, even if he had to beat up every god and goddess out there. After all, beating up to submission worked on rebellious Duel Monsters, so why can't it work now.
(A/N: Thank you for reading this.
First, I am so, SO, sorry for the late update. You have the right to be mad at me. Let me explain myself. The reason I didn't update for a while is that the stress has been getting to me. I had some insomnia and I couldn't sleep at all, which led to a lack of inspiration. Plus, everyone was demanding me to write for each of my stories. So, I took a small break in order to remind myself why I started writing in the first place. For fun. Writing is a hobby, and I decided to spend a couple of days writing what I want after taking some rest. Now, I'm back and will update as much as I can.
Second, I know there isn't much in this chapter, except some fillers and Haou's short fight with Hades. I hope you weren't disappointed. (P.S. The room will be explained in the next chapter.)
Third, I hope you managed to understand why Haou and Serafall haven't seen each other in a long time, and why Haou was staying this time.
Fourth, I forgot to ask you this, but do you want Koneko to join Haou's Harem? Also, some of you asked that I bring Serena and Rin along with Yuzu and Ruri, do you want that?
Fifth, to doa570047, don't worry about your comments. I actually like it when readers are detailed about my story. And I appreciate criticism as long as it's constructive since it helps me get better as an author. So, thank you. Also, I am sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes you see in the story. English isn't my mother tongue. I have been writing for two years and, while I majorly improved since the first time I wrote, I'm still learning.
Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)
P.S. Please, for anyone who has the time, can you take a moment and check my other story. The one I have been working on in my time off. It is called "A Fox and her Watcher", you can find it in my profile.
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