Chapt 4: Not So Good Relations



Third Pov.

It's been three hours after Korps has passed his trial, his methods were brutal, but he succeeded without breaking a sweat. Although the operators were discussed what he did to everyone, especially Ela, seeing the bruises he inflicted had everyone talking. For Korps he didn't care what they say about him, he's doing it for the Emperors' will. Most of the operators already want him removed from the team, but Harry told them to deal with his brutality since he needed him in the future if this world would survive. But let's not get off track and see what's Korps is doing right now...

Korps was sitting on the couch in the living room of the base. He was waiting for orders from the Emperor or Harry. The operators walked past him from time to time, staying away from him or saying something underneath their breaths. Korps just shrugged it off and continued to wait, like those times in the trenches. His mind wanders as he started to hear whistles of many artillery rounds then explosions. It sounds like it's from a distance, over and over and over. The memories waiting, to go over the top.  

"Uh... hey Korps..." Korp's memories snapped as heard a familiar feminine German accent greeted him. Korps looked to his left and see IQ without her balaclava and helmet. 

Korps didn't say anything, instead, he looked back straight in front of him. IQ frowned a little, seeing that he's not talking. She wanted to get to know the new operator, and having someone else from Germany than her GSG 9 teammates, although she was horrified and what he did to Ela. She still wanted to know he did what he did, maybe there's something more that they don't know. IQ then sits beside him, on the couch, about 6 inches away from him.

"So..." She said breaking the silence between them. "You did well in your trail, maybe a little too brutal, but hey you made it."

Again nothing, she sighed silently. She just wanted him to talk, wanting him to warm up to others instead of being cold towards others. Then he talked, "Why are you here?"

"Hu-what?" She was shocked that he talked, although it was muffled by the gas mask. 

"Why are you here?" He repeated. 

"Oh! Uh... I just wanted to talk to you. You know, just wanted to get to know you," I answered honestly. 

"Was that an order from Harry?"

"What? No! It's just free time, you know, where everyone does their own thing until another mission," She told him. 

Korps barely turns his head, showing only his left eye to IQ through the lens of the gas mask. This was unnatural to him, he knew other Guardsmen have these types of things where they have a little break talking to one another, well within the eye of the Commissar. For, Kriegsmen, they always on duty no matter what they do. Korps doesn't know how to just talk like normal beings, they barely talk only saying things like, yes sir/mam or telling any important information. For (Y/n), he rarely talked and ever since he died, he talked way more than back in the frontlines. That's when he heard the Emperor spoke, "Talk to her you. Must know them. But don't tell them too much about the Imperium. That comes later. And don't be like Rogal of just saying 'No'"

Korps of course, obeys his command, "What do you want to know?" 

"Why do you always wear that gas mask? It's not like we're gonna be attack by gas here at Hereford base," She asked, although she already knew what he looked like underneath, almost everyone here doesn't know what he looks like. Plus she thinks he's handsome underneath that mask of his and would like to see his face again. For (Y/n), he wore his mask ever since he was a child, maybe even when he was a baby, but he doesn't remember. His mask is literally just a second skin for him and the rest of the people of Krieg. The hardened skin of war covering the lifeless body of a human being. 

"The gas mask is a part of me, never taken it off, until you people did..." He told her coldly, staring away from the women. Monika was confused about what he meant about the gas mask is a part of him and shocked that it was never taken off until the Doc did it. 

"That's... interesting..." She said slowly before she moved on to a different topic. "So are you part of GSG 9 or any other special forces? Because I have never seen that type of uniform before. It reminds me of World War One Germany mix with less colour France uniform."

Hearing about World War One is interested him, for a planet that hasn't seen the horrors of Chaos and endless war. "World War One? What's that?" He asked.

"Huh? You don't know about the Great War? Well, I know it's got overshadowed by World War Two but still, you're part of the military-" 

"Shut up, and tell me about with Great War," He said in an aggressive tone, staring at her with his left eye.

Monika leaned away a little from aggressive nature, and hoping that he won't hit her, "Okay... you don't have to be that aggressive..." Korps didn't respond; he just kept looking at her, waiting for her to explain this Great War. Monika sighed, knowing that he'll just be cold to her, for now hopefully. "Well, the Great War, or known as World War one, since there is another war after like 20 years, started when a Serbian Nationalist shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife which angered the leader of Austria-Hungary who declares war on Serbia, with the German Empire backing them up."

'So that's the German place that the Emperor told and where these people who spoke the Krieg language' He thought to himself. 'But's it an empire and sounds like a powerful one.'

"Then Russia who is friends with the French declared war on the German Empire and Austria-Hungary. The German Empire then invade Belgian who was neutral, because the German army wanted to go around the defensive border of the French. The Belgian army fought back delaying the German offensive, then the British Empire declared war on Germany who was made at them invading a neutral country. Eventually, the Russian army was ready to invade and attacked Germany on the eastern front. Both sides soon went into Trench Warfare, which hopefully you do know what that is right?" 

Korps nodded since of course, he knew what Trench Warfare is, he's practically born to fight in Trench Warfare, "Many other countries had joined, like the Ottomans who join the Central Powers, while Italy joins the Entente and fought Austria-Hungary. Every part of the frontlines is hell for every man who suffered, from mud to gas. The war was at a stalemate and everyone is wondering who will fall first. Russia fell since a revolution happened, thanks to the Germans who brought a man who started it. Until Germany tried to convince Mexico to invade the United States Of America or the USA since they might join the war effort and been supplying the. The British intercepted their plan and showed it to the US who declared war German Empire. The German Empire was running out of food and exhausted their men trying to push through the Western Front. Then the French, Britain and its colonies, and the USA, pushed into the German lines who defended desperately. Sadly the German Empire fell and surrounded it after its allies surrendered. In the end, it showed the new Era of Modern Warfare, but never ended the wars that came after." When Monika finished explain the Great War, Korps just nodded and absorbed all the information he has gotten. That's when a woman came in angrily stomping towards Korps. Before Korps could react, the woman grabbed his flak armour and slammed him against the wall. It didn't faze him as she stared at his attacker. 

"Ty skurwysynu! You're the one who bruised my sister's face!" The woman shouted. Korps wasn't fazed still, just stared as he slowly analyzed this woman. 

"Zofia! What are you doing?!" IQ shouted as she stood up. 

"You know why! This bastard is going to pay for what you did!" Zofia growled. Korps didn't finch just stared intently. Waiting for her to make the move. Before Zofia could do anything, IQ grabbed her left arm. 

"Look, I know what he did was horrible. But being violent like him is not the best choice, he needs to get comfortable with us and understand the rules. Please... pretty please, you still own me," IQ begged. 

Zofia hesitantly let go of her rage and let Korps go. "If I see you again anywhere near my sister. I won't be so merciful next time," She threatens before she left. 

IQ gave a huge sigh of relief, "Your welcome by the way."

Korps once more didn't say anything. Just walked past her and sat firmly straight on the couch. IQ mentally sighed, annoyed that she's not getting info about this stranger. But she hopped in a matter of time, he'll warm up to her and everyone else... hopefully.  

"Hey, Korps! Hey Monika!" They heard a woman shouted, for them. They both looked behind the couch and see Frost/Tina, walking up to them. They instantly notice that Forst looked exhausted like she just went to the gym recently. 

"Oh, hey Tina!" IQ greeted Tina, in her usual friendly manner before changing into a worried manner, "You looked exhausted, are you alright?" 

"Oh... Y-yeah, I was... I just had a rough little nap, a little nightmare..." Tina chuckled. 

"Did you want to talk about it?" IQ asked.

"Nah, I'm fine. Plus I need to show Korps his room," Tina told her. 

"Oh, alright. I was just keeping Korps some company." 

Tina giggled a little, "You already have many German boyfriends in your group, I don't think you need another one."

IQ install got flustered over that comment, since she's easily got embarrassed by any comments about her having a relationship, "Oh shut up..." She winned. 

"I was just joking IQ," Tina said before turning to Korps who was just sitting there watching the two, "Come on creepy, let me show you you're room."

Soon Korps stood up and followed Frost to his room leaving IQ all by herself. As they left IQ crossed her arms and smirked, "Says you..." She whispered before leaving the living space. 


*Small Time Skip Brought to you by Chibi Korps smacking Chibi Heretics with his Shovel*


Third Pov. 

The two 'love birds' soon arrived at Korps' room. The two didn't really talk since Korps wasn't talkative. Tina did try to ask questions, but all she got was just a shrug. 

"Here's your room Korps, number 19-07-28. And here are the keys," Tina said as she tossed the keys towards him, which he caught easily. Tina leaned next to his room door, as Korps opened the door. 

The room was different from Krieg's standers, (Y/n) was mostly used to sleep in muddy trenches and completely forgot what a bed is until he was in his room. It was dark, with the only light source coming from the window in the middle of the back wall. Korps slowly stepped into the dimly lit room, before Tina turned on the switch next to his door, showing the full extent of the room. 

"You forgot to turn on your lights, my friend," Tina said. 

(Y/n) didn't respond, just looked at his surroundings. Seeing one bed next to the window, below the window was a small desk with a simple chair. On the other side of the room from the bed was a closet that kept all his clothing, although he only have this one uniform. There were also some shelves over his bed that kept some books. For just a regular person, this was something simple, but for him or any Kriegsmen, this is something that they never to barely seen. Usually, it was just a dark room underground with a bunch of bunk beds, with other Kriegsmen. This feels unnatural for him. 

"Something wrong Korps? Did we missed anything?" Tina asked, shaping Korps out of his thoughts. He slowly looked over his shoulder and slowly shake his head no. 

"Well okay, if you just need anything just asked Harry," Tina smiled at him that felt familiar to him, then a quick flash of a second as Krieg saw her in Cadian armour. That gave Korps a shock before he notice something. (Y/n) quickly turned to face her and slowly walked up to her, which creeped Tina out. Before she could say anything to stop him, he was already uncomfortably in front of her. He was way taller at her forcing Tina to stare at her, while Korps was slowly leaning down where his gasmasks were almost touching. Tina was creeped out, yet started past the lens of his gasmask to see his eyes for the first time, while he stare at hers. 

For Tina, she saw a (Y/c) eyes looking dull and lifeless. While (Y/n) saw her brown eyes, but he had also seen sparks of purple in her eyes.

'What is this sorcery?' Korps thought. His mind was now rapid as he felt something... something that he lost and let go of long ago. 'She feels so familiar...'

"Um... Korps can you not... It's making me uncomfortable," Tina said with her hands now on his chest plate trying to keep him from a distance. She also was red as a fresh tomato, of how close this strange man is. 

Korps slowly moved back, giving her room as they both now stood away from each other. 

"T-that was weird Korps... don't do that again okay?" Tina asked him. 

Korps nodded before he slowly closed the door right in front of her. 'That was awkward...' Tina thought to herself, yet she felt something. Similar to Korps, she felt like something. Korps felt so familiar to her that she can't put her finger on them. She stood there for a while trying to think what that is, but she soon just let it go for now and not be a creep, even though Korps was being one earlier. She soon walked away before looking back at Korps's room, knowing that there's something about him that she knew more about. 

In Korps room, he as already took off his Kevlar armour and left it on the desk. He was sitting on the bed, waiting for further orders for Harry or the Emperor. As he sat there patiently, in his right hand he was holding something that he had forgotten...

A Pink Flower, still healthy and alive... 

as a memory slowly fades into his mind...















A/n: The chapter is finally done, and a little bit of a cliffhanger. Anyways I hope you enjoy today's chapter and have a great day!

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