Chapt 3: No Mercy


________________________________________________________________________________Your Pov.

I followed Ela outside of their base see it raining outside. 

"Great..." Ela groaned as she walked into the rain. "I just love the rain..." She said sarcastically, reaching her arm out feeling the rain on her hand. It's just rain nothing new to a regular Korpsmen, just another way to get trench foot in the trenches. I followed her onto an airfield, with many outdated aircraft on display. I looked around and see men in black clothing running in columns, with their leader in front. 

I  then turned my head ahead and see the training field, which is in the middle of the area. With three starting areas and an old three-storied building in the middle. Ela walked over to the fence and opened it up for me.  

"Men, first," She said,  gesturing her hand towards the entrance while smirking at me. I stared at her for a second, wondering what game is she playing with me. I walked past her and entered into a firing range. Ela then walked in front of me and bring me over to tents that protect them from the rain with four operators. 

A woman wearing face paint that is shaped on a skull holding some sort of silent weapon. She's staying away from other operators as she sharpens her knife, trying to make herself look intimidating.  

A man with a gasmask with tape forming an X mark where his mouth is. He's holding some sort of machine in his hands with a pump-action weapon in his other hand. He's beside Harry, watching me.

Then we have the Doc. He's in his thick amour, with a small weapon in his hands. He's talking to Harry, but what interests me is that one pistol in his holster that has some sort of drug inside of it.

That last man is a man in thick green clothing, most likely for camouflage. His uniform reminds me of those Cadain people, their planet is gone but they still stand. He haves another small weapon in his hands. 

We walked over to the group, as Harry notice that Ela and I are here. 

"Ah, looks like we're all here," He said moving on from Doc's conversations. "Now then, Korps," He said while walking around me. He then placed his hand onto my shoulder and started to guide me over to another tent. I was about to resist until God-Emperor spoke, "Do not resist, have trust in him", I of course obey. 

"The reason I bring you out here is that because we liked to do a training exercise," He explained 

"With all due respect, sir, I'm already ready to be sent out there, sir," I told him. 

Harry just chuckled, "Well, I want to see what you can do before we sent you out on an operation. Plus, we do things differently, that you'll see soon." 

I just nodded, understanding what he's saying. For us Kriegsmen, we've carried sins and the burdens from our ancestors for betraying the God-Emperor and sent to fight on front lines of harsh and bloody environments and enemies. But they're not me or the Kreigs and lost to the Imperiums and God Emperor's light, so I have no right to judge them. If the Emperor trusts Harry and the rest of these soldiers, then so shall I. Without question.

"So, this training operation is called Secure Area. " He started to explain as we made it under the tent. "You can tell from the name is about securing an area. The five operators, you'll be facing is Doc, Ela, Caveira, Mute, and Kapkan." He said gesturing towards them. "They'll be defending a room that you'll need to capture, or if you eliminate. But first, I would like to give up your weaponry, I rather not see the operators get ripped in shreds by your Chainsword, Bolt-pistol, and Lasgun. But you can keep your shovel."

I nodded and gave up my weapons. As he grabs hold of them, I notice that he knew about the three weapons I had. Although the Emperor had told me that they knew nothing about the Imperium. Unless the God-Emperor has told Harry about us and the Imperium. I shouldn't question it, I shall follow what Harry and God-Emperor say.

He placed the weapon onto a table next to stub weapons, useless against the enemy that this world will face in the future. "I would like to choose two of these weapons. One primary and one secondary, pistols or SMGs. Don't worry, they're made to shoot fake bullets only showing dust where they hit," He told me. 

Since I'm gonna being breaching into a building, a shotgun will be the most effective. I grabbed one of the shotguns that caught my eye.

"Ah, the classic American Shotgun. The M1014 shotgun, really good of breaching into rooms" Harry commented. 

I just nodded as I picked up a pistol from a table.

"P12, not a bad choice, used by the GSG9 operators." Harry chucked. For being a leader of this elite group, he's really chatty. "Now then since you chose the two weapons, you might these," Harry said as he threw me a grappling hook and some sort of breaching device. 

"Um... shouldn't he need a drone?" Doc asked as he walked over towards us, with the rest of the operators behind him. They all seemed ready, all of them hosting their main weaponry. Every single one of them is different stub weaponry.  

"I'm sure he's fine without one and I rather not explained what a drone is," Harry told him, whispering the last part, only me hearing it. "Now then, you five know that to do go and preparing for the assault."

"Yes sir!" They all yelled, except for the one with the gas mask. They all walked way towards the building.

As I watch them leave, Harry spoke up, "Alright Krops, I want you to wait until the lights over there go green."

"Yes sir," I saluted. I slowly march up towards the entrance of the training grounds and waited for the light to shine green. I stood perfectly straight, from arms to legs within the heavy rain. The butt of the weapon on my hand while the barrel rest against my arm and shoulder. Waiting in the rain like waiting for the charge within trenches. I kinda missed standing in muddy trenches.

After thirty seconds the light change to green. I quickly change my stance and run towards the building fast as I can. I went over to a wall of the building and see many barricaded windows. I grabbed the grabbling hook and threw it towards the tip of the roof. The hook land on top of the roof, I pulled down on the rope making sure it would hold me. It didn't instantly fall it's safe to climb up. I slowly climbed up all the way to the top floor. I slowly moved over towards a window and kicked the barricade down. I then pushed myself off the wall with my two feet and went through the window. 

I was now inside the top floor of the building. I quickly armed myself with the shotgun and looked around. The place was open with three rooms on the sides. I then notice something glowing blue on top of the roof. It looked like a camera, most likely from the enemy. I aimed up and fire at the camera shattering it into pieces. Some of the pieces still spark, as I walked up to them. I crouch down and picked one of the pieces up. I never knew how the cameras work really.

I then felt someone behind me. I quickly grabbed the pistol from my holster and turned around, firing three bullets. The three bullets landed hit someone, the man with a gas mask ten feet away from me. It left three dust marks on his chest. He grunts a little behind his as a mask and tried to recover. But I didn't let him, I quickly charge forward, shoulder first, and rammed him onto the ground. I then quickly empty the clip onto the gas mask.  From chest and head, at the point, I completely knocked him out. I could hear him scream in agony as I empty the mag onto him, but they must learn soon that the enemy they face will give no mercy, for this world's sake. 


Frost/Tina Pov.

The new operator is weird. When I say weird, I mean weird-weird. The gas masks and his uniform is weird like he just came out of ww1. His flak armour looks uncountable and heavy. His weapons are out of this world. And the fact we know nothing from him and how he came out of nowhere is weird. All I know that he's German, since from what Monika told me. But something about him feels familiar... 

Anyways, I was going over to the workshop wanting to work on my Frost Traps, or I liked to call them Frost Bite (No, seriously why are they not called that!). As I entered the workshop, I only see Mira on her workshop trying to reversed engineer a blocked shape weapon. 

"Hey Elena," I treated her, moving over to her desk. 

"Hey, Tina what are you doing here?" Elena asked. 

"Was, gonna work on my Frost Traps, but I notice the gun you're workin' on," I told her. 

"Oh, this thing?" She said as she continues to take it apart. "It's part of the Korps personal, he told me to research this pistol and found out how it functions."

"Pistol?" I asked, disbelieving that this huge gun can be a pistol.

"That what he had told me," she said. "I tried to hold it with one arm, but it's difficult. Especially with the Caliber, it holds." She points over to a row of bullets of .75 Caliber.

"That pistol could hold .75 Cals? How? The recoil of the gun must be horrendous."

"It's not that bad, it functions pretty well. Holding only 6 rounds in the magazine, the bullet explodes into the target leaving a huge mess and easily can price through most armour vehicles"

I was shocked by what I was hearing, a pistol that could kill a single human being with a single bullet. Yes, you can kill anyone with any bullet, but this is overkill. Who needs a .75 Cal pistol when you could kill someone with a single bullet to the head. 

"It's not the only weapon he has," She said grabbing my intention once more. She grabs another square-shaped weapon and places it near me. 

"That pistol can shoot full-on lasers that can melt and rips limbs apart like nothing."

I was once again shocked, "Laser?!?" 

"Yeah, the same thing his rifle shoot out." 

So, that's what came out of his rifle. A full-on Laser, that explodes and melts on contact. "But... how?" I asked her. 

Elena shrugs, "I just don't know Tina. This a whole new level on science that we never have discovered."

This is amazing yet confusing and shocking. How, why does this one man have all this and if true that he's from Germany, they must be hiding something. That's when I saw a logo fused onto the laser pistol. 

I was too focused on the two-headed eagle-like I'm forgetting something. Suddenly, I heard whispers. I looked around and see no one only Elena who was returning to her work. My head started to ake as I felt dizzy, something was wrong. I start to hear faint voices, screaming within my mind.

"For the Imperium of Man!"

"Better To Die For the Emperor Then Yourself!"

"Blood for the Blood God!"

"Skulls For The Skull Throne!"

"There Kriegsmen..."

"This is for Cadia you bastards!"

"Hey? Tina? Hello?" Elena snapped her fingers right in front of my face, snapping back to reality. 

"Huh? Oh... uhh sorry..." I said slowly place back the laser-pistol back onto the desk. My head felt heavy like I just saw my life flash before my eyes. "I-I... I need to lay down..." I said quietly before leaving. 


Third Pov.

(Y/n) was now below the third floor, the rooms on this floor contained mostly bedrooms for every age group. He searches around the halls, checking for any enemies that might be hiding. He found nothing, everything was quiet. His senses came up, of someone stalking him.  The same feeling that he got before he met Ela. He looked around seeing no one is around, but he knew that someone is on this floor waiting for an opportunity to strike. He quickly walked over to a doorway that leads to a kid's bedroom. He took cover on the left side of the door frame and peeked in, seeing no one, he moved in with his gun up. Checking all corners of the room. Nothing. 

Keeping his gun up, he walks over to the other room, a huge bathroom. He didn't question the layout of this place, as he peeked in. Seeing it's clear he walked into the room. As he walked past the doorway, Ela's gadget, The Grzmot Mines, exploded. The Grzmot mines were made to 'concuss' the enemy. But it didn't affect Korps that much, in fact, he was just annoyed feeling only a little dizzy and with a loud ring in his ear. Cav who was in a different room heard the mine detonated and quickly rushed to his position quietly. 

As (Y/n) recovered quickly, Cav came up behind him and locked him in her arms with a knife pointed towards his neck. "You're done for," She whispers.

"Nien," He told her. 

He then rammed his right elbow into her side, making loosens her grips, grunting in pain. (Y/n) then grabbed her right arm that has the knife in hand with both of his hands. He then flips her over him and slams her back into the cold bathroom ground shattering and leaving cracks in the material. Letting go of her arm grabbing the knife. He threw the knife away and stomped her face with power cracking the floor behind her head, leaving her knocked out, with a leading nose. 

(Y/n) then heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He turns back and runs over the entrance of the room that leads the stairs. He quickly peeked over and see Doc with a shotgun in hand, aiming towards the doorway. Doc fired, as Korps quickly moved from the doorway. As the balls from the shell hit the side of the doorframe. 

Doc then aimed over to a wooden wall that was near the door frame and fired. The buckshot penetrates through the wooden wall hitting Korps' shoulder armour plate. Korps felt the force hit his shoulder and moved past the door frame quickly trying to catch him by surprise. Doc quickly turned his weapon towards him and fired, right as Korps fired his shotgun. 

Both got hit, while Doc got knocked back from the force, Korps stood his ground as the balls bounce against his armour. Doc fell back against the wall behind him, keeping him standing but his weapon was lowered. (Y/n) took his chance and fired five more shells at Doc, covering him in dust that the balls created. Doc just groaned in pain as he fell onto one knee. He was in a lot of pain all over his central body. Korps then walks up to the kneeled Doc and slammed the butt of the M1014 onto the back of his head, knocking him out completely. 

Korps then his head over to the camera that was watching him. The camera soon turned off, as Korps slowly breaths through his gasmask still staring, "Drei nach unten. Zwei zu gehen." (Translation: Three down. Two to go. Also I'm using google translate so it won't be exact)


Ela Pov.

I was horrified, something that was rare among us operators. This Korps... he had no mercy, as I watched him gun down Doc more than what is needed to kill someone with on buckshot. The way he looked at the camera was like from a horror movie like he knows where here and watching him. Showing that he's coming for you.

"Operator down, two defenders are left," I heard from out coms.

I closed my phone and as I felt my heart beating rapidly in fear. He's ruthless, and the last thing I don't want right now is thinking about what he'll do to me if we fight. 

"Comrade, you okay? You seemed a bit scared," Kapkan asked me.

"I-I... I'm fine, Kapkan... just... excited..." I lied, terribly. 

Kapkan knew I was bluffing, "Whatever you say, Ela."

That's when we heard a tripwire explored near the kitchen. 

"I'll check it out, you stay here and defended the objected," Kapkan told me as she ready his 9X19VSN Smg. 

Before I can protest, he already left leaving me all alone. Cowering in fear...


Tina/Frost Pov.

"I didn't give you permission to die yet! Now stand as one for the God-Emperor!"

I keep hearing these voices in my head. It slowed down, but more there clearer now. My head still deals dizzy and I feel like I'm gonna through up. I walked through the halls with my right hand against the walls, keeping myself balanced. I found my dorm and opened the door. I slowly walked in and fall onto my bed, now feeling sleepy. 

I tried to keep myself awake but failed as the darkness took over me. Falling asleep, fully clothed as I heard a loud booming voice within my head.

"You'll understand soon enough, now rest..."


Your Pov.

I triggered the explosive trap with just a wooden plank. The trap was useless and can be seen easily. Even a penal Guardsmen could see that. I knew that someone is going to check the exposition and hoping to catch me off guard. 

I hid beside the big oven and ready myself to ambushed ever came. I peaked over the oven and saw the man in green walking into the doorway, holding an auto-gun, but the magazine was made to hold smaller rounds similar to auto-pistols.  

I quickly aimed and fired at him. He got hit on his left shoulder, not enough to take him down. He then fired his auto-gun right towards me, making me duck back into cover. The bullets soon stopped, as I heard footsteps slowly coming towards my position. I knew he had his gun still aimed in my direction and if I tried to the peak he'll just gun me down.

There's always one thing we Kriegsmen know, is a suicidal charge.

"For The God-Emperor!!!" I shouted as I charged over the oven and ran towards the man in green.

"Chto za khernya!?" The man shouted, surprising him completely. Right as he fired, I grabbed his auto-gun with my left hand and forced the barrel aimed towards the roof. The bullets flew into the air and hit the roof. I then used my free hand and punch the man on the left side of his cheek three times. The fourth time made him stubbled back a bit, loosening his grip on the weapon. The weapon was now in my hands, I then threw the weapon away as the man in green readies himself for a first fight.

"That was surprising, comrade. Let's see if you could handle a Russian like me," he said lifting his fist. 

I didn't say anything but made the first move. I raised my right fist and aimed for his face. The Russian quickly blocked my punch by moving his forearm and pushed my arm towards the side. He then used his other arm and punch my gasmask. He tried it for the second time, but I caught his fist and twisted it. He screamed in pain, but not too loud. I used my other hand and punch him in the gut. I then heard a weapon cocked near the doorway, so I grabbed the Russian and faced him towards the doorway. I used him like ma body shield as a high fire rate of an auto-gun fired. A whole row of bullets hit his body, showing the many just marks on him where the bullets landed. The person who fired at me was Ela who was now shocked that she shot her teammate. 

While she was still shaken, I gabbed the Russian Stub-pistol and fired at Ela four bullets leaned on her chest while two landed on her leg. She fell back onto the hallway of this building, as I knocked the Russian out with the butt of the pistol, throwing him to the side. 

Ela groaned as she crawled slowly over to the dining area. Ela pushed herself up and lean agaist the table. She slowly breathed heavily, as she slowly looked over at me. 

"Korps... I give up... you win," She said raising her one hand in surrender. 

Everything stopped around me just hearing the word, surrendering. They surrender... they're weak... surrendering is the worst thing that she could have done. They must fight until the last, man! 

I was upset, angry, furious that she wanted to surrender. I'll show her no mercy, just like the Daemons would do to them. I quickly grabbed her by the throat, choking her as she held on to my arm trying to escape. 

"K-Korps! S-stop!" She choked, struggling to get herself free from my grasp.

I didn't say anything, as I slammed her onto the table breaking it in half, as we drooped to the floor. I sat on top of her, raised my fist and slammed it back down on her face. Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over. She tried to stop my assault but she was too weak to do anything now. Over and Over, my mind is blank, only a sense of rage. After twenty more punches, two of the recruits quickly ran and grabbed my arms trying to pull me away from Ela. They manage to lift me up from her, but I quickly punched one to the recruits in the gut and slammed his head again my knee. Then I punched the other recruit right in the nose, knocking him out instantly. 

I breathe heavily through my gasmasks, as I finally calmed down. I look over to a beat-up and bruised Ela. Her face was bloody with bruises all over. This is nothing to me, this is just the beginning of what's to come. 

"Pathetic," Is all I said to her before I left her on the ground.

They're not ready for Chaos, if this world is willing to survive they must not surrender to Chaos.

For the God-Emperor of Mankind...




A/n: Sorry for taking long, this was a long chapter for me. 

Anyways, sorry if I get any Warhammer lore wrong since I'm still rusty with the lore. Just correct me if I got the lore wrong.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter and have a great day!

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