Chapter 70 Whispers in the wind
"I agree with you that we shouldn't look for the traitor here," Iolaus told Cyrus, "the men you interrogated are sincere. I truly believe there is no ill intend and their reports truly were intercepted."
Cyrus nodded. "Yes, I believe the same. That does, however, indicate we are looking in the right direction. Lord Vertus didn't mention any reports going astray, did he?"
Iolaus shook his head in thought. "He didn't. What are you thinking?"
Cyrus frowned in thought. "I can't be sure yet. Not until we have at least visited Matís, but it seems our traitor, or traitors, are operational here in this area. We can narrow our circle."
"Back to Cicero then?" Iolaus suggested. They still needed to speak with the young man. Perhaps Chloe had been able to gather some information.
Cyrus nodded. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. This manhunt was already taking up too much time. Time he wanted to spend with his loved ones, his family. He feared this war was never going to end.
He would hear what Cicero had to say and then see if Chloe had found out anything of use. After that, it was onto the next potential threat. He'd send the new information he had gathered to his father. Silently he wondered if it would still be necessary to travel further down the coast, all the way to Stregare. There was clear evidence that the traitor came from the northern provinces. After what he had heard from lord Horas, he knew the Horas family would benefit from having more men, but he worried that strengthening their defenses here would leave other areas wide open and vulnerable. He feared they would be playing right into the traitor's hand
These intercepted reports might well be a distraction to turn Zeir's eyes away from the real issue at hand. If they focused too much on strengthening their position here, the traitor might have free play.
Perhaps he should tell his father to send more men to Vertalis instead. Men that couldn't be bought. Men that were loyal to the house of Auros.
But who could they trust?
"Hey," Iolaus placed a hand on Cyrus' shoulder, "don't worry too much. One problem at the time. We gathered information that is useful. Talk to Cicero next. The way to get to him is through games. He'll appreciate the gesture. And you might even enjoy yourself. You need to relax a little, Cyrus. Too much tension is bad for the soul."
Cyrus sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm not sure that losing my head in gambling and drunken games is the right move right now. I need to keep my head clear."
Iolaus chuckled. "Don't worry. You handle the game part. I'll do the drinking. He winked.
Cyrus laughed and shook his head amused. 'Why don't we let Cicero do the drinking tonight? See what he reveals?" He hadn't spoken with Cicero in years, though the Horas heir had been at court frequently. He did know however how the man spent his time. If Cyrus hadn't been the crown prince, he might have indulged in the sweet pleasured of life as well. He could hardly fault the man for that.
Iolaus smiled wryly. "You sure know how to spoil the fun." He sighed. "Alright. I'll make a small sacrifice for the greater good. But don't be mistaken, Cyrus. Cicero is no fool. He won't easily be swayed into drunken tales. You'd be better off engaging into honest conversation with him. He's quick witted and sharp tongued. He wants to feel that you take him seriously or he won't tell you anything."
Cyrus gave a nod. "I'll keep it in mind." But be as it may, he did need answers. "Let's hope that whatever he does tell us, will be useful."
Darius read and reread the words scribbled on the small scroll. But no matter how often he read the words, there was no mistaken their meaning.
'Truce offer from Balor.
Zeir lord in'
He felt his fury rise. So it was true. Salvire was plotting treason. He had hoped it wasn't so. This was his family after all. But history had proven that those you should be most wary of, were indeed kin.
The message had come this morning by means of a bird. Mikos must have risked a lot to send it.
An offer of truce had been sent, but to Salvire alone, not Tirzé. Darius could guess the underlying motive. Salvire was a border estate with a strategic position. It was why his grandfather had made it a ruling estate. He had hoped to appease his cousin that way, so he wouldn't set his eyes on the crown. Was Izem the one who had initiated the contact with Balor? Or was Balor informed better regarding the inner machinations of the surrounding countries than he had anticipated?
Whatever the case, it was too late to prevent things. All he could do now was control the situation.
Darius frowned. A Zeir lord was involved in the scheme. Had they planned the attack on Boncini together or was that a separate matter? It was safe to assume this Zeir lord had given Balor intel, but how deeply was Salvire involved?
"Torcan!" he called. The man was never far and it didn't take long for his guard to enter the room.
"My king," Torcan bowed.
"What do you make of this?" Darius asked while handing him the note.
Torcan read it with a frown. "Does king Marcos know this?"
"He will once you inform him," Darius stated.
"My king?" Torcan said startled.
"I want you to ride to Auros," Darius informed him, "deliver this message personally. Sending it by messenger bird might be faster, but there is also a higher risk of it being intercepted. You can ride under the guise of asking for more men if anyone is to stop you. We have only returned to our homeland recently. We don't know if there have been new developments in Zeir. They have started their own investigation. Combine our findings with theirs. It is adamant that we solve this matter soon."
Torcan still didn't seem convinced. "My king, I'm not comfortable leaving your side for so long. Lord Izem already seems to have gathered allies. Who knows if he doesn't have any in the palace? Even if lord Izem doesn't know we received this information, word might reach him that I have left for Auros. It may well be the chance he had been waiting for. Especially if it is true that a Zeir lord is involved."
"All the more reason to make haste," Darius countered.
"My king..."
"Are you questioning my decisions, Torcan?"
"I wouldn't dare," Torcan replied, "I am merely concerned for what might happen in my absence."
"So you think me incompetent then," Darius stated.
"No my king," Torcan said firmly, "but this message is not to be underestimated. We don't know how long lord Izem had been conspiring."
Darius narrowed his eyes. "And that is exactly why we must act now."
"I understand," Torcan said, "but please..."
"Do as I say, Torcan!" Darius growled.
"Darius!" Torcan said desperately, forgoing all conventions and claiming their friendship.
Darius sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I know you are concerned," he said, "this involves your father's home. I know this is hard on you. And I know you are looking out for me, but I am a king, Torcan. I consider you my friend, I truly do, but I am your king first. That means the needs of Tirèze must always come before my own. Do I want you to go? No. I'd rather keep you at my side. But I do want to end this war, so my son won't have to make the decisions I have to make now. So, please, will you ride to Auros? If it eases your worries, I will stay in Elora's wing so Mehr can guard me in your stead."
A faint smile tugged at Torcan's lips. "I'm not insinuating you can't protect yourself."
"I know," Darius allowed a smile of his own to reach his face, "but you won't let it go otherwise." He sighed. "Ride out to Auros, Torcan, and come back with news. Let's finish this once and for all."
Torcan bowed. "It will be done. I won't let you down."
Darius shook his head. "You never have. Once all this is over, ask me anything you want and it's yours. Land, restoring your title, horses?"
Torcan smiled and shook his head. "I have no need for titles. Let my brother be lord of Salvire. I'll never have a family of my own. I have accepted that long ago. No, if there is anything I'd ask of you, it is to remain serving you. Until my final breath."
Darius smiled too. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
King Marcos was seated in his private chambers and read the two separate messages his son had sent.
One mentioned a suspicious rider leaving the Vertalis estate and making his way in the direction of the border.
The other told him a lot of the reports lord Horas had sent to Auros had been intercepted. By whom they did not know, but it was clear now that those reports had never reached their destination.
King Marcos sighed in frustration. It was not the news he wanted to hear. It did however tell him in what direction to look. He turned to the map that he had pinned on his work table and placed a few playing stones in different locations. Vertalis and the area around Horas. He looked at it in thought. If riders carrying a message had gone missing, lord Horas or his commanders would have noticed. A soldier not returning to his post was cause for alarm. So, the missing messages must have been sent by means of a bird. What would be the most likely route to Auros? Bordering Horas, that was located on the North West border, were Matís, Moraye and Santos. The only estates that were also connected to a border were Matís and Moraye. Matís connected to Balor, in the North of Zeir. Moraye was located at the West coast. It was affiliated with Stregare by marriage. King Marcos did not want to think they would be involved in treason. He liked Gaspar Strega, but Gaspar was a second son. It wouldn't be the first time second sons became greedy.
Santos was the family estate of Ophelia's father. Ophelia was married to Iolaus, his son's most trusted friend. Santos was wedged between Horas and Auros, but was already a prosperous province. There was no gain for them to commit treason.
King Marcos dismissed that possibility. No, Santos was not the traitor he was looking for.
There was a knock on his door and king Marcos called for the visitor to enter.
A servant bowed to him. "Your Majesty, a rider came for Genvi, carrying a message from his lord, lord Riccardo Prias, as well as from the lady Vara."
King Marcos frowned. From Riccardo Prias and Vara? Had they learned something? He knew Vara and Riccardo were friends as well as neighbors. "Let him in."
The servant bowed again and stepped aside. A man in warrior's clothes entered the room and dropped to one knee. "Your Majesty," he spoke, "my name is Astos. I serve lord Riccardo Prias. My lord has asked me to relay a message to you. And I carry a message also from the lady Vara vi Aurelios who resides at Boncini."
The king nodded and motioned for the man to stand up. "What message? And why Boncini?"
Astos nodded. "The lady Vara has asked my lord to investigate in the matter of treason, Your Majesty. We have been scouting the area ever since the attack, but found nothing. Until three days ago. I accompanied my lord on a hunt when we saw a messenger bird fly overhead. The bird was innate to Balor, so we shot it down. It carried a message, Your Majesty, a message implying treason. As we did not know who the intended recipient was, my lord thought it best to pass it on to the lady Vara."
King Marcos frowned in thought. "What did the message say?"
Astos bowed as he handed over the note.
'Offer accepted.
Send the horses'
King Marcos' eyes narrowed as his hand crumpled the note. So it was as he had feared. Someone was conspiring with the enemy. "Where did you shoot the bird?" he growled darkly.
Astos nodded. "At the border of Genvi, where it crosses over in Vertalis."
"Show me," the king demanded as he pointed at the map.
Astos walked up to the table and studied the map carefully. "There." He pointed, "the bird came from this direction and was headed that way."
King Marcos frowned. Birds flew mostly linear, with taking the wind streams into account. He took some ink and drew a line from the border of Balor all the way down until it crossed into Tirèze. King Marcos swore under his breath. It seemed young king Darius might have been right to suspect involvement of Salvire. Still, the bird might have been headed to Vertalis as well. Lord Vertus' men were stationed all around the province. If he really was involved in treason, he might even have crossed into Boncini territory.
He looked at Astos again. "Where is the message lady Vara gave you?" Perhaps Vara had more information to provide.
Astos bowed again and handed the sealed scroll to the king.
Vara's message was short and cryptic, probably for safety measures. She thanked him for the hunting birds he had sent and assured him they were well trained in taking down prey. As it appeared, the Northern part of the territory was excellent hunting ground. She invited him to visit Boncini to join her for a hunt and see the repairs that had been made to the stables. She hoped his family was doing well and wondered if there had been news yet of his extended relatives. The note ended with her warm greetings and hope to see him again soon.
King Marcos sighed. So Vara suspected Vertalis' involvement now. It was in line with the news he had received from his son.
He turned to Astos, who had been patiently waiting for new instructions. "You will carry back a message for lady Vara. And I will write one for lord Prias as well. A servant will accompany you to a waiting room where you may eat and rest."
Astos bowed deeply. "My king."
King Marcos waved a servant over and sank into a chair the moment he was alone. Perhaps it was time to implement the plan Vara had suggested, to feed small portions of truths to his lords and see who would take the bait.
Perhaps he could let word slip that one of the prisoners they had captured had talked. That was sure to get some kind of reaction from his lords. He wondered who would get nervous by the thought of being implicated. It might also prevent this deal that was mentioned in the intercepted message. What lord would agree to an alliance if those allies sold him out at the first opportunity?
Yes, that was the way to proceed, but it needed to be done with caution. He'd first need men at the ready to watch the movements of his lords. Then he needed to find a way to spread false rumors without it looking staged.
With a determined look on his face, the king rose to his feet and walked out the door. "Call for Octavius!" he instructed one of his servants, "I have a task for him."
Ariane folded her hand around her goblet of spiced wine and stared out of the window with a dreamy gaze. A light breeze played with her hair and she smiled.
Across from her, lady Eurydice let out a soft and tender laugh. "Ah child," she said warmly, "you should have said something before. You know I have been waiting for this moment to."
Ariane turned her head towards Cyrus' grandmother and looked at her confused. "What do you mean, my lady?"
The woman smiled amused. "Oh dear, I thought for sure you knew, but it seems it's not the case. Have you not noticed anything different lately? A difference in appetite? Fatigue? A strange sense of smell?"
Ariane bit her lip and frowned. "I have been a little tired as of late, but there has been much going on in the palace. Lady Ophelia visited a few days ago. We are both worried about our husbands. My lady, have you received word?"
Lady Eurydice shook her head. "Nothing more than you already know, that they had reached Horas and will visit Matís next. But that is not the reason of your fatigue, child." A knowing smile was on the woman's lips. "When was the last time you had to hold bed?"
Ariane froze. Slowly the older woman's words sank in. Was she really implying what Ariane thought she did? She thought back and counted the days. It had been before Cyrus had returned from Boncini. Before he'd even ridden out. Eight weeks now? Her eyes widened a fraction and she moved her hand to her belly. Could it be true? Could it be what she had hoped for?
Eurydice smiled even more brightly. "You had not realized?"
Ariane shook her head. "You believe it to be so, my lady?"
"I will send for a physician to confirm it," lady Eurydice said, "but I know. You have that look about you only a woman with child has. Congratulations, my child. Cyrus will be happy when you tell him. He has always wanted a big family." Especially after he lost his siblings.
Ariane smiled happily. "I wish I could tell him right now, but it will be a long time before he returns home from his inspections." She sighed. "I wish there was a way of contacting him and let him know."
"I understand you are eager to share the news," lady Eurydice said, "but you mustn't . Don't forget he is out there to find a traitor. If word gets out you are carrying his child, you and the child will both be in danger." She pressed Ariane's hand. "You must stay in the palace. Be careful whom you trust. We can't be too careful."
Ariane nodded. "I understand." She had longed for this child and she wouldn't let anything threaten it.
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