Player Bio
Dirty hacker
A stronger player
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Computer Program version of a human
Gender: Male
Height: 4'11
Weight: Varies
Hair and eye color: Red
ATK and DEF: Varies
Weapons: Combined arsenal of GlitchDust Weaponry
Player is a digital version of the creator of the story, Glichdust, made by his author. Using the same body and method as the other player to interact with the world around him, as well as interacting the world that he has made, he exists solely to keep the entirety of the GlitchDust AU safe, only for him to get roped up in the Multiverse's problems again, but with much more worse problems at bay.
This Player shares the same appearance as the first player to achieve this state. The player is dressed in a black suit, vaguely reminiscent of a dress. This "dress" covers the Player's knees. On this very suit, like Frisk or Enchantment, there are red stripes. From under the suit, you can see black pants and dark brown shoes. The Player's hair is red. Their white eyes are black and their iris is red. Unlike the above listed Frisk and Charа, the Player has gray skin. Since this character has the ability to manipulate the game, they can change their appearance, but this was not shown in the comic. Also under the eyes has red ovals, which are possibly cheeks. Of course, he has one thing that differentiates him from the other Player, which is that he has a black hood that is on his clothes, with the hood having a red line that goes vertically in between the middle, as well as pockets in the sweater that he has, which are red curved lines that are on the lower torso area.
This Player, in contrast to the original Player, is not a hacker that lacks a soul. While it is unknown if the Player had the same personality as his original self from real life, this Player is given a digital copy of his real life self's personality. This is introverted and likes being by himself, but wouldn't mind making friends, as well as kind of lazy. But he is different from his real life self, in which he is far more active in what he does, and cares deeply for the existence of GlitchDust, who he considers to be his finest work. While he does desire to take advantage of himself, he does not deceive monsters, mainly because he doesn't know how to deceive. He treats his GlitchDust AU with care and makes sure to keep it from being destroyed, as he kinda getting tired of having to try and bring it back when he writes it back into existence somehow, and prefers to make sure that it doesn't happen again. As a result of being protective of his AU, he will attack anyone that he determines will destroy it, but will observe a person first before he tries anything, as to not attack and kill innocent visitors. Player is also shown to have a liking towards some snacks and drinks, as well as frozen treats like Frozen Yogurt that is of a vanilla flavor, which his real life self likes as well. And because of that, he would often be seen eating frozen yogurt whenever he feels like eating it.
The Player's Soul:
Like the other Player, The Soul of Player is the personification of darkness and determination. The black heart is the personification of a small part of the darkness that gave the Player such a huge level. The red heart that is inside the black is the personification of determination. With the help of determination, the Player can do a reset, action, mercy, and attack. Also, because of the red soul, the hacker may survive. But unlike the other, the soul is based off of Chara when he made Animosity inside of his soul, and due to this, he is able to Utilize File 0 and ERASE.
Powers, Abilities, and Equipment:
The Power to travel through Worldlines(AU's): It is stated that they have the ability to travel through worldlines. In the Underplayer universe, to simplify it, a worldlines is basically an AU. Simply put, the player has the ability to travel through alternate universes even in omniverses. The Player residing in GlitchDust is capable of the same thing.
The Power to change the plot of Worldlines(AU's): It is stated that the player has the ability to change the plot of worldlines. This means they have the ability edit any part of the game's code. Items, places, stats, characters, personalities. However, he never uses it in his creation, the Glitchdust AT.
Reset Paralysis: Player is able to disable a Frisk's ability to RESET.
ERASE Button: Player can build an alternate reset button that erases the timeline from the Universe permanently.
Reset: Resets the timeline
True Reset: Resets the world, deleting everything which has ever happened, along with everyone's memories. Unlike the normal reset, the True Reset even wipes the memory of those who can remember information across multiple timelines. The only exception to this is Chara, and that is only if they are able to acquire the Player's SOUL.
FILE 0: The Animosity within him allow Player to use an ability named "FILE 0", which allows him to manipulate their LV, HP, ATK, DEF at his own will.
But it refused: If the Player dies during battle, this ability will repair the shattered soul of the Player right away and allow them to return to battle fully restored.
Regeneration: With this ability, the DT soul can be regenerated during a battle.
Glitch Teleportation: Player can teleport to other places when he is about to be hit by other attacks to avoid them. He can even teleport to other AUs or other realms, such as the Anti-Void, DoodleSphere, and the MainFrame. He can also teleport others alongside him.
Sword of Determination: Player can make a Sword with his own Determination, resembling Frisk's Sword, but the soul of the Player is in the base of the sword, replacing the one Frisk had. With it, Player is capable of Attacking, Blocking, making slash projectiles, making beams of energy from the top of the sword itself, and due to possessing animosity, can make explosions. And as it is powered by a person's will, it makes it extremely powerful. The Sword is stronger then Chara and Asriel's swords.
Shield of Determination: Player can make a shield that is formed from Determination in the same way Frisk can do it, such as making a circular, spherical, and Crescent Shield. He can also utilize the Armor of the Red, which is an invisible armor of sorts that reduces damage.
Greatsword of Determination: Player can make a larger sword that he can use to add more destructive power into his attacks, but as it is large and heavy, he only uses this against enemies that require him to do to is, as his swings are slower compared to the normal sword of Determination.
Flight: Player is able to fly without support.
Rainbow Knife: This is a sort of Chroma Magic Knife based in appearance with the Knife of Determination, but can change color depending on what soul power it is using, and functions the same as the Chroma Knife. It can use Red and Dark Red Slashes, Make Orange Slashes that can change direction on command, Yellow Blasts that can be fired from the top, Green or Red Shields to block attacks, a cyan rope that can wrap around enemies or do a limb removal pull, a dark blue longer blade for more range that can be controlled, and a purple triple-slash attack that will always pass through one attack and will explode on the next thing it crashes against. He can also use 2 Special Attacks, one being the Black Blade, in which he can use the Animosity within him to create a large orb of HATE that Player sends towards his enemies, and Special Hell, in which the Player can stab the ground, red energy will spread across it, and the energy will then quickly go upwards and damage any opponents in the location. This Knife is paired with the Sword and Shield of Determination, as well as dual wielding both Sword and Knife.
Rainbow Fire: Player is able to use the Rainbow fire, the same fire that Asriel can use it. He can also uses Sans' detonation ability with the rainbow fireball as well for more damage.
Chaos Sabers: He can use Asriel's Swords in the same way that he can use it, meaning he can use it for slashing or by charging it with rainbow fire, as well as turn the Sabers into star projectiles in order to catch an opponent off guard.
Chaos Buster: Player can summon the Chaos Buster and fire bullets at an opponent rapidly, spreading it in 3 rows, before he fired a rainbow beam of energy at the opponent off massive damage.
Shocker Breaker: Player can summon lighting down from the sky in order to shock the opponent, and unlike Asriel, there is no warning signs, making it slightly more dangerous then before.
Stars Blazing: Player can summon stars from nowhere in order to make them detonate and create smaller stars that spread all over. They can also be used as Platforms that can move and carry items or people.
Angel of Death: Player can summon comet projectiles in order to fire them at the opponent, with the damage being stronger then the rainbow fire.
Hyper Goner: Player can summon the Hyper Goner in order to suck in attacks that can come his way. He only uses this when he feels like he needs to do it against an attack that he cannot avoid.
Chromatic Hands and Gaster Blasters: Player can use Gaster's Chromatic Hands in the same way that he uses it. He can make red blasts, orange dots that explode, yellow bullets, green shields, cyan ropes, blue buzzsaw blades, and perseverance spikes that can induce slow healing, and can even make a rainbow blast. He can also use Gaster Blasters like the way Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster could use it, such as for travel, defense, or for firing it rapidly. He can even make a Blaster around his head or hand to fire them in order to surprise attack. He can also use Gaster's special attacks, involving Monotone, Duality, and Polychromatism, and Sans' special attacks involving the Gaster Blastermination. They are red in color, except for the Chroma Color itself.
Bones: Player can summon red bones that can be used for piercing and defense, with both parts being extremely durable and damaging. He can also use Blue and Orange Bones. He can also use the Giant Bones special attack that Papyrus can use.
Reality Warping: Player, in a similar way to GlitchDust, is capable of warping and altering his own personal reality, due to an alternate Gaster teaching him, which allows Player to invert the color of reality, or make reality flicker like lights.
Spears: Player can use Undyne's spears, horn small and large, with the small spears being as strong a Undyne in her true hero self, being able to rapidly attack multiple people at once, and can use Undyne's normal-sized spears as rapidly as Sans, as well as being more damaging. He can also use a rope attack to the end of the spear in order to real people into him. He can also use Undyne's Spear of Justice that is used in the True Hero form.
Friendliness Pellets: From Flowey, he can use Friendliness Pellets in order to inflict some low damage to a person, as well as for healing another person.
Vines: Player can also use Flowey's Vines, in order to constrict and hold foes that would have trouble breaking out of them. He also can use this to pierce and rip the limbs of foes, although he rarely does that.
Trident: Basing it off of Sans, he can use the Trident in most of the same ways compared to Sans, such as making more when he pierces the ground, make a fire twister, or charging it to launch it at fast speeds to deal extreme damage.
Arrow Blasts: From Dust Sans, he can use Arrow Blasts that are weaker compared to the rainbow fire, but are faster.
Hallucinations: Player can use Sans' hallucination power in order to disorientate and confuse a person, as well as catch them off guard. But he can only do it with one opponent at a time.
Scythe of Fear: From Sans' Code, he can utilize the Scythe of Fear. He can do it the same way Sans and Betty can do it, such as make slashes and explosions, as well as being stronger then the Trident.
Mettaton's Spotlight: A power that Mettaton can use, unlike Sans. Player can use this to trap opponents inside of a blue laser in order to hold them in place.
J-Magic Ray: Player can summon the Justice Magic Ray, which is a weapon created by the AMD. With it, he can charge up and regulate the firepower using a dial which controls it with a possible Justice Magic that powers it.
Anti-Magic Ray: Another weapon created by the AMD, the Anti-Magic Ray's purpose is to neutralize a monster's magic, which is also extremely painful to the monster. However, this doesn't kill them.
Rave's Firearms: Player was able to copy the firearms that Rave has invented as a part of his arsenal, such as one handgun powered by Perseverance, another powered by Justice, and one powered by both Perseverance and Justice Magic, which Player made a copy for him to use, with the target symbols, unlike the ones that appear on Ronan's glasses, appear on the diamond-shaped scope.
Alphys's Gadgetries: Player can use Alphys Green and Light Blue Gadgets. However, he is able to make other Gadgets, such as a red one that can fire red blasts in 4 directions, an orange one that can simply explode with a circular radius, a yellow one that can float and fire yellow bullets, a dark blue one that can cause a gravity effect that forces opponents down, and a purple one that can prolong a person's life as long as possible.
Soul Mode: Player is able to utilize the Soul Modes of Monsters. He can use Blue Magic to manipulate gravity, Green Magic to force the opponent still, Yellow Mode that makes the opponent fire yellow bullets from their souls, and Purple Magic that can move on Purple Webbing, which is also a part of Player's powers. He can finally use grey magic the same way that GlitchDust Sans can do it.
Healing: A Kindness Soul power, Player can use it to heal other people.
Healing-Machine: Player copied the machine that Rave can use, but he never uses it himself and instead gives it to other people.
Time Manipulation: A rare Patience Soul power, Player can manipulate time to slow everything down, but due to Player's power, he can now manipulate the time of the AU in anyway he desires.
Enhanced Physicality: Player is able to possess enhanced physicality that is great enough to cause extreme trouble for his opponents. Only Dream, Ink, Seraphim, Nightmare, Error, and Fatal_Error can keep up with him and King Multiverse and the Alphatale Brothers are the only ones to effortlessly surpass him.
Contact Explosion: Player can punch or kick an opponent in order to cause explosions that are strong enough to hurt them.
Body Duplication: Player is capable of cloning himself in order to make multiple vessels for him to use. He can either use them as back up bodies, for vessels that he can use when the current body is possibly destroyed.
Body Modification: Player is able to modify his body in anyway he desires, such as by changing his face, color, body structure, etc.
Hacking Codes: Player, due to his power, can utilize code manipulation to hack the AU of his own desires, along with individuals. He can use a command lock to lock their position, amplify the power output of his attacks, or scan and change some of their code on command, just to name a few.
Code Dash: Player can turn himself into a cloud of data and pixels in order to dash and avoid attacks at very quick speed.
GlitchDust Empowerment: When he is present inside of his AU, the magic of everyone inside of the AU are amplified to an immense degree, although not to the extent that they are universal level.
Nightmare Mode: Due to assimilating some of Sans' code, Player is able to utilize the Nightmare Mode of his own, which amplifies his power immensely, as well as giving himself some new abilities of his own. Unfortunately, he cannot spread this to his clones and must be done in the body he is inhabiting. He does, however, have a time limits, and can only stay in this form for a temporary amount of time before turning back to normal.
Determination Soul Shield: Player can spawn red soul-shaped shields from his hands in order to block attacks in quick succession.
Laser Eye: He can shoot an eye laser with enough force and heat to severely damage people.
Heavy Hits: He can hit someone hard enough that their entire body disintegrates, or enough to send them into a very large distance of they don't die.
Instantaneous counter: When an opponent launches either numerous attacks or just a giant one he will just stand still, this is suddenly followed by the opponent somehow being reduced to paste.
MFTL: He has shown he is much faster than light, being able to give even Nightmare trouble keeping up with him.
Extremely High Hp: Player was shown to tank duodecillions of damage in the fight against being of comparable power to him. Maybe even not taking damage at all in the first place.
High Resistance: He was capable of tanking constant hits from beings of comparable power, being able to get back up without a scratch. Only Error and Fatal Error, as well as those above them can truly cause pain to him.
Hyper Blaster: Player can use the Hyper Blaster like Nightmare Dust, which possesses the same appearance, including the additional 7 Hands, but is a red color instead of a purple color.
GlitchDust Sans: The Player's favorite character, Player and Sans get along well due to the fact that Player is the one that began to protect his AU from the outside, mainly because he is getting tired of bringing it back. But he is now shown to permanently protect his AU that he wants to keep safe, and vows to make sure that his AU gets to keep the happy ending that they all deserve. He even seems grateful of the fact that he is able to give him Vivian, who is now his lover, as well as getting ready to gain a family of his own. And in a way, the relationship between GlitchDust Sans and This Player is somewhat similar to the relationshio between Classic Sans and the Original Player.
GlitchDust Papyrus: A version of Papyrus, who had fused with his Dustbelief self when the MainFrame was 'fixed' and the AUs were able to defuse with each other, Papyrus is rather happy to see that Player is making sure that his entire AT is safe.
GlitchDust Gaster: Gaster is shown to be rather relieved that the AU is now under the protection of his hand, and even he admits that he is kind of getting tired of his AT getting destroyed repeatedly by something happening outside. Player agrees with him on that.
Core!Frisk: Player and Core!Frisk are shown to be able to get along very well with one another due to the fact that the Player cares deeply for the AU that he has made, and does whatever he can to keep his AU safe from destruction. He even aids her in some stuff involving the Omega Timeline, and visits her at times when he decides to go into the Omega Timeline.
Purified!Dream and Corrupted!Nightmare. The Guardians of Positivity and Negativity, due to having gained 999 Apples for both sides and now becoming full-fledged Guardians, both are now shown to be existing outside of the Multiverse, now living in the realm of the guardians, alongside the Tree of Feelings that houses the spirit of Nim, their mother. Dream and Nightmare, who is freed from the influence of the Human that controlled him, are shown to be somewhat friendly to Player, and even hang out with him whenever they have the chance doing so, with Player not really minding and returning the friendly demeanor to both of the Guardians.
Righteous!Error (FGoD): The version of Righteous!Error from an alternate Multiverse who became a Polothorn due to being killed and resurrected by the Unnameable, both Righteous!Error and Player get along very well with one another, although Righteous!Error does have a tendency to troll him at times, but nonetheless he gets along with Player, although Player will sometimes even tease to Righteous!Error about his relationship to Yukari, which admittedly can annoy the Polothorn to no end.
Error404!Sans: Player is aware of 404, but despite this doesn't desire to meet him, mainly because he doubts that 404 would be interested in a conversation, and the fact that Error404 may not be that fond of him, due to the fact that he had once interacted with the other Player, and the relationship made him a bit conflicted.
Alpha!Sans: Player doesn't really mind talking to Alpha, since he protects AUs, although Player disapproves of some of his methods. Regardless, the both of them get along very well.
Hollow!Ink: Player doesn't want Hollow!Ink to know of GlitchDust's location so he can possibly feed on it or turn the entire Multiverse into a breeding ground for the TransVoid Beings. So he made sure that the entire Multiverse is inaccessible for him, with the only way he can enter into the multiverse is through other people.
Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami: This more heroic version of Ten no Kami gets along with Player in a way, unlike the original Ten no Kami, who would outright hate him and try to kill him.
Infected: Like with Hollow!Ink in regard to his concern for the GlitchDust Timeline, Player makes sure that Infected does not gain access to the AU that he has made.
VHS!Sans: A version of Sans that is against Players and Hackers, Player does not dare get noticed by VHS!Sans, especially since he is aware of the time that VHS!Sans has fought against the other Player, the one that first made an avatar into the Undertale AU first. He also wonders if there is a VHS!Dust Sans that exists, which Player can imagine is much more dangerous and more vicious compared to the original VHS. Because of this, he does all that he could to make sure that VHS does not takes notice of him and try killing him.
The Equipment that are infused with soul magic are made of the Arnicite, metal that can contain and store magic, such as the gadgets and weapons that Rave had made. All of his magic and gadgets are red in color, with the exception of the Chroma Magic Color and the Soul Magic Color that is shown on the firearms and gadgets.
This Player is the second one to make a body to interact with the AUs and his own personal AT, which is the GlitchDust Timeline, and making it a home here, with the first one making a copy of the original Undertale their home.
This Player is the digital avatar of the one that made the story of GlitchDust.
The Player uses the gadgets as the weapons that have similar functions because he can use some of the unique functions that it can use, such as using the Rifle with the Scope, the J-Magic Ray's power regulation, etc.
Unlike the original Player, who sometimes glitches out and leaves the game without control, this Player does not suffer the same weakness, due to the Animosity and the Refusing power keeping it from happening, and due to possessing extra powers and equipment, this Player is somewhat stronger than the original.
It is unknown if the original Player is well aware of the existence of the one that resides in the GlitchDust AT, nor is it known what he'd think of this Player if he were to have a chance to meet him.
Player currently has made a shield around the entirety of the AU which both protects it and keeps it invisible from even the MainFrame itself, as well as prevents Error and Error404 or any of the Alphatal brothers from finding out it's location. Even Hollow!Ink is unable to sense it.
Like the original Player, he can summon the old items and weapons that are used in the Underground, such as the Toy Knife, the Boxing Gloves, and Pan, etc. but he almost never uses these, preferring the most advanced and more stronger weapons that can be used, only using them when he decides to do it for fun or just for show.
(Note, I'll take a bit of time before I am able to make a proper chapter, and the time of when it happens, even I have no idea about it)
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