Game on

The Multiverse, a type of existence in which Alternate Universes exist alongside one another within the reality they are in. The Reality acts as a continent, there Multiverse acts as a sort of state, and the AUs act as a sort of city, with the Alternate Timeline of the original Universe called Undertale, where all Alternate Timelines and Alternate Universes are connected to and rely on for continued existence, now existing and being protected, which is the Alternate Timeline called GlitchDust. Within the wall of the cliff side of some sort, there is a sort of door that leads to a sort of home to a certain hacker inside of the place. 

Sitting on a comically large bed within a room, is a certain humanoid entity with red hair and eyes, grey skin, and is wearing a black 'skirt' of some sort with red stripes and a black hood with a vertical red line in the center, and is shown to be interacting with screens that manipulate code of sorts.

This is the Player of GlitchDust, who is also the creator of the AU, now having been able to make a body of his own to utilize and preform in. Player has been living inside of the AU for some time, for what must have been over a year, as he is shown to have been observing what is going on inside of the Alternate Timeline that he has made. He looks and sees Mettaton and Papyrus, who has fused with his Dustbelief self, together and engaged, Sans and Vivian from Undertoad also living together with a child now having been born, with Braixen and the Alolan Ninetales from Trainertale present, and Asriel and Chara doing their business as members of the Determino Council in order to keep order uninterrupted.

Over the past year, Player, while in real life, couldn't do much with what he has, due to not being an actual hacker, inside of the AU which has a bunch of code and data, was able to put a piece of his soul in a small way, basing the determination off of Chara's Animosity, and entered inside of the Undertale Multiverse. And when he first entered GlitchDust, he made a barrier that prevents the AU from being sensed or seen by anyone outside, and even Anti-Flowey, with all of his, is unable to sense the AU ever again. So currently, the entire AU is under his protection. Besides, he already has made copies of himself to protect the AU whenever he is gone. The AU may have been hidden, but even he knows that this will not be enough to keep GlitchDust safe. Besides, he was getting tired of having to try and bring it back with his powers.

Player continues looking at the glitched screens that is in front of him, as he then began to switch over to looking at the code of the AU to see if any of the code has been compromised or tampered, and if there is a glitch of some sort. But the code is still okay, and it made Player sigh in relief, as he then made the red code screens disappear into thin air, as he then spoke out.

"Well, so far so good. No problems of a sort, and it is still as fine as it ever has been. The AU is still clean."

Player sighed in relief, as he then began to float in the air, and opened the door out of the bedroom, as he then began to float downstairs. He then landed onto the ground, no longer in the air, as he walked a bit around, before he then sits down on the couch in the living room that he's in. Player sat comfortably, as he looks around the entire room that he is in, as he spoke out.

"Man, can't believe it has been a year since I have been inside the AU that I have made. It's amazing how much time can fly fast...especially as much as it is compared to real life...even though I am still in real life as well as inside this place-okay, now I am starting to make myself confused with what I said."

Player shook his head, as he then looks down at his hand, before he then made a gun gesture, and an Anti-Magic Ray appeared in his hand.

While it looks somewhat the same work it's shape, the color is difference, as it is in varying shares of red, the lighter parts being a lighter shade of red, and the barrel being a darker shade of red. He looks at the gun in his hand, before he made it disappear, as he spoke out

"Getting that in my hand, as well as all of the magical powers and weapons of all of the GlitchDust Denizens is not an easy feat for me to do. Well, at least I have them."

Player looks around the entire place still, before he decides to sigh, and goes to the fridge, where he pulled out a container of vanilla frozen yogurt and he began to eat it from a spoon. The sugary sweet taste of the sweet treat touched his tongue and filled it, as Player smiled a bit at the familiar taste that he has always loved to eat. He always liked Frozen Yogurt when he was a young kid, and even at the current age that he is at, he still never forgot the taste and still loved it. Player continued to eat the Frozen Yogurt for a little bit more, before he then finished it. The entire container is now empty, with only as tiny bit of some of the melted Frozen Yogurt present. Sighing in content, he then made a trash icon appear beside him, before he puts the container onto the trash icon, and when that happened, both the trash icon and the container disappeared, as the container has been deleted. Player then stood up a little bit, before he then spoke out.

"Maybe it is time to pay a visit to some of my favorite people here. After all, it had been a long time since I had seen them. Besides, they are some of my favorite people that I like to hang out with."

Player then teleports outside of his house, as he is now in the open area, before he then began to fly away and began to travel to the city that the main GlitchDust cast resides in. He flies forward as he has the hood over his head, the shadows of the hood covering his eyes, although the eyes  are glowing red, the skirt waving in the wind. As Player continued to fly forward, he sees the city in front of him, a bit more magically and more technologically advanced as it was then ever before.

Player, after a little bit of flying, then stopped in midair, as he then starts to float down to the ground, before he landed softly. He sighed and smiled a bit, as he puts his hands inside of his coat pockets, before he began to walk around inside of the city, a content smile present on his face. As he began to walk around, he then noticed that Sans' magic is now approaching Player's position. Player grinned a bit, as he closed his eyes, before opening them and turning to see Sans having appeared, teleporting to his position, before he spoke out.

"Hey, Sans. It's been a while."

Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, sure is buddy. Say, wanna go to Grillby's?"

Player shrugged his shoulders, but spoke out.


Sans and Player then began to go to Grillby's, with Sans walking and Player simply floating next to him, as his hands in his pocket. Sans looks at Player and spoke out to him.

"Gotta say, really must be enjoyable flying like this. Kinda wish that I was able to fly too in my normal form. Too bad it's only in my Nightmare Mode that I can do that."

Player then looks at Sans and spoke out.

"Well, at least you get to become stronger then ever before while flying. So that's a huge plus for you."

Sans smiled a bit, as he turned his head to the side.

"Well, can't argue with that. Still, would be nice that I'd be able to do it in my normal form."

Player shrugged a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Well, can't get what you always want, dude."

After a couple of minutes walking, both Player and Sans are not in front of Grillby's. The inside is crowded with both humans and monsters, and there is only one seat remaining. But Player decides to fix that a bit, by adding another stool next to the unseated one, as Player and Sans then went to the stools and sat down on it, as Sans spoke out.

"Yo Grillby, mind getting us some fries?"

Grillby nodded his head, as he began to walk to the back, as Sans and Player sat down and waited, with Sans speaking out.

"So Sans. How has it been going with you at your home, especially with the new kid that you have in your hands?"

Sans spoke out, as he puts his hand on his cheek.

"Kinda good in a way, not gonna lie. No so good with having to feed the little dude whenever the kiddo cries whenever he is hungry or is upset at something else. But other than that, it is good. And Papyrus is doing okay as well, having gotten together with Mettaton. Probably the biggest dream my bro has ever gotten. And what about you, Player?"

Player shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Doing good, I guess. Although I am having some troubling stuff in real life, but other than that, it is great. And nothing bad has been happening inside of the AT."

Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, I guess that is good in a way, especially since we still have peace over a year and there is still no unwanted visitors trying to kill my entire home. Seems like the protection that you had made is still working with all of its glory."

Player nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah. By the way, you've been in contact with Rave?"

Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, still doing his job as leader and is still making weapons in order to defend everyone. Too bad his mother left because of how fucked up that old hag is. Stupid pathetic bitch."

Player nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, can't argue with that. She's always been terrible with she is like, especially in her favoritism."

Sans nodded his head, as they looked to see Grillby coming back with a bowl of fries, with all of them having been deep fried. Seems like Grillby's cooking is still as good as ever. As soon as he puts down the bowls, Sans pulls out a bottle of ketchup, and he spoke out.

"Bone appétit."

Player nodded as he took the bottle...and making sure that the top part of the ketchup bottle is screwed tightly, which he made a good check on, as he then pours the ketchup onto the fries, before giving it to Sans, who then does the same thing. The both of them, after a little bit, began to eat one the fries, as Sans spoke out.

"Heh, seems you were able to see the trick from happening."

Player looks at Sans, as he spoke out.

"Well, I made a bunch of mistakes when I was still young in real life, so I always makes sure to check on the item that I holding so that I don't do anything bad to it."

Sans nodded, as he and Player continued to eat them fries together, as Sans then spoke out.

"Well, I don't mean to sound more cautious and doubtful, but how long will your protection last around the AU."

Player looks at Sans, as he spoke out.

"Well, that protection that I made...I think it'll last until the AU ends in its own way, if AUs even have a natural end to their age. I don't know."

Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I see. Well, hopefully that is the case, because I don't want to still be alive to see it."

Player nodded his head, as he then continues to eat his fries, as Sans then spoke out.

"By the way, Player...have you ever checked to see know...the 3 brothers..."

Player looks down a bit, knowing what he is referring to. 404, Alpha, and Infected, having their Conduit Souls being taken by an Unnameable God of sorts, and there is still no sign of them around. Player looks down and spoke out.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. And that is because I never tried accessing the MainFrame before, Sans. Nor have I tried to look everywhere. Because of this, I can never know if they are still alive or not. And maybe it should be best that none of us knows of what happened to them."

Sans looked down and nodded at his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, best we don't think about it. For now, I'm just gonna enjoy the life that I have now. Besides, the last thing that I need is to continue with the terrible stuff that has happened, as well as getting involve with the problems involving the Multiverse again. King Multiverse..."

Player chuckled a bit, as he spoke out.

"I think the King really has become the mask he made himself he as. Although he is still cold, deceptive actor, he is now a genuinely kind king this time. And he seems to have gotten a bit more stronger than before."

Sans nodded with a smile, as it seems that Error404's very own creation has now become a truly kind person.

"Well, that's good I guess. Anyway, I think the next time that we ever have a problem with the Multiverse again...maybe best I stay out of it. The only time I'd ever be involved is if it threatens the existence of my home Universe."

Player nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah. And luckily, you're free from the stress due to the protection I made."

Sans nodded, as he jumped off of the stool, before he spoke out.

"Yo, Grillby, put it on my tab."

Player snickered a bit, knowing that Sans still hasn't paid for the tab he had done yet, as he shook his head with a smile. And seeing that, he teleported away back to his home, inside of the bedroom that he has made. He crossed his arms, before he then decides to go and visit another place, one that is very familiar to him. He then goes to the door, and began to think of his location, before he entered into the door itself. And the door, instead of leading to the living room, lead into a white void of sorts with many AU denizens playing around, as Player floats inside of the Omega Timeline itself. As he did, a voice spoke out.

"Oh, Player. I see you decided to come back."

Player turns around and he looks to see a familiar face inside of the Omega Timeline, and it is none other then the one that owns the Omega Timeline in the first place, Core Frisk.

Player smiled at Core!Frisk, as he then spoke out.

"Hello, Core. It has been a long time. You been doing good, as well as the Omega Timeline?"

Core nodded her head, as she spoke out to him.

"Of course, I have, especially with most of the Alphatale people now living inside of it as their new home, although they do visit the AU that 404 has made, which is empty still, as they are trying to rebuild it. Other than that, it's still good. What about you, Player? Are you doing good on your end?"

Player nodded his head, as he puts his hands in his pocket, before he then spoke to Core.

"Yeah, been busy making sure that the GlitchDust Timeline does not get destroyed. And admittedly, it is kind of a boring job, but I'm more annoyed that it is constantly getting destroyed for no reason."

Core kind of chuckled a little bit, as she then spoke out.

"Yeah, I can kind of imagine how annoying it is in restoring it, especially since you put in so much effort to keep on bringing it back to life whenever a threat passes, first with Team Void, then with the Astral Mother and our Ten No Kami, and finally to Infected when he ate our Ten's head. At least the good version of Ten No Kami from Righteous!Error's time is able to save us and prevent anything bad to happen to it."

Player nodded his head a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Yeah. All of those threats had to stall me into bringing back GlitchDust. At least this time I am able to permanent protect the entire AU this time due to the protective shield I put around it, so it is not seen by any of the outcomes, even Error Sans. So, for once, GlitchDust Sans and his friends can now finally catch the break that they deserve. By the way, how've you been doing with Righteous!Error, especially with Yukari having entered the relationship?"

Core looked a little bit annoyed at what Player said, which is of him mentioning Yukari, but she decides to speak and answer the question that he has.

"Oh, it has been going well in a way, especially with Yukari in the relationship as well. Still, I don't know why Yukari decided to butt in and start crushing on Righteous."

Player shrugged his shoulder a little bit at what Core had said, as he then spoke out.

"Well, Yukari and Righteous!Error's powers are based on eyes in a way, one on the arms and on in the portals that one of them makes, so I guess that is what they like about each other."

Core shrugged her shoulders a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Well, so do I. So I guess that means all 3 of us fit together with one another."

Player nodded, as he spoke out to her.

"Most definitely."

Core nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"That reminds me, Player. I've been able to hear your conversation you had with GlitchDust Sans, about if the 3 Alphatale Brothers are still alive."

This made Player a bit unease of what she said, as she then continued to speak out.

"Too be honest...I can see that 404 is still alive. He has somehow returned inside of the MainFrame, although he is unconscious for the time being. But it won't take long for him to return back soon."

Player sighed, as he shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Honestly, that is not surprising. He'd come back like this, due to his Reincarnation ability. How long do you think it will take for him to wake up, Core!Frisk?"

Core shrugged her shoulder, as she spoke out.

"Honestly, even I have no idea, even with my Omni-Sight, as the MainFrame is beyond even my ability to see. But if I were to guess, I'd say he'd be awake in about 4 weeks and 4 days."

Player nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I seem. Well, at least that gives me a very long break after what happened between 404 and his 2 Brothers. I have no idea how else I can deal with this, if he were to wake up sooner then expected. All I can hope now, is that it lasts as long as you say he's last."

Core nodded, and she turns around to see that Yukari is with Righteous!Error, and is now flirting with him. Needless to say, Core's jealous, as she spoke.

"Well, I better get going for now. It is nice meeting you and speaking to you Player. But now I haven something I need to deal with first."

Player nodded, as Core de-manifested her form, and re-manifested next to Righteous!Error, as she tugged onto his left arm. Yukari smirked a bit and tugged onto his right arm, as the both of them began to do a playful tug-of-war on him, much to Righteous!Error's dismay, even though it doesn't hurt. Player chuckled a little bit at the sight that is before him, as he then spoke out.

"Geez. Never gets old for poor Righteous!Error, huh?"

Player then looks around and he turns to see that the accident children, Gradient, Paperjam, BlueScreen, and Blueprint are playing with Tint, who is having a fun time with the both of them. The only one that is not here is Palette Roller, and that is mainly because of the fact that he is with Purified!Dream and Corrupted!Nightmare, both of whom are in the realm of the guardians, outside of the Multiverse. But it doesn't bother the brothers that much, as Tint continues to play with his half-siblings. Seems like even now, they are having a fun time. And Error himself is also present inside of the Omega Timeline with Ink, and is not doing anything, due to 404 forcing him to be more patient. And Fatal_Error is present as well, speaking to Error Sans.

Player smiled a little bit at the sight, before he then looked around the Omega Timeline, seeing everyone having a lot of fun, as he then began to speak to himself.

"I wonder how long the peace of the Multiverse will last? Well, best enjoy it before it is all gone."

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