Catching up

Player, while still inside of the Omega Timeline, is shown to be floating around a little bit inside of the entire realm, as he looks to see everyone having fun all over the place. He sees Delta punching and fighting against Epic in a sort of training session, he sees Abyss Sans and Cross Sans fighting over chocolate, which is unusually childish for the both of them, he sees Killer Sans and FP Frisk together and having some fun, mainly out of love for one another obviously, and he sees Anti-Error selling Rock Candy, which is a rather odd thing to do, but he is not gonna complain about that. As he kept on moving, he then turned to the spot where the Pokémon from Trainertale resides in, and needless to say, they are having a lot of fun right now, and that is mainly due to the fact that the area they are in is able to suit their home environment. Of course, the Trainertale AU did come back, and that version of Sans and the others also came back to their home AU as well, but the Pokémon, for some odd reason, decided to stay here. Guess they really much enjoy their home this much in the Omega Timeline, or they must be so scared from all the fighting that has happened that they decided to stay inside of the Omega Timeline, making them feel much more safe then ever before.

As he flies around, he then hears what seems to be a sound of laughter of sort, as he then turned around and began to fly to the direction of where it is coming from. He then looks and he sees something that is rather amusing to him in his eyes, and he almost wants to laugh at that as well.

Ten No Kami, the one from Righteous!Error's Multiverse, she is present, and is having fun with some of the denizens of the Omega Timeline, with all of the members with her comprised of children. Guess she became a friend to all children due to what the William of her time is like. And needless to say, Ten No Kami even almost has what seem to be a cat smile of sorts on her face. Not something they you'd normally see in a Polothorn that is as large as her. But it seems William's kindness and empathy made an impact on her that even Player did not expect, making her much more innocent and kind then expected, although like the original Ten, she is cruel and soulless to those that she deeply despises. But other than that, she is much more sweeter than her original counterpart.

Player looks down at the kids having fun, which composes of Frisks, Charas, Asriels, and Monster Kids. And needless to say, they seem to be having a lot of fun being on Ten No Kami, as well as being into her tentacles. And Ten No Kami's gentle nature, along with her resemblance to Core!Frisk, makes her very trustworthy to be with for the children, kind of the opposite with the other Ten No Kami, in which she was cruel and remorseless and had no love or care to anyone but himself.

After Ten No Kami was done playing with the kids and they decided to go elsewhere, Player floats up to her, and Ten No Kami, through a sort of Cosmic Sense of some sort, knew that he was watching, but decided to wait until she is done, as she then looked at him and spoke out.

"These children sure like to have a lot of fun being with me, right?"

Player nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, you are a gentle giant, Ten. So obviously they would like you in such a way. Especially compared to your other self."

Ten No Kami nodded her head with a smile on her face, content a bit, as she spoke out.

"Yes, of course. After all, it is a shame that my other self never learned to truly love other people and never to feel what other mortals feel, like me. Perhaps if she had met William first before anything else, then maybe she would have become the same person like I am."

Player nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, of course, and aside from that, it's honestly surprising that you're deciding to stay here, despite the fact that you can stay in your own home."

Ten No Kami shrugged her shoulders a little bit, as she then spoke out.

"Well, this Multiverse is a bit more peaceful then the one that I live in, especially since Hollow!Ink is here, which is very annoying in my own eyes."

Player shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Well, can't argue with that."

Ten No Kami nodded, as she spoke out.

"So, how is it going in your life, Player? Especially in the real reality?"

Player sighed, as he spoke out.

"Oh, same old same old. Nothing very important. And please don't say what is happening with me out loud, it'll be kinda ridiculous for others."

Ten No Kami giggled a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Oh, don't worry. I don't plan on saying it very loud anyway. I prefer respecting a person's privacy."

Player sighed happily and in a relived tone in a way, as he then spoke out.

"Well, I guess that is a sort of relief in a way. The last thing that I need is for you to say it out loud for anyone and everyone inside of the Omega Timeline to hear my life."

Ten No Kami smiled a little bit, as another thought came into mind.

"That being said...I never thought that you'd decide to take the other Player's footsteps to implement yourself into this existence. And compared to him, you're much stronger due to what you have that the other lacks. Namely the magic and powers and weapons that the Alternate Timeline you made has that the other doesn't have."

Player nodded, as he then made a weapon summoned in his hand.

Player has conjured a J-Magic Ray, with most of the gun being red except for the yellow parts. He looks down at it, as he then spoke out.

"Well, being from an Alternate Timeline, especially one fused with a second timeline, could do that to me, especially in making this happen. Doubly so since I made the Dusttale Timeline fuse with the Glitchtale. So in a way, it made the fused AT stronger then both of the components."

Ten No Kami nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"That being said, I find it very impressive you can do the same thing that the first Player can do, especially since you're no hacker. It clearly surprised me in a way I never thought possible."

Player shrugged his shoulders, as he then spoke out.

"Well, can't argue with that. Even I never thought that I am able to do that when I was preparing myself in it. I didn't even know that it would work. Kinda thought that it was gonna do nothing. So, it's kinda surprise on me that it would work like a charm just like that."

Ten No Kami nodded, before ashes looks down and sees Righteous!Error being caught by Core and Yukari, as the both of them continue with the Tug-Of-War. Ten No Kami sort of chuckled under her breath, as Player pinched his nose at the sight, finding this to be somewhat laughable and ridiculous that Righteous!Error, despite his power cannot seem to manage the will to get them off of him. Player looks at him, as he spoke out.

"Seems that after all of that, with all the fighting that he can do and all the Cosmic Essence that allows him to accomplish anything, the one thing that he cannot accomplish is to get them to stop and get along with him."

Ten No Kami smirked a bit, as she spoke out in response to Player's funny response. 

"Of course, powerful against the ones that are attacking the Multiverse and causing mass devastation to everything, and yet despite all of that, the one thing that he is powerless against is females that love him."

Player chuckled a bit, as he shook his head. Clearly this is very funny for him to see happening.

"Oh, poor Righteous!Error."

Clearly, Righteous!Error is not amused, as he knows that people are making fun of him for it, as a sweat drop appear on his skull, clearly embarrassed with what is happening to him and being seen as laughingstock for the scene that he is making. Player shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Anyway, I think it is best that I should go somewhere."

He made the J-Magic Ray disappear, as he then spoke out.

"After all, I need to make sure that the AT that I have made is safe and is not compromised in any way."

Ten nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"But of course. After all, you do care for it a lot, unlike most other creators and Players."

Player nodded, as he waved goodbye and Ten did the same, as Player teleported back to his creation, and luckily, it is still a fine as ever, as he then spoke out at this.

"Good, it's still okay and no one has attacked yet."

Player sighed in relief, as he floats down to the ground, and as he did, a portal opened up below him. This surprised Player, but he smiled, as he realized what the portal belonged to.

"Oh, of course. Time to meet the 2 Guardian Brothers again. Well, been a rather long time since I had spoken to them."

Player then float down through the portal and began to look and see that he is in a world of some sort, with one side being beautiful and lush, while the other side being beaten and resembling rather some sort of wasteland. But what is noticeable is the tree in between the 2 parts, at the center of the line that separates the 2 sides of the world. The tree is filled with Golden and Black Apples, one facing the heavenly side, and the other facing the hellish side.

It is none other then the Tree of Feelings, which is the tree that is responsible for the existence of emotions in the first place, and there is only 2 individuals that have been known to guard such a tree in the first place. As Player landed down, a voice spoke out.

"Player, it has been a long time since we've seen you."

Player smiled a little bit, as he turned around and looked to see the 2 figures that are in front of the tree, the ones that have been guarding it for such a very long time. He looks at the 2 figures before him.

(This design belongs to the Staffverse. I don't own this)

Standing before him are 2 brothers that he is familiar with, with one possessing 2 wings on his back and possessing positivity, while the other possesses 2 tentacles in his back and wielding negativity. It is none other than Dream and Nightmare, the Guardian of Positivity and the Guardian of Negativity, with the tree itself housing the now resurrected spirit of the one that made them, Nim. Player smiled at the both of them, as he spoke out to them.

"Dream, Nightmare. It's been a year since we had last seen each other."

Both Dream and Nightmare nodded their heads, as Dream then spoke out.

"Likewise, Player."

Player nodded, as Nightmare spoke out.

"And I see that you are still doing what you do best, protecting the AU that you have made, the same duty that befalls to us when it involves the Tree and our mother."

Player nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, outside the Multiverse, though only because it is wear you Guardians belong."

Dream nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Of course it is where we belong."

Nightmare then spoke out.

"Especially after Dream chewed out the occupants for this act after finally gaining the nerve to finally get mad at them and be disappointed, causing us to leave."

Dream nodded, although he did not have a happy expression on his face, despite how necessary he had to do it after what the denizens had done.


Dream is shown to be looking down at the denizens of this AU that Nim inhabited, and he has an expression of anger present, as he spoke out.

"Too long have I allowed you do continuously hurt my brother, after all of my years of being gullible and believing that you were friendly and cared for me, when in reality, you never did. You took advantage of me, used me to get the apples for tour selfishness, and you always abused and tormented Nightmare for no reason, even though he has done nothing wrong to you. I cannot believe that you would do this. And then, when he did something that was accidental, you could have let me fix this problem so that it could have been avoided. But you instead forced him to become the very monster you accused him of being, and allowed him to be controlled so that he can hurt innocent lives beyond this world. And you think that I am going to allow you to hurt him again, especially since it is by all of your hands that this happened? Tch, every single one of you did nothing more than disappoint me."

The denizens of Dreamtale were hit with this in the face, but it is not because they truly regret it, at least with most of them. It is mainly because they realize what is about to happen next. Dream and Nightmare put their hands onto the new resurrected tree, as Dream spoke out.

"I am done with this world. All of you had manipulated my trust and kindness for this proven to happen. That is unacceptable for as far as I can tell. For the rest of your will be forever denied to make contact with us again, and you will forever be forbidden to take a single fruit from this tree."

Then, one of the denizens spoke out.

"No, please Dream!! Give us one last chance!! We promise, we'll become good again!! We won't hurt your brother anymore!!"

But Dream spoke out.

"I don't believe your lies. You don't even feel remorseful at all. All of you...are never remorseful..."

He then looked at the one called Neil,

a green cat monster, as he telepathically spoke out.

"Except for you."

He then held his hand out, as Neil began to glow, with Dream speaking out.

"Goodbye, forever. For us Guardians now want nothing to do with you and this whole world anymore."

Neil was teleported elsewhere, as Dream and Nightmare also began to teleport, with the other denizens speaking out.

"Wait, please don't go!!"

"We'll stop hurting him, we swear!!"

"Please, anything but removing the tree!!"

Dream, however, narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"All of you have are no longer worthy of touching the well as unworthy, of my kindness."

The denizens, crying in fear of the tree going, tried to stop them and beg for them, but it was too late, for anyone could touch them, they teleported elsewhere, far beyond the location of the tree and the guardian, as the denizens cried in despair as losing the tree and the fruit that they will never regain access to for the rest of the lives.

Flashback ends...

Dream sighed in a tired manner at remembering this, as he shook his head. Nightmare then spoke out.

"Well, not what I am proud of, but it was necessary."

Nightmare nodded his head.

"Yeah, although probably would have been better, and not to mention the fact that the stupid Guardian, Lanny, had to blame you for something that you had no fault over, when it is really the denizen's fault for pushing this to happen."

Dream smiled a bit, as he spoke out.

"Of course, as well as the fact that you had hit and slapped her with a tentacle and chewed her out on this as well."


Dream and Nightmare, touching the tree, had teleported into an empty world of some sort, the same one that they are in currently. It seems to have been Nim's former home, as Dream and Nightmare looked around, and Neil looked, as he spoke out.

"Wow, I cannot believe that this is you, Dream. What happened to you?"

Dream smiled at Neil, as he then spoke out.

"I gained the number of apples that my brother had...and I was able to free him from the one that controlled him on the first place. So now, he is...mentally back to his normal self."

Neil smiled wide and nodded, as Nightmare spoke out.

"Yeah, shame that I'm still a goopy mess. But...better than nothing, I guess."

Dream nodded, although of course he do not tell Neil that he is actually a Dream from an alternate multiverse, as he has no idea how he could handle such info. And suddenly, another figure came out of complete nowhere, as Nightmare and Dream looked to see who it is, and it is somewhere that the both of them are familiar with, even Nightmare, since he has heard of her before and knows what she had done with his brother.

It was none other then Lanny, the Guardian of Magic. She floats to the brothers, as she looked surprised.

"Dream, what is this, why are you looking like this? Why is your brother with you?"

Dream smiled, as he spoke out.

" said that you told me to kill my brother for the fact that he has become too dangerous to be around, right? Well...I manage to find a solution. I freed him from what has controlled him in the first place, by gaining the same strength he has. So now...he is back to normal."

Based on what Lanny responded to him in...Lanny clearly does not know of the fact that he is an alternate Dream, and does not know of Shattered!Dream as well. Basically, she thinks he is the Dream that she knows of. Lanny was stunned, as she looks at Nightmare, as she spoke out.

"No way. That cannot be right."

She goes out to Nightmare and snarled at him.

"You cannot be the same person you were before. Aren't you still the same corrupted bastard that killed Nim?"

Nightmare narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"No, it's definitely me again, having been changed back to who I once was. And also..."

Then, a tentacle slapped her in the face and made her land on the ground, shocking her greatly, as Nightmare spoke out.

"That was for blaming my brother, you fool! How dare you accuse him of the acts that he had not done by his own hands!"

This made Lanny rose up, and spoke out.

"What do you mean by that? He was responsible for all of this happening!! For the corruption, for Nim's death, for the tree being destoryed and killed! For-"

But Nigntmare went into her face fast, and his negativity flared at full force, making her scared, as Nightmare, now speaking in a much more restrained and calmer way, spoke out.

"You do not get it. Was it by Dream's hand that I became this way, that I had killed mother before in the past, that I was controlled to corrupt the Multiverse that we inhabited? No, it was by the hands of the mortals that pushed me to be this way, to force this onto me even though I never wanted this, and for giving that other human a chance to corrupt me and make me who I am. And let's not forget that you are also responsible for letting this happen. You could have watched over along with us to make sure that Nim is okay, to prevent me from becoming the way I am and making me a threat, you could have done anything. Instead, you wasted it all on your pathetic duty, acting like a child, and allowed this to happen all because of your negligence and laziness. In other words, you are just as much to blame for what happened to mother Nim, as the mortals had done, as well as responsible for becoming the way I am. If you truly did care about mother, you would have cared of preventing me from becoming the way I am, now wouldn't you?"

This made Lanny stunned...and for is now her turn to feel the same sort of blame as Nightmare had, and hearing what he said, and the accusations he believed her to have, a tear went down from Lanny's cheek, at how hurtful he sounded.

Flashback ended...

Nightmare shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"As far as I am concerned, that idiot deserved it, for blaming him. Haven't seen her since then, but I can guess that she is back at her realm, thinking about what went wrong."

Dream nodded, clearly not happy with what Nightmare said, but it is clear that Nightmare is done being the victim and the accused, and for once, puts Lanny in her place for this. Now, having became true guardians and attaining their full power, they are now enjoy in a much more peaceful life, and their auras are no longer weakening one another. In fact, they can now no longer hurt each other whenever they make contact with one another. Player shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, too bad for her, I guess. That reminds me, how's Palette Roller doing?"

Dream smiled a bit, as he spoke out.

"Oh, he's been doing alright. I've been teaching him all I can, hopefully to protect the tree while I am gone. And the thing is...Nightmare has also made an accidental spawn of sorts during a battle he had with Error."

Player was surprised, but then looked and turned around to Palette Roller, and he seems to be having a good time at the moment,

and right now, he's not alone, as he is shown to be having fun with someone.

It was Sans that has glitchy feet, lacking legs, a black coat, a grey skull with a crown of some sort, and 2 shadowy, slimy arms on his back, and sends to be olde then Palette, as Nightmare spoke out.

"This right there is Radier. And he'll be doing the same thing with Palette, which I am trying to teach him in. He's been kept a secret for a while during the time the AU's fused together with one another, and younger then Palette by one year, and I'm trying to correct him in this and fix him up, due to what the human possessing me had done.

This made Player stunned, but he smiled. Seems Nightmare now has a child to protect and raise, just like Dream is doing. Player smiled, wondering what else existence had in store for him. After all, how Dream and Nightmare have a kid of their own, each having been born from a creator and a destroyer of AUs, making the children a bit more powerful than before. Player smiled, as he spoke out.

"Now this is getting more and more interested, huh?"

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