Chapter 9: Mr. Jenks
Dax's POV
(Dax's Outfit ^^^)
I have to admit, this is the first time I ever gone rouge with my family. But, of course, with Mother, you can't. Just before we left Forks, before we ran into Sam, Mother and Father caught us that day...
That night
Alice pulls me away to talk to me in private, away from the family so far deep in the woods. It was an uneasy feeling, at first, but this was for the best. For our family. Before we could reach the borderline between Forks and La Push, Mother and Father were waiting for us. Alice skids to a stop with me and looks up at me, nervously. But, I took her hand in comfort and walked with her towards them.
"Mother, Father, we have our reasons." I said calmly, knowing that they knew about our plan.
"Still, you should have spoken to us, first." Mother scorns, and looks towards Alice. She moves to stand in front of her and places her palm against Alice's forehead. Searching through her memories.
With a soft sigh, Alice closes her eyes and feels mother roaming through her mind. Watching the same vision she has seen since that night. The vision she shared with me. The fall of the Cullens and the Wolves. And the Volturi....and my sisters.
Mother and Alice opened their eyes and Mother gives Alice a gentle look while stroking her cheek.
"Find the witnesses you need to change the vision." Mother looks over to me, "Go to Brazil and locate Thomas. He knows the tribes better than anyone in the family."
I nod to Mother and Father, taking Alice's hand and together we went off to find Sam.
After we found him and explained that we needed to cross the borders, Sam was decent enough to give us permission. The treaty still held strong, but we showed the wolves that they could trust us. We managed to get on a plane to head down to South America. From the plane, Alice made a phone call.
"Mr. Jenks, this is Alice Cullen.....Yes, it's nice to hear from you as well. The reason I'm calling is that I need a request.....The usual, yes, but this time, it will be an adult male and three children."
I frown at the conversation she was having.
"Yes, three children....No, it won't be Jasper. The name of the male is Jacob Black."
My heart grew heavy for my sisters and brother. The Cullens. The Packs. If we can't change the past...they'll all die.
"Yes, change the last names, but leave the first name." I watch Alice grin a little, "Change his last name to Wolfe. W-O-L-F-E. Wolfe."
I stiffed my laugh, Jake would love that.
"The first child is Renesmee, R-E-N-E-S-M-E-E. Renesmee. You can give her the last name Wolfe as well. But, the next two children, Jaspen. J-A-S-P-E-N and Kaiden. K-A-I-D-E-N. They shall have the same last names." Alice sighs sadly. "Whitlock."
I look at her in surprise. Giving them Jaspers old surname. They should have something, at least, to remember their parents.
"Yes....right away. Thank you so much. Don't worry, you'll be expecting a phone call soon. Thank you again, Mr. Jenkins. Good-bye."
A week has passed and we, still, could not find Thomas. Thomas, I barely knew, but I only know one thing. He is a water Elemental. And his guardian was the Anaconda. The largest snake in the world. Which made him more powerful than Dorian. Alice and I searched most of the small towns and cities in Brazil, a few villages in deep of the rainforests as well. But, no clue.
Till we heard a single rumor...
"Do you think he will listen to us?" Alice asks nervously as we walked to the place where we heard Thomas was hanging out at.
"He's family, he has no choice, but to listen." I say.
We stopped in front of the location. A local bar. It seems that Thomas has been hiding since the alert of the Volturi hunting for other vampires and Elementals, anyone who was joining the family against them. We all had our own run in with them, and I know many do not want that to happen again. I sigh softly and take Alice's hand for protection. Not just for her, but for the humans in the bar.
Together, we walked in and was welcomes by the overwhelming scent of alcohol, cigarette smoke, lust, anger, and....mac and cheese....a lot of damned souls. I look down at Alice, seeing the struggle in her eyes. She needed to feed soon, but for now, I protected her from the humans' blood. We walked up to the bar and the bartender, who was a big, scarred, grungy looking guy.
"What will it be?" He asks, gruffly, in his native tongue.
"We're looking for someone. A man named Thomas Rivers." Alice replies in Portuguese.
Suddenly, it got really quiet around the bar area. I eyed the people around us as they glared as us.
"No Thomas here. Beat it, we're closed." The bartender snarls at us.
I look around, seeing that no one was moving, but waiting for us to move. I move to stand near Alice in protection.
"We don't want any trouble." I warned them. "We're family with Thomas."
Bartender sneers in my face, "No Thomas, got that, puta?"
I scoff and turn to the crowd, "Thomas, get your ass out here right now, before you have to clean up the mess!" I shout in the dead language.
Soon, even the music stops and the whole crowd stops and turns to us. And I could see soft footsteps walking out from the shadows.
There he was, Thomas Rivers.
Red fire hair that touched his shoulders, green eyes like a swamp. And a cold stare that could freeze hell.
He sighs softly and smirks, "Hello, brother."
Soon, after Thomas called his minions downs, we all sat down at his favorite table while he smoked a cigar. We told our story and what Alice saw. I caught his eyes lighting up at the part when I mentioned the twins' birth.
Thomas blows out a trail of smoke slowly and holds his hand out for mine. I place it in his hands and feel him roaming in my memories. He slowly grins wickedly.
"Aro..." A soft growl escapes his lips. "How long I have waited for him. The children are so beautiful. Including the Halfling, Renesmee." He lets go of my hand and hisses softly. "In order to change the vision, you must show proof to Aro that the child is no danger for their existence. But..." He stops and leans close to me. "The vision won't change because of that alone. Aro wants something in return. Or should I say...some-woman." He slowly turns to Alice with a wicked grin that had her looking at him in discomfort.
I growl lowly at him, "No."
Thomas smirks and leans back, taking another puff from his cigar, "Then, the vision remains. Proof won't mean anything to Aro and the Volturi till they get what they want. And...since you warned them to gather witnesses to go before the Volturi, but 'witnesses' meant those who would fight them. And I know that the Elementals are joining as well. I wonder how many."
"You know as well as I do, Mother and Father will do everything to protect us and the others. But, in order for them to listen to us at least, we need to find someone, some proof that the children are not a threat." I sigh softly and take Alice's hand for support, "Thomas, you are family. And you know our creed. You can't break that. I know what Aro did to you. Tells us anything...and join our fight."
Thomas sighs as he thinks of the bitter past, he leans forward and stabs his cigar in the ashtray before looking at us with a hard glare.
"There's a tribe, way out in the rainforest south of here. I heard rumors of 'human drinking' child about 150 years ago. But, here's the weird part. The child didn't stay as a child. In fact, the child grew into a man." He says.
A waitress brings us some drinks, interrupting his tale.
"What tribe?" Alice asks.
"The Ticuna tribes. I can guide you guys there. But, convincing them for answers...that'll be a bitch." Thomas throws back his head to down his drink and winces at the bitter taste.
"Will you still join us?" Alice asks.
Thomas sighs and downs a drink again, "I would never go against Mother and Father's wishes, but as time goes by, fighting and surviving does get old." He smacks his lips, "Does it ever tire you, brother? Dodging death day after day, hiding year after year? We can't even co-exist with humans because of our Mother's rules! I can't have what I had when I was alive. Now, I'm a fucking solider to the Mother of All!" Thomas shouts and throws the whiskey bottle across the room, startling several people.
I couldn't say anything to him, neither could Alice. No word of comfort. But, I know what he means and I know how he feels.
"Brother." I say and hold up my hand again. Thomas frowns and sits down. "See my past, brother."
Thomas sighs and takes my hand again, this time I show him my death. My son.
All I saw was darkness. I couldn't breath. I felt heavy chains weighing me down. I woke up, in water. I could see my son floating as the chains held him against the ocean floor. Seeing my son lifeless, I couldn't help but scream and struggle. I had to free us. Maybe he was still alive. I couldn't break the chains, no matter how hard I pulled and yanked. I screamed and screamed watching large bubbles escape my mouth. I begged to anyone to help us. Finally, with a large yank, the chains snap and I push myself up through the water, taking my son with me.
As I reached the top, I took in a big gasp of air, shouting in pain. I could feel noting, but white hot pain all over my body. I spluttered as the waves started to move and shove me around. I struggled to make it back to the docks. It took me what felt like hours to finally reach the ladder. I threw Remy over my shoulder and carried him all the way up to the top.
But, as I laid him down, I could see the gunshot wound in his chest. All the air left my body. The pain increased, mainly in my heart as I look down at my lifeless child. I sob as I reach for him and pull him into my arms. Holding him like I always did when he was sick, scared. I stroke his weight hair and cried harder, wishing for one little breath from his lips. Hear him say, 'Daddy'. Anything for a sign of life.
How could anyone do this?!
I look up at the heavens and screamed in pain and anger, sobbing out all my emotions.
I held on to him for as long as I could remember, till Mother and Father came for me.
Thomas gasps as he snaps out of the past and looks over at me in shock. He slowly lets go of my hand and sighs softly as he thinks about what he should do.
Slowly, he looks up at us and grins, "We leave at dawn."
Katherine's POV
(Katherine's Outfit for the day)
The next day, Bella and I were on our way to drop Renesmee and the twins at Charlie's house and, of course, Jake didn't want to leave his imprint alone. So, he tagged along.
"I'm surprised you took a break from Jedi training." Jacob teases as he sits in the front passengers seat. I sat in the back with the children.
Bella scoffs a laugh, "If I don't take Renesmee to my dad, he'll come to us. 27 vampires, one human. Not so great." Bella says as she gives him the same excuse to Edward.
"Same with Jazzy and Kaiden. They love their grandfather too much to risk it." I say.
Jake rolls his eyes at us, "I know that's what you told Edward." When he saw that we weren't going to tell the truth, he backs off and shrugs it off, "Whatever. I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking bloodsuckers."
I smacked the back of his head and he winces, "Ouch. I'm sorry. I know. They're the good guys. But come on, Dracula One and Two are..." He gives us a disbelieved silly look, "Creepy."
We couldn't help, but laugh. That was true.
"And, what was his name...Victor?" Jake asks.
"What about him?"
"I don't know, he seemed...intense. The way he smiles. How can you not be creeped out by that?"
I laugh, "Vick had it rough for centuries, but from time to time, he loves creeping people out with that smile."
Soon, we arrived at Charlies. Renesmee jumps out the car with her cousins and rushes to jump into Charlie's arms with a big smile. Charlie laughs and picks her jump, twirling her into the air.
"There she is. Come here. Oh! Wow!" He exclaims as he puts her down. He turns to the twins and picks them both up in each arm, hugging them tight. "I missed you." He kisses their cheeks.
Jaspen giggles, "We missed you, too, Pop-pop."
Charlie grunts as he places them down and looks at the three of them, "Look at you guys. You've grown half a foot!" He frowns and turns to Sue, "Seriously. Like 6 inches."
Sue chuckles and gestures them all inside, "Come on inside. Lunch is on the table."
Charlie drops the subject and rubs his hands together, I could hear his stomach growling from where I stood. Jake walks next to Renesmee, but Bella and I stayed by the car.
"We got a tree to decorate, huh?" Charlie says, getting the children excited. This will be their first Christmas together. And god help us, let it not be the last.
"Actually, we got a few errands to run, guys. We'll be back soon, okay?" Bella says.
Charlie nods and led everyone else inside, "Come on. Let's go."
I sigh softly as Bella and I get back into the car, but I took Jake's place in the front and, together, we headed for Seattle.
"Why exactly are we going to Seattle?" I ask.
Bella sighs, "Remember the note Dax and Alice left? It came from a book on the shelf in my house. Something told me to look for the book. I found another part of her letter, something only I had to find. But, I'm telling you because I trust you and Edward can't read your mind, too. She said to find a man named J. Jenks. I found only one who was named J. Jenks and his office is in Seattle, but he wants to meet us at a restaurant. I don't know who he is or why Alice wanted us to find him, but maybe she has a plan and Jenks is the key."
Wasn't long till we reached Seattle and we walked through the cold, lit streets that were covered with Christmas themes and lights.
We walked into the place where Bella said Jenks was waiting for us.
"Hi, we're meeting Mr. Jenks." Bella told the host.
"Right this way." The host guides us to his table.
The host led us to a private curtained area. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by an African-American gentleman in a three-piece suit and glasses. He gets up to his feet after sipping on his coffee and greets us with a smile and a handshake.
"Mrs. Cullen. Mrs. Hale."
"Nice to meet you."
We greeted him and he helped us to our seats.
"I'm so happy you called. I always meet my private clients here. It's more comfortable than the office." He explains and gives us a friendly smile.
"And it's more public." Bella points out.
"Ah." Jenks chuckles and sips his coffee again.
"What type of work do you do, J.?" I ask.
"Oh, you know, this and that. It's always different, which keeps it interesting." He says, professionally dodging his answers.
"Have you known Alice long?" Bella asks.
Jenks sighs, "I've been working with her and Jasper for more than 20 years." He says.
"Wait, Jasper? My husband?" I ask.
He nods, "And my late partner knew Jasper 15 years before that. He is, uh,unusually well-preserved."
I couldn't help, but frown, Jasper never told me about this guy.
Bella clears her throat nervously, "Yes, he is."
"I trust that Ms. Alice is enjoying her vacation with her fiancée."
Bella looks at me with a frown, then we both look at him curiously.
"She didn't tell you where they were going, did she?" Bella asks.
Jenks shakes his head, "No, no, no, she just mentioned that she was leaving when she called and came by to place her order."
"I assume that her order is ready?" I ask.
"Of course. I've never been late with a delivery." Jenks smirks and hands Bella a large brown envelope.
I watch Bella open it and empty its contents. It was birth certificates and passports. Four different kinds. One for Jake and three for the children. Bella gasps softly in shock. She looked like she wanted to cry. I held her hand in comfort, or tried to. We both knew what Alice was telling us now. Hell, I wanted to cry, too.
Jenks frowns at our reactions, "There a problem?"
"No. My husband and I thought that we'd all be traveling together." Bella shakes her head.
"Alice said only four were traveling. Her instructions were very clear."
Bella shakes her head as she struggles to hold in her emotions, "It's my mistake. Apparently, that's not going to happen." Bella says as she tucks everything back into the envelope.
On the way home, the car ride was full of silence. What could be said. What could help either of us?
"Mother and Father won't let it happen." It was the only thing I could say. But, I could see doubt in her eyes as she grips the wheel tightly.
We picked up the kids and put on our brave faces, but I could see the twins looking at us with curiosity. I knew they were looking into my memories. They couldn't help it, I couldn't be mad at them. I watched our children greet everyone with big smiles. Edward smiles big at his daughter and picks her up as she rushes to his arms.
"How ya doin'?"
Bella watches them with sadness, I knew she was thinking that she didn't want to lose Edward nor Nessie. But, if the vision comes true, she decided to prepare for the worst.
I sigh as I watch her head to Nessie's room, but I couldn't move. I didn't want to prepare for the worst, I rather fight it.
Jasper walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. I looked into his golden eyes and he could see my disappointment and despair. But, he knew better not to ask. He just simply holds me. us.
(Sorry for the long wait, I just couldn't find the inspiration to write again. I'm still going to finish this book. I'm thinking about writing a new book about Hemlock Grove. I never got to see that show, but I'm such a huge fan of Bill Skarsgård. *wiggles brows* I'm gonna order the first season ASAP and do some research before I start my book. Gotta learn all about his character, Roman Godfrey, and his friends. Gotta learn the plot and everything. Change a few things and I'm gonna add a movie to it. Chronicle. Don't worry, I'm gonna work on my other book, Rise of Seth McCall, but I need you guys to help me out. I need ideas. Don't be shy. What do you think I should do? Any idea can help me think. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think. Will update as soon as I can.)
Lots of Love
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