Chapter 7: We'll Join You

(Katherine's Outfit for the day except purse)

(Oriel's Outfit for the day)

(Cin's Outfit for the day)

Katherine's POV

After the covens and the Elementals properly met the children, we basically spent most of the days getting to know each other better. I met Peter and Charlotte before, it was nice to see them again. Kaden and Jaspen were playing inside with Renesmee while the vampires and Elementals were outside showing off their powers to each other. We, elementals, have unlimited power, but each of us had a special talent that was different from all. Like how Dax explained to Alice about Tobias' power, every single one here around us carry a power that is similar to how they died or how they lived. Like Alyssa, her voice is a talent. Like a siren's call, she can lure people towards her. Keep them in a trance till she could deliver a fatal blow or feed on them.

Sky can take away the oxygen in any environment. Enclosed or free. It can be a group of people, or just one person.

Asim and Hadeon were brothers by power. They both could conjure weapons made of fire from their own hands. But, each were different. Asim could conjure flamed daggers, while Hadeon could conjure war swords.

David and Adrian were different from Asim and Hadeon. They were brothers of the power, but they didn't share it. David is too much in tuned with his wolf, it's almost like he was a wolf. His ferocious nature made him more strong than any elemental. Adrian could conjure the very essence of the coyote inside him and use it against his enemies.

I didn't know much about Simon, he kind of kept to himself, but I know he was a water child and his sacred animal was the shark, one of the oldest of the Elemental Guardians. Like him, his reputation as a mindless killer spread like a wildfire across the globe, but he was more than that. He had a heart and a mind. He only protected when he had to. I guess he joined us to prove to us that to the elementals.

I looked over and saw Edward and Bella with Zafrina and Senna. I walk over to them and see that Zafrina was extremely focused on Edward and Bella. I watch Edward, suddenly, look around in amazement. As if he was seeing something new yet familiar. I remember that Senna said that her sister carried the power over the mind, like she could make anyone see what she wanted them to.

"If she weren't holding my hand right now, I could swear this was real." Edward chuckles in wonder.

But, Bella frowns at him and shakes her head as she looks around with him, "I don't see anything."

Zafrina frowns at this and it looks like she was concentrating harder, but it didn't look like it was working.

Soon, Eleazar walks over to us and looks at Bella in wonder, "Edward, you didn't tell me your wife is a shield." He tuts at Edward.

Edward gasps softly as he looks at Bella in realization.

Bella looks at them both in confusion, "What's a shield?"

"The ones I've met are so different. It's a defensive talent. It's why I couldn't read your mind, even before. It's why Aro couldn't." Edward says as he finally discovers the reason why he could never read Bella's mind. I remember how disappointed he was when Bella woke up, he tried to read her mind, but even as a vampire/elemental, he couldn't.

"You have a very powerful gift." Eleazar says.

Cin snorts as he walks over to us with Tobias, "You have no idea, buddy. Bella is one of the first Elemental hybrids. Who know what else she has up her sleeves."

Bella looks at us with hope in her eyes and happiness, knowing that she carried a power. Suddenly, Kate grabs her hand. I could see and hear the electricity running over her skin and over Bella's.

Kate smirks, "Oh, yeah, she's a shield, all right. Shoulda put her on her ass." She lets go of Bella's hand and laughs softly.

Garrett walks over to us with a smirk, "Or your voltage has been exaggerated."

Kate smirks at the challenge and holds up her hand, beckoning him to touch her, "Maybe it only works on the weak."

Garrett scoffs and reaches out to touch her palm, but Carlisle tries to stop him.

"Garrett, I wouldn't." He warns, but Garrett didn't seem like the type to turn down a dare. He used a finger and presses it against her palm, then shouts in pain as his body stiffens as electricity shoots through his body and sends him to his knees.

Everyone laughs at him, but Garrett seemed more smitten with Kate as he looks up her with a charming grin.

"You are an amazing woman."

Kate smiles in adoration and if she was human, she would be blushing.


Oriel's POV

While everyone was showing off with the Cullens and Elementals, I was with Seth and Jacob as they welcomed the new members of the Black Pack. I have to admit, Jake gives himself less credit than he deserves. He's a great Alpha to the newbies. As I held on to my love's hand as we walk through the forest with the pack, Jake basically tries to break down the rules for the pack about transforming and keeping their tempers handled.

"Now, you guys can do some serious damage. Which is why you'll need to control your phasing. If your mom pisses you off,you don't want to tear her head off..."

Jake's voice drowns off as I stop and snap my head towards the warning bells in the forest. My cats were crying out in fear. Jake frowns, but he turns to look into the forest as he could hear the thundering of footsteps running through the woods. Two separate footsteps. And they were heading towards the Cullens.

"Whoever's coming wasn't invited." Jake says and takes off, phasing into the air as he leads his pack to fight the intruders. I growl loudly, alerting my family as I take off into the air as I chase after the vampires with Jake.

The vampires ran as they werewolves chased after them, Jake in the lead as he catches up to them. One vampire was deathly pale with white blonde hair and the other had brown hair with Romanian features. I raced with Jake to catch up with the vampires, but before I could lay my jaws on them, they jump into the air and swing in the trees like monkeys. Laughing and taunting us. Jake kept his eyes on them, without realizing his pack was tumbling towards him and, soon, they all crash into each other. I moved out of the way as they rolled like a fur ball and crashed into a bush.

"Whoopa!" One shouts and laughs.

Soon, they both land on the boulders, beckoning Jake and the pack to attack. Jake shakes out of his daze and growls lowly at the vampires, ready to attack.

I jump on one boulder and growl at them.

"Never seen a cat with such bravery. Here, kitty, kitty." the blonde says in a heavy Romanian accent and makes kissing noises.

I growl and sharpen my claws on the rocks, making bright sparks at every strike. That, at least, surprised them. Wait till they really get a surprise. I was just about to teach them a lesson, but Carlisle had to ruin it.

"Oriel, don't. They're friends." He says as he holds up a hand to stop me.

I growl lowly and scoff as I jumped from the boulder and land next to Seth. Seth rubs against my fur and I couldn't help but purr. He always knew how to make me feel better.

" Vladimir, Stefan, you're a long way from home." Carlisle says to the vampires.

"Since when did you ever socialize with the wolves, Carlisle. Especially one who likes different species." The one called Stefan says with disgust.

I snarl and transform back into my human, "Oh, why not come down here and I'll show you what kind of species I am." I was about to jump back up there, but Cin holds me back.

"Easy." He says, but glares at the vampires.

"Elementals? Amazing. I recognize that scent from a mile away." Vladimir smirks.

Eleazar eyes them both with caution and leans close to Carlisle, "What are they doing here?" He asks.

"We heard the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone." Stefan says.

"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle says.

"We do not care what you did, Carlisle." Vladimir rolls his eyes.

"We have been waiting a millennium for the ltalian scum to be challenged." Stefan smirks.

"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle states.

Vladimir sighs, "Shame. Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed." He says as he looks over to his friend.

"They enjoy a good fight." Stefan grins.

"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar asks, confused with this new information.

Vladimir pouts mockingly, "Aww. Still hoping they'll listen?"

Kat looks to us all, worried as well what they meant, but I looked up at the two vampires and realized something. They weren't alone. I couldn't help, but laugh.

"Why are you laughing, elemental?" Stefan glares at me.

"Oh, no reason. But, I would advise you to get down from there." I say.

"And why is that?" Vladimir asks.

"Well, he doesn't' really like people invading his personal space." I say.

The Cullens and the covens frown in confusion at me and look around the boulders.

"He?" Carmen asks.

I point behind the Romanian vampires. Behind them was a cave. And in that cave...was a very old friend of the Elementals.

Low growling was made in the cave, which caused the vampires to back away with caution. The Romanian vampires jumped off the boulder as quickly as they could and they all looked at what was in the cave. Heavy footsteps rumbled as the creature makes itself known. A large black dragon-bat emerges from the cave. It's scales shined in the darkness and the talons scrapped loudly against the rocks. Standing tall, the dragon spreads his large wings and roars.

Jasper pushes Kat behind him to protect her. As well as all of our mates did the same, but we simply laughed it off. Kat walks around Jasper and stops him from pulling her back.

"Ok, ok, Victor. You show off. Cut it out."

Suddenly, the dragon-bat slowly shrinks and transforms into a man.

His bare feet lands softly on the ground and he chuckles sinisterly at the vampires.

"Everyone, this is Victor. A child of Earth."

"Pleasure." Victor grins at them all.

Cin walks closer to the boulder, "What are you doing here, man?"

Victor sighs and walks around to make to the ground, "Well, rumors are flying around and I heard that the Volturi are planning to go against the Elementals." He scoffs at us all. "And you didn't even call me."

"We're not planning to kill them. But, we're gathering insurance." I say.

"'Insurance'. That must be a nice way of saying 'war'." He cracks his neck. "We would like to join."

"We?" Bella asks.

Victor smiles and turns to look up at the cave as two familiar people walk out.

"Hello, bitches!" Gabriel steps froth and gives us a shit-eating grin. "How are you guys? Never mind, don't care! After the ignorance I've been receiving, I'm surprised you even remember me."

"Oh, no!" Katherine groans.

"Kitten, you got some explaining to do." Gabriel scorns Katherine.

"Hey, Gabe." Katherine gives him a guilty look.

"Why wasn't I invited to the party?" Gabe crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for Katherine to answer.

"Gabe, last time we invited you to battle, you nearly took out the entire Empire Building." Katherine states.

Gabe shrugs, "And?"

Soon, we see another figure emerging from the cave and we couldn't believe it.

"Nick? Oh, my god!" I say happily as Nick rushes out and jumps from the boulder to hug me and Katherine.

"Oriel, Kat! I missed you guys." Nick says happily as he hugs us, his British accent rolls off his tongue.

I could hear Seth growling and Jasper snarls. But, we ignored them. We missed our friend. Unlike Gabriel, Nick was the nicest of the group.

Cin pushes us away and hugs Nick tight, "You son of a bitch, where have you been?" He pats his back.

"Been traveling, man. Seeing the world." Nick laughs and pats Cin's back in return before pulling away from the hug.

Cin throws an arm over Nick's neck and turns to everyone, "Everyone, this is Nick and that piece of crap," he points at Gabriel. "Is Gabe. Gabe is an Earth Child like Vic and Nick is a Water Child."

"I can't believe you came here all the way from London." I say.

"Well, what was I suppose to do? Sit on my ass and let you guys have all the fun?" Nick scoffs.

"We tried calling you, but your phone was busy." Kat says.

"Yeah, a girl who I've been guarding took it. I had to ask Mother, practically beg her, to replace me with someone else. Teenagers are just not like the old days. Ugh." He shudders.

"While I heard the rumors, I came across Gabriel and Nicholas. I offered them to join my journey." Victor says.

"Yeah, despite the neglectance, I'm accepting my joining as an apology from you guys for not calling me. I'm an elemental. Officially, I'm on your side. Forever, we protect. That's family. Our creed. And you know as well as I do, you're gonna need my power in case the Volturi get frisky."

Katherine sighs and shrugs, as much as we hated it, he was right and Kat knew that.

I was too annoyed to pay attention to what Nick was doing. But, when I looked at him, his smile completely drops as he looks over towards one of the vampires.

He was looking at Tanya. Gazing at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

As I stood near him, I could hear his heart jump. That moment, I realized something. Nicky found his mate!

Nick slowly walks up to Tanya and flashes her a kind smile, while she studies him in awe. He holds his hand out for her, "Hi. I'm Nick. Nicholas Benson."

Tanya slowly smiles and takes his hand, accepting his handshake, "I'm Tanya. Tanya Denali."

Nick's smile grows as he feels the sparks from her cold, soft hand. He didn't mind that she was a vampire, nor the coldness from her skin. In fact, he seemed to welcome the feeling. He brings her hand to his lips and kiss her knuckles softly. He slowly lifts his head and stares into her golden eyes.

"As I always dreamed, I knew my mate would be so beautiful. But, I wasn't expecting something as beautiful as you." Smooth, Nicky. Very smooth.

Tanya lowers her eyes and hides a smile, as if she was blushing like a human. She looks up again into his blue eyes and practically drowned in them. Kat and I shared a smile. Happy, that our fellow elemental was lucky to find a mate.

"As much as I don't want to interrupt this love connection, but, let's get back to the matter at hand. What did you mean about Aro's witnesses?" Cin says as he claps a hand, snapping everyone out of their thoughts and turns to the Romanian Coven.


Katherine's POV

Everyone headed inside as the sun began to dim into the darkness. We sat in the living room with the fire blazing softly. Stefan and Vladimir both began to tell us about Aro's witnesses. Why would he need witnesses in the first place? Eleazar sighs softly before telling us the rumors that he has heard from the past.

"When Aro wants someone from a coven, it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." Eleazar states.

"So he's done this before?" Bella asks.

"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern." Eleazar says.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle speaks up.

"This person always has an ability. And they're always givena place with the Guard." Eleazar adds.

I scoff in realization, "This is all about Alice." She turns to Edward, "Right? You said 2 years ago that you heard Aro's thoughts, about how much he wanted you and her in the Guard."

"He has no one like her. Her powers would give him the advantage to strike enemies before they could make the first move. Even if their choices change, doesn't mean they would make that thought again." Edward states.

"Which is why she left." Oriel says.

"Why does he need witnesses?" Carmen asks.

"To spread the wordthat justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven." Alistair says.

The vampires all carried worried looks and Amun gets up from his seat, taking his mate's hand in his as he grabs his jacket.

"Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving." He orders, but I stopped him from leaving.

"And where will you go? Hmm? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice?" I scoff and get up from my seat next to Jasper as I take my stand in front of the vampires and Elementals. "We all know the kind of vampire Aro is."

"What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift?" Edward speaks out, gaining more worried looks as many covens take the hands of the gifted in support.

"Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power." I say. "Aro doesn't want justice. He just wants acquisition." I add.

"Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live." Edward states strongly.

For moment of silence, Jacob stands before everyone, "The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires." He sneers, but earns a soft laugh from Bella.

Soon, the Denali clan stand, "We will fight." Tanya states for her family.

"This won't be the first timeI fought a king's rule." Garrett says as he stands.

"We'll join you." Benjamin says, but Amun snaps his head to his and protests.


"I will do the right thing, Amun. You may do as you please." Benjamin states strongly.

"We will stand with you." Senna states.

"So will we." The Irish Coven declares.

Peter and Charlotte stood and nods in agreement. Along with Bella.

Cin and Oriel stood. Alyssa and Sky took their stand.

"No one is touching any gifted person in this place. Especially, not the children. The Elementals are family and now, you are all family. And Family is forever." Tobias stood and walks in the middle of the room, his cane tapping at every step.

"Forever we protect!" The Elementals shout.

"No one should dare cross our family. The Elementals are with you." David growls lowly.

"Aro has used his 'punishments' that he has laid on our friends we were sworn to protect. You think I'm gonna just sit back and let you have the fun." Adrian scoffs and bro hugs Cin.

"Sssssssss. Aro won't know what hit him." Dorian hisses softly.

"Volturi ass kicking, hell yeah!" Sean shouts.

"I'm not gonna just stay on the sidelines while my mate fights. I'll kill any of the Volturi who dares try to take her away from me after I just found her." Nicky snarls, but smiles down at Tanya as he pulls her into his arms.

"I have missed a good fight. I'm in." Victor grins.

"I knew it was gonna turn into a battle." Gabriel chortles. "Oh, I'm so in."

I looked over to Delilah, "Well Dee? You wanna fight?" I ask.

Delilah sighs boredly, "I'm a lover, not a fighter." She scoffs.

"Delilah, remember Richard?" Darryl speaks up.

Delilah, suddenly, snarls in rage as she glares at him, "Don't ever say that bastards names!" She shouts.

Richard was spy who are a part of a vampire clan. I never knew which....till Darryl speaks up.

"Richard was part of the Guard. He seduced Delilah before she became the bitch she is today and killed her human guardian. Some mumbo jumbo about him being his singer or whatever. "

The Cullens shared a knowing look.

"He was Dee's best friend and I think she had a crush on him." Darryl adds.

"And I killed that son of a bitch very slowly." She smirks.

"And you know there's plenty of vampires on the guard who are like Richard. How many more Guardians do we have to lose because of them?" I ask.

Inhaling sharply and deeply, Delilah sighs as she thinks it over.

"Fuck it. As long as I'm here, might as well have fun."

"That didn't take much." Vladimir leans close to his friend with a smirk.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Carlisle states.

But, Alistair had a look of doubt as he scoffs at Carlisle.

"We'll see."

I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, after a month of no internet, I finally updated my story. I will work on the next chapter soon. Missed you guys. Comment and vote please. Let know your thoughts.

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