9- Munificence


"I know, I know. You don't need to compliment my coffee. Just take it and leave already." Madina jeered, her eyes roaming all over Bilal's face as he takes a sip of coffee she made him in her suite.

Oh no, it is not a truce or anything near that. Their vendetta very much lives.

The elevator finally opened but it was in Madina's floor where her suite is located. It's either he takes the stairs to the reception, get his coffee and go back up using the stairs or just accept Madina's offer to make him coffee so they can now be even after he's succored her in the elevator.

He accepted even though that wasn't necessary. He wanted to be in her space and see what she is up to since a woman like her wouldn't know how to make a simple tea talk less of coffee. He had no idea she could boil water.

Bilal was astonished to say the least.

Now he is afraid he is going to become very much addicted to her coffee because of how good it tastes. It is flavoursome, fragrant and deeply rich in the buds. The flavors balanced themselves together with sweet, bitter, sour and acidic notes. Nectarous.

She watched him from behind the counter as he stopped by the door leading out of her suite, he was deciding whether or not to leave with just one mug. She refused to say a thing, played with her fingers around her mug as she grinned behind it. Even Mariam used to compliment her coffee. A picky eater.

Bilal finally turned around after much contemplation while she greeted him with large Cheshire car smile filled with aspartame that could give him diabetes mellitus. That psychotic smile of hers always makes him do a double take.

How could something so simple be so serpentine? He'd wondered surfeit of times.

Forcing a smile to his lips, he forced the request through his teeth. "Can I have another mug please?"

Smile still intact, Madina poured him the remains of the coffee and went to give him by the door. He is making her suite fell small so she wanted to stop him from coming back. Passing him the mulberry mug, she pointed at the door.

"Thanks." He grumbled out but left, his eyes on the both mugs he's holding close, guarding with all his attention.

For the rest of the day, Madina hovered around her suite adjusting clothes she shouldn't since they will be leaving in a few days. She's not really into cleaning and orchestrating stuff, this is all very much new to her.

A call came through her MacBook, it was FaceTime from her sister, Misha. The smile that took over her features was genuine, earnest and heartfelt. She rushed to the desk inside her room that is facing the city, answered the call and waved energetically at her sister.

Her sisters face popped in the MacBook earning a grin from Madina. "Hey, sis. Fancy seeing you again."

"Misha! You are glowing. What is the secret?" Madina questioned, not minding the accent her sister used knowing she's been watching British movies.

A gleeful laugh escaped the older sister before she rolled her eyes. "There is no secret to glowing, sissy. When the time to glow comes, you'll also glow."

With Misha's caramel skin, aquiline nose that would've fitted a queen, wide mouth she's taken from their mother and chubby face, she's simply the second finest sister amongst all the Adamu Sambo sisters.

Madina shook her head, not believing her sister. "Nah, don't give me that. What are they feeding you in that hospital? I need a doctor too."

"You'll never change." Misha grinned, rhapsody coursing through her veins while stretching her facial muscles. "Where are you? That place surely isn't any of the homes I know."

"Oh, yeah." Madina looked around the room and tucked a strand of wig behind her ear. She's been doing that a lot that day. "I'm currently in Singapore."

Misha was quiet for a beat before she inquired. "Singapore? What are you doing there? Don't tell me you are there with another man." She breathed through her mouth then let out a kvetching whine, drawling Madina's name. "Madinaaa."

Madina pierced a hand through her artificial hair not liking her sister's denunciation. It seems like everyone is hellbent on castigating and censuring her because of her line of business these days. First Mariam and now Misha.

"I'm working, okay? I decided to use my aviation license and start working so here I am with my boss and other crew. Stop looking at me like that, I'm serious." She emphasized on the words working to send her message.

"Boss? Never thought you would work under someone since you built that arrogance of yours the size of Mount Kilimanjaro. Who's this unfortunate boss that'll have to endure being around an egotistical employee?" Misha teased, relaxing on the fluffy pillow behind her neck.

She looks thoroughly happy and well. All Madina has been working hard on for ages.

"It is someone you don't know. Let's leave it at that because I do not like him at all." Her eyes rolled to the back of her head remembering how she's embarrassed herself in the elevator.

Damnation to the hell. She won't ever forget this afternoon in her life.

Misha clapped her hands in 'gotcha' way. "I knew you wouldn't like it. Anyone bossing you? That is your worst nightmare."

Madina's frenzy dilapidated at the thought of Bilal so Misha changed the subject when she noticed. "Anyways, where is Mariam? Heard she's gotten married and has a baby? Why didn't you tell me anything about that, Maddy?"

Wait, did she just say a baby? Who told them about that?

"There was nothing to tell. The man was... I don't even know. I hated him so I couldn't just talk about him without wanting to tear the hairs from my scalp. But where did you hear about the baby part?"

"It is a rumor not everyone wants to believe. Everyone believe that she's married but a baby? That is something no one wants to agree on but you tell me."

"First tell me where you heard that from." Madina crossed her arms beneath her chest. She's sure Mariam hasn't acknowledged the public yet.

"There is this girl around here that went to Al-Qalam University in Katsina and she's friends with Mariam's supposed sister-in-law so she saw the pictures in her phone and stuff. There is no proof though." Misha shrugged her shoulders, her face serene and filled with tenderness.

With her caramel skin that's not seen sun for days, she looked more majestic.

Madina nodded absentmindedly, it makes absolute sense now where the rumors are from. Khairah, Mariam's younger sister-in-law that is still going to university. The girl everyone wants to be friends with because of her easygoing and down to earth lifestyle.

Besides, it looks like Mariam's in-laws are kind of well known in katsina state. She cannot hide from acknowledging the public even though that is not compulsory. She's got aficionados to think about.

"It's true. Mariam got married to Abbas about a year ago and gave birth to Faheem just few months ago. He is a premature baby." Her tone yawed fond when she spoke about her godson but not the father that donated his sperm.

Misha's eyes filled with tears, she knew Mariam and is grateful for what she's done to them. "Aww, I'm so happy for her. When are you getting married too, Maddy? It's high time, you know."

"Me? Marry? Please. Don't ever mention that thing to me again. I'm serious, Amish." Madina was serious, very much so.

"I can never understand your perspective when it comes to marriage but I respect your wishes. I'm going to get married soon though."

"Really? Why? When? To whom?" The panic in Madina's voice and eyes is palpable making Misha recoil from the camera.

Getting ahold of herself, Misha reminded herself she was older. "You remember Oga Sani from that steel shop by the road? The one that has the largest but hottest shop as you'd like to put it?"

"Yeah. That shop I hate passing by because the heat there makes my skin scorch and the disgusting men hovering around while watching your steps." She shuddered recalling that horrendous past.

"Well, yeah. You know we were a thing before he left."

"How did you two both meet again? And how sure are you about his character now? Hasn't he change from many years? He's been away to God knows where, Amish." She's now in full blown panic mode.

She's extremely protective and possessive when it comes to her sister. She won't allow her to make a mistake now that she's finally convalesced. There is no way Madina would permit that.

"Calm down let me tell you everything. He came by the hospital few weeks ago when he found out I was here through Leem. Don't ask me how they got in touch because it's too embarrassing for her and I can't talk about that. So he came with many gifts looking all rich giving Alhaji vibes. Can you believe Oga Sani in expensive kaftan? He never liked them.

"He expressed his interest and explained that he couldn't get married to any other woman. He's been looking for me for two years but only found out about me recently. And Maddy, I really feel something for him. Besides, I don't want to be a burden to you anymore-" She was cut off by Madina's more hysterics.

"You know you are never going to be a burden to me. Why are you talking like that? Don't get married because you have fear about that, I'll feel horrible for the rest of my life. I have enough to feed and cloth us forever without any of us having to work a day in our lives. You know that." Madina's eyes narrowed, expression closing.

"I had no idea you were that rich, Maddy. What happened? Where did you get so much money from?"

Suddenly mutinous, she ground out. "Mariam gave me most of her properties even though I'm going to return some for her in future. Of course she wouldn't want that but I'm that wealthy."

"Wow. Mariam surely adores you."

"She does. Who wouldn't?"

"The past." The word slip from Misha's mouth without her consent so she easily maneuvered around it. "Don't fret about that no more. Back to Oga Sani, I'm serious about him. I want to see where it goes after I leave this hospital and refresh my mind. Which reminds me, I'll be discharged next week."

"I'll be there with you."

It was quiet, they stared at each other for awhile before Misha said. "Thank you so much, Maddy. I love you."

"I love you too, Amish. I love you more." Tears gathered at the edges of her eyes, her expression softening to one no outsider will believe.

"Not more, foolish girl. I loved you even before you knew what love was." Misha laughed when her expression fell from heartfelt to a deep scowl.

"Must you tell me how much older than me you are?"

"About that. I should get married before my menopause."

This earned a chortle and eye roll from Madina. She's not that old. "You're only thirty."

"Uh-huh. Thirty years old and single? I need to give birth to babies so you can become an Aunt." Misha played with her brows around, face naughty.

"I'm already an Aunt." Madina huffed out because she tends to forget that she's got two nieces from one of her sisters.

"When last did you last hear from Nahal? She's come to visit last year but then never called again." Back to the serious conversation they left.

"It's been two years." Madina braced herself for another chiding from her sister. It always comes.

"She's your sister, Maddy! You need to be more in-touch with them. This is so not done." There it is.

"In touch with them? And what have they done to me to expect that from me? We are only sisters by blood not in reality. They choose what they want and I did the same." She defended, her spine cracking to support her words.

"But Nahal is different from the others. She's always been."

"Why didn't she contact me?" A brow raised in question, demanding an answer from her ever so righteous sister.

Scoffing at how ridiculous she finds Madina's words, Misha incredulously added. "You're the youngest. I do not like this arrogance of yours at all. Money has made you prideful."

"No, it hasn't. I've been like this since before I had a cent written in my name." She's now become infernal, ready to take down blows from her sister but not absorb them.

"Then stop the bad habit and get rid of that hatred, it won't lead to any good. The past will remain the past and family will always be there for you." That goddamn sermon Madina is tired of.

She loves talking about that even though she knew that wasn't the case in their home. They weren't brought up to have each other's backs and could go years without knowing where the other is. That's just reality.

Massaging her forehead where a cluster headache is slowly building up, Madina murmured. "My head is throbbing. I'll think about it."

"You better, Maddy. Because this time around I'm not going to take things lightly. Life is too short for such nonsense and the sooner you realize that, the better."

"Okay. Good luck with Oga Sani and hang in there." The conversation is over, Misha saw that in her eyes.

"Congratulations on your first job. I'm really very proud of you."

Tossing and turning on the bed, Madina left her room to go to the pool that evening. She's been staring at the place for far too long from the window in her room. Now it is time to go feel the water around her. Maybe she'd drown her sorrows.

When she arrived at the pool, she found someone she never expected. It was her boss, Bilal Hashem Garo. He was stark naked from waist upwards but since he was submerged in the water, she couldn't make out much except for his bulky shoulders atop.

The man was on call, a smile playing and tugging at the edges of his lips like he was talking to a woman he loves. She cannot picture someone as large as Bilal being in love, it doesn't make any sense. But the way he was nipping his bottom lip, smiling like he's won a lottery, something is going on.

No matter how brazen, Madina couldn't find it in herself to go join him in the pool instead she waited for him to get out but after thirty minutes of him talking on phone with that nauseating smile, she knew she couldn't hover around. She's not in the mood anymore.

Before she turned around to leave, she heard a name breeze past her ears. "Benazir." And she wondered if she was his girlfriend. Probably. That smile against his lips wasn't just there for the show.

Head held high, she went back to her room and called another number to ramble.

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