6- Nunchi
"Smart watches are less about telling the time, and more about learning every single intimate detail about you, feeding it back to you in detailed data, charts and warning about your health." Mr. Smith explained, getting deeper into his musing about the next gadget to be produced.
After listening to all their opinions in the room, Bilal stroked his beard with the back of his hand while thinking. He's into technology just as much as he is into cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.
This smartwatch Mr. Smith is talking about contains both aspects which makes him very intrigued about the outcome of this whole thing. If they can make it a little bit more complicated, more security sided and uncommon, it'd be a great hit when launched.
He is an investor in the company with 47% shares. The company was decapitating when Adnan Ibrahim Attahir offered that he should invest since he was actually searching for where to start at that time. Business thrived since he did which is why he's always makes time for anything related to them.
They are about to produce yet another gadget that will definitely make their market soar. It was a phone last time which is still getting high demands from the market in different countries.
Bilal leaned into the conversation when the table got quiet and offered his own opinion which will be listened to with uttermost seriousness. "I'm very interested in this your watch, Mr. Smith. However, we need something exclusive. Something that more earmarked and designated. Close to limited edition that only this company can have the original edition. If you get what I mean?"
Everyone on the table nodded their heads in agreement like they usually do. He is never one to give a useless opinion which is why they always include him in their discussions. Whatever he says, it goes. Slowly becoming ruthless in the business world.
Mr. Smith gave a reluctant nod, expression faraway. "You're right. Maybe we can think about something else. It'd be best if we postpone the meeting..."
"My opinion, for what it's worth... why don't we add a few grand design to the watch?" Bilal adjusted his own Daniel Wellington Acer watch around his wrist. He's got everyone's attention on him now.
With that gentlemanly smile that is Hollywood worthy, he went on. "The watch should be able to measure your sleeping patterns, heart rate, energy levels and a host of other factors to give a clear picture of how you're feeling each day, a nice reminder on those days that you're not feeling so great. How about that?"
That leaves everyone in the boardroom astounded into few minutes of silence before burst of whispers and happy grins filled the room. Mr. Smith gave Bilal a long stare which he returned with that polite smile that forced the other man to return one.
"I am really impressed with this idea, Mr. Hashem. Is there anything else?" Mr. Greene offered, his grin starting to look a bit creepy on his aging face filled with wrinkles.
Bilal gave a thoughtful nod. "Along with this, the watch should also measures calories burnt, sleep, steps walked and more. While it is nothing revolutionary, it is a good step forward in the market of subtle wearable tech."
It was all quiet in the room before a round of applause cloaked the silence making Bilal chortle. He's got more businessman blood than army from his father. It is never too late to explore other things.
When the meeting was over, a woman in her mid thirties slide close to Bilal. He couldn't recall her name but he's been seeing her ever since he joined the company. He wracked through his brain for an inclining, just the first letter of her name at least but zilch.
"Mr. Hashem, it's been a while." She gave him what is supposed to be a flirtatious smile, her eyes darting around to make sure no one is watching.
Bilal smiled in that gentlemanly way that makes one of his employees shriek with agitation. "Indeed. How have you been?"
He's escaped the lack of knowing her name for now. But for how long if she is so keen on talking to him about unprofessional stuff.
"I've been great and you look great too. Maybe it's the perfect time for our date?" With her perfectly donned suit and high ponytail, she looks older than her age.
Date?! Bilal echoed within the confines of his cranium, thinking hard on the last conversation he's had with this woman the last time he was there. What on earth is she talking about? He's never promised anyone a date. Well, except Benazir which is forced upon him by his sister.
He tentatively removed her hand from his arm, smile still stuffed to his face. "Date? I think that has expired because I am seeing someone now."
Her expression fell immediately making Bilal wonder why the heck that lie slipped from his lips. He's never had to lie to anyone in his entire life. He takes what he wants whether with politeness or fists like he does few years back. Then why is he lying to this woman now?
She schooled it back to that same smile she had when she approached him. "I'm sure she's back in Nigeria and she won't know if you don't tell. The date is not going to be anything serious, Bilal."
Back to first name when he doesn't know what the hell to call her? And why is she insisting on going on a date with him? He just rejected her right in her face. She's got no shame or is she playing a game?
"That would be considered cheating, dear. She might be miles away but not telling her will definitely hurt her a lot. And she is a possessive woman." He forced a smile, the charade gentleness slowly dematerializing.
Of course, only Madina knows about that brashness he's hidden for so long. It is itching him now.
She scoffed at that, folded her arms and surveyed him with bratty attitude that doesn't fit her suit and age. This is becoming more and more ridiculous with the boardroom empty except for one person lurking at the window while talking on phone.
"It is not cheating as long as we don't end up in each other's beds. And I don't see that happening in the future." She twirled a strand of her blond hair from her ponytail.
Desperation, that is what she reeks.
But Bilal knows women like her. It won't stop after that date and she might find another way to make sure they do something to her liking. He's been through so much because of his single title but he's lied about it, still no escape route. What should a man do?!
Making his smile look a bit too businesslike, he gave a curt answer. "I'm sorry but I am not going on a date with you."
Her face fell yet again, a bit more dramatically this time before she gave a heartbroken nod and breeze away. Bilal let out a breathe he had no idea he was holding. It's been a while since he's dealt with desperate women.
He made it back to the hotel in record time, slipped back to the restaurant to have something off the room service menu. Inside the restaurant, he saw Madina, Mahfuz and Fox having dinner at the quietest corner. He contemplated whether to go there or not.
Just to make the night go downhill for Madina, he is going to sit there with his employees. Their eyes fell on him right then, he gave the usual smile and went to sit down on the last chair available at the table. Madina's scowl was immediate, curling her cute lips to the side.
"How's Singapore?" Bilal asked when his order arrived, his back relaxed against his chair right opposite Madina.
"I'm loving every single moment here. I can't wait to the Universal Studios! I mean, that's the only place I know in Singapore since birth." Fox dabbed a handkerchief around his mouth, pushing his empty plate aside.
Bilal gave a thoughtful chuckle at his excitement. He met Fox about three years ago when he bought his private jet. Fox was a force with adventurous wide eyes, sharp calculating mind and dry humor. Bilal knew he had to have that one in his arsenal too and he did.
Same goes to Mahfuz. He hired them at the same time with an older pilot that retired, Madina now taking his place. They were the perfect team. Always on time, fly the jet like they would a baby. Now that Madina has joined them, Bilal doesn't know what to expect yet.
"You all should go to the 3-hour fully guided big bus night tour. You will be able to see all the tourist attractions and sites." Bilal offered, his attention fully on the salad in front of him.
If not Aisha's food, he finds it hard to eat just anything outside. He is forced to be on diet whenever he is far away from home and his sister. He played around with his meal while feeling Madina's glare drilling a hole in his head. She won't move on anytime soon.
Mahfuz grinned excitedly and stopped his hands from clapping last minute. "Really? I cannot wait! When are we leaving again?"
"Five more days. I'll be able to see the entire Singapore before then." Fox stated, his expression glazed over before he excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Bilal's attention flashed to Madina who was trying her best to look busy. "How about you, Miss Sambo? How are you finding Singapore so far?"
With a roll of her eyes, Madina forced a smile to her lips even though it still looks tight. Bilal is wolfing down that discomfort she's exuding, his face holding that smile that she always wants to carve out with a blunt knife.
"Great! So far it is an amazing journey with my boys here. You know, I always love it when people are honest and open, not faking who they are just to climb up the ladder. And fortunately, I'm working with two wonderful men that have no fake drop of blood in their body. Lucky me, huh? But I won't say the same to the other people in this restaurant with us." Her eyes flashed with something he'd recognize anywhere, hatred.
Why is it so deep from her side while he's just amusing himself? Is he missing something somewhere?
"That..." He twirled a fork around his salad, pointing it at her before he slid it down his throat. He continued. "That is incredible. I'm glad you're having a blast here with your boys."
Her attention back to her lasagna, she murmured. "Thank you. I hope you're having the same with people same as you. You deserve that more than anyone else."
"Yeah, I'm working on that."
"You should." She dabbed a handkerchief around her small lips. "And don't forget to continue being such a nauseatingly, fascinating and handsome gentleman though if you will ask about my opinion, I'd tell you the bitter truth you cannot swallow."
"Handsome?" He bit back a cocky grin that he had no doubt would send her over the edge. He is not ready for that... yet. "Let me ask for this bitter truth from you, Miss Sambo. What is your opinion about me?"
Along their banter, Mahfuz took a quick glance at the duo and disappeared from the table after offering a lame excuse neither Madina nor Bilal bothered listening to. The tension is too palpable and high for him.
Madina stopped herself last minute from clapping her hands. "Marvelous! First, you are pretending to be such a good guy when you are anything but that. You don't have an ounce of gentlemanly blood in your body but you've managed to cloak yourself in it. It doesn't suit you at all! Don't get me started with the image that is always appearing in front of me whenever I see you!"
"What image?" Bilal played with a single strand of hair around his beard. He's finding this whole conversation eerily entertaining.
Those fierce eyes glazed again with that same hatred. "You. In filth, blood, soot, sand and just being disgusting. I find it hard to swallow this new man in a suit so please, cut the drama and be your brash self."
It's the hottest trait I've ever seen in a woman, especially when it's so unexpected. Her being the same girl he's met so many years ago and she didn't try acting because she's now rich. Or with a billionaire.
Which reminds him, he should do another thorough background check on her before things go downhill. He does that to each of his employees and she won't be any different whether he knew her from the past or not. He won't clean her problems.
Bilal held the fork in his hand with a vice grip, his knuckle yawing white. "Thank you so much for the bitter truth but do you know what? It is not at all bitter. It is something I already know, Miss Sambo."
"Whatever." Her eyes fell on the two empty chairs beside them before a scowl settled on her features. "You sent my boys away!"
"Your boys?" The words tumbled from Bilal's lips without his command but they sound so bitter in his mouth.
Why is she calling them her boys? She's just started working with them yesterday for goodness sake!
Is she sleeping with them already? He's known about her little dance in different hotel rooms. He needs to keep an eye on her before she yaw his employees into something he won't be able to recognize.
"I hate fake people." Madina yelled to his ear before strutting out of the restaurant in her ridiculously high heels.
Bilal blinked at her choices of clothing before he winced. Why the hell did Captain Louis hire someone like this to work for him?
His employees should always keep the image within and outside working hours. Seems like he is going to have to hold another meeting with all his employees to get that message sent across.
Bilal shouldn't but he grumbled within his chest when he saw the group of the private jets' air hostesses making a beeline to where he is sitting. Had he not being that easy going employer, they wouldn't have approached him but they did so easily.
Maybe Madina is right. He should be the man he's always been but that is not the image he first portrayed when he started business.
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