16- Alexithymia


Madina loves Peru from the bottom of her cracked heart.

It's been four days and she hasn't seen Bilal because she's been avoiding the bee like a plague. Why wouldn't she? She's seen just how dangerous he could be and the private investigator she's hired made her more unhinged. She's underestimated wholly underestimated Bilal.

That isn't what made Peru push up to her top three favorite places in the world. No. It was the many great historical places, amazing food that made her drool embarrassingly in any restaurant she's visited. She's also paid for some recipes to try herself.

Today she's with Mahfuz and Fox at The Temple of the Sun also known as The Torreón in Incas. Madina posed for pictures with a smile large as life, if only it would reach her eyes and shine with the usual mirth reserved for only close friends when thoroughly entertained.

"You're truly very beautiful or am I just good at taking pictures?" Fox glared at Madina's Canon Digital Super Diamond IXUS camera in his hands.

"Bruh, do you know how many people love this prettiness? I'm naturally photogenic coupled with beauty. ." She breathed, raising her hands up in a weird kind of style that only fits models and no one else.

"Now we won't hear the end of it for the rest of our stay here." Mahfuz feigned a facepalm while he chilled on a chair watching them with a lazy curve of his lips.

"Rephrase that to the rest of our lives." Fox threw a quick grin before resuming back to his task -taking Madina's myriad of photos.

But Madina wasn't done talking about how Bonny and unequal she is. She is never tired on that topic and they both knew it. Why they triggered her is beyond them. Maybe because they enjoy riling her up?

"Aren't you two humbled to be with me? Let me not boast much about myself but I'm a public figure with so many fans. They literally worship the days I post my pictures." She clasped her hands in akimbo, lips pursed to the side like a stern mother.

"Whoa." Mahfuz quickly swallowed the milkshake he was taking then added in with jeering breathy undertone. "I am yet to meet any of your fans from around here."

Madina thought about it for a second then scoffed, he was right. "Because they don't know how much of a sweetheart I am, that's why. And it is totally fine. Everyone has their opinion on me but does it matter? Absolutely not. I only focus on the good energy."

"Hmm. Which means our boss doesn't know who you really are and that is why he isn't a fan?" Mahfuz detained a smile trying to break out from his lips knowing that will get on her nerves.

There is no one that hates Bilal Hashem Garo like Madina does. In fact, Mahfuz has never met any person that couldn't stand the man but her. He knew there was a past between them and that is what caused this deep animosity. Even Bilal who gets along with everyone seems to not be able to stand a second with her.

What are they hiding?

"Who's our boss again? Yeah. Mr. Garo." She jumped down from a stone and sat down on it with her elbow on both her knees. "You see, there is something about that man ... his eyesight is really terribly bad. I caught him blinking more than necessary days ago and that's how I confirmed it. I always had my suspicions about his eyes but I am now deep-rooted."

"A-re you sure?" Fox asked while both he and Mahfuz doubled over from their positions. Now she's accusing his eyes? Interesting.

"Hundred percent. Just observe him well and you'll see that he needs glasses." She stated in a matter of fact tone, her expression ever so earnest.

Fox smothered a chuckle and said. "Then we should get him glasses so he can become your fan. We don't want that tension whenever you two are together. I always fear that we'll find one of you dead one of these days."

"Let's hope none of you walk around with a weapon." Mahfuz stood up and joined her on the stone, face serene and young. He is such a handsome young man.

Madina's face brightened like he's just given her the perfect idea on what to do. "I don't but I'll get one just in case. I think he's going to kill me first if I don't start moving with a gun. Where can I get one without license?"

"You don't have one already?" Fox fabricated a galvanized expression that earned him an eye roll from Madina. He is such an exaggerator.

With his black hair worn a trifle too long, his gleaming dark-honey complexion, and a diamond stud sparkling at one ear, he is simply suave and stylish. Added with his six feet something height, all model industry owners would love to have him at the front page of any magazine. Especially GQ.

"Unfortunately I don't. I'm looking forward to getting it as soon as possible. Thanks for the idea, by the way." She patted Mahfuz's shoulders with her Cheshire psychotic smile.

"There are other three set of humans that don't particularly like you around here. Have you forgotten?" Fox sat on the other side of her sensing his job was done for the day.

Madina was perplexed for a second before she huffed. "Oh, those unruly trio? I don't consider them humans so it doesn't really matter."

"But Mr. Garo is human?" Mahfuz chirped, hellbent on annoying her with Bilal topic but she's never lost her cool around others if not him.

"Isn't he?" She threw nonchalantly.

"I'm asking you." Mahfuz ricocheted seemingly distracted by something. Madina didn't question the glazed eyes and faraway expression, it's none of her business.

"Well, since we're all his employees, he is human as no alien would pay us to work for him. Or maybe devil? Yes, that fits." She took a rainbow bottle water from her tote bag and gurgled down some in her belly.


Madina rolled around in the bed after she's finished eating her biryani with chicken while music played in the background loudly. She heard the footsteps of Bilal even with the loud music but he went straight to his room. They've been avoiding one another and she likes it like that.

Her phone pinged beside her, she stretched her arm to take it then sat up when she saw that the message was from their group chat with Fox and Mahfuz. They have one with the air hostesses so they know when they're flying out and just to interact like co-workers.

She's never said a thing in the WhatsApp group because of them. Madina loathed those three air hostesses just like she despise their boss. If she could, she'd change each and every one of them. They are not even professional!

Another buzz from her phone yanked her attention away from her scorching hatred back to the phone in her hand.

Fox: "Boss asks us to get ready tomorrow. We are going to Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain!"

Mahfuz: "Really? Bills on him for the entire trip, I hope?"

Madina: "Rainbow mountain? Why? I don't want to go... I'm not going."

Fox: "It's not like you have another option, you're coming and that is it. Don't be such a party pooper. Yes, bill is on him."

Madina: "Call me whatever you want to, I am not going."

Fox: "You must come! The boss wants everyone present so I'm going to tell the other trio in that group."

Madina: "Don't try convincing me."

That sounded a little attention seeking but Madina doesn't have it in her to want to go anywhere with Bilal. She wants this relationship they have to keep going on so they could have a professional life from now henceforth. This would mean them seeking each other and actually interacting which she was not looking forward to.

Fox: "There is no option here, Madina."

Madina: "Just because we came here through his jet? Don't tell me about my rights here. I have been working for years with great deal of experience."

Mahfuz: "You can get fired for this. Do you know that also?"

Madina: "Then I should get fired. God knows I'm tired already. He is too bossy and ugly."

Mahfuz: "Uhm... are we talking about Mr. Garo or someone else? I am losing the track of the conversation it seems."

Madina: "Him!"

Mahfuz: "He is anything but ugly and we all know that. And for the love of God, please come. I don't want you to get fired because I don't want to work with any other person. Why is that hard?"

Fox: "Besides, we are going to have so much funnnnn. And more pictures for you Miss Public Figure. I mean, what is the harm there?"

Madina contemplated their words for a moment while squinting her eyes at the screen that is now black. There is no harm in seeing the rainbow mountain because she had planned on going sometime before they leave. It is a tourist attraction she must see.

What? She loves anything with kaleidoscopic vibrant colors and this place is the right one for her. Another plus here, all bills will be on him. Not a single dime will leave her account now.

Madina: "Whatever. Any dressing code? Is the place cold? Hot? Scorching? Cool? Freezing?"

Fox: "Not really. I have no idea. Maybe browse?"

Madina had a restless sleep that night with so many dreams about things she'd never want to happen. She awoke sweating, her pulse beating wildly and overzealously all over her body while her core tightened at the mere memory. She shivered again when she recalled the details.

She's normally not one to sleep and she hadn't until early dawn, she checked her phone when she woke up only to find out that it was only seven in the morning. She's slept for barely two hours and then she was up like those nightmares hadn't happened.

Getting up, she made her way to the bathroom and took her time to take a long bath since she's got nothing to do. Their journey to the rainbow mountain isn't until ten which is three hours away. Finding several DIY bath remedies, she grinned at them appreciatively.

She added olive oil, lavender, epsom salt, some milk and eucalyptus oil. She sat heavily inside the water with a glass of wine beside her, eyes closed. Just few seconds with those eyes closed her nightmare flashed before her eyes making her startled. Why her?

It happened to be amongst the ones that wrecked her night days ago when she went to meet her godson. Whenever Bilal features any of her dreams, she becomes dismantled the very next second. Dejectedly, she allowed her limbs to slothfully slide inside the water leaving only her head above the water making it slosh.

Her bath didn't go according to plan so she wearily heaved herself out of the water and let it down the drain. She rinsed herself in the shower cubicle then went back to the room to get dressed. She's found out from the google that the weather is cold and windy hence the time wasted on outfit.

Not feeling like dressing up since she's meeting up with her team and Bilal, she took an onyx Diesel skinny jeans with blue Miu Miu platform heel sandals that has rainbow colored feathers around top line, strap and the heel. For her upper body, she wore a frost turtleneck body hug.

A Bottega Veneta bag completed her look. Madina went for raven natural wig today, her entire face makeup free because why go through that when they're exploring?

She sauntered out of her room to fix herself breakfast at nine dot. There was no sound whatsoever like the usual routine only that she knew Bilal was in the house this time around. His compelling and forcible presence filled every cranny of the suite.

She fixed her breakfast pronto which was scrambled egg toast with sausage. In the middle of her breakfast, Bilal strolled into the kitchen and did his business then left. The sound of the front door closing echoed throughout the suite making her frown. Won't he ask if she wanted a ride? Rude motherfucker.

Hastily pushing down her food and messaging Fox to wait for her at the lobby, Madina browsed more about their destination so she won't act like a fool. The place is beautiful, stunning even. She cannot wait.

Peru's Rainbow Mountain colours were discovered around ten years ago; the exact date is unknown, but most agree it was between 2012-15 that it caught international attention. Climate change meant more snow melting higher up the Peruvian Andes, revealing Vinicunca's full-colour repertoire to the world.

"The boss just left the lobby right now. Our ride to Checacupe is right outside." Mahfuz was literally jumping on the balls of his feet clasped in charcoal Berluti sneakers.

"You're wearing high heels to hike? Madina are you sick in the head?" Fox sounded confused at the same time frustrated with her. Ugh, she's always annoying people around her lately all because of one person.

Jutting her chin downwards, she mutinously stared at her cute shoes and said. "Must I hike? I'm only going there to snap pictures and make an appearance. Nothing more nothing less."

"If there is anyone I know who would love to see the rainbow mountain, it is gonna be you but you won't even hike there? Who are you?" Fox raked a hand through his hair and glared at her.

Crossing her arms beneath her chest, she looked at him the same way. "I'm not going to hike, deal with it."

"Fine!" He turned around to leave her then yell out. "Do what you want, brat."

Madina narrowed her eyes and followed them outside where the air hostesses were already waiting. When she caught the sight of their outfits, her scowl deepened at how inappropriate they all appear to be. And to think two of them were Muslims. Not that she has any darn right to judge but come on.

One of them is wearing knee length cargo pants with a crop top, the other in body hug dress that was a little above her knees while the last one was embellished in slip dress that reached her calf. Modest but still why wear red if not for attention? And dresses to hike? Duh.

They were talking to Bilal who looked too relaxed and laid back replying their questions and clearly raining compliments on them. Madina scowled, this is not how it is done as far as she knows.

"Why are you scowling now? The devil getting beneath your skin again?" Fox crept beside her and murmured so only she could hear.

"I thought we were fighting?" She let out an exasperated breath, turning fully to face him so she can occupy her mind elsewhere.

"With who?" He feigned checking around them then gave a cute frown, "Oh, me? No, I don't fight with my kid sisters. I annoy them then irritate them some more. That's my job."

A slow smile itched it's way towards her face and she gave him a side hug. She's always wanted a brother figure and she could see that in both Fox and Mahfuz. They are great guys and maybe, just maybe she won't leave this work because of them. They've become a part of her. Life would be boring without them again.

Stepping aside, her eyes fell on Bilal again only to see the thunderous glower on his face before he masked it. No, did she imagine it? Mayhap.

Hi guys! I'm starting my exams tomorrow, wish me luck. As soon as the tough ones a over, I'll come back fully with cute updates. I need your prayers though🥲 I've been fighting with this Organic Chemistry sinceeeee.

Are you enjoying the slow burn or should we add a little bit more spice? You know I'm at your service. Tell me what you want to see at this point and we shall see about it.

I'm only just starting🥳

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