Chapter 14 :: Arizona Ylfing

We arrive at the briefing room inside the VIIIth Legion's luscious garden-like castrum. White walls with vines and foliage enclose our area while holograms depicting a city invaded by Nightmares float above a metal table.

All of us stand around the table in a circle, gazing at the holograms.

I ask, "So, what are these holograms telling us?"

"Holograms?" Cidolfus raises a brow.

"Yeah. These floating images above the table."

"Ah, I see. I guess they have a different name in your world. We often refer to these as aetheric projections." Cidolfus lets out a low chuckle. "Anyway, these projections depict the current state of Svyataya Reka. Before your arrival at Castrum Hortus Tempore, these creatures waged a surprise attack at The Holy City. It started small, but then their numbers expanded tenfold." More aetheric projections appear as the man swipes them into view.

Mathilde asks, "Do you know who led the charge?"

Rin von Hanji says while swiping a hand, revealing a hologram of crystallized hulking Nightmare in a tattered uniform with a crystallized mass impaled on its chest. The Nightmare appears wielding a glass sword. "This thing. I'm not sure who he was in a previous life. I don't recognize the banner on his shoulder. The name tag is also in a language that I don't understand."

Mezos inspects, using hand gestures to zoom into the finer details of the creature. "Wait a second. That's not an Imperial banner. That's—" the boy takes a breath, "—that's the American flag. The stars and stripes. How's that possible?"

"American?" Cidolfus asks, "I don't suppose that's a nation from the other side of the waygate, is it?"

"Not just beyond the waygate, but in another dimension. America is a large nation comprising fifty states and smaller colonies."

I say to Mezos, "Zoom into his name tag. What does it say?"

"Doing that now." Mezos shifts the hologram and enlarges the view of his embroidered name on his tattered uniform. "Oh no. I had suspected this fate, but not to this extreme."

I take a peek and spot a familiar name. "Crap! That's General Aurelius Jansen, the Secretary of Defense."

"General?" Mathilde asks, her brows furrowing, "What kind of rank is that?"

Mezos says, "It's equivalent to a Legatus, but he did a lot more than just lead an army. Sort of like a rank between Legatus and Emperor."

Lyne asks, "So, like a right-hand man, yes?"

"That's one way to put it."

Mathilde raises a finger. She asks, sounding concerned, "Speaking of the Empress, what's the news with her? Is she okay?"

Rin shakes her head. "Not too good. After she cast Meteor, she became exhausted and weak. It reminded me of the time forty years ago when the former Empress Garnette summoned Eden. She's suffering from those same symptoms. For now, the mages and bishops are tending to her health, but I fear the worst has yet to come. In her place, Prince Alphio and Princess Cammy are tending to the nation's political issues."

Mezos asks, "How about other damages to the city?"

Rin says, "Over two-hundred civilians dead along with thirty soldiers. The Imperial Palace suffered only minor damages, but the Market Square and The Bolts got hit the hardest. For now, the attack has settled, but their leader retreated. I'm sure they'll be back, though."

"The Bolts." Mathilde lets out a disgusted sigh and shifts her gaze to me. "That's where all the poor folks live. I know that part of the city has poor defenses, and it seems the Nightmares figured that out. They must have started their attack there, assimilated fallen civilians to fight alongside them, and continued their assault through the Market Square, the busiest part of the city."

Rin nods in agreement. "That's exactly what they did."

"How soon can we board a magitech transport unit for the capital city?"

Cidolfus says, "In about thirty minutes. Once the maintenance crew has finished their inspections, then we'll take our leave posthaste. I recommend all of you prepare your things should Nightmares still lurk in the city."


Cidolfus brings us to the VIIIth Legion hangar, where a dual-copter ship awaits for us to board. The pilot signals us and our party of seven enters the vessel. We take a seat on the side benches and the ship prepares to lift.

As we ride, Rin leans back with her hands behind her head, letting out a wide grin. "I'd never thought I'd see you two again," she says, gazing at both Samza and Mezos, letting out a low chuckle.

Samza says, her arms wide open, letting out a sense of bravado, "It's been a long time."

"Looks like you haven't changed, Samza. You got the same loud mouth as before. However, your sister looks different. How's Celayna anyway?" The tiger-fae warrior faces Mezos.

"I'm not that called that anymore," Mezos says, frowning. "The girl you knew as Celayna is now the boy known as Mezos."

"I see." The VIIIth Legion Legatus rubs her chin and lets out a wide smile. "You know what? If you want to identify as a boy, then I am totally okay with that. After all, we Reul-Sithe have a thing for expressing ourselves in the greatest way."

Samza laughs. "That's true. I mean, I really like your cut. Most military folks in The Otherworld are bald or have the most boring-ass buzz-cut."

Mezos shrugs. "Usually, the military in The Otherworld have these things called 'regulations,' which dictate how you have to present yourself, including the style of your hair. Of course, everyone is going to look the same."

Rin laughs back. "Well, we have those silly rules called 'regulations,' too. It's just that the VIIIth Legion is more free-spirited. It's the reason Laguna Waterscape hasn't turned into a deforested wasteland."

Lyne says, nodding her head, "Your legion also specializes in using magitech for environmental purposes along with typical wartime efforts."

"Indeed. Our magic seems to prove itself worthy against the Nightmares. Perhaps it's the aetheric properties surrounding the rain forest."

Mezos checks the measuring gauges attached to the device on his arm. "Now that I'm thinking about it, the aether around that region seemed pure. My magic felt stronger than usual."

Samza checks her gauges as well. "Shit, I could probably summon two eikons at the same time. Never tried it, but the results could be chaotic."

"Now that's a wild thought." Mezos lets out a chuckle.

Most of us continue our banter as we glide through the great heights above Bektorias. As I gaze out the window of this transport vessel, I can't help but notice other flying transport units cruising their way to the capital city through the clear purple skies. Most of the vessels, some larger than this ship, resemble floating dark iron whales with red fins attached to it. Each of them shows the insignia of the Figarosa Imperial Army, the same winged badge as the one on Mathilde's uniform.

Glancing ahead, I see the capital city, Svyataya Reka. A towering castle of iron with gold spires stands watching over the ravaged city below. A white palace with red accents stands in front with a river flowing in front of it. Surrounding the palace is the rest of the city where the citizen dwell and wonder about their fate.

Fire, smoke, and ash fume over an open courtyard area, which I assume is the Market Square. Surrounding the city walls, soldiers continue to fight roaming Nightmares with their blades, guns, magic spells, and explosives. The battle still wages on it seems.

The ship lands and we find ourselves a short distance away from the Market Square. In front of us is the toppled bronze statue of a long-haired, bearded man wearing a cloak and holding up an ornamental staff. Librascope-AI translates the placard on the stone base and identifies the statue as Rydio zai Figarosa, the First Emperor of Bektorias.

Samza walks to the fallen statue and taps the head with her foot. "The old man was a great eikon summoner. Well, that's what the history books say. He's the reason Alexander stands behind the Imperial Palace."

"Alexander?" I ask.

Samza points at the towering castle ahead. "That's Alexander. He is what summoners refer to as a Greater Eikon or — if you're from Archaeus — a Grand Esper. Very few summoners can command a Greater Eikon. However, the Greater Eikons sometimes have lesser eikons that the average summoner can command. For example, I can call upon Brute Justice and Cruise Chaser, servants of Alexander."

"Are there other known Greater Eikons?" I ask.

Samza says, "Off the top of my head, I know of Bahamut of Archaeus, Odin of The Northern Tundras, Amaterasu of the Tree's Eastern Half, Titania of the Tree's Western Half, and Lakshmi of Daigun."

"How about Eden, the eikon summoned by the former empress?"

Mezos says, "It is! In fact, once Empress Garnette summoned Eden, the En'ari androids appeared in our world. Kind of weird how that works, but that's another story. Anyway, we got Nightmares to destroy."

The fae are right. We need to press onward to the Imperial Palace.

Nightmares continue to ravage their way through Market Square and the paved streets of the city, leaving a trail of ruined vendor stalls and dead bodies along the way. However, it seems the Nightmares have assimilated machines and turned the military's walkers and tanks into mechanical, automated beasts of terror. I suppose this shouldn't surprise me. After all, Mathilde and I had to fight an actual tower on my first day in this world.

Samza pouts. "Man, this city is way bigger than the last time we visited it."

Mezos says, gazing around. "You're right. Looks like the city expanded since. Amazing how it looks now, especially with their technological advances. Their cars didn't always look like that."

Rin says with a chuckle, "You can thank Cidolfus for that. He's a bona fide genius. Ain't that right, Cid?"

Cid says, "I suppose so. I try not to get it to my head. For now, let's press on."

All of us nod in agreement and continue onward towards the Imperial Palace.


Explosions get louder as we arrive closer to the palace. As soon as we enter the garden, a heavy blast introduces us while blowing a hole through the hedge wall.

A pale skin boy in a red robe and holding a mage's tome waves a hand. "Carbuncle, shield us now!" he says as a green, furry, multi-tailed, fox-like creature appears before him. The creature barks and the red ruby on its forehead sparkles. A barrier forms in front of him and the taller tan skin girl with green hair and red armor. The girl is also wielding two gold swords, one at each hand. Librascope-AI identifies the boy as Prince Alphio wen Figarosa, and the girl as Princess Cammy yos Figarosa.

A missile from a distance fires, colliding with the magic barrier. It reflects the projectile, redirecting it back to the source.

Princess Cammy spots us and yells, "Legionnaire Hanji! Mathilde Wairen! It's good to see you. Come and take cover, you and your friends."

"Your highness," Mathilde says, gasping, as we all of reach for their position. "What's going on?"

Cammy says, "The Nightmares took control of our Guardian Walkers. We destroyed one, but the other is still in the fray. This one seems more aggressive than the one we took out."

Cid scratches his chin. "Perhaps there might be a way to retake control of the machine remotely."

"We haven't tried that. All our machinists are tending to other duties right now."

Mezos pulls out a tablet from his inner coat pocket. "We got this. I'll just hack into it. Sam, go summon an eikon to back us up. Maybe Ramuh in case more Nightmare-controlled machines show up."

"I got you, bro." Samza throws her tome forward, pages flip through, and a rift materializes.

From the pages, a white-bearded man, muscular in appearance with gray skin, rises from the rift. He presents himself in a purple martial arts gi and wields two metal scaled gauntlets, each decorated with a single amethyst gemstone at the backhand; a purple headband on his head; and simple sandals on his feet. The tall eikon confronts Samza, "I see thou hast summoned me, fae child. How can I be of thy assistance?"

Alphio gasps. "That rendition of Ramuh sure looks odd. I don't recall the eikon resembling a monk."

"Yeah, he built different," Samza says, then turns to face the eikon. "Defend our front position so my brother can do his thing. Our friends will cover the rear and flank."

"If that is thy order, then it shalt be done." The eikon positions himself at the front, fending off a wave of mechanical Nightmares with electrifying martial arts punches and kicks.

Meanwhile, Rin von Hanji and I take the rear position while everyone else covers the flanks from animal and humanoid Nightmares.

As we battle, I can't help but notice Rin's skillful swordplay and how she wields her oversized gunblade. Just like my triggerblade, explosions burst with powerful strikes. Yet the strength required to handle a weapon of that size seems so unreal. She must be some kind of super-soldier.

Meanwhile, Cammy and Alphio seem to synergize well. Alphio summons Garuda, an eikon resembling a woman with verdant green bird wings, and talons and claws for feet and hands. She lets out an ear-piercing banshee-like scream, demoralizing nearby Nightmares. Cammy then extends her palm to Garuda and draws power from her, using the eikon's strength to augment her abilities as a dual-bladed warrior. Like a twirling dervish, she cuts down any Nightmare who would dare cross paths.

On the other flank, Mathilde and Lyne do what they do best and pound the Nightmares up close with devastating dragoon jumps and powerful piercing leg strikes.

Finally, Cid picks off the strays from a distance using expert precision and his magitech rifle.

"Got it!" Mezos says. "I now have full control of The Guardian Walker."

Heavy steps come closer to our position and from the hedges appears a dark iron bipedal armored walker with a cannon for a face, machine guns for hands, and tank treads for feet.

"Holy fuck," Samza says, gasping at the size of the war mech. "That thing looks menacing."

Cammy says, pointing at the tall walker. "They typically serve as guardians for the Figarosa Imperial Palace. Heavily armored and ready to vanquish anyone who would dare intrude on our premises."

Another explosion.

I glance at that direction, using the Librascope-AI app in my cybernetic eye to zoom in. "It's him," I say, recognizing the menacing crystallized Nightmare approaching our position.

Lumbering our way is the Greater Nightmare previously known as General Aurelius Jansen. Behind him is a small group of lesser Nightmares.

"Stand back," Mezos says while tapping on the virtual buttons of his holographic tablet. The Guardian Walker charges a shot, a ball of aetheric energy forming at the tip of its primary cannon. "Locked on ... and FIRE!" The mech unloads and the ball of energy flies forward, crashing itself on to the platoon.

Dust and debris cloud the scene as the impact leaves a heavy explosion. When the vision clears, all is left is an enormous crater. The Greater Nightmare appears knocked out, but slowly recovering.

"Oh, no you don't," Cammy says, her voice low, snarling at the Nightmare. She draws more power from Garuda and charges forward with a leaping strike. With swift justice, she impales the shoulders of the towering monster and follows it with a double front kick, both armored feet striking true to the Nightmare's face, decapitating the beast. The Nightmare falls and explodes into a puff of aetheric residue.

That battle concludes. Lesser Nightmares are retreating, and The Guardian Walker shuts down, its main cannon lowering.

Alphio opens a page from his tome and summons a large flaming bird from its pages. "Phoenix," he commands, "refresh us all." Phoenix showers the scene with its burning feathers. Nearby injured soldiers rise and their wounds fade. All of us feel revitalized as the bird returns back to the pages of the summoner's tome.

Cammy turns to face us, soot and dried blood decorating the cheeks of her face. "All of you, follow me and let us all return to the Palace. We have a lot of work to do."

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