Creatures & Creators
• Fairies (Elöriyæ) - Inch-sized, human-like creatures (sprites) made of the excess magic from spells. Have butterfly-like wings and shimmer with dust. Hair color ranges on the same color scale as humans’ hair. Speak the ancient language, immortal, & live on Alalëa. Very powerful and pretty. Created by Hekate, the goddess of magic.
~ Dragon Fairies (Skulblaka-Elöriyæ) - Subspecies of fairies. Created from dragon's blood and the Rider's magic. The color of the dragon they are bonded with, have elf-like features, and their wings are like dragonflies. When their dragon dies, they revert back to energy. Same sex as dragon, and if the dragon's mate has a fairy, odds are that the two fairies will be mates as well. {The five Riders all have dragon fairies.}
• Pixies (Wrilorä) - Cousins to fairies, live in Alalëa, and speak the ancient language. Also a sprite, but their single segmented wings & ears are pointed, and they have angled eyes. Their color ranges from dark brown to murky green to glassy black. Very mischievous and tricky. Hoarders, and like to have shiny things. Less powerful and pretty than fairies, and generally don't get along with them. Created by Hermes, the messenger god of tricksters & inventions, as a joke on Hekate.
• Satyrs (Trystū) - A bit shorter than normal humans in size, but much taller than dwarves. Half goat and half man: lower body is a goat's legs and tail, above torso is a man, and they have a set of horns. Speak the human tongue with a thick brogue and don't commonly practice the magic arts. Favorite hobbies include drinking and throwing wild parties. They also play the pipes and are greatly attracted to nymphs. Created by Pan, god of the wild, nature, and rustic music. Mortal creatures.
• Centaurs (Cylëuwíl) - Have a horse's body with the head replaced by a human's upper body. They're very smart and wise, but at night turn into party animals. Speak their own language and also the ancient one. To ride a centaur is a great honor; only three (counting Niaomi) have ever done it. Competent fighters and excellent archers, also immortal. Created by Dionysus, the god of wine and madness, and blessed with their wisdom by Athena.
• Mermaids (Adurnakona) - Half human and half fish; have a long scaly tail and the upper body of a human. They wear shells as their only form of clothing, and like to recline on rocks as they comb their long hair. Merfolk communicate mentally, for mermaids' voices can ensnare untaken men's hearts. The only way to reverse the spell is for them to sing the song backwards. In general, mermaids are very shy, and are quick to swim away from any humans they spot. Immortal children of the river god Achelous and Melpomene, the Muse of singing.
• Mermen (Adurnakonar) - Male counterpart to mermaids; unlike the females, they rarely venture to the surface. Are very wise, (especially older ones), and handsome. Their voices are more deadly than mermaids, and the only way to cure a bespelled women is for the merman to have sexual intercourse with her. She will then have a human child that will always harbor a deep longing for the sea. The child can become a merperson if (s)he will marry a merperson.
• Sirens (Fethrkona) - No male counterpart. Sisters to mermaids through their father Achelous, but their mother is Erato, Muse of erotic poetry. Live in cliff caverns near the shoreline of Alalëa. Lure sailors with their beautiful voices, which are even more dangerous than mermaids, for they can capture any male's body & soul. They can change their form into the body of a beautiful young woman with feathers acting as clothing. However, a siren's true shape (called a harpy) is very different: they have the body of a bird, with scaly legs and wings for arms, and their eyes glow red as their mouth & nose melt to become a horrid beak. When they capture males, they rape them and then tie them in the cavern to feed on later.
• Shadowsnakes (Sundavrilnú) - Long, black snakes who are usually around 15-20 feet in length, and 2-5 inches in width. Their eye colors range from black to yellow to green, with the rare blue. More commonly known as darksnakes, these creatures can use black magic and are born knowing the sundavrilnú tongue; they also learn the ancient language and the human one, as well. Reside in Du Welden Abr Sundav (The Forest of Shade), a part of the Great Forest of Alalëa. Sundavrilneya are immortal and were created by Hades, the god of death. {Niaomi’s Bondmate’s Name (N.B.N.) - Ruyishewa (also known as “Ruyi”).}
• Pegasi (Phloÿn) - The first pegasi were born from the fault lines of magic and tectonic plates. The current of magic combined with the steam that arose from the earth gave form to the pegasus. These pegasi can be bonded to humans/elves if the person touches the pegasus after it's been created. Those born from a coupling cannot be bound. Bonded pegasi's eyes become the same color as their bondmate's. Very intelligent, brethren to unicorns, and cousins to the elven horses. Immortal but cannot harness magic; are brave and bold, but still reclusive. Crafted into existence by Poseidon and Zeus; the former gave the form, and the latter gave the wings. {Niaomi and her gang all have pegasi: N.B.N. - Cloud, Renata - Delois (aka “Delli”), Nathan - Vindrlíf (aka “Vinny”), Rosaminda - Loivissa (aka “Vissa”), Nicholas - Malthinae (aka “Malt”).}
• Unicorns (Trêuräz) - Magical horses with white spiraled horns on their foreheads. Those horns can be grounded up and used to heal any mortal wound. Also, the silver horns can be used to make jewelry that will protect the wearer from being poisoned or maimed. Their hair can be woven into clothes, which makes them impregnable; their hooves are gold, and melted down can be a deadly poison. Because of all these traits, unicorns were viciously hunted down, and the gentle loving animals became more reclusive. They retreated into the mountain fields, where the auloniads gave them sanctuary. When they are young, their fur is white or grey, but it darkens to a brown or black color as their get older. Their eye colors range between green and blue, and they cannot be bound in normal cases like pegasi. Created by Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. {N.B.N. - Blakkar (aka “Bramble”).}
• Thunderbirds (Kveykav-fethrblaka) - Huge birds; males can grow to be above two feet, and wingspans reach up past five. The females are marginally smaller and don't have a crest of feathers on their heads. Thunderbirds are dark blue in color, with a stormy grayish-blue underside that helps them blend into the storm clouds. Their eyes only range on the blue scale, usually with a silver or icy tint. Can generate lightning, and adults can even create storms when they feel threatened. Very territorial, and live alone except in mating season. Then, a pair will come together to have chicks, and both parents help raise the brood. Even when they set off for their own future, the parents remain together and the children still have a bond with them, visiting quite often. Zeus created them with the sparks from his lightning bolts that fell when his son Hephaestus was forging them. {N.B.N. - Ion.}
• Mistwolves (Garm Abr Datia) - These wolves have a unique magical ability to manipulate water, to the point were they can turn themselves into mist. Are white in color with dark, varied markings. Their eyes are blue when they're young, and then come into the adult color: brown, amber, gold, yellow, green, black, or gray. Live in the mountain forests of Alalëa, and can run as fast as trêuräzar, which is their prime prey. Hunt in packs ranging about 5-15 in size. Very loyal and fierce creatures, created by Artemis, goddess of the hunt and moon. {N.B.N. - Dewdrop (aka “Dew”).}
• Griffins (Girœdiań) - Have the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle. Can reach the size of an adult pegasus, though much heavier and muscular. Their wings come in various shades of brown, and do their coats. Heads are usually white, and eye colors range from gold to red. They are fierce immortal hunters of the grasslands of Alalëa, and they can emit a cry that turns their victims to stone. Very territorial and solitary creatures. Griffins favorite food are pegasi, and they were created by Zeus from his two favorite animals. {N.B.N. - Rumble}
• Gem Owls (Stenörsvilaka) - Full name in ancient language is "stenör svit-blaka," which literally translates into "gem wise-bird." Obviously, the wise-bird part means owl, and to shorten the name, svit-blaka is combined to make svilaka. Gem owls are about half the size of thunderbirds, and look like barn owls in their features. Their feathers are actual gold, and their irises various gems. Their claws and beaks are made of white gold, and they shed them every once in awhile. Gem owls were made by Athena, the goddess of wisdom - but like they did with the kuldrfeön (Eragon's golden flower he created for Arya), the spirits turned this particular species of owl into an immortal, living rare metal as a favor to the goddess. {N.B.N. - Skystreak (aka “Sky”).}
• Phoenixes (Brisingr-fethrblaka) - Though their name literally means "fire-bird," they are called phoenixes. They have red feathers that usually lighten towards the tips of the wings and tail, in colors from orange to yellow; eyes are usually black, but can be gold as well. Their heads have a small number of feathers that sprout in a curlicue style at the back, and can grow up to half a foot in length. Phoenixes live in the volcanic regions of Alalëa, and are immortal through their astonishing ability to be reborn; when a phoenix dies, it catches fire and turns to ash, and from that ash rises once more. Brisingr-fethrblaka can wield fire, and were created by Hephaestus, god of the forge and flame. {N.B.N. - Flair}
• Werecats (Zerūzu) - These mysterious creatures have the unique ability to shape shift from a large shaggy cat to a human with feral-looking eyes and the same shaggy hair. They are extremely smart and very dangerous, with little known about them. Werecats can use magic to control normal cats and the ice element; also, they show a powerful oracular power, able to prophesy big events. They can be bondmates (which they call "companions") with other species, who are usually high in rank or power. The zerūzu were created by Apollo, oracular god of the sun and arts. {N.B.N. - Ava}
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