(SU) Royal Dickree (18+)
Warnings: Post-Future: Steven is 25; Contains (Blue Zircon x Yellow Zircon) x Steven sex and Romance. Steven and Connie have amicably separated in the past, and are still good friends. Connie is mentioned to be in a lesbian relationship.
Synopsis: Steven, now a 25 year old man, wants to embrace his Gem heritage and decides to live on Homeworld for a while because of it. He is also single now, as he and Connie have decided to just stay best friends. He calls her and askes her what he should do on Homeworld, and she suggests to go talk to the local leaders, as the Gem's recently held an election. He goes to see the new 'Mayor' of Homeworld, Blue Zircon, and her assistant Yellow Zircon. The Zircons find the grown up Universe to be very attractive. They talk long into the night about the political situation on Homeworld, and as Steven goes to leave, he tries to ask them out on a date (As he rather likes intellegent women). They agree on the condition that he date both of them. Unbeknownst to Steven, on Homeworld, it is common to have sex at the end of the first date (as a way to see if the dating gems would be a good match; as to a Gem, sex is a less intimate experience than fusion). They go on a walk through an orchard in the palace, and have a wonderful time. They tell Steven about Homeworld's dating custom, and thought shocked, he is not opposed to the idea. They go to Steven's bedchambers, and have sex. In the months to come, their relationship grows stronger.
9 years was a lot of time. Many things could change in that time. Connie had a Bachelor's degree in political science and was now working on her doctorate... And, more importantly, Steven and her had realized something. They both wanted different, if related things, out of life. They loved each other... but if they stayed together, it would only lead to pain. So they decided to be friends. It hurt them both... but Steven and Connie had come to accept it. Connie now had a loving girlfriend, and Steven had... been on a journey of self discovery.
He'd decided to embrace his Gem heritage. He was a Diamond. A prince really. And he figured... if he's really done so much good for Gemkind...maybe it's time he turned it into something good for him! He was 25 now, and a veritable giant of a man; and his therapist told him he should try to make new associations with Gems. Hell... he might even find new love on Homeworld; who knows!
So... He had been talking with more and more Gems at Little Homeworld. Not to teach them... but to learn from them. And he was finally ready... he was ready to go to Homeworld. The real Homeworld. To be a... a Diamond. But... he didn't want to have a big welcome. Though he told the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds he'd be living on Homeworld for a while, he didn't tell them when he'd arrive. He wanted things to be nice and quiet. He even made sure to hitch a ride on a ship rather than use the Warp Pad, just in case they were monitoring the warp stream.
As he stepped off the ship, he looked around. Man... Homeworld had really changed. Things seemed much more... human friendly. There were even a few Gems walking around with infants in their arms; he'd heard that they'd come up with a way for Gems to give birth to hybrids without giving up their forms. This was perfect for Gem human relations, and he wasn't going to think any more about this...
He walked amongst the crowd, trying not to stand out, and... figure out what to do. He didn't want to just go see the Diamonds and Spinel just yet. He wanted to get his bearings before he was pampered against his will by three doting aunts and a 'sister' that all felt like they had to make up for how they'd hurt him in the past, no matter how much he told them it was alright.
So... now what? He called up Connie. She usually had a good idea of what to do. He called her up on Facetime. Seeing her always helped him. She answered quickly. "Hey Steven!~" She said, in a jokingly flirty manner. "What's up?"
"Hey Connie, I'm calling from Homeworld." Connie looked shocked. "I'd heard they'd done something to allow communication from Homeworld to Earth but... the signals so clear!" Steven laughed at her shock. "Yeah. Apparently, the Diamonds made it top priority... Anyway-" Suddenly, another woman, with coco skin and long, thin white hair walked onto screen. The woman that Steven had never seen gave Connie a kiss on the cheek and said "Hey babe, who you talkin' to?"
Connie giggled as Steven blushed. Connie responded to her lover "Well Lizzie, I'm talking with Steven." The other girl got a smirk on her face, and turned towards the camera. "Really? Your famous ex? Let me get a look at-" She looked at Steven's face, with a shocked expression. Steven waved at her slightly awkwardly. "DAMN! That's what he looks like!? Look at his hands!" She looked at her own, much, much smaller hands, and wiggled her adorably stubby fingers. Connie took a sip of a drink on her desk. "No wonder it's so hard to please you!" Lizzie said, as Connie spit out her drink, and Steven blushed vibrantly.
"ANYWAY!" Steven said, desperate to change the subject, "I just arrived on Homeworld and I was wondering, ya know, since I'm gonna be a 'Diamond' and all, if you had any advice... Since you're a political science major and all." Connie ignored the slowly increasingly lewd comments of her girlfriend to address her first friend. "Well, you might want to get acquainted with local politics first. You said they had an election recently right? Maybe check in with the elected officials?"
Steven nodded. "Thanks Connie, you've always steered me right... well, ever since you entered college." Connie giggled. "No problem Steven, I'm happy to help." Steven went to exit the call, but accidentally only turned off his face camera. He could see Connie and her girlfriend still. As he went to go hang up, Lizzie asked Connie "Be honest... how big was he." Connie made a motion with her hands, as Steven blush. Lizzie flinched. "Jeez! And yet you haven't been split in half?! You're made of tougher stuff than I thought!" Connie gave her a sly smile as she nodded her head... Steven cleared his throat. Connie rapidly hung up, as Lizzie laughed. Steven wished them well.
Well... if he needs to talk to the local elected officials... then he should go meet them! The Zircons were the ones in charge. Well, "in charge". The Diamonds officially were just figureheads. Unofficially? The only reason the Zircons had any power was because of the endorsement of the democratic system by the Diamonds. BUT! He still figured he'd give them a visit. Figure out how things work, eh?
Luckily, being a Diamond came with perks. Normally he wouldn't want any special treatment. But, seeing as making an appointment with the Mayor, Blue Zircon, would take weeks and weeks of waiting for approval, being able to walk in the front door with "I'm Pink Diamond" was rather convenient. He walked in the front door, and was escorted to the Mayor's room, where her assistant was sitting behind a desk... It was Yellow Zircon.
Most people would think that making a person's opponent in a political race their partner in the political system would be a bad move, but Gems kind of sucked at this whole democracy thing... though, to be fair, they were very new at it, so he could forgive this little mistake. Besides, it seemed to be working out... at least, from what he could see at a glance. He walked up to her desk.
Yellow Zircon was busy filing some paperwork. She was still a bit bitter at having lost the recent election... again. But hey, Gem's didn't have term limits, or attempt limits. So she could keep trying forever. And when she was told someone would be paying Blue Zircon a visit, she had rolled her eyes. Probably just another noble Gem that was outraged at things changing to be more egalitarian. Not really worth thinking about.
Then she heard a deep, and rather naturally sensual voice call out to her. "Hey there, Yellow Zircon." Well... the pleasing, spine tingling bass ruled out it being a Gem right off the bat. This was a man... but... what man was on Homeworld and would have a reason to see the Mayor of Homeworld? She looked up...
... and saw the handsome, lantern jawed face of Steven Diamond Universe. She looked into his face... the face of a man who, when he was a boy, she fought so hard to have... basically executed in court? He'd grown up gorgeous. He was everything any Man, Woman, or Gem could want in a man... at least by Yellow Zircon's metrics. She blushed as she stared into his gorgeous eyes. Steven scratched the back of his head. "Are... are you alright?"
She snapped out of her reverie by the soothing bass of Steven's voice. She tried to respond. "Y-yes! What do you need Pink Dia-" Steven's face started to fall, as she realized her faux pas. "Steven! What do you need Steven." Steven tried to cover up his annoyance at being called Pink Diamond. If he was going to embrace his Gem heritage, he'd have to get used to the idea of being Pink Diamond.
"Well, I was hoping to talk to Blue Zircon... but I'm glad I got to talk to you as well." Yellow Zircon got a fierce blush. Damn it! She was good at suppressing emotions like guilt, sadness or fury, but Arousal? Amorousness? ... dare she say the startings of Passion, or Love? That was harder. "W-well... o-ok. Let me uh... let me go inform her. Yellow stood up, and walked into the Mayor's office. Steven sent a sweet smile her way. "Ok." ... Stars, if she'd known humans could get that handsome, she might have tried to lose the trial all those years ago.
Blue Zircon was working hard at her desk. Signing papers, approving or disapproving various things. Being a Mayor isn't much harder than being a Lawyer it turns out. She looked up to see the face of her political rival, assistant, and on-again off-again lover, Yellow Zircon. She gave a smile to her... before she realized how... flustered Yellow looked.
"What's wrong Yellow?" She'd never seen Yellow like this. She looked both stressed and... a bit dreamy. "Blue... do you remember Steven Universe?" Blue scoffed. "Obviously. He's only the most famous case I've ever worked on! Why?" Yellow nodded towards the door. "He uh... wants to talk to you." Blue dropped the pen she was holding and got a 'deer-in-headlights' look on her face. She was... not ready for this.
Blue was in a bind. She didn't know what Steven wanted! He didn't have an appointment, so she could just turn him away... but he's a Diamond! If she did that, she'd risk the ire of the Diamonds... and well, officially they couldn't do anything... unofficially, Yellow would throw her off the planet. Physically pick her up, and throw her into the sky, with enough force to break orbit. And that's assuming he was ok with her denying his visit! If he was upset... oh stars, she didn't want to think about that. She had no real choice. "Send him in."
Yellow Zircon peaked her head out of the door and told Steven he could come in... and as he walked in, Blue Zircon had to keep her jaw from dropping. The Steven she'd defended all those years ago was a short, innocent looking child. The man before her was a mountain of muscle, fat, and masculinity. With a sharp jaw, flowing curly hair, and a body like a bear (not that she'd know what that animal is), he was overflowing with power and authority, and he was just casually walking towards her; relaxed, and wanting to talk.
Well, any doubt that he was a Diamond were dispelled right now.
He walked up to the desk, and got a lovely and innocent smile on his face. "Hey, I remember you! You defended me at the trial." Blue Zircon scrambled to sit straight and look presentable and authoritative. "Y-yes, I was. How are you, Steven?" She tried to be polite. The fact that he was a veritable God among lesser beings was no excuse for not being formal and official with him. "I'm doing great. I've come here to... well, I want to embrace my Diamond heritage!"
Yellow Zircon had an expression of total shock that neatly mirrored Blue Zircon's. Well, the Diamonds would be happy to hear that but... what did he need them for?! "W-well that's great but... What do you need from me?" Steven blushed, realizing that he'd just assumed they were on the same page. "O-oh, uhh... I was hoping you could tell me how things work around here. Both of you. If the people think you two are qualified to lead them, then you two are the first people I'd want to talk about when it comes to being a leader."
The Zircons blushed at the compliment. Yellow took it a bit better, and cleared her throat to give Blue some more time to gather her thoughts. "Well, in that case, we should discuss current affairs." Steven gave a beaming smile; he seemed genuinely excited at the prospect of learning about the political situation on Homeworld. The Zircon's found it adorable.
Blue got out some papers and straightened them out on her desk. "W-well, come over here, and I'll tell you what's going on." He walked over to her... and gosh, he was so tall, and strong, and as he knelt down to be closer to her to hear her and see the papers, he was so close and her body got hot and... damn it, why does he have this effect on her?!? She could see that Yellow Zircon was being affected in a similar way. As Yellow walked off, Steven called out to her. "Wait. Do you mind helping me too? I want to hear your take on things as well."
Yellow looked like she was trying and only slightly failing to suppress a smile. Many Gems didn't have much respect for her as she was only the Mayor's assistant. Hell, Blue Zircon, her old rival, treated her with more respect and love than any other Gem... Though, Steven saw her as someone worthy of respect! She suppressed a squeal of joy at what was basically praise from someone she'd consider a superior life form and walked over to him, with a look of pracised respect and impassive stoicism. "Well, if you insist."
And, long through the day, they talked with him. Steven was the utmost symbol of chivalry and courtesy. So polite, and cordial. He treated all their words with the utmost respect, and took everything they said with the weight it was intended for. Even other Gems, the Gems that were supposed to listen to them, didn't give them the same level of respect Steven did. Anyone, even the Zircons themselves wouldn't consider themselves the equal of the great Steven Universe. And it seems, he was the only one on all of Homeworld who thought that they should be treated as his equal.
And as they talked, and the light cycle turned from 'day' to 'night' (To help humans and hybrids on the planet sleep, every 16 hours of normal light were followed by 8 of much dimmer light), they realized something... They were falling for the hybrid prince... no, scratch that, they had fallen for him. He was powerful, handsome, kind and respectful. He was everything they'd imagined him to be, and far more. And, with freedom of expression being such a big thing amongst Gems now, there was the temptation to tell him.
They had run out of really important things to talk about; and Steven could tell. He stood up, and stretched his arms over his head. This made his shirt stretch against his round belly, and powerful chest and arms. The Zircons stared with blushes clear on their faces, their minds rebelling against them, and imagining... less than appropriate scenarios. They wanted to feel his powerful hands on them... wanted to press their bodies against his powerful frame... but this was too far, even for the new Era 3! They kept their filthy thoughts to themselves, though they knew each other well enough to tell that they were in sync in this case.
Steven, meanwhile, had been grooving off their arousal and emotions this whole time. His empathic abilities had gotten far stronger, and he could easily feel what another was feeling if he wasn't careful. He was well aware that both Zircons were smitten with him... and that both were getting very... turned on by his presence. "Well, I'll be off..." He started to walk away... when he felt it.
A mixture of relief and disappointment. It came from both Zircons, but in different measures. Blue was a bit more relieved; she had a career to think about, after all! But Yellow was a bit more disappointed; she was convinced that Steven was still sore about the trial all those years ago. And as for himself... Steven didn't want to leave; not yet, anyway. He had to admit, he had a thing for clever, political women. Connie was proof enough of that. And well... the Zircons were cute, and he was looking for a new partner... Maybe he could hit it off with one of them? He turned around.
"Actually..." The Zircons snapped at attention, their curiosity piqued. "Would either of you like to uh... go out sometime?" Steven mentally kicked himself for how awkward that statement was. What, can't bother to pick one? What was wrong with him.
The Zircons looked at each other... and Yellow gave a clever smile, while Blue looked apprehensive. "What if we both made an appearance?~" She said, in a flirtatious manner to his question. Blue flinched, but hoped he'd be ok with it. She'd come to rather like Yellow over her many years of life; she'd hate to turn her away, even for Steven. As for Steven, he took a step back in shock... but the idea... wasn't repellent, just shocking.
"Uhh... That'd be fine." He could feel the immense excitement pour off the Zircons in powerful waves, even as they kept their faces stoic, and professional, permitting only a friendly smile to show. "Well then, third night cycle from now, let's meet up somewhere; one of the parks in the palace, perhaps?" Blue said diplomatically. "That works, see you two then." Steven said, in his usual friendly manner. "Excellent, we'll see you there." Yellow Zircon said.
Steven walked away, and the three of them all breathed a sigh of relief... and joy. Yellow and Blue were excited in slightly different ways for their... date (Just thinking about that got them a little giddy) with the Steven Universe. History with him or not, that's a noteworthy achievement. They embraced each other in a... decidedly unprofessional manner, as their lips clashed together in a sloppy kiss.
As for Steven, he was a bit nervous. This was his first date... well, sort of date, since he and Connie decided to be friends. Not that he'd had a lack of opportunity... or even people asking him out. He'd just not felt comfortable being with someone else yet. He'd only gotten over Connie romantically recently. And now he was about to go out with two Gems... at once... and he was certain that they both wanted to date him at the same time because they were already an item.
He sighed. He didn't have time to think about this. He had to brace himself for the Diamonds to dote on him relentlessly. He'd think about this in the morning... or perhaps the day after that, when he could find a moment to himself.
Well, the day had come, and he'd barely had time to really think about it. The Diamonds were borderline overbearing, insisting on doting on him, and having Gems cater to his whims, since he was going to not only be living with them, but he was going to try to be... well, a Diamond now. That, and Spinel had accompanied him the whole way and she was... a bit of a mess. Unlike last time he'd been here, she wasn't trying to pretend like she was all ok anymore, and let her bitterness show, but she was still peppy, and loving... a bit too loving. She wouldn't leave him alone for 2 full days, and he had to have Quartz guards stand outside his room so she wouldn't watch him sleep for fear that he might leave.
Though, that's not to say it was bad. He saw the improvements they all had made towards becoming better people, and honestly? He was proud of them. And really, once he talked with them, and told him that he wanted to do things for himself, they came to a deal. He'd have Gems do some more menial tasks, to get him more used to delegation, but he would still have agency. Plus... It was kind of nice to just accept the love and praise of the Diamonds and Spinel. But now... he had to think about his date with the Zircons.
The two pretty ex-lawyer Gems that he was going to meet at a park and do... well, they'd not worked that part out yet. Do Gems have their own ideas of what makes a good date? Is it different from Human ideas? What's appropriate? Will he be expected to kiss on the first date? How will him being a Diamond factor into it? He was worried as all get out.
Meanwhile, the two Zircons couldn't be more excited. They were a bit worried Steven might find how Gems handle relationships in the 3rd Era to be... a bit fast and intense... but their worries were overwritten by the possibilities. They didn't know if it was normal on Earth to have sex on the first date, as humans couldn't fuse, but... hey, if he said no to that, it was still ok. They could try again on the second date.
Yellow Zircon was deciding on outfits for them as Blue finished up her work. She wanted it to be enticing and erotic but not 'slutty'. She figured that a sort of 'one-piece date night dress' would work for the both of them. She shifted her outfit into a single, one strap yellow dress that gently hugged her curves. It made her feel sexy and empowered; like she could convict a thousand criminals! She called out to Blue, who responded "Just a few minutes!"
Once she finished up her work, she walked out, to see her... girlfriend, basically, in a wonderfully sexy dress. She smiled at her longtime rival, and gently grabbed her hips, shifting her own outfit to match Yellow's; except her strap was on the opposite shoulder and her dress was obviously blue. "You look amazing Yellow.~" Yellow Zircon gave a smirk and responded "You aren't half bad yourself, 'Mayor'." They kissed, and walked toward the palace.
Blue pulled out the Diamond communicator she had, as Mayor, from her Gem, and set it to call Pink Diamond, aka, Steven, aka, their hot date. Meanwhile, with Steven, who was in his room, wondering what he has to do for his date, got a call. He answered it, and he saw Blue and Yellow Zircon, their arms around the waists of one another, looking gorgeous. A blush ran across his face, as his heart beat faster. "Uh... H-hello Zircons."
Yellow gave a rather seductive yet cocky smirk, as Blue Zircon looked sympathetic to his awkward plight. Blue was the first to speak up "We'll meet you in the orchard park. Ask one of the other Diamonds if you don't know where it is." Steven smiled, he'd actually seen that park before in the palace; it was a small forest, with many beautiful trees from around the cosmos, with a few guards of Petrified Wood to protect it. It was beautiful.
"Alright, I'll see you there!" Steven was kind of excited. For all his nerves, he was still a man, and there was still a part of him that took some pride in dating two women at once; though, he was a bit worried if that made him a bad person... He figured as long as he respects and tries to love them both, it would be fine. Then, Yellow Zircon did something that caught him off guard. She gave him a wink and said "We'll see you there.~" and blew him a kiss. He flinched, as the feed cut out.
Blue turned to Yellow and chastised her. "Careful! You might scare him off with how forward you are!" Yellow turned her smug face over to her lover and said "It worked on you, didn't it?" Blue blushed heavily, and turned away, unable to deny the truth of the statement. "Y-yeah, but come on, this is the Steven Universe! We have one chance to impress him, and if we screw it up that's it." Now it was Yellow's turn to blush in embarrassment. "We're already taking a risk and assuming he'll be comfortable with how we handle dates here on Homeworld, we don't need to make him feel pressured." Yellow hated admitting she was wrong... but she did. "You're right, I'm sorry."
Blue Zircon kissed Yellow on the cheek to make her feel better. "Look... we're coming up on the Palace. Don't worry... things will go smoothly; this is the same man that, as a boy, tried to use himself as a bargaining chip to save his home planet." Yellow giggled, a rare sight for the normally reserved Gem. "Yeah... You're right, as usual.~" Yellow and Blue Zircon would continue to flirt and talk the whole way to the park.
Steven, on the other hand, was much less calm about the whole affair. The Diamonds had installed a bathroom for him, and as he showered he thought about their dresses, and their bodies... their faces and personalities... everything about them, really. He loved their intelligence, their bodies, their voices... damn, he wanted them. He could feel his massive rod hardening just thinking about them. He took a deep breath, and tried to will his erection away. It's just a first date, no need to get too excited.
He finished his shower, and got dressed in some pink colored finery. As opposed to the dresses of his mother, these outfits had been tailored for a man. It made him look regal, princely, and dare he say handsome. Though, that would be for the Zircon's to judge. He made his way to the park. Gems stared, and he even got a few catcalls... it was uncomfortable, to say the least, though, on the bright side, it told him he looked good, at least.
As he entered the Park, he saw that it was mostly empty; how fortunate! He saw the two Zircons beneath a luscious tree with bright green flowers and vibrant red leaves that... he was 100 percent certain weren't from Earth. They were flirting and talking amongst one another, looking absolutely gorgeous. Wow... they looked even more beautiful in person, and they got more gorgeous as he walked closer. Combine that with their powerful minds and their strong personalities, and they were quite the catch.
As Steven got closer, the Zircon's turned to face him, and they had to keep their jaws from dropping. He was wearing an elegant pink uniform, that hugged his muscles and made him look every bit the prince he actually was. From the pink cape to the tight, silken shirt, and his snazzy dress pants that seemed to emphasise the muscles in his legs and the... sizable package between them. It was an outfit made for a man among men, but the designers clearly had no idea what shame was.
Steven blushed. He didn't have any other option other than these regal yet... lurid outfits. He didn't know who ordered them made, but he needed to talk with them about appropriate clothing for a human. He had forgotten to bring more Earth clothes and it would be a bit before he had one of the CG's bring him more clothes here. So, he had to bare with it... luckily, it seemed the Zircon's were appreciative of the outfit at least.
The two Zircons quietly discussed amongst themselves. "See! He clearly understands how we do things here on Homeworld! Look at that outfit... it'd look even better on our bedroom floor.~" Yellow whispered lustily to her partner. Blue gently shook her head. "No, see, look at his expression; I bet this was the most modest thing he had to wear. You know how the light tailors have been acting lately." Yellow nodded. "Fair, fair... let's take this a bit slower then." They turned to face him, and split apart, flanking him, and hooking their arms in his. "Shall we?~" Yellow said, as Blue followed with "Lead the way.~"
Steven blushed furiously; he might be a grown man with needs, but he was still an innocent sweetheart at his core. He led them around the park like a gentleman, looking at all the trees and flowers in the orchard. They all had to admit... This was a good idea. Trees and flowers and fruits of all sizes, colors, and shapes passed by them. It was beautiful.
As they walked, the Zircon's kept flirting with Steven, trying to prepare him for... well... the end of the date. Mostly Yellow. She would complement his powerful arms, or his soft belly, or his gorgeous hair. Blue could tell... she was eager for this. Neither of them had had a man before, but they'd heard rumors... and well, they were a bit overwhelmed in the best way by the specimen of male perfection between them.
As for Steven, he was like an adorable, 7'+ lost puppy! He understood they were flirting with him, and did his best to keep up, but they were clearly more experienced at this than him. He only knew about dating from Connie... and he'd known her for years before their first real 'date date'. He barely knew the Zircons and here he was, trying to match their energy.
Don't get it wrong. He wanted to; two beautiful Gems wanted to get to know him intimately, and by the Stars above, he wanted to know them just as deeply. But his flirting was inept and basic at best. Were it not for the fact that everything about him, from his deep, sensual and pleasing voice, to his powerful yet soft body, was seemingly designed to appeal to anyone with any attraction to manly characteristics, he'd seem a complete novice.
Fortunately, since he was a walking talking adonis of accidental masculine sexual divinity, his inept flirting was having a powerful effect on the Zircons in turn. Blue's blush covered her face, which she had buried into his large and powerful right arm, as Yellow rubbed her legs together as she walked, being much less subtle about how turned on she was over the Hybrid prince. They approached the end of the garden, hours of walking and talking feeling like mere minutes; telling the three individuals how absorbed they were into their sightseeing and flirting.
Well.. now it was the moment of truth. The Zircons let go of his arms, the air feeling cold without the warmth of his body, and stood in front of him... Yellow planted a kiss on her lover as Blue spoke nervously to Steven. "If you don't mind... would you escort us to y-your... bedchambers?~" She tried to sound sexy... she didn't really succeed with her nerves all shot, but it had the intended effect on Steven anyway.
He blushed deeply, and was confused to say the least. This was the first date and they wanted to see his bedroom? But... maybe that was how they did things here on Homeworld? He wanted to keep an open mind... and there was a part of him that wanted them in his bed... So, he nodded. "O-of course; Gladly." And he placed his big and powerful hands on their hips, as he led them through the palace to his personal bedchambers.
As he did so, he heard many Gems make jealous and envious comments. He and Blue Zircon both felt a bit uncomfortable at that... but they weren't going to let it ruin their night. Yellow Zircon however, seemed to relish in the envy of other Gems. She traced patterns on Steven's large and powerful chest with her hand as she made loving eyes at him, both to draw the ire of other Gems, and because she was getting more and more amorous as time passed.
It wasn't long before they'd reached his room, and Steven was at his wits end. Luckly, his Hybrid physiology gave him some control over his junk... otherwise, he'd have certainly ripped through his pants with the force of his arousal by this point! The lewd thoughts that had gently swam in his head since he'd thought about the Zircons in the shower had steadily increased in power the whole day! And he wasn't sure how much longer he could control things.
As for the Zircons, they were both in a haze of excitement and arousal, but both were handling it in different ways. Yellow was eager, and now that they were in the privacy of Steven's own bed chambers, it took all her training in suppressing her emotions not to, for lack of a better description, hump his leg like a horny dog. She wanted him bad. Just as turned on, but much more restrained and nervous, was Blue Zircon. For every bit of heat in her belly that she felt for the hybrid adonis, there was a worried thought that he'd reject them, or worse, even be offended by their offer... but she knew that letting fear rule her was the easiest way to fail. So, she surprised Yellow, by being the one to speak up first.
"Do you know how dating is done on Homeworld, Steven?" She looked so serious when he asked, that Steven felt ashamed at his ignorance. "N-no... no I don't." Yellow looked both shocked and annoyed. She was certain now that he wouldn't accept their offer; and she was looking forward to knowing the touch of a man! Blue Zircon was instead crestfallen. Though much more grounded and realistic, she was just as eager to feel Steven's large hands exploring her body.
"So... how is dating done on Homeworld?" Steven's innocent request, like all the words he spoke in that powerful, smooth bassy voice of his, sent a lovely shiver up the Zircon's spines. Blue Zircon consigned herself to rejection, and started work on thinking up what to say to get him to agree to a second date. "W-well... Since many Gem relationships will involve fusion at one point... Gem couples will... have sex on the first date, to see how compatable they are together." She and Yellow waited for Steven's reaction.
He was shocked, and it showed on his face. He... hadn't really factored in the fact that to Gems, Fusion was a much more intimate act than sex, and, since they didn't need sex to reproduce, the instinct to connect sex with romance wouldn't really exist. It was just something fun and intimate to do with someone you liked. And with that, he had his answer; Sex wasn't that big of a deal to Gems, and he was really, really horny. And really, it would be rude to ignore Homeworld customs, right? That made sense to his increasingly horny brain. And with that, he gave a response.
"OH! Well... then, should I start, or should you?"
The Zircons both snapped at attention to him at that. They had prepared for every reaction except acceptance. They didn't know how to respond to getting what they both wanted most. Steven awkwardly continued "I-if you're not comfortable with this, we don't have to do it." Both Zircons responded with a resounding "NO, WE DEFINITELY WANT THIS!" They looked at each other at their simultaneous outburst, and all three of them laughed; the tension was successfully defused.
But, it was quickly replaced, as Steven shuffled off his top, trying to be accommodating. The Zircons stared as he took off the shirt and cape, revealing his powerful barrel chest to the world. His arms and pectorals looked powerful enough to bend steel, while the gut beneath them looked as soft and inviting as any pillow or bed... and, as they knew from leaning on it, and feeling him as they walked through the garden, both of those statements were true. Steven blushed under their reverent gaze.
Blue was first to recover from both the shock, and from seeing that the Diamond prince looked even better shirtless than he did in his outfit, first. She shook her head a bit, and tried to put on a more sensual look on her face. She kind of succeeded. "W-well then, shall we?" She said, trying not to be awkward, as she slipped the strap of her dress down off her shoulder and walked over to Steven's impressive bed.
She laid down, and slipped her dress down with a practiced hand to reveal her perky breasts. Neither her nor Yellow had an impressive bust size, but it was still more than enough for them... and judging by the look on Steven's face, he was quite the fan of their smaller chests as well. Seeing her partner slip off her dress snapped Yellow out of her shock. She quickly recovered and slid over to join Blue on the bed, slipping her own dress down a bit to join Blue in having her tits exposed.
Steven couldn't believe what was happening, the Zircons were looking at each other with lust in their eyes. He'd have felt like an outside, were it not for the fact their eyes kept flicking over to him, both to get a glimpse of his reactions, and to let him know 'you are allowed to see this'. They pulled each other into a tongue filled kiss, as their hands drifted down each other's bodies. As the lovers explored each other, and their pretty dresses slid more and more off their bodies, Steven felt his willpower wane more and more... until they glowed brightly for a moment, and the dresses were off; and, at that sight, he lost control of his arousal.
The Zircons heard a significant ripping sound, as Steven felt himself grow hard, fast, at the sight before them. They turned, curious to see what made that noise. Steven tried to cover himself but he was too big. They saw it. His, quite frankly tremendous phallus. Large, intimidating, pulsing with arousal, and looking like it could split either of them in half.
Neither Zircon knew much about human anatomy, but that thing looked like it could kill a human woman! But for Gem's like them? It was just a thick, nearly foot long rod of pleasure. Blue held onto Yellow, who nearly pounced at the chance to feel it. They'd both experimented with shapeshifting a dick before, but they'd heard from Gems with male lovers that a shapeshifted dick couldn't compare to the real thing... and they were about to find out if that was true for themselves!
Steven looked mortified, until, suddenly, Yellow told him "Bring that over here.~ Come on, we're waiting.~" She seemed really eager for this, and even Blue couldn't keep her eyes off it... she was even salivating slightly. Steven had to admit, having the Zircons basically almost literally drooling over his cock made him feel a lot better about basically being naked in front of them. He took off the tattered remains of his pants, and climbed into the bed with them.
The Zircons, for the first time today, felt a sense of... sexual intimidation from the Diamond Prince. Oh sure, they wanted him... so badly! But what if they weren't good enough for him? What if they couldn't handle him? He towered over them like a monolith of virility and they were entwined with each other, practically prostrate before him... Then, Blue spoke up. "W-well, what do you think?~ You can touch us, you know."
Steven blunk in surprise, as if the thought that he could feel them was foreign to him. He was innocent, even though this wasn't his first time having sex. However, he wasn't ignorant, and he licked his thumb to wet it, and placed it on Blue Zircon's clit; rubbing it with gentle force.
She threw her head back in pleasure, moaning wantonly, as he adjusted his pressure and rubbing in accordance with how she reacted. Steven, both from his nature and his powers, was very empathetic, and good at reading people by this point. It wasn't hard for him to tell what actions made her feel the best. As Yellow admired his work in pleasing her lover, he picked her up with one massive hand, and planted her crotch on his face, and set his thick and long tongue to work on exploring her depths.
His efforts paid off with moans of approval and waves of pleasure rolling off the Zircons. Yellow wrapped her legs around his head, as she gripped onto him tight, practically humping his face as he ate her out, while Blue started to drip onto the bed from his efforts. Feeling that she was ready for it, he slipped one meaty finger inside her; the girth of his finger meant that even without trying to, it wound up gently scraping her sweet spots as he passed them. And, utilizing his empathic powers to feel their pleasure as his own, he quickly found out which spots to focus on... for both of them.
The Zircons were absolutely outmatched, their experience no match for the power, the size, and the sheer determination to please, of Steven Diamond Universe! Blue writhed under the force of his fingering and his playing with her clit, driving her towards the edge faster than she could imagine. Meanwhile, thanks to both the natural size of his tongue, his shapeshifting, and his ability to literally feel it when he hit a sweet spot with her, Yellow was practically melting on his face. He had to lean back, to help keep her perched on his shoulders, since she was going limp from the shockwaves of pleasure he was putting her through with his talented tongue.
He might not be very skilled; but a combination of both natural talent, smart usage of his powers, and the feel of his warm flesh being unlike anything a Gem or toy could truly reproduce had him at a distinct advantage over the two ex-lawyers... and they both knew it.
Blue was the first to cum, a blended orgasm from both his thick finger teasing her g-spot and his thumb teasing her clit. She shook and moaned out loud, her form glitching and thrashing about as she squirted onto the bed and Steven's hand. Yellow Zircon, hearing Blue cum so hard, was pushed over the edge herself, squirting into Steven's mouth, as he carefully held onto her, as she went a bit limp from the orgasm. When she'd calmed down a bit, he set her next to Blue.
They both looked up... and they felt overwhelmed in the most blessed way. So, this was what sex with a Diamond was like... It lived up to their imaginations, to say the least... but it dawned on them. He'd pleased them... but his massive rod still stood proud, untouched, and he was waiting for their move... And they knew that, even working together, they'd not be able to give him the pleasure he'd given them. That was a skill that would come with weeks and months and years of loving him... Time they didn't have... but they did know one thing.
According to both Gems and Women alike, men were a bit easier to please than women. If they could take his phallus comfortably, they could let him fuck him till he was satisfied and that would be good enough... but they knew they weren't ready for that yet. They'd need to be... much... bigger... And that's when it hit them. Fusion! If they fused, they could easily satisfy the randy Diamond prince.
They looked into each other's eyes, and pulled one another in for a deep, and passionate kiss... before their bodies glowed, and they started to combine. Steven was shocked; he hadn't expected this! As the light cleared, his already hard cock jumped again at the sight of the fused Mega Zircon.
She was a pleasant Green Color, with a pleasant mix of features from the two zircons. Indeed, were it not for the increased size, one would mistake her for being a normal Green Zircon. Both Yellow and Blue looked at the Prince, who now seemed so much more manageable, though still impressive, with intense lust from within the fusion. She reached down, and with one hand, spread the lips of her soaked womanhood. "Come on, I'm ready for you.~" And with that, the last bit of hesitation in Steven washed away.
He placed one hand next to her head to steady himself, and with the other, carefully aimed his massive cock for the dripping hole between Mega Zircon's legs... and then with one smooth thrust, most of him slid right in.
"Ngh! T-tight!" Steven grunted, as Mega Zircon let out a pleasured "Ah!!" And wrapped her legs around his waist reflexively. He wasn't fully inside her, and both Zircons were being overwhelmed with pleasure and fullness. Their insides stretched wide to accommodate Steven's girth and length, thank the Stars Gems don't have bones or organs to worry about, but he wasn't fully inside them! And his efforts at foreplay set every nerve on high alert, making them super sensitive to even his heartbeat, which they could feel through his cock inside them.
And then, he started to pull out, dragging his meat out of them slowly, also coaxing a low moan out of them. When he was almost entirely out of them, with only the head of his cock still in them, they felt so... empty. They wanted him back inside them, now! They weren't sure how they could go back to not having him inside them now that they knew what it was like to feel him inside them.
Fortunately, he thrust back into them, and deeper than before! It felt like he was in their stomach, and he wasn't even hilted yet! But, there was only pleasure, and a sense of blessed fullness and... dare they say it; Love from the act. Both Yellow and Blue Zircon knew... they couldn't love anyone else now. All other Gems, Men, and Women would pale in comparison to this.
He pulled out and slid back in again, in a steady rhythm. It had begun, they were having sex. They were really having sex! Mega Zircon felt the tight coil of orgasm build up inside of her; she wasn't going to last long. Fortunately, Steven, thanks to inexperience, didn't have much stamina himself, and he too was twitching and on the verge of blowing his load into them.
With one final push, he bottomed out inside them, hilting inside them completely. His thick cock reached deep, deep inside them, and hit a sweet spot both Blue and Yellow never knew they had, as nothing had ever been able to touch it before, and they came, hard. "Aaaaaah!~ M-my Steven!~"
Feeling Mega Zircon's orgasm, both physically through his cock, and with his empathic powers, combined with hearing her scream out his name with such pleasure and admiration threw him off the edge. He unloaded a thick, powerful blast of cum into Mega Zircon, just pumping seed into her with an intensity that no normal human could match.
As they came down from their orgasmic highs, Mega Zircon unfused into Blue and Yellow again, and Steven slid down between them, rolling as he did so his back was on the bed, and he wrapped his arms around the two Gems. They cuddled up against his warm body, and they all drifted off to sleep (a new sensation for the Zircons, but a familiar one for Steven), exhausted by the intensity of their sex.
That was a few months or so ago. Spinel, of course, snuck into Steven's room to see if he was still there, and saw him laying there with the Zircons. She told the Diamonds, and Steven quickly had to vouch for them and their relationship to keep them from doing something drastic to the Zircons. He found that he was starting to love them, and he wanted to pursue the relationship with them (even if, physically, it was a bit fast for his taste).
The Zircons had found their world changed after that date. Steven, The Pink Diamond; Harbinger of Era 3 was... falling for them. And they in turn, were falling deeper and deeper for him. They couldn't help but wonder how different the trial all those years ago would have gone if they could have foreseen this outcome. But they were far more concerned with their new love to waste too much time on what ifs.
Steven was adapting well to his role as a Diamond. The Zircons kept the wheels of Homeworld turning and made sure as many Gems were happy with the democratic rule of law as possible. Even the other Diamonds were warming up to Steven's new loves, and the CG's, Connie, and her girlfriend had even paid a visit to see the two Gems Steven spoke so highly of... but those are stories, for another time.
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