chapter fourteen
The christmas holidays turned out to be really fruitful for Venus as her relationship with Teddy and Victoire got mended. A smile rested on her lips when she hopped down the train to find Teddy waiting for his friend Jake with the book she had gifted him held between his arms.
Teddy caught her eye to find her smiling at him which made him return the smile.
"Van?" Elphias shook her arm to bring her back to earth,"Let's go."
"Oh yeah!" Venus smiled nervously and followed her friends to the carriages.
"How was your christmas?" Cara asked once they had settled ans the carriages started pulling themselves.
"Perfect." Andrew responded for himself,"Mom got me a new broom! Which reminds me of the final match we have against the hufflepuffs."
"I'm so keen on winning this one." Venus added,"Even dad got me a new broomstick. But it all that matters is our hardwork, techniques and team work."
"Team work." Andrew muttered under his breath,"Which reminds me of Fawley. He's gonna do something stupid just to embarrass you and bring you down."
"I don't think he'll try that again after Venus hexed him." Chloe chuckled lightly.
"We can't be sure." Elphias shook her head,"Anyway, how were things with Victoire?"
"Oh my god." Venus laughed to herself,"I forgot to write to you about her. You guys won't believe it when I say that she approached me first, apologized for over reacting a bit and even wanted us to be on good terms."
"Holy shit. That was unexpected." Cara said in amusement,"I mean I thought she was gonna keep the rivalry up."
"But it's nice isn't it?" Elphias smiled,"Van has no longer to worry about her relationship with Weasley. Hold on─ what about Lupin?"
"Oh um. ." Venus cleared her throat,"I apologized to him and explained that I don't mean it when I said that he has no family. It took him few weeks to finally forgive me."
"Well that's amazing." Elphias grinned.
Venus nodded in response, looking at the boy seated on the carriage preceding theirs. He was still heavily engrossed in the book she had given him which lighted a sudden spark of curiosity to read the book as well.
As the carriages came to a halt, Venus hopped down and held out her hand for Elphias to take. She followed the other students to the great hall, gleaning with candles floating in the air and the cutlery kept on the long, house tables.
"Oh no. It just struck me that I have detentions in this coming week." Venus grumbled as she sat next to Andrew and opposite to Elphias and the higgs twins.
"And that too with Lupin and Fawley." Andrew snorted, earning a smack on his head from Venus,"Iconic."
"Edward is tolerable but Fawley, I wanna rip his soul out." Venus spoke venomously, actually picturing herself ripping fawley's soul out which turned out to be nasty and inhumane for her imagination.
"He really had the audacity to call you slut. Like he's the one who sleeps with a new girl every week. Asshole." Elphias made a gagging face.
"I wanna break his face. if that's possible." Andrew added to the burning pile of hatred towards fawley.
Venus was about to tell them to stop but she got interrupted by headmistress mcgonagall who smiled brightly at everyone.
"But wait a damn minute." Chloe spoke up, having all of their attentions on her,"Can you believe the fact that Lupin put up a fight with Fawley just because he called Venus a slut."
"That's not the real reason." Venus shook her head,"Fawley said something about Victoire, how Edward cheated on him and that's the reason─"
"I refuse to believe." Cara interrupted with a sly smirk on her face,"Lupin is such an unproblematic guy. There's no way he would beat up Fawley for such a silly reason.
"What are you trying to imply?" Venus frowned.
"He stood up for you!" Elphias exclaimed when it clicked her.
"No. ." Venus chuckled as if they cracked a joke,"He's just. . ."
"Protective over you." Chloe finished for Venus who wasn't sure if that's what she wanted to say.
"I mean. . I once punched this boy in the park near Edward's house because he called Edward an orphan." Venus admitted,"That's something we have always done, standing up for the other even though we literally loathe each other. It's totally fine if we insult each other but if someone else tries that he gets the beating."
"Why do you two hate each other?" Andrew piped in,"I mean you never told us a reason."
"Hate is such a strong word rew." Venus said,"I don't hate him, I just kinda dislike him. But that was when I was ten. I have no idea how I feel towards him."
"Tell me have you ever felt jealous when you found out that he and weasley were together." Chloe quirked her eyebrows playfully.
"Huh?" Venus chuckled, slightly jumping away when the feast appeared in front of her,"No. . . I don't think so."
"How did you feel when you kissed him?" Chloe continued, picking up a piece of roasted chicken.
"Why are we discussing about Edward and I?" Venus frowned, hesitating to answer the question.
"Because I think you have feelings for him." Cara responded.
"No way. Shut it." Venus laughed, waving them off and lowered her eyes to the food served in her plate.
The higgs twins smirked at Venus but nevertheless they let the topic slid off as the youngest nott didn't feel much comfortable.
After the meal, the students exited the great hall and headed towards their respective common room.
"Venus!" Teddy called over the swarm of students, waving his hands at her to get her attention. The slytherin excused herself and pushed past students to reach him.
"Edward." She said in acknowledgment. "You wanted me to cry, didn't you?" He raised his eyebrows at her, tried to look offended.
"Sorry?" Venus frowned, stumbling a little when a student pushed past her.
"This book." Teddy exclaimed, holding up the book for Venus to have a look,"Five feets apart. You're the one who gifted me."
Venus nodded,"Uh yeah. So?"
"Do you have any idea how hurtful this book is?"
"No. I haven't actually read it. I just found it interesting."
"You need to read it because I'm not going to be the only one suffering." He said. "Alright?" Venus agreed.
"Great. Good night." Teddy chortled and spun on his heels to leave for his common room.
In the morning, Venus lazily got up from her bed, took a shower and got ready for the hell of a day. Detention with Fawley and Edward. Her friends tried their level best to cheer her up and they did succeed until she was left alone with Fawley, Edward and McGonagall.
"I need you three to write a four inch essay on bird conjuring charm." McGonagall announced earning a soft huff from Venus,"Complete it before I come back. Filch would be here to keep an eye on you three."
"Yes professor." The three of them chorused with a sour expression on their faces.
Venus picked up her quill and dipped it in the ink before writing the bird conjuring charm in big letters before meeting Teddy's eyes who passed a sympathetic smile to her.
"Don't tell me you stayed up all night to complete the book?" Venus whispered to him, noticing how sloppy he looked with his barely opened eyes.
"You really know me well cause yes I did." Teddy nodded with a sly smile hooked on his lips,"And it fucking broke me."
Venus widened her eyes as a response before chuckling lightly.
author's note
wow i updated today as well as
it was my school's foundation day which meant holiday.
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