chapter eight.
Students stood at the front door where Filch checked their papers if they were signed by their parents / guardians to allow them entry to hogsemade. "Nice outfit Van." Elphias winked, smirking at Venus' outfit for the date which included a black, fur coat over her baby blue shirt and tight, black trousers with black sneakers to go with it. Venus flashed a smile, standing on her tip toes to check how long they needed to wait before they were allowed to visit hogsemade.
"Hey Venus!" The slytherin spun around to find her favorite gryffindor pushing past the crowd of students to reach her. "James." Venus smiled, pulling him in a side hug once he had managed to reach her.
"I wanted to ask you for a favor." James said, breathing heavily as he had just made a run, afraid that he'll lost her. "What is it?" Venus questioned, rubbing his back to give him a moment to breath properly.
"Can you get me some chocolate frogs from hogsemade?" His cheeks felt hot as he asked Venus while feeling other's gaze on him.
"You didn't need to ask me. I would have brought you chocolate frogs anyway." Venus chuckled,"Alright it's time for me to go. I'll see you afterwards jamie."
"Have fun." James smiled as Venus walked away from him. "He's sweet." Elphias commented, earning a smile from Venus. "He is."
"Hey Venus!" Jake called, jogging up to catch up with his date for the day.
"Hello Jake." Venus smiled heartily, noticing Elphias and Andrew slipping away from her to give her space. "You look beautiful." He grinned, a sudden wave of confidence washing over him.
"You don't look bad yourself." Venus smirked, her eyes scanning his simple outfit of a furry coat and chocolate brown trousers. "Let's go?" Jake questioned, rubbing his hands together before stuffing them in his trousers.
Venus gave a curt nod and feeling someone's gaze upon herself, looked around to catch Teddy's eyes. Just to annoy him even further, Venus linked her arm with Jake and started pulling her towards the array of shops.
"Fancy a butterbeer?" Venus asked, glancing at Jake who had a faint smile plastered on his face.
"Yes." Jake answered meeting her glacial eyes. Passing a wide smile, Venus pulled him inside the three broomsticks which was needless to say bustling with customers. "Good morning Miss rosmarta." Venus cheerfully greeted the young lady standing behind the counter, working in the shop after her mother died.
"Morning Venus." Cherry Rosmarta replied in the same cheerful tone and when she noticed the slytherin's arms linked with the boy next to her a grin danced on her lips,"Brought a date I see."
"Yes, Jake Friar." Venus introduced Jake who smiled at the owner of the inn.
"Hello young boy, what would you two like have?" Rosmarta asked, leaning off the counter with a grin plastered on her fresh face. "Two butterbeers please." Jake politely ordered.
"Alright two butterbeers then. go have a seat and make yourself comfortable." Rosmarta smiled, clasping her hands together.
With a thankful smile, the two of them scanned the whole inn, looking for an empty table. On one of the tables were Victoire and Teddy, waiting for their butterbeers. Hearing the light footsteps, Teddy lifted his head up to find Jake and Venus taking a seat on the table in front of them. He knew Venus was just trying to annoy him further and sadly it was working.
To taste the victory of annoying Teddy, Venus glanced at him but she didn't find the usual frustrated and bothered look in his eyes. Instead they held something else which Venus couldn't figure out. "Teddy are you listening to me?" Victoire frowned and followed his gaze to find it fixed on Jake and Venus.
"Teddy!" Victoire hissed, grabbing his shoulders tightly to bring him back to the reality where he was on a date with his girlfriend.
"What?" Already frustrated by Venus, Teddy snapped, gulping the lump forming in his thoughts when he realized what he had just done.
"What's wrong with you?" Victoire exclaimed,"Are you even paying attention that we're on a date together? And why the fuck are you glaring at your best friend and Venus?"
"I am not." Teddy simply replied, afraid of looking her in the eye and so lowered them to his hands placed on the table.
"You've been acting weirdly these days." Victoire muttered.
"What the fuck do you mean?" Offended, Teddy demanded. Victoire took a deep breath, trying not to burst up in front of everyone but it only fuelled Teddy's frustration. "Speak." He hissed, lightly slamming his hands on the table,"Tell me Victoire."
She sighed, a pain arousing in her heart on hearing how mad he sounded. Not able to bear the pain any further Victoire started pouring her heart out,"You've been ignoring me Teddy. it's obvious. Even this date, you denied. Why?"
"I already told you I just wasn't feeling good." Teddy scoffed.
"Oh alright." Victoire smiled bitterly,"But I have seen the cold and bitter treatment you've been giving Jake. Why? What did he do to deserve it? He's your best friend!"
Teddy was about to reply but was interrupted by the waiter who smiled at them and after placing their butterbeers scurried off.
"Because he's being stupid." Teddy finally spoke, looking at Victoire who looked like she would end up crying,"And vicky, you very well know how venus is. She's just going to hurt him at the end."
"Oh shut up. She isn't evil. It's you who's blinded by hatred."
Teddy took the glass of butterbeer and gulped it down in one go. He took a deep breath before asking,"What are you trying to imply?"
"You're too occupied with your own thoughts. You hardly have any time for me." Victoire claimed, pointing at her self,"for us. And. . . you're making me feel insecure."
"Insecure? You know what you should visit madam pomfrey because you're certainly sick!" Teddy screeched, startling everyone around him. Feeling numerous gazes upon herself, Victoire stood up and without a word hurried out of the inn. Now the gazes were averted on Teddy who looked baffled and a glint of regret reflected in his eyes. He quietly got up on his feet and after paying for the butterbeer, ran behind Victoire.
"Vicky!" He yelled, regretting for shouting at her,"Vicky listen to me."
"There's nothing to listen or talk about teddy." Victoire sighed, finally stopping in her tracks,"you don't know how i feel and i think you need some time for yourself."
"What do you mean?" Teddy frowned, coming to a stop in front of her. Victoire took a deep breath, her hands sweating as she spoke,"We should call it a quit."
"What?" Teddy felt his throat going dry,"No. . . why? I am really sorry vicky. Look I know I've been keeping up to myself lately but that doesn't mean that i don't want to be with you."
"That's what I'm saying Teddy. you need some time on yourself and i'm willing to give you that."
Teddy didn't know how to feel. He did feel the sadness but his heart felt light and relaxed.
"Alright?" Victoire smiled apologetically, waiting for a response. Ted gave a curt nod, his eyes lowering down to the ground. "I'll see you around." She smiled, giving a light squeeze to his shoulder before hurrying to honeydukes.
"Let's go to honeydukes." He heard Venus and turned around to find her and Jake heading towards the shop.
"Go ahead. I need to have a word with Teddy." Jake excused himself, earning a nod of approval from Venus. On hearing his name, Teddy just wanted to escape, not feeling like having a conversation with anyone but to his displeasure Jake already caught up with him.
"Hey." Jake grinned, playfully bumping his shoulder with teddy who threw a glare at him,"What's wrong? Everything fine? between you and victoire?"
"It's none of your business." Teddy gritted.
"Easy easy." Jake laughed, holding up his hands in defense,"I was just worried."
"Worried? oh, no don't." Teddy laughed bitterly,"Shouldn't you be enjoying with your date?"
"Merlin! Is that jealousy I smell?" Jake teased.
"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" Teddy frowned.
"Because I'm on a date with Venus. And that's why you're mad at me."
"So funny. I'm mad because you're being so stupid."
"Oh? Just admit that you're jealous and I'll break up with her."
"Go away Jake. I'm not jealous at all." Teddy muttered and made his way away from the hufflepuff, to hogwarts.
He wandered around the hallways and corridors, his thoughts stuck on what Jake and Victoire said. The guilt of being so mad just because Venus was on a date with Jake, was eating him up alive. To clear his mind, Teddy hurried towards Hagrid's hut but thr gamekeeper wasn't present there. Letting out a groan in frustration, Teddy looked around the hut and smiled stupidly when his eyes fell on bottles of fire whiskey kept in a corner. He took out a glass for himself and gulped down few shots when the unexpected knock on the door startled him.
Mindlessly, Teddy sighed and wiped the tears with the back of his sleeves before he dragged himself to the door, hoping to find Hagrid who would make a cup of tea for him.
"Venus." He muttered under his breath, only praying that she doesn't notices his tear stained cheeks otherwise he was going to have a tortured teasing by the girl.
"Hi. . ." Venus trailed off, feeling bad for the condition Teddy was in ; his eyes were bloodshot red probably from crying his eyes out, his hair going over in all directions and his face looked dull.
"Hagrid isn't back from hogsemade yet." Teddy informed before sitting down on one of the chairs and grabbed the glass of firewhiskey he had managed to find in hagrid's hut.
"Alright." Venus shrugged, taking her seat on the chair next to him before asking,"Are you okay though? I mean you and Victoire."
"It's none of your business." Teddy snarled, taking a sip of the firewhiskey. Loud footsteps echoed in the whole hut which the two of them recognized to be hagrid's. Teddy quickly grabbed the glass & the bottle of firewhiskey, keeping them back from where he had picked them out.
"Keep your mouth shut." He snarled, holding his index finger up in a warning manner.
"Hello Hagrid." Teddy chortled, leaning by the door surprising Hagrid who didn't expect him to be there. "Hello there teddy." Hagrid smiled, entering inside the hut,"Oh hello venus."
Venus flashed a smile and sent him a wave.
"How come you two are here?" He asked, keeping a small box of the tea leaves he had bought away before settling down.
"I was just missing you and your tea." Venus smiled. "Me too!" Teddy grinned earning a scoff from Venus.
"Is he sick?" Hagrid whispered mainly to Venus who had her eyes fixed on Teddy, watching him stare at the ceiling.
"Got in a fight with his girlfriend so probably." Venus shrugged, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Can you stop sticking your nose in my love life?" Teddy slammed his hand on the table startling both hagrid and venus who stared at him in surprise. Teddy sighed, mentally cursing himself for snapping at them for no reason but the guilt drained down when the two of them burst out laughing.
"his face is so red." Venus cackled, almost slipping down the chair she was sitting onto. "Like a tomato." Hagrid added, holding his hand up for Venus to give him a high five.
"Oh merlin." Teddy groaned, resting his head on the table before he took a deep breath and got up on his feet,"anyway, keep laughing. i'll just leave."
"What's that I smell?" Hagrid suddenly stopped laughing, glancing at Venus who was having a problem with her uncontrollable laughter.
"Firewhiskey?" Venus grinned causing Teddy to stop in his tracks. "No it's not!" Teddy exclaimed, the roots of his hair turning red.
"Venus please make sure that he gets to his dorm without fainting or slipping on the way." Hagrid said ignoring Teddy's confused and frustrated glances.
"Awh no. why me?" Venus complained, slouching her shoulders down to show her disinterest.
"We can't let him wander like that." Hagrid whispered, throwing a wink at Venus whose laughter returned.
"I'm out." Teddy announced, throwing his hands up in the air with despair.
"See you soon hagrid." Venus chuckled before she got on her feet and followed Teddy outside just because Hagrid asked her to.
"You know what?" Venus cleared her throat, trying to keep up with the hufflepuff's fast paces.
"If you're going to make fun of me, I don't wanna listen to you." Teddy grunted, pushing aside his brown bangs which started acquiring a faint grey color.
"The roots of your hair turned grey Edward." Venus muttered, catching up next to him,"you're hurt. Is it because of Victoire? If yes, you know what you two should talk and sort things out because none of you deserve whatever you're going through."
Teddy sighed, letting his muscles relax. He stole a glance at Venus who was looking right at him with pity in her eyes which somewhat made him guilty for his rude behavior towards her. He hated when she cared about him. It made his hateful feelings towards her change into something magical. Even magical than hogwarts which was impossible for teddy to describe in words.
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