19. Putting the "I" in Lie

Jazmin leans right into the kiss, her lips responding with equal passion as her tongue glides along mine and every nerve-ending in my body ignites. It's everything I've been daydreaming of since I first met her, and I nearly melt when her hands appear on my hips. She squeezes just a little before hesitating and gently pushing me away.

Disappointment crashes into me like a wave as I drop flat on my feet, stepping back and clasping my hands together nervously. "I'm sorry," I blurt out as my eyes drop to the floor.

"No, I—" Jazmin's words choke off and she sighs heavily in frustration. I peak up at her, and she purses her lips tight as she stares off thoughtfully. "This is just... a lot."

"I know," I agree in a low voice. "I'm sorry."

Her gaze snaps back to me fiercely. "Stop saying you're sorry."

"I'm sor—" I freeze before I finish the word, meeting Jazmin's eyes with a sheepish smile.

The right corner of her mouth turns up into a crooked grin, and we both break into soft laughter. "I don't want you to be sorry. This is just hard because Xavi's my brother."

I nod solemnly, desperately fighting the urge to look away. "I'm gonna tell him, I swear."

"Let's just take a minute. We need to talk about a few things first," she sighs, rubbing her eyes exhaustedly. She looks back at me with her eyebrows pulled together in concern as her hands drop to her hips. "You're really not in love with Xavi?"

I shake my head with my eyes locked assuredly on hers. "I'm really not."

She steps into the kitchen a little more, resting back against the counter as her arms cross over her chest again. "And how does your mom play into this?"

"She, um, she's never been supportive of the fact that I'm lesbian," I answer quietly, chewing on the inside of my cheek nervously.

Her eyes narrow. "So you slept with Xavi to make your mom happy?" she concludes. I can hear the accusation in her tone. "Was the baby planned, then?"

It's hard to control my temper today, but as I feel the anger bubbling up for a second appearance, I inhale and meet her eyes. "My mom's only relevance to our relationship is the marriage. I had a rough day and went out to sleep with someone—anyone. I didn't care who. A baby was never part of the plan."

Jazmin nods as she listens, but doesn't seem entirely convinced. "And marrying him solves this how?"

"It doesn't," I snap before backtracking. My hands squeeze each other tighter as I breathe, reigning in the building rage before it can explode again. "I was mad at my mom and stupidly told my family that we were getting married."

"And Xavi just went with it?" she presses, watching me hard. "Why would he do that?"

"Well, it's..." I stare at the flared ankles of her black sweatpants as I think of a response. I don't want to keep lying to people, but telling her I seduced him won't help no matter how depressed I was. Finally, I look at her with a soft smile and shrug lightheartedly. "He's a good guy, Jaz. We're having a baby and my family really wanted it, so of course he just went with it."

That she can believe, and her expression softens as she watches me wistfully. "You could have told him you didn't mean it before he got excited," she counters softly. "No matter what, it's going to hurt him now."

I nod, swallowing hard. "I know it is."

She purses her lips and looks down, breathing deeply as a silence takes hold. I wrack my brain for ways to end things with Xavi easily—knowing that's what she's doing too—but coming up completely blank. We're in deep, unfortunately, especially after he announced it to his whole family.

"Not that I wanna know," Jazmin begins somewhat uncomfortably after another minute, "but how many times have you guys...?"

So many times I lost count, and all within a week. "Not many," I lie.

She exhales with apparent relief at that, the tension noticeably falling away from her posture. "It's probably best to keep it that way."

"Of course," I agree eagerly. Who needs their imagination when the real deal is right there?

Oh, God... Just thinking about my imaginary sexcapades with Jazmin has my belly burning up with anticipation, and I can feel that heat inching lower. This isn't the time. This is seriously not the fucking time!

"I can't help that I need it sometimes, though," I say before I can even stop myself.

Jazmin's eyes snap to mine fiercely. "You don't need to use Xavi for that."

I take a decisive step forward, and then another, feeling her eyes with an unfounded exhilaration as the new Lola takes control again. "Who can I use then? I mean," I pause just in front of her, close enough to see the mahogany and honey swirls in her irises, "you're the one I've been imagining."

She inhales sharply as her eyes rest on my lips, darkening with desire as she speaks. "You're definitely going to end things with Xavi?" she asks, her voice low and restrained.

"Definitely," I respond in a whisper. Goosebumps spring up on her arms as I gently uncross them and drop them at her side.

"What about when he wants to have—"

"I'll make up an excuse," I answer easily as my arms slide around her, already aching desperately for her touch. "I only want you, Jazmin."

She studies my face for a long moment, a war seeming to take place in her mind. "When you tell him, don't say a word about me. Agreed?"

I nod eagerly, squeezing her tight. "Agreed."

The word barely leaves my tongue before she wraps her arms tight around my waist and kisses me hard. My brain goes silent, every one of my senses taken over by Jazmin as my fantasies become reality.

I straddle her right leg and rock my hips forward as the ache between my thighs rapidly grows unbearable, pressing up firmly into her crotch. A soft, pleasantly surprised moan escapes her throat as her hands drop to my ass, firmly guiding my hips against her. Maybe it's just a consequence of the temptation I faced all morning, but I'm already really close.

She can hear it in my jagged breaths against her lips, and in a quick movement, her thumbs slip into my waistband and she undresses my lower half as she gets down on her knees. Our eyes lock as she kisses up my inner thighs, moving from the right to the left when she gets close to my neediest part. I tug my shirt over my head to minimize the view-blocking beyond my small but perceptible eight-week bump. The desperation has me about ready to beg. She can see that, too.

"Is this how it went in your imagination?" she asks through a smirk. She keeps hold of my gaze as her tongue lands on my clit, circling it slowly a few times before closing her lips around it and sucking.

"No," I whimper, running my fingers through her curls and grabbing hold. My hips keep squirming against her tongue, but I'm struggling to hold still for her. "This is so much better," I pant.

Her left hand grips my thigh before slowly climbing, cupping my breast and then rolling my nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Her tongue works with dizzying expertise, and I'm nearly sent over the edge when she slides two fingers inside me.

"Oh, Jazmin!" I gasp, breaking into moans as her fingers find my sweet spot.

I watch her with wild eyes as the pressure in my hips quickly builds. I haven't even gotten her clothes off yet, and she's about to make me come.

I haven't even gotten her clothes off yet...

"Wait," I squeak out as I gently pull her face away and step back.

She looks up at me with sad puppy dog eyes as her hands rest on my thighs. "What's wrong?"

My lips curve up into a smirk as I catch my breath. "You're not naked."

Her shirt flies over her head instantly in response, revealing the simple black sports bra she wears underneath as she stands. A light flush covers her cheeks as she steps in with a smile and kisses me softly. Our lips only separate for me to pull her bra over her head, then I cup my hands around her breasts as her mouth crashes back into mine.

"What did we do when you imagined it?" she whispers against my lips.

My skin feels like it's in flames as she touches my waist, slowly sliding her hands in opposite directions up and down my body. The ache is back and I want to feel her badly.

"This might be more comfortable on the couch," I whisper back.

She snickers softly and kisses my cheek before taking my hand and leading me to the living room. My whole body buzzes with excitement as I watch her hips sway, still covered by the black sweatpants she wore to bed. I can't wait to get them off her.

At first, she heads for the loveseat. The image of Xavi sleeping peacefully there last night flashes in my mind, and I tighten my grip on her hand as I lead her to the couch instead. I don't think I can get off with the smell of Xavi's cologne in my nose right now. The guilt would be crippling.

Jazmin pivots quickly to face me when she reaches the couch, holding my gaze with a suggestive smirk as she lets go of my hand and slides her sweatpants down. Her panties go right along with them. Lust burns through me with such ferocity as I take her in that a whimper nearly escapes without her even touching me.

She's an actual dream.

"What now?" she inquires playfully, dropping onto the couch behind her.

My lips part to answer her as I slowly step toward her, but no words find their way out. Her legs slide open as I approach, and the sight has me salivating. This never happened in my imagination, but we're not having imaginary sex anymore. She's much better than anything I ever could have imagined.

"Lay down," I command her abruptly, driven by my aching need.

Excitement sparkles in her honey brown eyes, and she quickly adjusts herself on the couch. I admire the way her body moves as she complies, feeling a throb right where I want her lips and jumping into motion. My knees rest on either side of her head and my face lines up perfectly with her pussy. Her arms wrap around my hips and pull me down, my clit landing right on her tongue as she sucks it in.

I cry out in pleasure, digging my fingertips into her thighs as my arms curl around them and my face sinks between. She's so wet already. She tastes sweet and salty and so fucking good. So much better than I imagined. My tongue sweeps slowly around her clit as I savor her, her moans buzzing into me and pushing me a little closer to the edge.

Two fingers slide into me again, going straight for that sweet spot that's likely to unravel me completely by the end as I struggle not to finish before her. I decide to return the favor, sliding my middle and forefinger into her warmth and searching for that sweet spot until she whimpers in confirmation that I've found it.

Pressure builds in my hips just as I feel her beginning to twitch around my fingers, and my thoughts lose coherence. All I can think of is Jazmin, and how good she feels.

Her hand speeds up and my breath hitches. I'm about to explode. My hand speeds up, too.

"Ay nena, sí!" she cries out as an orgasm ripples through her.

Another finger slips inside of me, and it's game over. My whole body convulses as I squeeze around her fingers, and I scramble a few inches forward before completely collapsing in ecstasy.

We stay like that for a few minutes, catching our breath and calming our trembles as she caresses my hips softly and I clutch onto her legs for dear life. My thoughts slowly return, overwhelmed with what I've just done to Xavi but unable to feel anything negative in the aftermath. Jazmin is everything I've ever wanted. I just can't feel upset about it right now.

When I feel myself grounded enough to get up and find my clothes, I carefully slide my legs over the couch and free her from my weight. Her eyes catch mine before I turn around, and they glisten with something I haven't seen from her before. It's the same way Xavi looks at me.

Suddenly, I feel sick.

I shoot her a quick smile and zip back to the kitchen in search of my clothes, breathing deeply through flared nostrils as I move. I can't get sick right now. I don't want Jazmin thinking I feel any regret, even if I do. Which I don't! At least, I don't think I do. It was great sex, regardless. I don't regret that part. Betraying Xavi... I might regret that.

Leaning against the counter for balance as I breathe, I slowly step into my panties, then my pajama pants. My shirt conveniently landed on the counter behind me, so I don't have to move to slide it back over my head. Just as the collar passes my eyes, Jazmin steps into the kitchen wearing just her pants.

She leans down and swipes her sports bra off the floor, keeping her eyes on mine as she slips it over her head and steps toward me. Her hands lightly brush into mine, lifting them just a little as her thumbs gently caress the backs.

"I'm sorry your mom isn't as supportive as you need her to be," she says softly, "but you'll always have us. She isn't worth the stress."

My stomach tightens as I think of my mom, and I grasp Jazmin's hands. "I'm just scared of being a mom when I didn't have anyone to look up to," I admit, feeling the tears falling long before I comprehend that I'm crying.

Jazmin's face softens and she pulls me against her, my face nestling in her neck as my silent cries morph into full-blown sobs. I don't know what it is about my mother lately, but just thinking about her completely breaks me down.

"Lola," she croons, "you're going to be a great mom. You're worried about it, and that says it all. There aren't a lot of moms who care like that."

There's a sadness in her voice at the end, and it makes me wonder about her own relationship with her mom. From the work conversations with Chris and Rigo, I know her mom lives in Mexico and is closer to her other two children, Tiago and Noemi. Her name is Isabela.

"How come you're not very close with your mom?" I ask, keeping my face in her neck so I can't see if she gets mad at me for asking.

She inhales deeply and sighs, tightening her arms around me just a little. "We just didn't have that bond when I was young. It's not like we hate each other or anything, it just doesn't feel like she's my mom."

I pull away a bit to look at her now, and her gaze is guarded. "How did you guys not bond if she bonded with Tiago and Noemi?" It's more an accusation at her mother than disbelief.

Jazmin shrugs. "She just wasn't the person I needed as a kid. She was too bitter, petty, and selfish." Each word spits off her tongue like venom, a scowl appearing and deepening as she speaks.

My lips purse sadly as our eyes lock, wishing I knew what to say but not wanting to pry for more information. She nods with a sharp inhale, understanding dawning on her.

"My parents broke up when I was around three months old. It wasn't the first time they'd broken up by any means, probably like the hundredth. My mom is toxic, so their relationship was never easy," she explains. "That time though, my dad really meant it, and he went out clubbing like a single man to prove it. That's where he met Meli, Xavi's and Ximena's mom."

Now it all makes sense. "So she was jealous of Melissa and treated you badly because of it?" I clarify, and she nods. "Why the hell would she do that?"

She smiles at my reaction. "Because I liked Melissa right away, and since I'm only a year older than Xavi and Ximena, we've always been close. She hated that."

My eyebrows furrow. "She hates Xavi and Ximena, too?"

"Hated, she's gotten over that," Jazmin corrects me quickly. "Xavi hitting on her every time he sees her probably helped," she snickers, rolling her eyes.

"That sounds like Xavi," I laugh.

"Yeah, that kid's been an absolute dog since he learned how to talk," she jokes, her eyes lost in a specific memory.

Curiosity gnaws at me to ask for details, but I bite my tongue. I can't sate my cravings for him and the knowledge of every facet of his life, or the nonsensical things I feel for him will only seem more justified.

"But it's not so bad anymore, things with my mom," Jazmin continues, smiling softly as I meet her honey eyes again. "It was really just while she was heartbroken. I'm okay."

My lips turn up into a soft grin of my own. "Okay enough to help me figure out how to be a mom?" I inquire sheepishly. Her smile grows. "Because I am seriously fucking lost," I laugh exhaustedly.

She chuckles as her hands rest on my hips, and she holds my gaze with that loving intensity. "I'll take care of you both, I promise."

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