6. Almost Normal

The cuts on his stomach were barely starting to heal, that was good, except that Louis kept adding new ones. He didn't wait for them to fully heal like he used to. He never knew that he could miss a piece of metal so much. He's become addicted to the burning pain and seeing the crimson liquid against his skin. He knew deep down that he'll be caught if he doesn't stop, but he just can't.

It's been four days since he last cut. He's been trying to hold back but Jace has been doing the opposite. He's been talking constantly barely leaving his head. School has been okay, it's only two weeks into the school year and him and Niall have become good friends. He sits with him and his fried Liam at lunch and listens to them talk. They understand he sometimes gets distracted but don't push him about it.

They let him leave during lunch at random moments to get his medication and see the counselor.  The only one who knows about the meds is Niall and he's done good keeping it from Liam and for that Louis was grateful.

Louis hasn't talked to Harry since the lunch incident with Nick, even though they sit next to each other in two of his classes.

Today was the start of his third week of school, Louis was starting to get the hang of this. Wake up, get dressed, go to school, smile, go home, eat, sleep, repeat. Easy.

His mum dropped him off at the school gates, she didn't trust him to walk by himself, and drove off leaving him scrambling to get to class. He was one of the first students in class and that gave him enough time to compose himself.

The bell rang and students filed in, Harry being one of them.

Harry took his seat next to Louis without saying a word. Louis was fine with that. Jace shook his head with a small chuckle. Louis scowled at his desk.

"You're a dick." Louis mumbles at Jace.

"What?" Harry asks a bit shocked. Did he hear him right?

"Hmm?" Louis looks at him for the first time in three weeks.

"I'm a dick? I didn't do anything to you." Harry replies and the smaller lad looks at him with wide eyes.

"I-I no that wasn't meant for you." Louis stutters.

"Then who? Nick? He was just curious, he didn't mean to be rude."

"No..." Louis trails off watching as the teacher writes something on the board.

"Then what?" Harry asks and Louis just shakes his head concentrating on whatever Mr. Richards was trying to say.

"....so you'll be working in partners. I'll be going in alphabetical order by last names." he starts listing off pairs of names, "Margaret Abby with Brett Achar..." Louis stopped listening. He looked down at his desk, tapping his finger.

"Harry Styles with Louis Tomlinson." Louis looked up.


Louis glanced at Harry, with thinned lips.

"So we're partners." Harry says trying to sound enthusiastic.

"For what?" Louis replies. The taller lad nods at the board.

English Project

Read a book of your choice (must be a chapter book and must be appropriate)

You and your partner must create a four page essay explaining the moral of the story and the create a small billboard explaining the story.

There were some other rules about what the billboard should have but Louis didn't read it. Harry was writing all the information in a notebook and listening to any of the last words Mr. Richards had to say. Class droned on and Louis couldn't pay attention. The only thing he caught was that the project was to be worked at either one of the partner's houses.

It's definitely not going to be at Louis'.


Harry tried to talk to him during fourth period but Louis kept getting distracted. He needed to know who's house they were going to.

The bell for the end of fourth rang and Louis got up and walked out without a word. Harry scrambled to reach him meeting him in the halls. He grabbed his wrist and tugged him back. Louis looked at him with a curious expression.

"Louis." Harry mumbles looking down at his small hand. That's when he noticed them. The pink fading scars on his wrists. Louis pulled his hand away hugging himself.

"What?" he asks.

"A-Are we going to your house? For the project?" Louis looked at Jace who was nodding with a grin.

"I...sure?" Louis mumbles before starting to walk off.

"Wait. When? We only have three weeks for the project and we both have to choose a book..." Harry rambles.

"You can come today after school? I don't..." Louis stars at a girl with feather earrings. They were so odd.

"You don't what?"

"Hmm? I have to go to the office." Louis says instead of answering him. He walks off without a word. Harry follows.

"So we'll meet outside the gates after school and I'll drive us to your house. How's that sound."

"Great." Louis whispers. Harry noticed he was still hugging himself and that he was still following him.

"Why do you have to go to the office?" Harry blurts out.

"Just some stuff." Louis mumbles opening the door and shutting it on Harry. The taller boy looked through a window to find Louis talking to one of the staff and getting a dark ock bag from her. He thanks her and walks out. Harry was waiting for him to tell him what was in the bag but he didn't answer.

"What's that?" he finally asks once their inside one of the bathrooms.

"Stuff. Get out. Please." Louis says and pushes Harry out. The green eyed boy is left confused as he hears the door lock and the bag being opened.

Moments later Louis comes out with the bag and walks back into the office and comes out without a word. Harry follows him without question as they enter the cafeteria.



"You're not going to tell me what's in the bag?"

He shakes his head.


He shrugs as he starts walking towards Niall and Liam.

"So afterschool?" Harry calls after him.

He doesn't get an answer.


A/N: Sucks I know. But this was more of a filler than an actual chapter. anyway

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