Chapter 2

§Zane's POV§

Both me and Vlyad stared at the steal metal doors. Dawn's light fluttering through the windows that clung inside the hospital walls. I looked over to my little brother as soon as I felt something press against my shoulder. He rested his cheek against my shoulder as he stared aimlessly at the steal doors laid out in front of us.

I placed my cheek against the side of his head, little above his ear. Watching the door closely, feeling my eyelids slowly beginning to drop...


§Travis' POV§

"Dad... Why did you schedule such a late doctors appointment?"I asked, from my place in the back seat. I keep my face pressed against the chilling glass, watching the rain drops fall rapidly from the black night sky.

My father chuckled, not taking his hands away from the steering wheel. "Because, It's cheaper."

I smiled, looking over to him. "Of course." I playfully rolled my eyes as I watched my father pull into the hospital parking lot.

He pointed to the car door, signaling for me to get out of the navy blue car. "I'll pick you up a ten."

I nodded, stepping out of the car. Almost instantly after rain begun pouring down my face and clinging to my hair, turning it a grayish color. I sighed, while holding my hand over my eyes. I walked towards the hospital entrance, with each step I took, a small puddle splashed staining my black shoes.

Once arrived, I checked in with the nice lady at the front desk and i was sent to sit down until my name was called. I sat down in wooden chair besides the front desk, starring down at the white tile floor with black paint splatters.

One of the nurses' voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked over to her, she held a glossy black phone to her ear. It was an old phone, probably a land line to speak with other people in the hospital.

"Yes Garroth Ro'mave is in surgery at the moment."She spoke into the phone, twirling the curled wire that hung from the base of the phone, between her fingers. "So far it's going alright, We gave Zinna Ro'mave enough pentobarbital and her heart vitals stopped completely."

Pentobarbital? That medicine is used to kill people. Why on earth are they giving it to Garroth's mother? "Travis Valkurm." Another nurse called for me.

I stood up, my eyes were still locked onto the nurse on the phone. I stalked towards the nurse that stood on the other side of the room. She flashed me a smile, then begun to through the halls that were lightened with the moonlight that shined through the windows. We walked through three halls ways and continued to walked. I felt my heart drop to my stomach at a chilling sight.

Zane and Vlyad sat in two chairs. Leaning against each other. Tears flowing from their closed eyes. My eyes fell onto were their gazes rested. Two steel doors sat engraved in the hospital walls. Two clouded windows sat in the top half on each door. Laminated signs hung on each door. They read in large letters.


I stared at the door in pure shock. I snapped over to the nurse. Slightly tapping her shoulder as we walked farther. "Yes?" She asked, turning around slightly to face me.

"Why is Garroth in surgery? Nothing is wrong with him!" I asked and also exclaimed feeling some anger in my voice.

Her smile was wiped away and she shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to reveal the welfare of our other patients. If you want to know more about Garroth Ro'mave you must contact his relatives to find about more of his issues."

She begun walking away, without a signal word. I hesitantly looked back at the two sleeping brothers before following the nurse to the hospital room.


§Zane's POV§

I awoke. Feeling my brother's brown hair brushing across my pale face. My blurred vision slowly begun to clear. I slowly looked around, careful not to awake my brother. I was still in the hospital. Still facing the two steel doors. Neither Vlyad or I had left this spot since Garroth's surgery begun nine hours ago.

My legs and arms ached, screaming for some sort of movement to keep my blood moving. I sighed, carefully slipping my hand under Vlyad's cheek and repositioned his head so he was leaning against the wall that our two chairs rested in front of.

Vlyad's eyes remained closed as I stood up. My limbs beginning to pump blood more fastly. I slowly walked passed the steel doors and down towards the food court. 


I drank a bottle of orange juice, loving the sweet-and-sour taste flooding my mouth and throat. I licked my lips, wiping away the juice that remained.

I let out a small groan at the feeling of my burning eyes. I must of been crying in my sleep. A small buzz erupted from my phone. I let out a small jump at the sudden movement coming from my back pocket. I rested my hand onto the small phone. I pressed the power button with my thumb. A small sky blue light fell across my face as I read over the phone.

[One Un-read text message]

I tapped on the text, seeing it was from Aphmau.

Aphmeow: Hey Zane! Neither you or your brothers were at school today! Is everything alright?

I blinked for a moment, trying to process on the fact she was texting me. She's not my friend, honestly I don't even know how she got my phone number. I sighed, she's probably just texting me because Garroth is in surgery so can't answer his phone and Vlyad is still asleep and probably hasn't seen her texts.

I gruffed, sticking my phone back into my jean pocket. I smirked to myself. I'll let her worry all she wants. Man I'm evil...

Maybe that's why I have no friends Huh?

Adorable Emo: Yeah, Everything is alright, thanks for caring though.

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