I just want a day where it feels like
I'm not falling apart anymore.
Here I am again, standing in the living room being lectured by my parents. Home was supposed to be a place where you felt safe, not anxious all the time. This time, my mom was ranting about how I got a C+ and should be trying harder in school.
I clenched my fists, about to snap if she went on any longer.
When in reality, I'm trying to get through the day without being shoved into the lockers or breaking down sobbing during the school day. I know I haven't told them about the bullying...
But how have they not noticed I'm struggling yet? I've skipped dinner the past couple of nights. I'm just not hungry anymore...
"Come on Jane, it's only one grade. How about if Charlie's next grade is good, he doesn't have to be put in tutoring?" Julio suggested. Jane sighed, "Fine." She stared at me.
I rubbed at my arm anxiously, just wanting to disappear. "Are we done?" I asked, fiddling with my sleeves. I walked upstairs. I was about to head to my bathroom, my arms aching for more when Tori stopped me.
"Hey, want to go for a walk with me?" Tori asked. I thought about it before giving in, getting fresh air would be nice. It would help me clear my mind. "Yeah sounds nice." Tori pulled me downstairs after I got dressed into comfy clothes out of my school uniform. Sometimes I feel like she just pities me...but no, she was my sister. Even my head was bullying me, lol!
"How are things going-" Tori was about to ask but a group of 4 guys walked up to us. I froze; those were the guys that harassed me at school the other day...
The ones that kept causing me to drop my books and the ones that shoved me into lockers.
Fuck. At least Tori was here with me. Can't they leave me alone?
Tori must have sensed that I was uncomfortable with these guys because she made sure to step up beside me; protectively.
"So the gay comes out in public." One of the guys laughed. Even if the insult was pathetic, it still stung like a slap in the face.
"Ah, so, the ugly ass comes out in public." Tori sassed back, clenching her jaw.
The guy rolled his eyes and walked off, not wanting to bother a girl.
Thank god Tori was here...It would have been way worse otherwise.
Tori looked at me, the expression on her face was hard to read.
"Are those the guys who have been bothering you?" She wondered as we began to walk again, this time heading home.
I nodded, fiddling with my sleeves anxiously. "You also haven't been eating," Tori mumbled.
I looked at her, unsure of what to say. "I just...haven't been hungry I guess." I stammered, trying to think of an excuse that made sense.
"You should eat dinner tonight." Tori nudged me gently, causing me
to smile softly. At least she cares.
I was about to walk into the school building but froze as the same guys from before walked up to me.
I tried to rush past them but got yanked back over by one of them.
Everyone waking by didn't even glance over at what was going on...
"I don't like how your sister spoke to us yesterday." One of them said. I couldn't tell which one, my mind went bank with static again.
I got brought back to reality as I was shoved to the ground and kicked multiple times in the side and stomach. I managed to block my face with my arms, barely able to comprehend what was going on.
What hurt more than being beaten up was everyone walking by just letting it happen.
(End of TW)
"Hey!! What's going on here!?" A loud booming voice demanded, causing the group to quickly scramble away.
I looked up and felt relief wash over me as Mr.Ajay rushed over to me. He was my knight in shining armor.
"Charlie Spring!?" Mr.Ajayi asked in worry as he helped me off of the ground.
I wanted to disappear again, embarrassment was all I felt in the moment.
I just got beat up...
Mr.Ajayi led me to his classroom so we could talk. I winced in pain as each step my side throbbed.
Today was a nightmare.
"Why didn't you tell anyone about the bullying?" Mr.Ajayi asked in worry as he sat me down and went to get me a glass of water.
I was about to lie but then I noticed the rainbow supportive pin on his jacket. I can finally tell someone who understands...
I fiddled with the glass of water, "A couple of months ago I got out to the whole school, and everyone found out I was gay. Uhm, that group of guys hasn't left me alone since. I didn't tell anyone because I felt like I could handle it and my parents don't know I'm gay. I didn't want to come out to them this way..."
I let the tears that I'd been holding in all day roll down my cheek as I talked. Mr.Ajayi had big worried, kind eyes as he listened to me.
"The only way to get the bullying to stop is to inform the school who will then call your parents. In the meantime, I'll make sure they leave you alone." Mr.Ajayi informed.
I sipped on the water and sunk into my seat, accepting defeat. "Okay...Let's tell the office." I agreed, just wanting the bullying to be over.
"Good, first let's get you to the nurse." Mr.Ajayi suggested.
I nodded and followed Mr.Ajayi to the nurse's office.
I guess my parents are going to know now too...
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