Chapter 1
I don't know why I'm posting this but I'm in love and if you liked Murder Was The Case They Gave Me then this story definitely gives me the same vibes so get ready for some suspense and shit bc this is hopefully gonna be good
Also again I apologize if I accidentally switch into first person, just ignore it
Gerard Way was a person that people drifted to. He was charismatic and charming. Every inch of him just oozed out confidence. He was only of average height and was a little bit on the chubbier side. He didn't mind. In fact, he wore it with confidence. "More to love," he always said. And he didn't mind showing it off either. Sometimes he wore jeans and hoodies. Other times he wore skirts and crop tops that let his soft little tummy hang out just a bit.
He was a pansexual boy whose style ranged from Billie Joe Armstrong during the height of Dookie all the way to Regina George during the height of her high school reign. He was kind, everyone knew him as a great soul. He would pick flowers just to give them to the elderly lady next door everyday after school. He was a tutor and head of the 'Students Against Bullying' group. All he ever wanted to do was put a smile on anyone and everyone's face.
He was the oldest of only two kids. He had a brother who was three years younger and a freshman in high school. Mikey was a little bit more shy than his older brother but thankfully Gee took him under his wing and took care of him. He preferred to keep his face into one of his older brother's comic books, he wasn't as good at making friends.
They lived with their parents in a little home. Their dad was a stay-at-home dad, he's taken care of them and raised them all their lives. He loved them so much, he supported them through everything. Their mom was the breadwinner, she worked for a big company and was recently promoted, causing them to leave their home of North Brunswick for relocation.
They moved to Belleville, New Jersey just a few days ago. It was about an hour drive away from their home but they felt years away. They left their friends and school and they protested for ages. Their parents were debating what to do, they didn't want to make the kids move, especially to make Gee go to a new school during his senior year of high school. But they decided that the promotion was just too good to pass up and they moved.
Of course Gee had called dibs on the biggest bedroom that wasn't the master. It had the walk in closet and shared a jack and jill bathroom with Mikey's room. The fourth and final bedroom was used by Donna Way, turned into a home office for her to do her work in with peace and quiet away from the occasional bickering that occured between her two kids.
The two kids were going to start their new school of Belleville High School today and no one was more nervous than them. Even Gee, who radiated confidence. He had never switched schools before, he never really wanted to go to a new school. He had friends that he was happy and comfortable with. He had a good life back in North Brunswick. But today he had to leave that behind. He had to get ready for Belleville High School.
"Gee, come on, I don't wanna be late," Mikey said.
Mikey was really anxious about starting a new school, he didn't want to make it at all worse by being late on his first day.
"I know, I know," Gee said.
It took him years to decide what to wear. He wasn't sure whether to go with skirt or pants. Pink or black. He was confident in what he wore, he didn't care what other people thought. But he was still just nervous. He finally decided on a pair of black skinny jeans with his black t-shirt and his favorite red leather jacket. He fussed with his bright red hair and smudged his black eyeliner before hurrying downstairs.
"Come on, Gerard, you have to eat before you go," Donald said.
"I don't have time," he said. "You set up my lunch account already, right?"
"Yeah, I did, you should be good," Donald said. "Come on, I have a frozen waffle already cooked for you."
Gerard sighed and took the waffle before grabbing his car keys. He never really liked eating so early in the morning, it tended to make him sick. The nerves of starting a new school today surely wasn't going to help at all. He kept one hand on the wheel, the other holding and eating his waffle while he drove.
They got to the school and saw the kids bustling around. They had gotten a tour the day before but suddenly the whole tour slipped from Gee's mind and he didn't quite know where to go. Mikey was frowning, trying to recount his steps from yesterday before he finally remembered where his first hour was and he walked off.
Gerard strut down the hallway, his head held high. It only took a few deep breaths before his confidence returned. People turned to look at him as he walked down the crowded hall. Two people, who had been previously arguing in the corner, stopped to stare at him as he walked up to them. The two were Frank Iero and Jamia Nestor, two people who were notorious in this school for their relationship.
"Hey, do you know where this class is?" Gerard asked.
"Yeah, it's right down the hall, second door on your left," Frank said.
"Thanks, sweetheart," Gee said before he walked off.
Frank looked at him in shock from the sudden pet name. His eyes couldn't help but glance down at his ass as he walked away, which only sparked up another argument. Jamia and Frank weren't even dating but they might as well be an old married couple. The two argued constantly, they didn't even really need to have a reason to argue, they just always did. It was usually Jamia who struck up these fights, always having something to nitpick about what Frank did.
"Hi, I'm Gerard Way, I'm new here," he said to the teacher.
"Ah, yes," the teacher mumbled, fumbling with some papers. "I'm Mr. Carter. I have a seat for you in the back, I hope that's okay. You don't need to sit closer to see the board, do you?"
"No, I'm okay," Gerard said.
"Alright, here, you'll sit in the labstation in the back next to Frank Iero," he said.
Mr. Carter led her to the back lab station and he smiled as he sat on his stool. Mr. Carter talked briefly to get them caught up on where they were at in their unit before he walked off when a girl in glasses urgently hurried in for help on a science problem.
Gerard pulled out his physics notebook, trying his best to ignore the prying eyes from curious students who were coming into class. He brushed his red hair behind his ear, doodling on the corner of the inside cover of his notebook. The seat beside him was filled up and Gerard was rather pleased to see the boy from the hallway.
"Hi, I'm Gerard," he said. "I just moved here."
"Hey, I'm Frank," the boy replied.
He was a little bit on the shorter side with shoulder length brown hair. His arms were covered in tattoos, each one more beautiful and intricate than the last as they wrapped tight on his olive toned skin. He was toned but not too muscular so he didn't exercise more than what was necessary. Gerard could smell the coffee and cigarettes on his breath.
"This place is pretty big," Gerard said, trying to make conversation.
It was his last year of high school and Gerard knew that he could just keep his head down and polish off the year quietly but that just wasn't Gerard. He wanted friends and he wanted to go out on the weekends and he wanted to go to parties. And Frank seemed nice enough, they may even have things in common when he looked over Frank's misfit t-shirt.
"Yeah, it's a little tricky to find your way around at first but it isn't too bad," Frank said. "I can maybe show you around a little bit later if you would like that."
"Yeah, that sounds like fun," Gerard agreed.
"And you can join me at lunch if you'd like," he offered.
Gerard let out a sigh in relief. "Oh thank god, I was really worried about where I was going to sit. Thank you for that."
"Yeah, of course," he said. "I've never moved before but I can imagine what it's like to switch schools and just be all alone."
"Yeah, this is my first time moving and it's pretty scary," Gerard admitted.
"Really?" Frank asked in shock. "I wouldn't have even guessed that you were nervous for a second. You looked like you were walking the runway down that hallway. You caught my eye, if I was going to be honest. Of course that caused hell from Jamia."
"She the girl you were with?" He asked and Frank nodded. "Is she your girlfriend or something? Was she jealous of me or somethin?"
"No, she's not my girlfriend," he denied. "And I most certainly am single."
And then he gave Gee that smirk that the latter knew all too well. The flirtatious smirk which usually occurred before the two would move into bed together.
"I'm single too," Gerard said.
And then there was that connection between them, the small spark of sexual interest. The two locked eyes for a moment longer than necessary before it was ruined by the bell ringing overhead and the pledge of allegiance starting over the PA system.
"Here's my number," Gerard said.
He wrote down his digits into the corner of a notebook page before tearing it out and handing it to him.
"Call me sometime," he said.
"Trust me, I will," Frank agreed.
Gerard smiled proudly to himself as the teacher began a lecture. He was pretty boring in the way that he talked, Gerard found himself wanting to just fall asleep. But he forced his eyes open either way because falling asleep on the first day would look really bad.
"He's the worst, right?" Frank asked when class ended.
Gerard chuckled. "Yeah, I've definitely had better. At least he doesn't seem very mean, though."
"He's chill, his class is chill," Frank said.
Gerard smiled and packed up his stuff, walking out with him.
"You need help getting to your next class?" Frank offered.
Gerard opened his mouth to speak when the girl Frank had been talking to earlier came over.
"Frankie, my locker's jammed again," she said. "Will you help?"
"Jamia, this is Gerard," Frank introduced. "Gerard, Jamia."
She smiled, holding out her hand. Gerard shook it as Frank sighed.
"Her locker gets jammed a lot," Frank said. "I have to help her get it open a lot."
"It's always done this?" He asked.
"Oh, yeah," he said. "The lockers go in alphabetical order so before she was here her sister was and had the same locker, it did the exact same thing to her."
"Well, I'll let you guys go then," Gerard said.
"Wait, where's your next class?" Jamia asked and I showed her my schedule. "Oh, that's nearby, right around the corner and there's little snowflakes on the door, you can't miss it."
"Oh, thank you," Gerard said.
"Oh my god, you should sit with us at lunch," Jamia said.
"I already invited him," Frank said.
"Yeah, thanks, though," Gerard said. "I'll be there."
"Let us know if you need anything else," Jamia said.
"Yeah, I already gave Frank my number," Gerard said.
"Oh, that's good," she replied. "Alright, we need to go before class starts."
Gerard gave them a small wave before leaving to go find his art class.
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