

Available During Chapter 1:

Event 1:

Fujiko: Oh, oh, oh! Hi! What can I do for you, beautiful?

What should I do? Should I invite Fujiko to hang out?

Invite Fujiko to hang out

See who else is around

Fujiko: Really?! Sure! Wanna go check out what the store has?

We look through the shop, admiring some of the jewelry and mocking the Monokuma-themed merchandise.

Looks like Fujiko and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Fujiko a present?


Not really...

#71 Blueberry Perfume— Moving toward being a classic fragrance, and easily recognizable. Most men dislike the smell, but ladies love it.

Fujiko: OMG! This is like, totally, totally my type of thing! Thanksies!


Kana: I've seen your face before. I know it. But I'd never heard your name before now, I think. Do you go by a screen name?

Fujiko: Yup yup! I'm Fuji Foundations. Cause, like, foundations like the basics and like the makeup! I got into makeup tutorials when I was kinda young, and my mom and dad didn't want me giving out my full name to internet strangers. Now that I'm older, my subscribers know my real name, but I don't use it super often. I'm one of the babies in the beauty community, but most people treat me super duper well! They're so sweet, and they say I have a lot of talent! Oh, gosh, is that bragging? I don't mean to brag.

Kana: Girl, nah, you can brag here! I've heard of your channel before, now that I think about it! This shit's honestly kinda cool! I mean, like, not the murder game and the getting held in captivity thing, obviously. But we're getting to spend all this time with half-celebrities!

Fujiko: Yaasss! We've got people from all sorts of communities, no matter how niche! Like, I wasn't expecting to meet a top-of-the-line shoemaker or a meto-- meteorologist! Gosh! People are, like, so super cool and talented and stuff! I totally, totally love getting to see awesome people do things that they're awesome at!

She twirls and gives a light squeal, making me giggle.

Fujiko: Like, I'd probably never do anything like get in a racecar and take a few zips, or make cute pottery, cause like, I'm not super big on things that make me sweaty or dirty. But Gou and Bisque seem super fun and sweet. And you and Monterio look so amazing when you dance together! There's this joy and wonder in seeing people doing things that they love, cause there's this ease in it, and it flows so well! And all of the girls here are so beautiful, too! Everyone has such gorgeous hair, oh my GOOOOOOD!

Kana: You really do say everything you think, huh, honey? You don't get embarrassed about any of it?

Fujiko: Why would I be embarrassed of saying nice things? Everyone likes feeling special and appreciated! I think the world would be a way better place if nobody felt weird saying the good things they think about each other! Uh, except the creeps. Creeps should totally not say any of the things in their head. Like honey, get therapy. Uh, but that's not my point. Good-intentioned, not scary positive thoughts should be shared! Like, I think your confidence is totally incredible, and the fiery red hair is stunning!

The sudden flattery takes me by surprise, but I try not to let that show.

Kana: Thanks! You're damn right! Honestly, I really like your viewpoint. You seem like a sweetheart, and I can already tell that you and I are gonna click. You feel me?

Fujiko: Y-You really think so? Aw, I'm so happy! I think it's really important for us to make friends with each other, if we can. We need to be teammates! Everyone has something that makes them unique, and we're all good at some things and bad at others, so we'll be way better and more likely to get out if we combine our power!

She giggles.

Fujiko: That reminds me of my childhood shows. I'm gonna go look for candy!

She rushes off, pleased. Yeah. We'll be friends.

Fujiko's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

Available During Chapter 2

Event 2:

Fujiko: Hi, beautiful! I know times are hard right now, but I'll always do my bestest for you. Kay?

What should I do? Should I invite Fujiko to hang out?

Invite Fujiko to hang out

See who else is around

Fujiko: Mhm. You know I'm here to support you and help you feel all fuzzy inside.

We spend some time in the garden, looking at and smelling some beautiful flowers in Hachi and Nari's honor.

Looks like Fujiko and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Fujiko a present?


Not really...

#76 Indiviblooms— A bouquet of flowers that, when open, smell like the favorite scent of the person who last saw them. They're said to grow only in deep caverns despite minimal access to the sun.

Fujiko: Aww, this is adorable! Thanksies, sweetie!


Fujiko: Mmm. All of the flowers look and smell so pretty.

Kana: They do!

She sighs, swiping her hands across her dress as if to get rid of wrinkles that aren't there.

Fujiko: I wish someone would get me stuff on White Day.

Kana: Girl, what? Is it even possible for you to not get anything? It seems like you'd have hordes of people getting you stuff!

Fujiko: Oh, I get stuff! And I'm super duper grateful! But, like, just as a friendly thing...

Her cheeks redden a bit and she taps her fingers together.

Fujiko: Flowers make me want a sweet girl to date and kiss and cuddle with. I guess I'm what you can call a hopeless romantic. My mom and dad were high school sweethearts who stayed together and got married and all that beautiful stuff... my dad was a cheerleader and my mom was the adorable president of the baking club, and Mom would bring Dad little treats and stuff for after his practices.

Kana: Aww! That's seriously mega fucking adorable!

Fujiko: Hehe! I think so, too! It wasn't always perfect between my parents, especially not at the start of the relationship. They always talk about how they were 'young and stupid.' But even if they had some rough patches here and there, they stuck it out cause they love each other! They love each other so much it makes my heart melt! I want something like that soooooooo bad!

Kana: I'm sure you'll find someone. It's honestly just a matter of time!

She descends into a fit of giggles, blushing even more.

Fujiko: Thanksies... I haven't had much luck yet, but I just have to believe that there's someone out there for me!

Kana: What kind of thing would be, like, your ideal date?

She hides her face behind her hands, bashful and clearly with no intention of answering me.

Kana: Playing that game, are you? Alright, I'll try and guess. I betcha I can get it in three guesses or less.

The Beach



Kana: You seem like you're the type of girl to adore the beach.

Fujiko: Ooh! I do like the beach! I like wearing cute swimsuits and playing in the ocean and adorable things like that! But, I wouldn't say it would be the PERFECT date. Sand could get all over me! And it would be really sad if me or my date got sunburnt!

Kana: Alright. I'll guess again.

The Beach



Kana: A fashionista like you must love some retail therapy.

Fujiko: You know it! Shopping is like, seriously one of the funnest things ever. But, like, I don't think I could shop on a date. I would get self-conscious. And, like, I don't want us to be put in a position where we're not sure whether to buy things for each other, cause, like, it's not about money! So it's just a lot, you feel?

Kana: Ahhhh, okay. I get it a little better now.

The Beach



Kana: If you're more into indoor stuff, but you don't want to shop, you probably like karaoke places!

She giggles. Bingo.

Fujiko: I-It doesn't matter if my partner sings well... if she pours her heart into it, it'll be super amazing! Especially if she and I go home and bake later... I'm bad at cooking but I have fun with it! Imagine after having dinner and singing cute songs, we have a nice night in and have, like, a flour fight, or one of us keeps trying to steal spoonfuls of batter before it's ready! Ohhhh... but for now, that's a daydream! I have to focus on getting out of here first!

Suddenly, Gou and Sayuri rush in, peppering Fujiko with questions and taking up her focus, so I wave goodbye and leave them be.

Fujiko's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

Available During Chapter 3:

Event 3:

Fujiko: O-Oh! H-Hi, Kana! How're you doing, beautiful?

What should I do? Should I invite Fujiko to hang out?

Invite Fujiko to hang out

See who else is around

Fujiko: Sure. Um... what do you wanna do?

We make hair bows and stuff together! It's pretty fun!

Looks like Fujiko and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Fujiko a present?


Not really...

#107 Under the Sea Highlighter-- A highlighter palette in resplendent purples and blues for a mystical mermaid appearance. Also waterproof, so you really CAN be a mermaid if you want to be a mermaid. Because, really, who doesn't want to be a mermaid?!

Fujiko: OMG! This is like, totally, totally my type of thing! Thanksies!


Kana: Ugh, I can't believe how much school we're missing out on. Like, they totally can't expect us to make up for all that during the school year, but I don't wanna just, like, not learn the first few months of a school year.

Fujiko: Ick, school. School's totally yucky. School's not a vibe.

Kana: School's... meh, I guess. Definitely not my favorite thing in the world. I wish I had a way to get my reading list. The library over here probably has it all. That way, if I get out, I'll be just that much more prepared.

Fujiko: They can't make me read them. Some of the other stuff in school, I might actually have to know later, maybe. But whether or not I've read The Silent Cry or I Am A Cat and other bullshit like that doesn't mean a thing.

Kana: So I take it you're not a book person? That's chill. What subjects do you like?

She pouts frustratedly.

Fujiko: Um, like, pretty much just art. I don't like P.E, but it's one of the only classes I know I can get a good grade in if I try, so I actually bother putting in effort.

It seems like she's wilting, far from the excitable, optimistic girl I've come to know.

Kana: Sorry... I can drop it, if you don't feel like talking about it.

She plays with her hair almost nervously and lets out an agitated huff.

Fujiko: No, it's fine. I probably need to dump out some of this dumb anger. It's just-- um-- I'm dyslexic.

I nod passively, trying not to make a big deal out of it. I don't want to hurt her feelings by reacting all big.

Fujiko: It's so stupid! It took everyone so long to help me figure it out, so I just spent years and years thinking I was a total idiot! And in the meantime, I was majorly falling behind, so by the time I got a diagnosis, I really WAS pretty much as dumb as a bag of rocks!

Kana: Fuji, you're not dumb!

Fujiko: You don't know that! I fucking flunked fifth grade!

Kana: That's not your fault! Jesus!

I take her hand into mine. She lets out a very slight gasp and then pulls her hand back quickly.

Kana: Shit, sorry. Are you not okay with that right now?

She mumbles some completely incomprehensible words, face red, but whatever she's saying is very obviously in distress.

Kana: Fujiko, I promise you're not dumb.

Fujiko: I can't believe that yet... but I want to. Just-- can we pretend we never talked about this? I like, really, really shouldn't have gone off like that.

Kana: Sure... but, like, I just wanna tell you, you don't have to be happy all the time for us. This wasn't anything bad, okay?

Her face is very tight-lipped and thoughtful.

Fujiko: Okay. But. Um. I should go. I, like, need to think. I know it's not my strong suit, but...

She lets out a self-deprecating laugh and leaves before I can argue with her. Oh, God.

Fujiko's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

Available During Chapter 4:

Event 4:

Fujiko: Ah! Good moooooorning! How are you feeling, sweetie?

What should I do? Should I invite Fujiko to hang out?

Invite Fujiko to hang out

See who else is around

Fujiko: For suresies!

We braid each other's hair and she does my makeup. It's a good morning.

Looks like Fujiko and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Fujiko a present?


Not really...

#35 Clip Show— An installment from a subscription box dedicated to hair accessories. Includes a large variety of clips for keeping your hair out of your face, or even just for some added cute factor.

Fujiko: Aww, this is adorable! Thanksies, sweetie!


Kana: Hey, I was always curious about that jewelry box you have. I've never seen it in any stores, I'm positive.

Fujiko: Oh yeah. That's cause it was a present from my older brother. I accidentally broke it when we got here, but Bisue helped me fix it...

We stay silent for a moment.

Kana: What's your brother like?

She hesitates.

Fujiko: We get along way better than we did when I was little. When we were small, he wasn't always very nice to me. At least, not when Mayumi wasn't around.

Kana: Now her, I remember. You mentioned her a while ago when you were telling me stories about your school.

Fujiko: Yeah! Mayumi was our neighbor! She was one year older than me and two years younger than Hayate-- my bro-- so she would hang out with us a lot! When he'd be mean to me, she would scold him. I always thought it was kinda funny. He was the older boy but he totally let her be the one in charge. We both always wanted to impress her, cause she was really cool. She did martial arts and she sewed pretty dresses and her parents grew fruit trees so she'd make juice for the three of us to share.

Kana: Why was your brother even mean to you in the first place?

Fujiko: He was really, really upset cause he wanted a brother and not a sister. He's always been into the stereotypical boy things. Trucks, sports, buildings, video games. He was really hoping to have someone to play in the mud with and stuff, but I was never into it. Like, good for you for being adventurous, I'm staying here with my dolls and princess dresses, thank you. He'd try to get me dirty on purpose even though it made me cry, and he'd always tell me I was no fun at all. But cause Mayumi was so awesome even though she was "girly," he started to come to terms with the way I am a lot more. That plus the natural maturity he got as he grew up a bit. So when I was eight, he got my jewelry box made for me. As like, a peace offering or something. He's tried to be a lot better since then. I miss him a lot when he's at Uni, but I'm super duper proud of him.

Kana: I'm sure you and Mayumi keep in touch with him all the time. Do you visit?

She gives me yet another smile, but this one looks more sad.

Fujiko: She... she moved away after my first year of middle school. And she doesn't really talk to either of us anymore. Ummm... I... tried to confess to her before she left, and I totally regret it. I wonder about whether she would've kept the friendships going if I hadn't said anything. Hayate was really angry for a long time... he felt like she abandoned us. But he doesn't know what I did. I wonder a lot whether he'd be mad at me if I told him.

Kana: This isn't true for everyone... but from my own life experience, siblings want what's best for each other. Even if he wound up getting upset, he'd eventually realize that none of it was your fault, and I think the clarity could even help him feel better about it all. He'll still love you.

Fujiko: ...Maybe I'll tell him, once we're home free.

My love peers his head into the beautician's, knocking to get our attention. She gives me a nod of permission, and I hug her before rushing off to be with him.

Fujiko's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

Event 5:

Fujiko: Ah! Kana! I'm really happy to see you! I mean, that's, like, not even remotely surprising, but anywhoozies! Let's hang out!

What should I do? Should I invite Fujiko to hang out?

Invite Fujiko to hang out

See who else is around

Fujiko: Let's just have some good old-fashioned girl talk!

We chatter about our lives and occasionally share tiny secrets.

Looks like Fujiko and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Fujiko a present?


Not really...

#102 Cherry Blossom Bouquet-- A collection of branches from a sakura tree. In the language of flowers, cherry blossoms represent "a woman of superior beauty."

Fujiko: Oh my God... Honey, you're gonna make me cry! You're so good to me.


Fujiko: H-Hey, um, so like, since we're in the spirit of secret-sharing, there was kind of something I wanted to tell you about.

Kana: You okay?

Fujiko: Oh, um, yeah, I'm totally fine. So, you remember the reason I said Hayate was shitty to me when we were kids?

Kana: Yeah, you said he wanted a brother.

Fujiko: Mhm. Well, like, that's the truth. But it's not, like, the whole truth. Ummmmmmm... I was born with XY schromo-- fuck. Chromosomes.

Kana: So, are you transgender or something?

Fujiko: ...Yesn't?

Kana: Okay, I feel like I'm gonna need a bit of explanation to understand that answer. Like I totes support you no matter what, but like... now I'm curious.

She laughs a little bit, and it reassures me.

Fujiko: This is a tough strand of words, so bear with me. I have this thing called... Complete... Androgen... Insensitivity Syndrome. Basically, my body can make testosterone, but it doesn't use any of it. So even though I was born with the male genes and stuff, I look and sound like a girl... for the most part. But there are some differences with how my body works. Usually, this stuff isn't noticed until puberty... cause, um, people with it can't have periods. For me, though, well... when my mom and dad were still in high school, my mom cheated on him. Just once, and she told him immediately. So he forgave her. But they made a rule that each kid would get a paternity test. Cause of that... they caught it when I was a baby. They decided to raise me as gender-neutrally as they possibly could, and they said they'd let me pick what I wanted to go by as I grew up.

Kana: Wow. Honestly, I couldn't have imagined that. But... okay! I'm glad you felt comfortable telling me. I like that we can tell each other everything now.

Fujiko: Same. Like, that's why it mega sucked for my brother though. He was disappointed to have a sister only to find out that I could choose to be a brother and do the stereotypical boy things, if I wanted. But, obviously, I'm a girl, through and through. He eventually learned to love me as I am. And I'm super happy about it. Nobody has ever been needlessly mean to me. I'm... lucky.

She sighs.

Fujiko: Thing is, though, I tell this to everyone I ask out beforehand. Because I feel like it would be unfair of me to keep a secret like that, since I'm anana-- anatomically different from other girls. And that has a lot of... struggles. I try to be confident and love myself and all that good, special, wonderful stuff. But between my dyslexia and my CAIS, it makes it hard for me to feel like I'd ever be a desirable girlfriend. I never know exactly what it is that makes girls reject me, and it just... hurts, you know? So much of it is out of my control.

Kana: I'm sure... damn, I'm so sorry, Fuji. People are fucking nuts. You would make such a fantastic girlfriend. You're kind, and bubbly, and good at taking care of people. Not to mention how drop-dead gorgeous you are. And you're a good influence on the people around you. That's why... I'm sure it's only a matter of time! You will find someone one day, I guarantee it! And... even if not, you've gotta live on knowing that you're so fucking worthy of care, okay?

Fujiko: I'm trying to learn about my worth, every day. That's why I try to pick up your confidence! And I think you're learning from me, too!

Kana: That's what friendship is for... helping each other grow.

Fujiko and I have been through so much together, even in the brief time we've known each other. And she and I have taught each other a lot. That's why I'm sure. Fujiko and I are true friends.

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