Garden Mode: S2
[A/N] Hiiiii! I know it's been like two years, but I found this dynamic really interesting. Spoilers for the entirety of LDOD!
The Garden Mode AU (aka Naruhito lives and the simulation is a paradise), makes for some really interesting new circumstances. Certain characters wind up acting completely differently when their lives aren't at stake, which has been very fun so far.
Event 1:
Chimon: This is a blast! This place is packed with cool stuff and the only responsibility we have is to be friends with each other!
What should I do? Should I invite Chimon to hang out?
Invite Chimon to hang out
See who else is around
Chimon: Yep yep! Let's have fun!
We play several rounds of hide and seek. It's honestly a little startling how awesome he is at finding good spots.
Looks like Chimon and I drew a little closer today.
Would you like to give Chimon a present?
Not really...
#68 Skip Supreme— A jump rope whose sides stick to the walls and can automate any speed from one to ten. It even has a high score tracking system.
Chimon: Aww, thank you lots! I'll keep it real safe, I promise!
Chimon: By the way, Toz, you're looking pretty big!
My heart skips a beat and my eyes widen.
Tozen: What?
He tilts his head curiously and his own eyes widen to match mine.
Chimon: You know? You've been exercising a lot? Your muscles are cool!
I can feel all the tension drain out of my body with one massive sigh of relief.
Tozen: Thank you.
Chimon: I don't understand why, though.
Tozen: Hm?
Chimon: This isn't your real body. Hibiki made that obvious. So, you know, we could eat whatever and be as lazy as we wanna be without any real-world consequences! This place is literally super cool, and this is just one of the reasons! I know you're scared of gaining weight, but your actual body is safe out there in the real world! Loosen up!
Tozen: Ah– How did you–?
Chimon: Oh, sorry! Is it supposed to be a secret that you're scared of gaining weight? Even if I didn't know before, that reaction would've been a dead giveaway. But whenever anyone mentions feeling really full or eating lots of sweets, you wrap your arms around your waist.
Tozen: Woah! I never noticed! You're very observant, aren't you?
Chimon: Paying attention to people is really important! If you don't know what kind of people you're spending time with, you won't know how to make and keep them happy.
Tozen: I agree with that wholeheartedly! As for your question, though. I exercise and eat well even here because it's important to keep my good habits. I'll be honest, since you already see right through me. I've had a... complicated relationship with food all my life, and I can be a bit extreme about it. If I go batshit in here and eat without boundaries, it'll make it a lot harder to resist temptations in the real world.
Chimon: Ugh. You're so responsible.
Tozen: Uhh... Thank you?
Chimon: Treat it like a compliment. It mostly is. It's just also a little frustrating. This is our one chance to be free from everything going on in our real lives! If everyone acts exactly the same as they do anyway, then I'll look bad if I don't. I mean, Keiji is literally just using this place to study longer! I'm sick and tired of obligations and duties. Day in and day out. To use your own words, I kind of just want to go batshit. Finally do kid stuff again.
Tozen: You carry a lot on your shoulders, huh? To someone like me, it sounds like you're acting out. But it's probably because you don't feel allowed to express this stuff in your day-to-day life.
Chimon: You got that right. Too many expectations. Too much I have to hide.
Tozen: You know, you're a lot more cynical than I thought, given first impressions.
Chimon: I kind of just gave up. When I realized that this place is like the ultimate vacation, it hit me that it takes up way too much of my energy to pretend all the time. Once we all leave this place, I'll probably never see any of you again. This doesn't matter. And that makes it beautiful.
Tozen: About that... do you think you'll ever willingly consent to leaving this all behind, given how much you seem to love it?
Chimon: I don't know. Probably not. It'll take a lot of convincing for me to give up this paradise.
Tozen: I can understand that.
Chimon: Do me a favor? Don't tell anyone else what I'm really like. I'm frank around you cause we're so similar.
I almost question him about it; I don't feel we're particularly similar. But then I think about it a little more and realize he's right.
Tozen: Okay. I promise.
Suddenly, the childlike demeanor he projects resurfaces with a vengeance.
Chimon: Thank you so super much! Can you pinky swear and cross your heart?
To humor him, I do so. When his pinky and mine are linked, he gives me a severe look and zips his own lip.
Chimon: Monterio wanted to play with me around now! Bye-bye, Tozen!
He dashes away, laughing and prancing. What did I just get myself into?
Chimon's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with him.
Event 2:
Chimon: Hiiiiii! It's another wonderful day in digital Heaven!
What should I do? Should I invite Chimon to hang out?
Invite Chimon to hang out
See who else is around
Chimon: Yeah! Let's go mess around in the playground, Tozen!
We pretend to be adventurers in the play equipment. Knowing that we can't be injured here, he makes crazy dangerous leaps without a hint of hesitation.
Looks like Chimon and I drew a little closer today.
Would you like to give Chimon a present?
Not really...
#64 Buff Gun— A plastic toy rifle full of styrofoam bullets. This one is automatic, for the true bringers of chaos.
Chimon: Hehehe... Oh, yes. This is good. This is VERY good. Thanks a lot!
He suddenly stops playing and moves to sit on a swing.
Chimon: That was fun. But I suddenly remembered something, and now I'm not in the mood.
Tozen: You? Not in the mood to keep playing a game?
Chimon: Ha. Fair. But I'm not kidding. Right before I came here today, I realized that one of my marbles went missing, and that's a bit alarming. Yuu would probably pun about me losing my marbles over it, huh?
Tozen: He probably would. Do you have a lot of them?
Chimon: Yeah! I collect things like stickers and origami paper, but my marble collection is my most expensive and the one I care about most. My most valuable one is worth, like, forty thousand yen. It took me a couple years to save up for. And this one wasn't quite as pricey, but still. It's the principle of the thing!
I hesitate before asking the question on my tongue. It's probably a bit of an assumption, which is what gives me pause. But I ask anyway.
Tozen: Please don't take this offensively.
Chimon: It's pretty hard to offend me.
Tozen: Are you... poor?
His eyebrows raise.
Chimon: Dang. You're observant, too.
Tozen: Y-Your clothes. And the fact that it took you years to save up that much.
Chimon: Yeah. That may have been sloppy of me. But hey. If anyone else figures out, I can just pull the "woe is me, I'm a helpless child" card.
Tozen: My parents were poor, growing up. It took them a lot of work, and time, and support to pull themselves out of it. Honestly, that's probably the only reason why I could tell. Even though we're upper-middle class, their childhoods still impact my siblings and me.
Chimon: But now you understand part of why this place is such an invaluable opportunity, right?! I could never possibly HOPE to afford even five percent of the stuff in here! There's no limits in the simulation! I can have whatever I could possibly want! I don't know what kinds of crap everyone here struggles with, but there's relief, here. The world outside may totally suck, but at least I have... somewhere.
Tozen: I definitely understand that. But hey. If you need help, it's pretty obvious to me that a lot of people here have both the means and goodwill to do that for you. Like Bisque! He's really sweet, and he's admitted to being well-off!
Chimon: Won't do that. I don't mind accepting, like, a thousand yen. But otherwise, it doesn't feel smart. Honestly, I had to look at the contract for ages just to make sure it was a good idea to accept this offer in the first place.
Tozen: Even though you love it so much?
Chimon: Even so. I don't want to owe anyone anything. What'll happen if I can never pay them back? You understand, right?
Tozen: Not really.
That's a lie. And he probably knows it. But I don't like the implications of any of that.
Chimon: Besides, that's like a bandage fix for a way bigger issue. I need money, but I don't really need money. Or, like, I guess money with nothing else isn't the solution. A lot needs to change for my real life to actually be worth a damn. And even though I play up my helplessness as an act, it's not entirely a lie. There's only so much one person can do.
Tozen: I believe we can do more than you think. Personal agency is important.
Chimon: Of course you do! You make healthful choices and keep up good habits every day! Everyone's beliefs come from the experiences that form them.
Tozen: You understand how curious that makes me, right?
Chimon: I'll tell you more when and if I feel like it. I'm gonna go watch a movie now! Bye-Bye, Toz!
With that swift, blunt statement, he's gone. What a peculiar guy.
Chimon's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with him.
Event 3:
Chimon: Hiya! You look happy! Did something good happen?
What should I do? Should I invite Chimon to hang out?
Invite Chimon to hang out
See who else is around
Chimon: You have a surprise for me?! Woah!!!
I give him a yuzu cake that I baked especially for him. He smiles, and it's the type of smile that reaches your eyes. I may have just made him genuinely happy!
Looks like Chimon and I drew a little closer today.
Would you like to give Chimon a present?
Not really...
#112 Mica Marble— A particularly shiny and rare marble. This one is brown and rather large. It seems to glisten in sunlight.
Chimon: Huh?! This is really valuable, how could you give it away so easily?! I— Call on me whenever, because I seriously owe you favors for this!
He's been pretty joyful since I showed him the cake, but now his face seems almost crestfallen.
Chimon: I feel obligated to admit something to you, for your own good.
Tozen: Yeah? What's that?
Chimon: I know what you want from me. And I can't give it to you.
I pause, uncertain, before taking a long sip of water.
Tozen: I don't get it. And I'm serious this time.
Chimon: Being dead honest, what do you, Tozen Chiba, want most in life?
Tozen: For people to love me. Like... actually love me.
The answer is instant, and it startles me with its clarity.
Chimon: I figured. And if that's the case... there are so many people in here who can do that for you. Don't waste your time on the one person who can't.
Tozen: What does that even mean, Chimon?! You act like you're being so honest and straightforward with me, but you say these grand, sweeping statements and don't clarify at all! I feel like I hardly actually know anything about you!
Chimon: I can't love people. I haven't loved anyone since I was ten. Not a single person.
I have a million questions, but I'm still struck into silence by his confession. I mean, how could someone be perfectly composed after THAT?
Tozen: I– How– I mean–
I take a breath.
Tozen: I'm sorry. That must be awful. Do you consider us your friends?
Chimon: I mean, yeah, sure. I have friends. But it's just cause you do things for me. I guess you could say that I "love" people on two levels. For some very special cases, I can love people with my head. I can logically want the best for them and acknowledge when they do kind things for me. And when it comes to my heart, well... I love people as toys. I know that sounds bad, but hear me out! I hang out with the people who I have fun with, right? And I consider them friends, just for that. They make time less boring. It's nothing deeper than that.
Tozen: That... doesn't sound too different.
Chimon: Wait, though. You love Azumi, right? She's one of your closest friends?
Tozen: Right.
Chimon: And when you think of her, your heart feels happy, yeah? Going about your daily life, things remind you of her, and it makes you smile, right? When she texts, it makes your day better. When she suffers, it brings you pain, too, as if it's your own. None of that applies to me. It used to. And I miss those feelings. But it's been so long, and I've just had to admit to myself that this is who I am now. I live life practically. I'm self-serving. I just also happen to live according to the moral code I was taught. Not because I have a conscience, really, but because there's literally no benefit to cruelty.
Tozen: ...I'm so sorry. I know I said it before, but seriously. I can't even imagine what that must be like. For what little it may be worth, I promise to be there. When you need to talk, when you need good food, when you just want someone fun to hang out with. I might not be the most entertaining person, but even so...
His head tilts, and he gives me a look like I'm stupid.
Chimon: Didn't you hear me? There's no point to that. I can't do anything for you.
Tozen: I don't need anything from you.
He snorts.
Chimon: C'mon, Tozen. You don't actually believe in pure altruism like that.
He's right. What may come across as selfless service to everyone else is just my desperate attempt to become someone too valuable for people to get rid of.
Tozen: You're right. I don't. But... I want to. So, for you... and I guess for me, too... I want to try to be that. Prove myself wrong.
He's silent for a while.
Chimon: Sure. If you want me to be your pet project, I have no reason to stop you.
He eats another slice of the cake and moves on to talking about a video game like none of this even happened. How did he come to be like this? How can he stand it?
Chimon's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with him.
Event 4:
Chimon: Heya, Toz! A whole bunch of us are gonna play Mafia. You should join us!
What should I do? Should I invite Chimon to hang out?
Invite Chimon to hang out
See who else is around
Chimon: Yay! This is gonna be fun!
Almost the whole group plays Mafia. Considering he's admitted to pretending almost constantly, he does surprisingly average. Weird. We stick together in the game room even after everyone else has left.
Looks like Chimon and I drew a little closer today.
Would you like to give Chimon a present?
Not really...
#14 Candied Yuzu Peels— Packed with both sweet and sour flavors, this treat makes your mouth reflexively scrunch up.
Chimon: Hehehe... Oh, yes. This is good. This is VERY good. Thanks a lot!
Tozen: Be honest. Did you go easy on everyone?
He shrugs breezily.
Chimon: Sure. Lying is a great skill to have, but it's suspicious when you're too good at it. Same goes for reading people. Admittedly, Yuu is a bit of a tough nut to crack, and that shows in games like this, but people like Fujiko are astonishingly easy to read. I dunno HOW Kana doesn't realize she's crushing on her.
I laugh anxiously. I could tell, too, but there was never any point in bringing it up.
Chimon: Speaking of crushes. I don't exactly know if this is my place, but Azumi likes you.
Tozen: Don't make crazy assumptions like that. She's sweet and nurturing to everyone. Sure, we're close, but it's nothing like that.
Chimon: Hm. Why are you in denial? I thought we had something interesting going on here where we're both more honest with ourselves when we're around each other. You're not oblivious. You're like me, constantly trying to read the room to make sure people want you there.
Tozen: Hey, don't—
Chimon: You must notice her using her flustered voice and walking on air when she's around you.
Tozen: What the fuck do YOU know?! You don't love ANYBODY!
I feel bad the instant the words leave my mouth. He flinches ever so slightly, but otherwise doesn't seem affected.
Tozen: Oh my God, I'm so sorry! That was so stupid of me, I don't even— I want to be your friend, and friends don't do awful, horrible stuff like insulting someone about a genuine insecurity! What am I even doing?
Chimon: Interesting. So you have a bit of a temper on you when your buttons are pushed too insistently. Though I have to wonder why Azumi having a crush on you is one of those buttons.
I sigh. I don't like getting personal, but I feel so bad about blowing up like that that I feel obligated to share. I open my mouth and he raises a hand in response.
Chimon: Don't. It's not like I want to make you uncomfortable on purpose. Unless you feeling like you haven't atoned makes you more uncomfortable. In that case, go ahead.
Wait. Is unloading all this stuff on him just my attempt to make myself feel better? Am I being selfish?
Chimon: Dude, you're completely overthinking this. I know you're trying hard to be a caring person for me. Someone who has my best interests at heart even though I can't love you. But it's making you doubt yourself even worse than usual. If me making the choice for you will un-break you, then sure, I want you to tell me what your deal is.
I explain Sachiko, and how, because of her, I don't trust romance. I've never said it in such casual words before.
Tozen: Now that I say it like that, it almost sounds stupid.
Chimon: It's not. And I understand you more. I remember that it used to feel nice to be understood, back when I could feel love.
I think on it a little.
Tozen: I think it does feel nice. It's scary, being so upfront about... well, basically everything I hate about myself. But if it's out in the world, all of the bad feelings aren't stuck living in my body. Hey... do you need that? You came in here and you were honest with me almost immediately. You said that pretending makes you tired. And considering you literally planned out how well to play fucking Mafia, I can see why. If this is your dream digital paradise, don't you think catharsis is part of that?
Chimon: I'm scared.
It's such a simple statement, but it feels like the most straightforward he's ever been with me.
Tozen: Of course. Vulnerability is scary.
Chimon: Talking about the things in my life that bother me could have serious consequences. It's not really some vague fear of being judged or anything like that. I don't think you of all people CAN even judge me. But being honest comes with risk, especially now. Maybe someday.
Tozen: Whatever your heart tells you.
He scoffs. I smirk.
Tozen: Fine, then. Whatever your brain tells you.
Chimon: Thanks... for the offer.
We do some logic puzzles together until he seems ready to fall asleep. I let him nap on my shoulder.
Chimon's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with him.
Event 5:
Chimon: Heyyyyyy...
What should I do? Should I invite Chimon to hang out?
Invite Chimon to hang out
See who else is around
Chimon: Mmm, yeah. I wanted to talk to you, too.
We eat sweets together for a bit, but he cuts me off after a while.
Looks like Chimon and I drew a little closer today.
Would you like to give Chimon a present?
Not really...
#59 The Funplane— A slightly outdated portable game system, but still very desirable. It has a hi-def touchscreen, and can also play music and videos, making for the perfect all-in-one media machine!
Chimon: Huh?! This is really valuable, how could you give it away so easily?! I— Call on me whenever, because I seriously owe you favors for this!
Chimon: Hey. I ought to apologize to you. I shouldn't have told you that Azumi has a crush on you. Permission to be brutally honest?
Tozen: When have you ever not been?
Chimon: You're spiraling, dude. Back at the start of this, you told me you wanted to keep up your good habits even in here so that it would stay easy for you in real life. You're slipping.
Tozen: Why do you feel the need to tell me about that? I mean, I fucking know it. I'm trying to pretend it's not happening, or that I just don't care, but you... you actually don't care. Especially since it's not happening to my real body. So... why this?
Chimon: If I encourage you into doing irresponsible, hedonistic shit in here, I'd be enabling you into a place you clearly don't want to be. And that...
He takes a deep breath.
Chimon: I'd be no better than my mother.
OH? I lean in with interest. He gets this mischievous look on his face.
Chimon: Throw out all the junk food I keep catching you hoarding and I'll tell you about how I stopped being able to love.
Tozen: You manipulative bitch.
He laughs with his whole chest.
Chimon: Sure, but you've got to admit it's for a good cause this time.
He follows me to my room and watches me dispose of the shameful stash I've been gathering. I feel a lot better now that it's gone. God, I'm such a fool. He sighs.
Chimon: Wish it were that easy for Papa. My father got falsely accused of malpractice a handful of years ago, and it lost him his job. And hypnotherapy was his passion, so when that went down the drain... Pbft. So did the rest of his life, really. He's a pathetic little alcoholic now. The depressed, useless kind of drunk. I'm doing some kind of illegal shit to be working in my field this young, but my mother's work is too inconsistent to sustain us, so I have to. The day I lost my ability to love was the day after I accidentally overheard my father drunkenly admitting that...
He sniffles, taking us both by surprise.
Chimon: That he stopped looking for jobs. And was just gonna... let me keep providing for us forever. And all my mom did was suggest he run a sports blog or something.
Tozen: Oh, Chimon.
I wrap him in a hug. He waits there, arms limp.
Chimon: She didn't protect me. And... my childhood was so wonderful up until then, so it felt like they'd both betrayed me. And I woke up the next morning, and I just... didn't love them anymore. Or anyone else. In some respects, it made life easier. I don't feel conflicting feelings about them. I'm free to only view them as the lowlives they are. But I often suspect that I'm a bad person, because I let people love me even though I can't love them back. Hell, I push people to love me.
Tozen: Hey. Do you know what you did just now? You cared for me. You gave enough of a shit about my well-being to make sure I got rid of the junk food. You even sacrificed your secret for it. I know that thinking of me doesn't make your day better, and that my pain doesn't bring you pain. I'll never stop being sorry that all of this happened to you. But I can promise you one thing with absolute certainty: you are not a bad person, Chimon. I admire you. Even without being able to feel love and empathy, you STILL stick your neck out for people. For no reason. It's probably impossible to believe, but you're just as whole and human as the rest of us. Because you act out love.
Chimon: Huh... am I... not broken?
Tozen: Not if you don't want to be.
Chimon: I should probably stop punishing myself for something that's not my fault. Maybe someday, I'll be able to love with my whole heart again. But it's okay not to criticize myself for every conversation I have. Tozen... thank you. I head-love you!
Tozen: I love you, too.
He beams. I give him one last squeeze, and he laughs. Chimon is my friend in the truest sense of the word.
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