[A/N] Apologies, Wakumi only gets three events for now. I decided it would be far more in-character if she didn't feel comfortable sharing her whole story by the end. But don't worry. The other two will come in the "alternate mode," post-story.

Available During Chapter 2:

Event 1:

Wakumi: Avast ye, scallywag, what kinda shenanigans ye gettin' upta today?

What should I do? Should I invite Wakumi to hang out?

Invite Wakumi to hang out

See who else is around

Wakumi: Aye aye! I'm bored outta me wits! If I get too bored, I may hafta send ye ta Davy Jones's locker, savvy?

We dare each other to do various stupid (albeit, a bit dangerous) things. It's fantastic, of course.

Looks like Wakumi and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Wakumi a present?


Not really...

#7 Chocolate Chip Jerky-- Dried beef sprinkled with chocolate chips. A preserved meat product invented by an experimental cook several years ago. Known to be an acquired taste.

Wakumi: Givin' it ta me? Ye're not runnin' any rigs? Blimey! This is right up me alley!


Gou: Tell me about being a pirate! I can only imagine you have some cool stories!

Wakumi: Ye're durn right, I do! I'm me vessel's First Mate-- second-in-command ta me ol' salt. We plundered our ship when I was but a wee lass. Most o' us were awfully small back then, but we had the numbers enough ta o'erwhelm the crew. Was a small cargo ship back then, n' when they came inta port, we stowed away n' launched a mutiny! We didn't have real combat trainin' back then or nothin', but we bit n' scratched n' whatnot. They could do zilch 'bout it, cause they were on open water.

Gou: Yikes!

She glowers.

Wakumi: Don't hang the jib like that or ye'll make me angry. They were rescued-- the papers said so. Not like we had the money ta BUY a boat anyhow. But anyway, back ta stories. The boat rocks all the time, so all sorts o' shit goes flyin' e'erywhere. Leads ta some fun scuffles. N' I mean fun both genuinely n' sarcastically. One time, we were dumb enough ta fight on the quarter deck instead o' the mate's quarters or somewhere secure like that. Straight o'erboard, the instant we hit a bit o' rough waters. Fully clothed, obviously. The saltwater soaked us n' made us heavy, n' the slight storm made it hard ta stay afloat. Saltwater burned in me mouth. The helmsman had ta send life preservers down ta us n' we had ta get dragged back up. We made it back ta mate's quarters n' immediately continued ta pummel each other fer bein' the reason we got embarrassed like that. Ne'er battled anyone out in the open after that though.

Gou: Wow. That's dangerous as hell! It sounds kind of fun, though! Like a lot of adrenaline all throughout every day!

Wakumi: It's hard work, that's ta be sure, but I like the unpredictability!

Gou: I do have a question.

Wakumi: Aye?

Gou: If you're the first mate, how come you're the one who was given the title of Ultimate Pirate? Wouldn't it make more sense if you were the captain?

Wakumi: Actually, me ol' salt had gotten somethin' similar a few years ago. 'Cept, instead o' a month, it was just a weekend convention. I was temp cap'n while 'e was away. But now, 'e's not in the age range fer this... 'e ain't a minor anymore. When I got me letter, 'e pushed me inta goin', so I did. N' now we're here... in a murder game... real peachy, ain't it?

Gou: Look. We'll find a way to get out of here alive. Or, at the very least, we'll do our best.

Wakumi: Tch. Ye're real optimistic, ain't ye, laddie? It's sure as hell annoyin'.

Gou: Huh?

She starts cackling, and I can't help but wonder how sincere the insult was. She opens the cabinet and a bag of flour promptly dumps on her face, causing her to immediately snap and go search for the perpetrator. I pity whoever was careless-- or reckless-- enough to do that.

Wakumi's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

Available During Chapter 3:

Event 2:

Wakumi: This whole schism business is bullshit, n' Imma keelhaul e'ery stupid bilge rat in this building.

What should I do? Should I invite Wakumi to hang out?

Invite Wakumi to hang out

See who else is around

Wakumi: Drive me in the goddamn race car, ye landlubber!

I drive her in the "goddamn" race car. She howls and whoops in joy. I love driving my friends around!

Looks like Wakumi and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Wakumi a present?


Not really...

#61 Pirate Cards-- Several decks of cards emblazoned with various pirate symbols. They also come with some rustic-looking poker chips.

Wakumi: Aha! I knew ye were obsessed with me! There'd be no other reason ta gimme somethin' like this! Unless ye're butterin' me up. Arrrrgh.


Gou: So. I've noticed that you get riled up easily.


Gou: I-I'm sorry!

Her furious expression melts into a smirk and she laughs at me so hard that she nearly topples over.

Gou: Fuck, Wakumi, you do this all the time. You're gonna give me a heart attack.

Wakumi: O' course I get riled easy. Doesn't take a rocket scientist, matey. Me passions boil real close ta the surface.

Gou: The point is... what are some of your pet peeves?

Wakumi: Ahaha! Ye're gonna be here a while, me hearty. One o' me least favorite things is slackers. If anyone gives ye a responsibility, ye oughta treat it with respect... given the person who gives it ta ye DESERVES said respect. N' trust me, me ol' salt does. E'en so, there's this one obnoxious wench who does next ta nothin' ta maintain the vessel. She ain't in charge of cartography or navigation, either.

Gou: I don't actually know your duties. What kind of work do you do?

Wakumi: Me? I record the booty we get from raids, dole out resources accordin' ta how much each crew mate needs, n' settle minor disputes. N' this part ain't exclusive ta first mates, but I volunteered ta handle combat trainin' fer any new members. N' as I've said, I'm second-in-command. That work was S'PPOSED ta go ta this lassie, cause she's older than me, but she pretty much just handles a wee bit o' accountin', since I ain't good at multiplication n' division. N' that's once a goddamn week. Aside from that... pet peeves... I can't stand people breakin' promises. People oughta not promise at all if their words be so flimsy. E'en if it's ta make people feel better or fluffy shit like that. It'll just hurt 'em e'en more in the long term, n' it'll make ye look WAY less credible. It just doesn't help anyone.

Gou: That makes sense... though I know oftentimes people make promises with the intention to follow through, and then change their minds later.

Wakumi: Hence why ye ought not ta make 'em at all. If I e'er make a promise ta anyone, ye best believe a couple o' things. First: I feel real intense 'bout whate'er I'm swearin'. Second: It. Will. Happen.

Gou: Honestly, that's pretty impressive. I admire your conviction.

Wakumi: Ha. Ye best believe I've got that in heaps. But don't ye go gettin' all mushy. Ye ain't gonna hornswaggle me with affection.

Before I can defend myself and explain that that's sort of just my personality, Wakumi catches sight of Joanie and immediately rushes off to go playfully insult her. ...Alright then.

Wakumi's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

Available During Chapter 4:

Event 3:

Wakumi: Gou, if ye ain't offerin' me a good ol' scrap, I'm not interested.

What should I do? Should I invite Wakumi to hang out?

Invite Wakumi to hang out

See who else is around

Wakumi: Alright, rapscallion. Ye best prepare yerself, cause I'll give ye no quarter!

We fight. As expected, she is ruthless and powerful. We're about equal in terms of strength, but she has more fighting experience than I do, so she wins.

Looks like Wakumi and I grew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Wakumi a present?


Not really...

#32 Peace of the Sea-- A necklace fabled to be capable of calming stormy waters. Whether it has those powers or not, it's worth a pretty penny.

Wakumi: Aha! I knew ye were obsessed with me! There'd be no other reason ta gimme somethin' like this! Unless ye're butterin' me up. Arrrrgh.


Gou: Phew! Jeez, you're really strong!

Wakumi: Course I am! Been doin' this fer just 'bout half me life, ye know! Mmm... half o' sixteen is eight years, right?

Gou: Yep. Hey, I was kinda wondering...

Wakumi: Nuh-uh. Don't ye go on wonderin', ye slimeball. I hate when ye go wonderin'.

Gou: What did you do before you guys took over your ship?

Wakumi: Ye're the most nosy, annoyin' picaroon I e'er met.

Gou: C'mooooon! I'm your favorite playmate!

I smile innocently, and she makes an unimpressed expression.

Wakumi: Ye're second fiddle. But fine. I guess ye'll get a blab or two outta me. Me crew are me brothers n' sisters... but not by blood.



Found Family

Gou: So, like, step-siblings?

She laughs raucously, like it's the funniest thing she's ever heard.

Wakumi: Har har, what a riot! We got twenty-eight members! Wouldn't those people be real "active"?

Gou: I see...



Found Family

Gou: Is it like found family?

Wakumi: Aye. Least fer some o' the more recent members. Fer us originals, though, it goes deeper than that.



Found Family

Gou: If you're not blood-related or step-siblings, and you're more than just best friends that call yourself family... could you guys be... from an orphanage?

Her eyes narrow and she snaps her eyepatch in frustration.

Gou: ...Were you not expecting me to figure that out?

She stays silent, but sneers.

Gou: Which one? Maybe I know it.

Wakumi: Ye don't.

Gou: How do you know?

Wakumi: Ye. Do. Not. Know. It!

She kicks me swiftly and takes off out of the Training Hall. After recovering from getting whacked in the shin, I pursue her. I catch up to her all the way on the bottom floor, in the little office that we haven't really bothered with since we got the library.

Gou: I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything that makes you uncomfortable.

Wakumi: Ye say that NOW, ye knave. But it's in yer damn nature ta ask questions, cause ye're like a curious kiddo. Ye're our li'l sleuth, which is part o' why ye get yer feathers so ruffled when ye hafta play guard duty.

Gou: I just want people to know that I'm interested.

She sighs.

Wakumi: Durn... Gou, ye don't know it cause it shut down when ye were eight or nine.

Gou: Oh, shit...

Wakumi: When we got word the place was goin' belly-up, me ol' salt gathered up 'round fifteen o' us n' we ran. Begged fer food or fer money fer a while. Then turned ta theft, when it was easy. The ol' salt had goals fer us, though. Wanted us ta really be free, on open waters, like those books 'e read ta us as kids. So we stole our ship, became pirates.

Gou: How do you feel about... all of that?

She looks at me as though I've sprouted an extra head.

Wakumi: What's it matter ta ye? Me life as a pirate's been fulfillin' enough. Clearly way more fun than bein' cramped up in a shitty orphanage. Ye know, who the fuck would e'er wanna be stuck there?! Who'd e'en care if it got shut down n' most o' us had nowhere ta go?! N' SINCE WHEN DID I GIVE YE PERMISSION TA ASK THIS SHIT?!

She starts beating the shit out of me to the point where I worry about waking up covered in bruises. Jesus, that woman's got a wicked right hook. Not that I didn't know that.

Wakumi's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

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