
Happy reading 🙂🙂

Eunji looked on at the bouquet of flowers Johnny had left her. She was calm now, thanks to her medication. No more of her anxiety shooting up. Well, at least for now.

She now thought if she regretted taking up the project, but she didn't. It was an amazing storyline from an amazing writer. With it came a package of an director and producer. And with Lilly, his girlfriend being the female lead, she was gonna have to keep herself in check.

That was going to be very hard.

"Yellow daffodils" she scoffed "there is nothing left for a new beginning for us" she said, picking the bunch of flowers.

She didn't have the heart to throw it. Why did he have to come in front of her? After four long years, when she could finally move on without having to think about his existence.

"God, I don't know what you have in store for me, but I hate him" she whispered, her fist clutching the bouquet tight.

"Did I have to see him on my birthday" she sighed.

And he didn't remember? He'd never wished her all these years, how was he going to remember after she'd left? The soft side of her still wanted him to remember. Who was she fooling?

She walked out to see the hallway empty. Where was everyone? She was not going to die now as she? Had someone wiped out her entire building?

"Fuck you" she heard her brain.

"Thanks" she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

She walked out to see the whole floor empty and it had her confused. They could've told her if they wanted a holiday. She never refused vacations and days offs for her employees. She always kept them in mind and had flexible working hours. She stood in front of the elevator thinking if she should go to the control room to see what had happened, but also at the same time, didn't want to overreact. Popping another pill, she walked into the elevator, pressing the button to the fifth floor, where the control room was. She walked into the room and all the security agents there kind of had a panicked expression. Because she had never been there. But also, according to her instructions they had to keep her updated about things going in and around the building.

"Ma'am" the man who came to front, bowed.

She bowed back "I need today's footage of the twentieth floor" she said "like from the past four hours to now" she said.

"Anything wrong?" he asked.

"There's no one on the floor" she said.

"I did notice something fishy" another man at the huge screen said.

"What?" she asked, walking to the screen.

"They we're all doing their work, everything was fine. But after a while they just started walking out one by one" he replied.

"That's weird. Show me" she said.

The man typed into the keyboard, after a few clicks, he played the footage. She took a seat as she took control, pausing and zooming in and out every now and then, slowing the playback speed, she watched with full focus. She watched the time Johnny came in and left. Twenty minutes after he left, her employees like said, started to walk out. One by one. She rewinded again to see if she'd missed something. She then saw that the receptionist was the first one to stand up. She got a message and then whispered something to the person next to and then word started to spread and they started to walk out, one by one. Including the guards.

"What happened?" she asked, confused.

She then asked watched the footage at the company entrance and saw them all getting into cabs that was lined up at the front.

What the heck?!

"Anyways, thank you. I think they just went out together to eat" she said, getting up, trying to sound convincing.

"Are you sure there's no trouble Ms. Kim?" he asked.

"Yes, no trouble at all" she smiled, walking out with a bow and the men bowed back.

She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE EUNJI NOONA!" the text read. It was her sister.

"Thanks" she punched back a reply.

"Treat?" was the next text.

"Come back to Korea.. I'll treat you" she replied back.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEE!" came in another text. It was Faazila.

"Thanks Zee" she punched back a reply.

"What you upto today?" the text read.

"Work" she replied.

"We're going out tomorrow.. I have painting deliveries to do" the next text came.

"Take your time. We can go out anytime" she replied.

Okay, things were not so bad. They are going to be back. She took the elevator back to to the twentieth floor, still not so convinced. She walked out and stopped when she saw Chenle on the sofa at the lounge. He waved and walked to her.

"Hi!" she smiled.

"Happy birthday nuna!" he smiled, giving her a box of chocolates.

"Thank you so much! How long have you been waiting?" she asked.

"Not too long" he smiled.

"You could've called me" she sighed "I'm glad you didn't bring flowers" she smiled.

"You hate them" he chuckled "it's okay" he smiled.

"I do" she smiled "How are you? And what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

He looked serious. She nodded, not asking anything more. They walked into her cabin and Eunji plopped onto her seat with a sigh. Chenle took the seat opposite to her stared at the script to the new project. He took it and looked through.

"Looks romantic" he said "oh, and I'm doing good" he said, remembering that he hadn't answered to her question earlier.

"It is" she nodded, rolling her eyes.

"Forever Young?" he read the title.

"Yeah" she nodded.

"Who's there?" he asked.

"Johnny and Lilly" she replied.

"Damn the hot pair" he chuckled.

"Definitely" she rolled her eyes "and what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked.

"I want to join here" he said.

"Huh?" she choked.

She looked at him to see if he was joking or playing a prank. He was always known for his funny, loud, jovial side. But now, he was not. He looked way too serious.

"You heard me" he said, leaning back into the rolling chairs, crossing his legs and spun around.

"Chenle, why?" she asked.

"I can still be a part of Dream" he said "I'm not quitting on them. Just the company" he shrugged, spinning around again.

She remembered how he had said that he'd join 2(EJ) if he was ever going to quit SM. She thought he was just playing around, but here he was, four years later in front of her.

"What did the others say?" she asked.

"I've not told them yet. I will after I talk to you" he said.

"Why?" she asked.

"A change" he shrugged and it made her scoff.

"I'm serious. Still a little restricting. Can't anymore" he said, pursing his lips with a nose scrunch.
The cutie that he was.

"This kid" she chuckled, shaking her head "okay" she nodded her head.

"My contract period ends in two weeks" he said.

"I'll have the contract drafted for you and will also talk to your CEO about this. We'll sign next week" she smiled.

"Thank you! I'm so excited!" he grinned. He still was the nineteen year old she'd first seen him as.

"Excited to work with you as well" she smiled, extending her hand and he took it without a thought for a shake.

"From manager to my boss! This is next level glow up!" he laughed "boss!" he bowed.

"Shut up. I'm your sister and let's have it like that" she said, throwing him a fake glare.

"Okay" he laughed "bye nuna" he waved.

"Bye" she waved.

She was way too exhausted now and just wanted to go home and sleep. She no longer celebrated her birthday and didn't even care about it anymore. She went out with her college friends or the wives, but not everyone had time every year. They all had their own families and things to do. She walked out of the building and got into her car.

"Home please" she whispered exhausted, throwing her head back into the headrest.

She fell asleep and woke up when she felt the car come to harsh halt. She looked confused when she saw that she was not home. It was in front of a restaurant.

"Why did you bring me here?" she asked, still sleepy.

"I was asked to bring you here" the old man replied.

"Who?" she asked.

"Go in. You'll find out" he smiled.

"Daniel?" her face beamed "he could've told me. I'd have dressed up better" she smiled.

"Go in child" he smiled.

She got out of car happily and walked in. The old man only sighed, clicking his tongue.

"This child" he shook his head.

Eunji walked into the empty restaurant and then straight hit the washroom to set her hair right. She did a little touch up on her makeup and walked out happily with a smile to have lunch with her friend. She found the waiter and was guided to the table that had daffodils. She frowned at the flowers in the vase and it almost had her wanting to run out. Lunch was not with Daniel, it was with..

"Hi" she heard the voice that she had been dreading.

The waiter walked away and she was now left alone with Johnny. She heaved a sigh of relief because she had her back to him and quickly popped in her pill. It was her third pill of the day and it was not a good thing.

"Eunji" his voice sounded cheerful and calm.

"He remembers my birthday" she whispered to herself, a small smile curving up her lips. She held her chest as she felt her heart drumming so fast.

"Yes?" she turned around, putting on her regular poker face.

"Is this all because my company's handling the project?" she asked.

"No!" he shook his head "I've always wanted to this for you" he said.

"Why?" she asked, her eyes welling up "why now?" she whisper hissed.

He wasted no time in coming close and pulled her into his arms. He held her close and she just accepted it. She'd wanted a hug. His hug, his arms around her like a warm protective cocoon. And now that she had it, she decided to embrace it. She didn't hug him back, but just pushed her face into his chest, taking in a strong whiff of his cologne.

"Why now? After all these years" she mumbled, clear enough for him to hear.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, pulling her face away to meet his eyes.

It was sincere. Her heart accepted it, but her mind couldn't. She just looked up at him, at his eyes that held so much intensity. His gentle hold on her and his fingers gently massaging her scalp. It was all too good and she was ready to sink into it.

"What are you doing?" she asked, trying to push him away.

"Lunch with you" he smiled "happy birthday beautiful!" he smiled, bending down to peck her forehead.

"You remember?" she scoffed.

"I always have" he smiled.

"Yet you never bothered to wish me?" she asked, looking away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't. I couldn't. I was just so angry, I couldn't" he whispered, his head dropping down, his forehead resting on her head.

"You hurt me for twelve years" she whispers-hissed, her voice cracking.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything" he said, cupping her cheek.

"But I'm here now. We're going to celebrate all the birthdays in future together" he smiled, kissing her head.

"I don't want to" she shook her head.

"I will wait for you" he smiled, pulling away.

"Was it you who made my employees leave?" she asked, breathing out in a whoosh.

"Yes" he replied.

"I will never understand you" she sighed.

"We have all the time for that babe" he chuckled with a wink.

"Don't you dare wink at me" she scowled.

"I will" he laughed, winking again and pulled her cheek.

"Stop it will you?" she was now angry. She was not his play thing that he could be harsh to and then to be treated like royalty.

"I'm not your rag doll" she hissed "you can't do this to me" she shook her head, pulling away from him.

"Eunji, you're more than what you think you are" he said, walking towards her.

"I don't like you" she whispered.

"I know. And I'm going to make it alright" he said, taking her hand and she felt something in her palm.

It was the cute small clay teddy bear charm that she had given him the last time they had met when they were kids. That was her gift to him for his birthday. He had had it with him all this time.

"You had this with you?" she sobbed, looking up at him.

"Of course I did. This was all I had of your remembrance. This is my lucky charm. This helped me through my audition and every single hard encounter in life" he smiled, wiping her tear that made it's way down her cheek.

"I'm sorry" she whispered.

"I knew that I'd find you and I did. This charm is my promise to you. That I'll get you back. Hold on to it for me till then, please" he smiled a broken one, closing her palm over the little teddy.

He guided her to the table and patted her back when she sat down on her chair slouching, which had her instantly straightening up. He took his seat opposite to her and just watched her put the charm into her purse. The waiters walked in with wine and menu cards and walked to the back and she looked at him.

"Order whatever you want" he smiled.

"You didn't have to" she pouted "we could've just had cake from a cafe" she pouted again.

"We can do that too princess. First let's eat" he smiled.

She pursed her lip, scrunching her nose and ordered two dishes and Johnny ordered his share. Eunji looked around awkwardly as they waited for their dishes. The sooner she got out, the sooner she could breathe. Johnny smiled pulling out his phone and clicked pictures of her making various faces. He chuckled to himself looking through them.

"You look pale" he said, observing her.

"That's how I always am" she said, not looking at him.

"Eunji, look at me" he sighed.

"Looking at you. Tell me" she said, facing him.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I don't think that's something of your concern" she said.

"Everything regarding you is my business" he snapped.

"Really? How? Tell me" she scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Eunji" he sighed.

"Let's just think we're strangers on a blind date and not talk anymore. I just can't" she whispered.

She looked down, trying to count to ten. One more pill and she was going to pass out. And she can't take it in front of him. She gasped when she felt him hold her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. She calmed down little by little as his thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of her palm. The warmth of his palm under hers was so calming. Every little thing about him calmed her. She shook her head gently.

"I mustn't get used to him and his touches" she said to herself.

Their orders arrived and she mouthed him a small thank you with a bow and started to eat. They ate in silence, which was for the better, stealing glances at each other every now and then. She felt so happy, it was so upsetting that she couldn't express it. Her heart so full, she was having a meal, on her birthday with her favourite person. Johnny smiled as he watched her try to fight the smile that made its way to her lips as she ate.

"Watch me break the ice" he smiled to himself as he continued to eat.

They finished eating and she stood up walking around, because she felt too lazy. She was not full, but she sure knew that she would fall asleep if she didn't do something. She hummed on to a tune as she walked around the empty restaurant that he had booked for the both of them. He tapped her shoulder as he caught up from behind and ended up hitting her nose on his chest when she turned around.

"Ouch" she groaned.

"Sorry" he chuckled, tapping her nose.

"I'll leave now" she said "thank you for the meal" she gave a firm nod.

"I never said you can leave" he said, grabbing her wrist.

"Let go" she snapped.

"We still have a lot of time" he smiled.

"You can make use of that time with your girlfriend" she said, trying to break free from his tough grip.

"Oh, come on" she groaned, hitting his hand that gripped her wrist tight.

"Johnny, let go" she sighed.

"Not until you dance with me" he smiled.

"Excuse me?" she looked on.

"Yes, to my new single" he smiled.

"Not going to" she said.

"You're gonna" he smiled, walking behind to connect his phone to the Bluetooth speaker.

She walked backwards, but stopped when his head whipped towards her direction. She looked down at her shoes that betrayed her, scowling at it.

"You can't run that easily" he caught her, spinning her around and pulled her back to him.

"Umm.. distance please" she whispered.

"You're definitely cute" he chuckled.

"Call me cute, I will kill you" she scowled.

"Okay" he smiled "shall we get started?" he asked.

"Have you always smiled this much?" she asked confused, tilting her head up at him as she observed him.

He had never been like this around her and he flinched. He wanted to punch himself in the gut for being like that around her.

"Yes" he replied and she just nodded.

"Okay, let's learn that choreo" she said, walking to the front.

It took three and a half hours for her to learn it and it was a hip hop with definitely complicated steps. Who was she kidding? He was an NCT member and when he'd taken Taeyong's help for the choreography, it was no joke. The detailing, the expressions. She was soaked in sweat by the time they were done.

"That was hard" she panted, her hands on her knees.

"But still you learned quick enough" he smiled, patting her head.

"You know I hate it when someone pats my head" she snapped, pushing his hand away.

"Sorry" he laughed "still the same" he laughed again.

Every time he said that, she wanted to snap his neck. He knew so well about her and kept a close eye, then why was he so ignorant and and cold towards her? He even had the bear charm and her mind was all over the place.

"Okay, let's do it with the music. One shot, one kill?" he smirked.

"Okay" she nodded.

"On cue" he said.

The music started and they both danced, on sync without any mistakes. Thanks to her sharp focus and constant presence in the practice room and sometimes practising along, she was able to improve better in her dance skills in various genres. Three and a half minutes later, she was dead meat.

"I look like a zombie" she said, wheezing as she looked into the phone screen with her front camera.

"You look fine" he said.

"Shut up" she said, chugging down a bottle of water.

"Let's go" he said, patting her back.

"Yeah, let me just wash my face" she said.

"Not needed. Come" he pulled her out with him.

She gnashed her teeth at him from behind at the amount of control he had over her even though they had no place in each other's lives.

Or so, she thought.

She searched for her driver and literally wanted to kick herself in the head for thinking that he'd stay. She got into the passenger with Johnny and didn't even pay attention to where he drove.

"We're here" she looked at him when he patted her shoulder.

"Stay right here" he said when she was about to get off.

She stayed when he walked into the cafe. She huffed looking at the notifications flood her phone. She patiently replied to all of them.

"Just for today" she said to herself as she continued to reply to them.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIN!" the text she had expected the most popped.

"BHAV! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!" she happily punched a reply.

She put her phone down when Johnny walked back with just one piece of cake and a small candle on top of it. She frowned when he opened her side of the door, holding out the cake. It was her favourite cake. Chocolate cheesecake. She looked so surprised at how he knew things.

What was this man?

"Happy birthday!" he grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

"Umm.. thanks?" she said.

"Make a wish" he smiled.

"Just one piece?" she asked.

"You wanted more?" he asked.

"No silly, what are you going to eat?" she chuckled.

"I don't want" he chuckled.

"Idiot" she cussed under her breath.

""Heard that" he said and she just stared at him.

"Now, make a wish" he smiled.

He laughed when she started whistling to NCT U's Make a Wish. She went on whistling and he waited till she stopped. He recorded her with one hand and sent it in the chat room. She sat quiet when he threw her a subtle glare.

"Sorry" she said, looking down.

"Don't be. It was funny" he chuckled.

"Now, can you blow out the candle?" he asked, lighting it up.

"Yes!" she clapped excited like a little child.

"Make a wish" he said, for the third time.

"You!" was her instant wish as she blew out the candle.

"No!" she shook her head vigorously.

"Did you even wish?" he asked.

"Yes" she smiled.

She shoved a little piece into her mouth first, sighing in appreciation at the amazing taste. She then took a little and bought the fork to his mouth.

"You eat" he said.

"Are you going to refuse your boss now?" she glared.

He chuckled, taking the cake as she held out the fork to him. She looked on as he laughed, eating the cake. He definitely was not sane.

"You're not sick" she huffed, placing her hand on his forehead to check for temperature.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked, definitely judging him.

"Nothing, just eat" he smiled, shaking his head.

"You're eating half a piece" she said.

"No" he sighed "okay" he sighed, watching her glare. She could kill people with that glare.

She softened her look as she divided the cake piece into two and then kept the fork to his side, taking the cake in her hand as she shoved it into her mouth whole. She happily ate, sucking the mousse off her fingers and smiled at him. He ate slowly and she looked on.

"I'm shameless" she shrugged.

He laughed, pulling her in for a tight bone crushing hug and she choked a little, feeling suffocated. She pulled her head up a little for breath, pouting and held onto his jacket.










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