Chapter one: Voices of reason
I looked up at my Father, confused. "Why?" I asked, pointing to the recognizable box. He frowned. "You know why." I shook my head. "No,I won't do it. You can't make me." He sighed, setting the silver metal box on the cracked table. He moved to me, placing his hands softly on my cheeks. "Alexandria, look at me." I lifted my eyes to his sad dull ones. "I am doing this for you. For us." He kissed my forehead, and moved back to the box, opening it. The box seemed to glow, making even more enticing than what's inside. A Dreamscape.
The world I live in has rotted, it was no longer beautiful It was as if god decided to suck out the color, the meaning, the life. The world stopped their war's, seeing to means to carry on. People everywhere just stopped caring, slumping around depressed. Food and water was plentiful, and it was given out in portions all around the world. Only a few remained, the few who actually cared. They saw the world for what it was, and decided to make a new one. The dreamscape. They created a nano drug, that if taken would give you enough nutrients for a lifetime, and any medication needed to cure any sickness along with enhance your brain, sending you into a sleep like state. Next to the nano drug, they created a headset, that would tap into the signals in your brain, sending you false images, an illusion. Making a fake world, a fake reality where everything is beautiful, everyone is happy. I hated it.
My dad was watching me, his face expressionless. I knew their was something more here, I couldn't give up. He came towards me, holding the needle. I knew inside was the nano drug, waiting to be injected inside of me. "Please." I whispered as he neared. "Just give me time!" My voice was rising as my heart started to pound. "Time, for what?" He wasn't yelling, I wish he was. I want him to have a reason to fight, to argue. I want him to have hope. I stood, backing away from him. "To find something! Anything! Something to fight for, to believe in!" He just watched me, eyes dull. I want him to do something, anything! He stood, moving to me with sluggish steps, even his walking seemed meaningless. I backed up into a wall, him pinning me against it. He put the needle to my neck, his eyes drilling into mine. A lone tear fell down my cheek, falling to the floor. "Dont." He gave me a weak smile. "I'm sorry." His finger was on the trigger, frozen in place. The pain wasn't much, I wanted it to be. I wanted a reason to fight him, for him to fight back. To do something other then trap me in the illusion. He put the needle into his own neck, pulling the trigger. My vision was blurring as he set one of the headsets on my eyes and ears. Their was a click, then static. Then there was life.
2 years latter
How can you fight something that's in front of you? Something that makes you feel amazing, that gives you hope, that gives those you love hope. Im finding it hard to. The dreamscape was beautiful, amazing. It was a lie, but beautiful the same. My father was happy, I had a stepmother and half brother. Max, he became my best friend fast. My stepmother was beautiful is so kind. She and my Father were happy. Heak, I was happy. But I knew it wasn't real, It couldn't be real. I wasn't the only one who believed this. My step brother Max soon became my closest friend. We sat together in my bedroom, watching the world outside my window.
"Everyones so happy." Next to me Max sighed. "I know. I don't blame them, knowing what's beyond here." He pointed to his eyes and ears were a headset would set. "And here." He pointed to his brain. I nodded agreeing. "Mom and Dad seem to think so." Outside of the safety of my bedroom was a world full of people who smiled, skipped, held hands. People were happy, they all had a purpose. Something to believe in and follow. I put my head in my hands, sighing. "But it's not real." Max put his slim hand on my shoulder. "It's only a dream." Max stayed silent, knowing their was no way to stop me from speaking of our plans. "We'll find a way out, I promise." He patted my head, making me giggle. He motioned to the door and held out three fingers "Three..Two...One." He pointed to the door just as my Step-Mother, Martha called both of our names. "Alex! Max! Dinner!" I chuckled lightly as Max gave me a smug look. "Common Mr.Predictable." I punched his arm lightly. "Lets eat."
(Time skip to dinner table)
"So, Alex. What are you and Max planning to do for this weekend?" Me and Max shot each other glances, already knowing our lie. "Just gonna hang out here. Alex is working on some new art, I'm gonna help her with." I smiled, nodding. Max always thought of the excuses, he was the better liar. The real story was we were going to continue our experiments, to find a way out from this dream. A way to wake up. My Father looked up from his plate smiling. "Me and your Mother are going out tonight." Martha blushed making me want to gag. Max smirked before stepping on my toe, making me choke on my drink. Martha look at both of us, her eyebrows raised. "Jerk." I whispered, trying not to laugh.
Slipping on my headphones, I sighed. Selecting my favorite band, I hummed to the beat I knew so well. The song was something to pass the time befor my Step-Mother and Father would go out. Before me and Max could begin. We started trying to find ways to wake ourselves a few months ago when I finally opened up to Max about the Dreamscape.
Me and Max sat on the couch, flipping through the muted TV channels, laughing uncontrollably. A game we had made up to pass the time. Max flipped to a music video and started singing horribly. "I cant sssssttttttoooopppppp lllloooovvviiiinnnggg yyyooouuu!" He added a voice crack at the end making my eyes swell with tears from laughing. "S-stop! I-I c-cant b-breath!" Max laughed and flipped another channel. He stopped laughing immediately and stared at the screen. "Bastards.." I stopped. Max never swore, not in front of me at least. I followed his eyes to the screen. A TV live broadcast about the Nano drug and what it was doing to us, how it was helping us. My eyes wandered back to my brother. His entire posture had changed to an angry pose. I sat up, concerned. I never have seen him like this. Silence erupted between us, something that was rare. Quietly as I could, I creeped up next to him and poked his neck. "You OK?" He sighed at looked into my eyes. "Please tell me you aren't one of those suck ups who think all of this is a good idea?" I felt a smile spread across my face. "Max, I would think that you would know me better than that by now."
That day had changed our lives forever. For that time on, every time we were truly alone we were trying to wake up with everything we had. We had tried everything from electricity, to 'concoctions' that Max had thought of. I was starting to think only throwing ourselves off of a cliff would get us out. Max laughed at that one.
Even though the sound of my blasting music I could hear the sound of a door closing, and a car starting. I immediately jumped into action.
Show time
Wow!Well, welcome to my flaming crashing car I call my first fictional book! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, and trust me it took wwwwaaaayyyy to long. XD As always, if you have any questions, comments, or just silly things to say, comment below! And if you could, drop me a star! It helps me a lot and gets me motivated to get my potato but up and write! Thank you!
<3 Shadow
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