Chapter 8 - Time Skipping Taverns.
Several months passed as Erosvent grew familiar with the surrounding towns and roads. He had learnt quickly and with the help of a certain cat he had named Samuel. His new attire included a hooded cloak which seriously came in handy. His face was still on wanted posters in some parts so he had learned to hide his identity. But the guilds in each town had been very accommodating much like the one Samuel had taken him to in the beginning. He had built a good reputation within the guild community and made enough coin to keep him clothed and out of trouble.
Samuel had long left him on his own pretty early on, it seemed the cat was more of a solitary animal. He couldn't blame the cat, he didn't particularly like company. This left him with a lot of free time to memorize routes between towns and train his body to withstand the different climates that came and went.
Walking through a dimly lit town, his heavy boots treading heavily on the cobbled roads. He'd grown used to this town now, and might even be ready to call it his home on earth. But still, he remained rather distant from the residents, too afraid of a repeat of what had happened with the young child and Daniel. That had turned into a complete shit show and he wasn't sure he could face another pitchfork again. Instead, he'd settled alone in the south occupying a small hut on the outskirts of -
The scene blurred, Eros cringed as a sharp pain japped at his mind. Someone or something was shifting through his memories, scanning for something. His mind grew foggy and strained as he couldn't seem to form a cognitive thought. He pressed a hand to his temple as a hiss escaped his lips.
He was becoming aware of another presence in his space, but why was he also reliving his memories? Were they looking for something? He couldn't hold onto the feelings and thoughts he experienced in these moments of clarity, their strength seemed to dwarf his. This was different to the visions he induced when he was channelling someone. Was he being channelled?
The world around him warped and changed, images flashed before his eyes of his time on earth. It was blinding and disorientating. Finally, as things slowed down he was able to focus again. He found himself standing outside of a building that looked like a tavern, the town he was now in was completely different from the one he had been in moments early.
His eyes widened as he recognized the place. The varnished wood, the double swinging door entry, the loud noises from inside. This place still haunted his dreams. Not this... Anything but this. His mind was paralyzed by the memory but his feet moved on their own. It was like his body had no will of its own and was being forced to play out the scene.
Approaching the entrance his hand pushed the double doors open, his ears were bombarded with singing and music. A thick smog of cigar smoke and the smell of alcohol and vomit made for a not-so-tasteful atmosphere. He could smell the man who had robbed him sitting at the counter of the bar. His fangs throbbed, he'd grown used to scaring humans off, but the desire to drain this scumbag dry was high tonight.
He strode over, many heads turning toward him as he made his way across the floor. He'd changed over the years, his body was more refined and muscled from his consent training and his hair was longer, now hanging down his face and ever so slightly in his eyes. He made it a point to stay fairly clean shaven, he'd found that he could get most things he wanted with a pleasant smile and a strong body.
The human world was barbaric, to say the least, more times than he could count he would have to rough up men simply to instil enough fear that they would leave him alone. A new fad began among the humans. One that sickened him to his core.
Vampire hunters had arisen among other barbarians or would capture, kill and sell body parts of unnaturals. It was no longer a safe time to be anything other than human. The world around him was growing corrupt with greed. He did his best to seek out others and free them, but he was also on the list to be hunted for his blood. The humans had found that it contained healing abilities and a high price was put on obtaining it.
Approaching the laughing man from behind, clearly bragging about his latest spoils. Erosvent swiftly gripped the man's head and slammed it into the countertop in one motion, breaking his nose and taking everyone by surprise.
"You stole something from me, return it at once!" Eros demanded.
The establishment fell silent as the man with the broken nose screamed. Blood pouring down his face and onto his already dirt-ridden shirt, he had turned to attempt taking a swing at Eros. Eros shook his head rolling his eyes, it was never easy, was it? Violence should never be the answer... And test here he was. He really should find a better place to store his only belongings.
"What's the problem!?" A burly-looking man came to separate the flailing man from Eros, not that the pinned man could land a hit.
"This dip-shit stole from me. I want my belongings back." Eros repeated trusting the boy into the new male's arms.
"Hey now! He may be a dip-shit but that's my son you're talking about!" The man spat in a drunken slur. They stumbled to maintain their footing as they attempted to stand tall.
"Mr Davey, it's okay I know this man. He helped me out when I was younger." A slightly refined familiar voice sounded from behind him.
Eros's eyes widened as he watched a woman place her gentle hand over Davey's fist, which was now clenched in his boy's shirt.
"If this man has been robbed by your son, don't you think your son should return it? Just to keep the peace, how bout I shout you a round while you get this man's things huh?" She asked.
Mr Davey seemed to mumble something under his breath but nodded regardless. The man with the broken bloodied nose dug around in his pocket and pulled out a small box wrapped in cloth. Handing it over Eros pocketed it and watched as the father half carried his son outside.
"Good riddance, that was looking to be the beginning of a bar brawl." The woman sighed relieved.
"Elaina, is that you?" He asked still in shock, it surely wasn't... But she resembled her so closely it was uncanny.
She giggled as smiled at him sweetly, it made his heart flutter. It was hard to believe that she had grown so much in these short years. She was a woman now, but his happiness faded as he spotted the bruises that she was attempting to hide under the collar of her dress.
Shaking his head he looked to her confused. "Sorry, what?"
"I said, what you would like to drink? It's on me." That smile again, he couldn't help but have the corner of his own mouth creep up.
She was utterly beautiful, but Eros could still only see the little twelve-year-old girl in her. Her hair was braided over her shoulder, her green eyes were refined with age, and she was still small and of a thin stature but she had a much more womanly figure now. He couldn't help but wonder if his Niece Aveyon had also grown into a beautiful woman in the time he had been in this realm.
"Just some ale will do, I don't plan on staying long. What are you doing in these parts?" He questioned, he knew it was a bad idea to pry but couldn't help himself. The little girl he had left behind that day always played in his mind. He was grateful to see her alive and well.
"Well, at the moment just bartending." The pained expression she tried to hide told him she was lying. That and the way her heartbeat quickened in pace. "Trying to make a few pennies here and there." ducking behind the counter she began to pour him a drink.
He easily caught that she was avoiding eye contact with him. As she handed him a mug his hand lightly tightened around hers. She glanced up confused, he leaned forward over the counter.
"Is everything okay?" He asked in a hushed whisper, but loud enough that she could hear over the bard playing in the background.
He felt her stiffen under his hold her grip tightening around the chilled mug, but still, she forced that smile of hers. "Perfectly fine." She denied.
She'd lied, he could see the sadness and pain in her eyes. "Just say the word Elaina, and I'll take you away from here."
He watched her mouth slightly open as she appeared to consider the idea. But she shook her head, making that fake smile spread over her face again, it broke his heart.
"A girl needs to earn a living somehow in this day and age, I'm fine truly." She was adamant in not telling him anything.
He released her with a frown. Taking his ale he slid the wooden mug closer to himself before lifting it up and taking a few long gulps.
"Elaina! Come girl, we are paying customers are we not!" A drunkard called from behind them.
"Of course, I'll be right there." She piped back putting on her sweet customer service voice.
Erosvent raised a brow at her as their eyes locked. She had spoken to him differently, this new tone sent a sickening feeling through him, and he didn't like it. It was as though she was putting on an act to please the men.
"Duty calls." She shrugged.
He gently grasped her wrist as she walked passed him. His hold didn't last long, it was only to get her attention. "When do you finish up tonight?" He asked.
She grew tense again avoiding his eyes, she seemed as though she couldn't look at him. "Not until well in the morning, I'm afraid."
"Then I'll wait."
"It's best you don't, not here."
"No Erosvent, you should leave and never come back." She walked away leaving him with more questions than answers.
He couldn't just leave her. Not again. Images of what had happened when she was younger flashed through his mind. If she was in trouble he needed to deal with this carefully and not lose control. Not killing Daniel had been a mistake, but he honestly didn't regret losing himself in front of her back then. She deserved a better life than this and what he was making her do.
Downing his ale he slammed it down on the counter, his mood was irritable before, but now, now he was only hanging on by a thread. His jaw twitched as he heard her gasp from behind him. The smell of thick arousal and sex was in the air, he knew exactly what this place was. He couldn't turn around, he couldn't look at her, he knew the men were touching her, slapping her backside and groping her.
Taking a deep breath, where the hell was Daniel? If she was his property why wasn't he keeping an eye on her? She was only what, 17 at this point? This was wrong on so many levels, he had the power to stop it, but she wasn't asking for help. He felt lost, forcing a calm, if he acted now it would be a blood bath and everyone in the establishment would have their hands cut off for touching her, their blood staining the walls as it should.
A voice echoed around him, foreign and unknown to him. It was outside the memory he was reliving, encouraging him to do what he wanted to. What he could have done that day.
He growled a deep threatening sound that radiated from deep within him. He wanted nothing more than to let the beast free.
The voice rang true, he wanted to and it was hard to hold on to reason as the adrenaline increased and his blood began to pump faster. His hand clenched into a fist, his nails digging in deep enough to leave a sting in his palm.
His hand suddenly relaxed as he gained some sense of control back. Pulling him back to himself was the fact that he knew Elaina would never look at him the same, and that was oddly what mattered the most to him at that moment.
He stood and hurriedly made his exit out of the small building, rushing himself into the tree line.
He'd need to see to this nagging hunger before he could do anything to help her, and he would help her, whether she wanted it or not.
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