Ticking Life Away

Linkin Park - In the End

One thing, I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme

To remind myself how I tried so hard

A/N: This is only the beginning >:)

Despite what was at stake and (mostly) dressed in beachwear, the four boys with their Elemental Blades ''practised'' their newfound powers on the island's shore. Out of the four, Kai and Cole were shirtless, which left you no room for complaints there.

Remo caught you staring and slapped your arm with his tail, snapping you out of your daze. He huffed, resting his chin on your shoulder.

''Look, I couldn't help it-'' You attempted to defend yourself yet Remo blew a raspberry every time you tried. You gave up in the end, folding your arms together. ''No ham sandwiches then.'' The little snake stared at you pleadingly but you refused to give in.

''Order up. Coconut cream pie. Served well done!'' Kai utilised his Elemental Blade to blast Fire at a coconut projectile, causing it to explode. Everyone shared a groan, as well as a laugh or two at his quip.

''It is good to have our powers back.'' Zane mused. Jay patted him on the back, grinning broadly.

''Yup, you're right. And since we've all been working on our witty quips to follow every cool thing we do, I'd say we got this final battle in the bag. Or should I say...'' He trailed off briefly once Cole had run over to something, signalling him to launch a coconut. ''...I'd be shocked if we lose!'' Jay whipped out his Elemental Blade and shot Lightning at the coconut. He laughed as it exploded.

''Enough! Are you trying to reveal our hidden location?'' Wu chided the four, aiming his bamboo staff at them, and you quickly backed off before you could be associated with them and be included as well.

''Uh, sorry, Sensei. We were just practising our cool new Elemental Blades.'' Kai apologised to his mentor.

''And our witty quips.'' Jay butted in.

''Be wary of overconfidence, ninja.'' Wu began. ''While it is true your powers can defeat the Stone Army, only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat Garmadon. When it is all over, then we will see who laughs last.'' He cautioned.

''Yes, Sensei.'' You stared at the ground whilst saying this with the others.

On the other side of the sand dune lay the hidden camp. Dr. Julien stood leaning over a table with the work-in-progress Falcon lying on it, Lloyd standing near him. The blond watched him repair the mechanical bird, listening to what he said.

''Every cog, every gear is important. If one piece is missing, or out of place, the invention won't work.'' Dr. Julien told him, fitting one last gear into place, the bird flickering to life and getting to its feet- err, claws. He closed up the panel, hiding the cogs and screws. ''Come now, little one. Time to fly.''

The Falcon stretched its wings, taking flight and sometimes gliding on the gentle sea breeze offered to it. Lloyd looked up at it one last time before his uncle approached him.

''It is like you ninja. You each serve very important roles, and are key parts to a magnificent fighting force.'' Wu informed his nephew.

Unaware the creature that flew was not a coconut, Cole used his Elemental Blade to throw Earth at The Falcon. ''Eat dirt, scumbag!'' He yelled.

Zane gasped and intercepted with Ice from his Blade. ''That is not a coconut!''

''Nice reflexes,'' Cole commented, seeing The Falcon as it squawked and landed on Zane's outstretched arm.

''Good to have you back, old friend,'' Zane told his mechanical friend.

You found the opportunity to walk over, Remo having snatched up a coconut he found which was bigger than his head, albeit he managed to keep a grip on it thanks to his fangs. The little snake tossed it over to the other ninja, Jay catching it first before Cole could take it.

The Lightning Ninja threw it into the air and whipped his Blade out again, however, a smirk grew on your face as you instead gathered lightning and sent it at the mini coconut. As expected, the coconut exploded, sending shards of it flying and any bit of water in it getting vaporised instantly.

Jay shrieked, ducking. The shards barely hit him, only one ricocheting off his blue tank top and hitting the sand with a disappointing thud. He slowly got up, eyes wide and immediately ran his hands all over his arms and face to check. ''I'm alive!'' He did a short cheer.

Cole rolled his eyes at his friend's antics with a small smile. Unexpectedly, you wobbled on your feet momentarily while dizziness plagued you. Zane's gaze flickered over to you, the nindroid taking a step towards you as the Falcon briefly swayed on his arm. However, you just held out a hand to him for reassurance, eyeing Jay's Blade while it sparked blue electricity.

The Falcon took off again, off into the skies like you once had done so before.

You couldn't help but imagine yourself in its place.

In the central part of the camp, Lloyd stood facing his uncle. ''If we're all gears, what if I'm the gear that doesn't work? What if I don't do my part? What if I can't defeat my father?'' He questioned worriedly while in the background Nya worked on the Earth Driller.

''What if there are no more "What-ifs"? The Final Battle is almost upon us. When that time comes, we will know the answer to what ifs whether we like it or not.'' Wu advised him.

''I know you don't want to face your father, but there is no other choice,'' Nya told the Green Ninja, taking off her welding mask when she walked over to him.

''But perhaps there is. I used to think it was inevitable, but then I found this.'' Misako announced, unrolling a scroll onto the table.

''You mean Lloyd doesn't have to fight? This I gotta hear.'' Cole spoke from the top of the dune, walking alongside the others to join the rest of the group. Silently, you agreed, though you wished there was something you could do for the unfortunate kid.

If only you could take his place.

Alas. He was the Green Ninja, and you were the Orange Ninja. Sadly, the scroll you had found didn't point to anything that gave you ideas for what was to come. Albeit, in due time, destiny would arrive at your doorstep. You just hoped both of you would at least be somewhat prepared.

''The scrolls say that when the Helmet of Darkness is bequeathed to its rightful ruler, the Celestial Clock will count down to the activation of an unspeakable weapon. The first sign that the Final Battle between good and evil has begun.'' Misako read aloud what she interpreted on the scroll, snapping you out of your thoughts.

''Did you just say "unspeakable weapon''?'' Kai inquired.

''Uh, I'm still stuck on what "bequeathed" means,'' Jay admitted confusedly.

''Go on, Misako. Don't let us interrupt you. How do we stop the Final Battle?'' Cole tried putting the conversation back on track.

''There is nothing here that explains what would happen if the Helmet of Darkness is... returned,'' Misako answered.

''Interesting. Remove the helmet, the clock starts. Put it back, the clock stops.'' Wu mused aloud for all to hear.

''And the Final Battle never starts.'' Lloyd realised, grinning.

''Bequeathed, anyone? Is anybody gonna help me out with that?'' Jay asked again.

''It means to return something to its rightful owner.'' You told him. His eyebrows shot up before he hummed in understanding and nodded.

''Oh, okay. Thanks.'' He muttered.

''Uh, that sounds great and all, and I know most of us have our new powers, but you expect us to get past his whole army of Stone Warriors and pluck the helmet off his head?'' Kai questioned.

''My brother's right. They're good, but they're not that good.'' Nya agreed with her sibling.

''I know. And that is why I am going to do it. I'll just need a little help.'' She brought you and the others to the side to discuss a plan. ''In order to get past their guards, we need to first get control...''

Once Misako finished explaining, everyone went inside to get changed into their gis first, Misako taking note of your words to steer clear of where your parents (possibly) were. Or seeming to. You found yourself walking to where the control room was.

The scroll bag lay flat on the table, one scroll in particular sticking out. You pulled it out, unrolling the Orange Ninja scroll, and brushing your fingers over the ruined parchment. All bits of the goop had dried out and the scroll had been deemed to be no longer salvageable by Misako.

A pinprick of light materialised in the middle of the scroll, blossoming amidst the inky-black darkness. You let a gasp escape you, stumbling back. Slowly, the Orange Ninja scroll rose into the air, the ink starting to fly out from it and spin around the formerly ruined parchment, the light almost blinding now.

You could only stare and watch what happened, the light dimming slightly before it exploded in a flash of orange, forcing you to shield your eyes from the light. When you thought it died down enough you lowered your arm and locked eyes with Misako.

''What-'' The woman glanced around but found nothing that remained of the scroll. ''Where did it go?"

''Look, I don't know, honestly.'' You stammered out, hoping she wouldn't interpret the situation the wrong way.

''(Y/n)?" A voice called over Misako's shoulder. ''Are ya alright, kid?" Your father gently pushed the old woman aside, wearing shades over his eyes and a beanie with ear muffs under it. A pink and blue 'I'm Kenough' hoodie paired with rosewood pink pants was what he wore.

''Yeah, I'm alright, Dad.'' You walked over to him and he held out his arms for a hug. Your father softly laughed when you hugged him back, safely securing you in his arms. ''What about you?" You pulled out of the hug. He gave a weak thumbs up.

He looked behind him, a smirk appearing on his face. ''I shouldn't distract you from the mission. Now, don't get into trouble, you hear me?" He questioned, turning his eyes back to you.

''No promises.'' You cheekily grinned.

Any trace of a smirk dropped from his face. ''I'm serious. You need to be safe out there.''

''Yeah, yeah.'' You brushed past him, joining the other ninja who had prepared themselves.

Cole had gathered some rope for Misako and everyone began setting out the plan. With Misako tied up, you gathered enough power to transform the ropes into realistic chains with your illusions. Yet it didn't seem to be enough.

Out of nowhere, the chains branched out, surrounded by mist, the end of one appearing in your hand. Gasps came from the others and you looked to see Stone Warriors instead of the ninja. ''Need a hand with that?" You heard your mother speak from behind.

You looked at yourself, seeing Stone Warrior armour instead of your gi. ''Thanks, Mum.''

''No problem-o, I happen to have some world-class makeup on hand.'' She lightly joked, gesturing to your illusionary disguise. ''Now, good luck.''

Misako met your mother's gaze, both women narrowing their eyes at each other while your mother did the 'I'm watching you' gesture with her fingers. The other woman pulled out her middle finger to show her it.

You steered the archaeologist away from your mother before a fight could ensue, beginning to walk off into the jungle with the others.

Never knowing you had been doomed from the moment you stepped foot on the island.

The wooden gates slowly opened, and all five ninja entered the main camp. In the corner of your eye, the illusion flickered, if only for a second. Worriedly, you glanced over at the others, hoping it'd last until it was time to go.

Misako grunted, struggling as the chains holding her ''captive'' rattled. ''Unhand me, you fiends!'' She demanded.

''Unt tin klata vu! (Where did you find her?)'' Kozu questioned, approaching the disguised intruders.

''Uh, what did he say?'' Cole asked Kai in a whisper.

''I don't know!'' Kai replied equally just as quietly.

''I believe it is an ancient language,'' Zane whispered as well.

''Well, somebody say something,'' Cole said before raising his voice to a normal volume. ''Uh, bada-bada, bing-bong!''

''Cheep, cheep, tita-ta-ta!'' Kai tried to imitate the language as well.

Oh, goodness.

''Tick tock, uh, tick tock!'' Zane tried to speak in the language.

''Bequeath, bequeath, bequeath!'' Jay spoke.

''Cliff, cliff.'' You dully said, fighting back the urge to facepalm.

''Huh?'' Kozu stared at everyone confusedly.

Misako found a way to save the conversation before it could get out of hand, beginning to walk up to the general, testing the length of the chains. ''That's right, you caught me. But I'll never tell you where our base is. And you won't hear another peep out of me unless you take me to Garmadon.''

Kozu growled, causing Misako to gasp before the general took hold of the chains. You had to let go or risk the illusion shattering, so you let go, watching as the old woman was led away by the four-armed general.

With Misako currently attempting her end of the plan, you and the others had settled down in a corner of the camp, near a tent, awaiting the woman's return. The boys had decided to work on their quips, mainly related to their Elements yet you still tried brainstorming a few for your own.

''How about this? It's "ice" to see you.'' Zane quipped.

''Uh, I don't know. I feel like you could do better.'' Jay replied.

''I swear I heard that before,'' Cole shook his head in disapproval as he folded his arms.

Kai glanced down at his illusionary Stone Warrior outfit, slightly unsettled by how realistic it looked. You bit back a laugh at his expression.

''Tuzo tong! (Get working!)'' Kozu ordered, appearing before the group.

Naturally, all thoughts of coming up with quips were halted in favour of paying attention. The general seemed to run a tight ship so slacking off wouldn't improve his mood.

''Uh, is he talking to us?'' The Fire Ninja asked, whispering.

''I think he wants us to get working,'' Zane whispered back.

Kozu shouted again, louder this time while pointing to a structure with a wooden ramp winding around it on a hill. The boys made haste to go off in the direction the general pointed, though you lagged behind.

You glanced back at the general with a glare. ''You're not my mother.'' You mumbled before following after the boys.

''Bequeath, bequeath, bequeath!'' Jay hopped on one foot as he said this like a maniac.

''Tick tock, Polly wock!'' Zane babbled, running off.

''Bing-bong!'' Cole yelled.

''Cliff, cliff.'' You grumbled, rolling your eyes.


Each of you carried trays of Dark Matter except for Cole who pushed a whole wheelbarrow of the stuff, while you walked at the back of the group.

You tried keeping your portion away from you as far as possible so as to not suffer any ill effects. The little white dots in the violet substance looked like stars, if the situation were any bit different you'd be admiring them.

''Aw, man! No matter how many bad situations we get ourselves out of, we never seem to be able to escape chores!'' Jay complained, following the others in a straight line.

''What is that thing?'' Cole asked, looking ahead to see the structure with the wooden ramp winding around it.

''It must be the unspeakable weapon Misako was talking about,'' Zane answered in a low voice.

''Look, guys. An elevator. Sweet.'' Cole pointed out, though Kozu stepped in before he could enter it. ''Ah. Relax, relax. Forget it. Sheesh, what is wrong with these guys?''

''Who knows?'' You tossed an annoyed glance back at the general, huffing as everyone began going up the ramp.

''I don't know about you, but that just looked like some sort of massive cannon,'' Kai looked ahead, spotting something metallic sticking out of the gaps of the wooden fence.

''What do you suppose it's for?'' Zane questioned.

''Oh, I don't know. How about to destroy us?'' The Lightning Ninja stared at the barrel of the cannon.

Unexpectedly, a miniature Stone Warrior hit Cole's head with its bamboo staff.

''Hey, why don't you bonk someone your own size, half-stack?'' The Earth Ninja asked. It shouted back at him angrily before he booted the short Stone Warrior off the platform. ''That guy seriously had it coming.'' He said, staring down at the ground where it landed.

The illusion began to melt away like hot wax, the boys shouting as they whirled into spinjitzu to clear the disguise away instantly, holding their Elemental Blades in their grasps. Groaning, you fully let go of the illusions you created and pulled your mother's illusion off you, now back in your gi.

The Stone Warriors rushed into action, running up the slope towards the structure housing the Garmatron, wielding swords and shields. The ninja, with their Blades charged to meet them once the first wave came up onto the top platform.

''At least we get to break the ice!'' Zane exclaimed, throwing Ice forward from his Elemental Blade and creating it under his foe's feet. The Warriors slipped and fell with yells.

''Haha. Nice one, Zane!'' Kai replied, putting his hand on the nindroid's back.

''Can't you just say that was cool of you?" You asked, Zane laughing at your pun.

''Now you're cooking with gas. Or should I say, electricity!'' Jay spoke, shocking a few Stone Warriors who had come up in an elevator. They rapidly descended thanks to him. ''Going down?''

''Save some lines for us, Jay. I wouldn't want us to bowl over the competition.'' Cole replied, grabbing a rope to swing into a crowd of Stone Warriors, but missed. ''Oh, this is bad. This is really really—'' The poor guy slammed into some barrels. ''Bad.''

''Let's get Misako and get out of here!'' Kai urged hurriedly.

''Ninja, go!'' The boys shouted, doing spinjitzu to knock a few more warriors off. It was a bit awkward for you, having to stand back while they spun.

An alarm rang out around the camp, and more Stone Warriors gathered to meet the intruders. Misako rushed out of the tent, holding the helmet as all of you stopped to meet her.

''You got the helmet!'' Zane exclaimed, seeing it in her grasp.

''And you got spotted!'' Misako replied.

''Cole gave us away,'' Jay spoke as he turned to gaze at Cole.

''All right, I've had a rough day. Can we stop laying blame, and focus on what's in front of us?'' Cole asked, placing his hand on Jay's arm in frustration.

Kai heard rumbling behind them. ''Maybe we should worry about what's behind us.'' He said as all heads turned to see Garmadon sitting in a towering Samurai Mech.

''Cut them down to size!'' The Captain of Chaos ordered, laughing and swinging a giant sword at them. Everyone was forced to move out of the way just as the blade hit the vacated spot.

With the amount of force he had placed on the weapon though, it had embedded itself into the ground. He pulled it back out with a grunt, the mech stumbling back.

''If we do not return the helmet before the clock strikes zero, we won't be able to prevent the final battle,'' Misako informed, standing behind a rock so her evil husband wouldn't spot her as easily as he would for Jay.

''Don't worry, I'm on top of it!'' Jay reassured Misako. ''Yah, whooo!'' Jay leapt high into the air, but the Mech caught him with the flat of the blade and tossed him higher up into the air. He screamed as he fell, getting caught by one of the mech's hands before being thrown back to the group. ''Oh, maybe not. Ugh.''

You rushed over to Jay, pulling him over to the others just as Cole came forward to take a shot. He groaned, laying on his side with dirt smudges on his gi. The Elemental Blade was barely held in his grasp, electricity still sparking along the Blade itself.

''Didn't Mama ever teach him the bigger they are, the harder they fall?'' Cole questioned. He aimed his Blade forward, firing Earth at the mech but the Lord of Darkness deflected them all with only a few slashes from the massive blade. ''Oh, apparently she did.''

Kai charged forward with a frustrated grunt, shooting Fire at the ground. However, his efforts were useless as the fire-proof mech simply walked through the flames. ''Oh, great.''

''Bye, bye!'' Garmadon shouted, the mech's arm reeling back before punching Kai with the mech's fist.

''Ugh, well, we better think of something fast, because...I'm out of lines!'' Kai lay on the ground, covered in dirt. Your gaze turned from him to Jay's Elemental Blade. While the Lightning Ninja was still down you dashed over to it, reaching a hand out to the Blade's tip.

Orange electricity sparked between your fingers, arcing across the gap between them and the Elemental Blade, blue and orange connecting as Jay's electricity met your own. Power surged through you, running rampant through your veins. Oh, how you craved this.

This was yours to command.

A giddy smile appeared on your face, everyone else backing up as Jay got to his feet, clutching his Elemental Blade tightly. Crackling filled your ears.

''Look who's walking now.'' Garmadon snarled, but for a brief second, his eyes showed terror. He raised the mech's hand to meet you halfway once he saw you break into a sprint at him, swiftly swinging the blade to end the fight before any damage could be done.

You ducked low to the ground, sliding smoothly under the blade's arc, leaping up to launch an electric blast at the mech. Garmadon barely blocked it with the other arm, the mech stumbling once again.

The fight was interrupted when the ground began to shake violently, cracks forming on its surface. Out of the hole that had been created came the Earth Driller piloted by Nya. Luckily, you and the others had jumped out of the way in time.

''Heh, in the nick of time.'' You told the Samurai Girl with a smile, hiding your disappointment of being unable to continue your fight. If you had a tail, you'd surely be wagging it by now.

''Whoa, it's Nya!'' Jay exclaimed to the others.

Piloted by Nya, the Earth Driller ploughed through the thick of Stone Warriors, smacking the mech from the back of the Driller as it swung 'round and tripping him over before driving back to the gathered group. ''Hey!'' She waved from the cockpit.

''How did you know we needed you?'' The Lightning Ninja questioned.

''Lookup,'' Nya spoke, pointing up to the Falcon. ''Get in!'' She opened the glass sliding hatch and everyone found their seat in the vehicle before it closed. ''Hang on.'' The drill retreated into the hole it came out of.

''Heh, cool hat. I wonder if it'll make me look more menacing.'' Jay admired the helmet, turning it over in his hands before placing it on his head.

''Is that really wise? If that helmet turns you evil, we're kicking you out.'' Nya warned him, glancing back.

''Uh, is that possible? Uh, it's probably got Garmadon cooties anyway.'' The Lightning Ninja replied, taking it off.

''Eugh, evil cooties. There's no way in hell I'm wearing that.'' You told him, cringing in disgust.

''Did we get the helmet?'' Wu asked onscreen.

''We did, and we're all accounted for,'' Nya answered.

''Then let's rendezvous at the clock.'' The Sensei replied.

''It's so dark in here. One of these have got to be a light switch. '' Jay said to himself, fumbling with the buttons on the side and screaming when he saw a Stone Warrior land on the back of the vehicle.

''Uh, sis, can we go any faster?'' Kai asked Nya, looking at the Stone Warrior.

''We're going as fast as we can,'' Nya answered her brother.

''We're definitely not going fast enough,'' Cole told her, glancing back.

''Okay.'' She said, upping the speed as best as she could. The Earth Driller burst out of the ground, the Stone Warrior army vehicles still in hot pursuit, though gradually they began to lag behind.

''We're losing them!'' Jay exclaimed triumphantly, seeing them get further away.

''Whoo-hoo!'' Kai cheered.

''Excellent,'' Zane said.

''Awesome!'' Nya exclaimed.

''Uh, you might not want to celebrate yet.'' You turned your head, and everyone else looked behind to see Garmadon chasing after the Driller in his mech.

'Oh, we were going to have a party...'' Morro spoke sarcastically, his demeanour suddenly turning serious. 'Well, f**k me dead.'

''Uh, oops,'' Zane murmured.

''Hang on!'' Nya warned as she sharply swerved around. The Driller tore through a clump of bamboo trees, turning quickly again while the mech still pursued. ''Have we lost him?'' Nya didn't dare take her eyes off what lay ahead.

''Not quite!'' Kai answered.

The Earth Driller swerved around more corners, attempting to lose the giant mech behind them. The world went sideways as everyone yelled, forced to the side thanks to gravity while the Driller beeped incessantly. You yelped when your head bashed against the glass sliding hatch, one of Cole's arms smacking your shoulder by accident as the vehicle was shaken.

Everyone once again yelled as the mech grasped the vehicle, tossing it away. The Earth Driller rolled for a bit, everyone helpless to their plight. Once it stilled, Nya attempted to open up the sliding hatch. ''Ugh! It's stuck!'' Nya shouted.

Garmadon's mech grabbed the vehicle by the front end, glaring at its passengers. His blood-red gaze met yours, the Captain of Chaos briefly baring his teeth at you.

''I think I'm gonna be sick,'' Cole uttered.

''I finally have you Ninja in the palm of my hand.'' The Lord of Darkness triumphantly announced, laughing.

''Let them go!'' Lloyd screamed, blasting the mech with a high concentration of Energy, knocking it back and the Driller out of his grasp.

''Ow!'' You and Jay said at the same time, the Driller landing on a large log. The sliding hatch finally opened, letting everyone stand. Just a bit away, the mech lay in disrepair, sparking.

Lloyd ran through the foliage, slowing to a stop once he spotted his father.

''Lloyd, be careful,'' Nya cautioned the Green Ninja as he appeared.

Garmadon clambered out of his broken mech, hopping onto the ground as he struggled to stand. Lloyd took the chance to take a few steps forward, facing his father with a determined look etched on his face.

''Holy cannoli, Lloyd and Garmadon in a face-off! Take the shot, Lloyd!'' Jay shouted loud enough for the Green Ninja to hear.

''He's vulnerable!'' Cole exclaimed.

''Do not hesitate!'' Zane urged.

''Strike now!'' Kai told Lloyd.

''You can do it, kid!'' You yelled.

Garmadon coughed, stumbling about the place and clutching his chest. ''I'm sorry, Father. You leave me no choice. It is our destiny.'' Lloyd told his father, summoning an Energy ball in his grasp. The young Ninja caught the dismayed look in his father's eyes, the light fading faster than it had appeared.

''No! What is he doing?'' Jay asked.

''Oh, Lloyd.'' You mumbled with your head bowed slightly in pity for him.

''They're coming,'' Misako announced as the Stone Army advanced. Garmadon laughed to himself. ''Lloyd, we need to move!'' She told her son.

''The clock is not too far from here,'' Nya said, looking at him.

''Okay!'' Lloyd replied.

You hopped out of the vehicle as the Green Ninja came over. He blinked a few times at your decision. Multiple gazes landed on you but you heeded them no mind.

''Don't worry, I'll hold on.'' You reassured.

Lloyd gratefully nodded and hopped in, once the sliding hatch closed you grabbed onto the back of the vehicle. The Earth Driller spun into action, burrowing beneath the ground just as the Stone Warriors were about to catch it.

You pressed your body flat to the vehicle, clutching to a part that jutted out enough for you to be able to stay on. The Earth Driller finally came out on the other side, Wu stepping back enough to let it pass.

''Wow. This clock is a mechanical masterpiece.'' Nya gazed in amazement at all the revolving parts. You slid off the back while everyone in the vehicle hopped out.

''You're welcome to dismantle it once we stop it,'' Misako replied, looking at her. She glanced around, not having to gaze far when she nearly bumped into your mother.

''There's only a couple minutes left!'' Jay exclaimed, pointing at it.

''Everyone, look for the helmet's perch! It could be anywhere.'' The old woman told them, pulling away from both of your parents.

''You don't know how to return the helmet?'' Wu asked.

''It has a resting place somewhere,'' Misako answered. She placed the helmet down. Since that did nothing, you bit your lip as she grabbed it again. ''Oh, that didn't work. Maybe here.'' She mused to herself, putting the helmet down and perched on a high spot. Nothing.

''Perhaps I found the perch!'' Zane exclaimed, and Misako dropped it to him. He tried putting it in the space between a bar and a sphere. Again, nothing. ''Ugh, no. Wrong place.''

''And at the wrong time.'' You murmured to yourself, peering through the intricacies of the inner workings to figure out where the perch would be.

''Oh, what about here?'' Jay questioned, and the Ice Ninja threw it to him. The Lightning ninja placed it on a sphere, but to no one's surprise, that didn't work either.

''Could this be the place?'' Wu questioned. Kozu shoved him before he could take the helmet, the general grabbing it. ''Oof!'' The old man cried out.

''No!'' Kai yelled.

''There's only thirty seconds left. I believe it's time to die—'' Kozu snarled, holding onto the helmet. A pole then pushed the helmet away and out of his grasp. ''No!''

''Get the helmet!'' Misako shouted.

''Right!'' Cole replied, rushing to the helmet though your mother was faster, making the climb with incredible agility. The Earth Ninja's eyes widened before your mother accidentally dropped the helmet.

''F**K!'' She shouted, watching it fall. Jay and Zane tried catching it but it tumbled out of their hands before they could get a proper hold on it.

''Ah! The helmet's perch!'' Misako shouted, seeing it.

''There's only ten seconds left!'' Wu told her.

''I'll get it,'' The old woman replied. A Warrior jumped in her way with a growl though Wu kicked it aside.

''Hurry, Misako!'' Wu urged.

''Okay!'' Misako spoke, flipping into the air and grabbing the helmet. She placed it on the perch just as the clock was about to strike zero. The mechanical masterpiece halted in place.

''No!'' Kozu screamed in despair.

''Ah! It worked!'' Lloyd exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air.

''We did it!'' Nya exclaimed and then hugged her brother.

She pulled you into the hug as well and Kai warmly welcomed you into it. You let out a happy squeal, squished between the two siblings. Everyone cheered while the Stone Army Warriors growled angrily.

Then the clock started again, blaring a horn. You felt the blood rush from your face, stepping out of the hug to stare up at the clock in horror.

''No....'' Wu said, looking at the mechanical masterpiece.

''The final battle...'' Remo whimpered, looking scared, finally appearing on your shoulders. Kozu laughed evilly.

''The Horns of Destruction. We were too late.'' Misako dreadfully announced. Light shot out from the centre of the clock, bouncing off each individual piece of the mechanical masterpiece before going through a giant magnifying glass that shot the light straight forward.

The four boys activated their Elemental Blades as the Stone Warriors closed in on them, though your gaze immediately fell to the ground as cracks appeared on its surface, and the cliff broke away. Nya screamed, being the only one left up there.

''Nya!'' You shouted alongside Jay.

''(Y/n)! Jay!'' Nya shouted back.

''Sis!'' Kai shouted.

With everyone helpless to the girl's distress, Kozu roughly grabbed her, the general keeping a tight grip on her and preventing Nya from jumping down to save herself.

''Let her go!'' Jay shouted.

''Or what? You will make a big splash?'' Kozu questioned the Lightning Ninja.

Everything slowed down before your eyes, an odd sense of calm washing over you. Your pulse kept to a steady beat, though it still was felt in your ears like a gentle rhythm. Gaze flickering between each person in front of you, a pang of guilt for what you were about to do struck your heart.

Your mother appeared unsettled, but at what, you did not know, hands burning with a prickling sensation as if pins and needles jabbed at your very skin.

Weakly came your words:

''I'm sorry.''

At that moment, you whipped around to face where Nya looked down. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you imagined yourself in her place. Nya's place swapped with your own, Jay grabbing her and holding onto her tightly as everything resumed their natural pace from your point of view.

The group plummeted, screaming wordlessly and with Nya doing her best to hold Jay tightly, not hearing her own thoughts over the rush of wind on the way down. Swallowed up by the water, she quickly resurfaced as the others did the same.

A morbid chorus of yells and screams echoed from the top, sparks flickering brightly, their colour nearing a bright white. Few of the Warriors are thrown off the edge, though the top fell silent.

Nya's breath hitched in her throat, gaze seeking desperately for signs of her saviour.

Lightning split the sky in a twisted cacophony. Thunder filled her ears, reducing her breaths to trembling sobs. The air filled with the scent of burning plastic, the smell dissipating as quickly as it had arrived.



I'm going to love writing the next part. Admittedly, I've been waiting for it all this time. : )

Don't forget to vote, go wild with your comments and share this story if you love it. <3

Without further ado,

See ya, Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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