Dream 1.

Hi to all. This dream came to me a couple weeks back. I told my friend about it and she gave me the idea of writing my dreams down as little one shots since they remained so clear in my mind. So I decided why not give it a shot. I hope you enjoy.


My mom and I were headed towards the gas stations close to our house where we like to go and get Pepsi, and my personal favorite Dr. Pepper.

We were next to the woods when suddenly we heard a weird noise coming from the left. I look at my mom and say. " What was that?"

" I'm not sure, let's go check it out." My mom replied. After saying that she turned and walked into the woods with me right behind her. We may live in a small town with woods all around, but I've always been skeptical about walking into the woods not knowing what was there.

My mom however loves to go into the woods. It's one of the things we do a lot. The deeper we walked into the woods the more it seemed we were going higher, I knew there was no way that could be possible, so I put that thought in the back of my head and just kept on walking.

Soon enough we ended up way up high on a rotting wood platform that wasn't there before. I looked at my mom and was about to ask a question, but before I even had the chance the flood came out from under us and we fell into darkness.

My mom landed on another wooden platform way up high, and I landed on the ground flat on my back. The weird thing was I felt no pain from a fall like that. I looked around and saw nothing besides what was under the beam of light coming from the open hole in the wood way above our heads.

My mom called for me and said her leg was hurt from the fall and she couldn't move. " Don't worry mom, I'll come get you." I called back. I wasn't sure as to how I would try, but I knew I had to do something.

There was a tree in front of me leading up to her with ather beams going across it as a way up to climb. It seemed strange at how it somehow looked like a habitat for a wild animal. I looked around and didn't see anything in sight, but I did see multiple dead, rotting, decomposing corpses of what used to be mountain lions.

It was so gross, but I didn't mind it that much. Given the fact of where I was and how they all were dead it looked as if this used to be a hand made habitat for these mountain lions. I guess no one took care of them and just let them die. It was cruel really, cause I love animals. Some looked like they had died recently, some looked as if they died a couple weeks ago.

Blood soaked the branches, beams, and grass that were all around me. I knew they were all dead, but I couldn't help but have the feeling I wasn't safe here. I need to get my mom and get out of here.

I walk up to the first beam to climb and manage to lift myself up onto it, but not without difficulty. I felt sweat on my forehead, but it wasn't hot in here. Which was very weird.

I kept climbing and was nearly there, but this time when I moved my hand to grab a beam, my fingers sunk into A half decomposed body of a nearly full grown Mountain lion. The sound of my finger tearing through the paper thin skin and into the rotting guts of the body was so gross and felt so weird.

I gave a loud cry and fell backwards all the way back towards the ground. I shook my hand after a got back up, trying to get the nasty stuff off my hand and hope that I could forget the feel of it, but trying to forget only brought back the just recent event and caused me to shudder with disgust. I could not believe that just happened.

Then I heard the one thing I didn't want to. The snarl of a mountain lion and the tiny snarls of her baby's. I gulped and looked to where the sound came from. There on one of the beams I saw a mom mountain lion looking at me like I was food, which in this case I probably was. She had her baby's by her feet.

I quickly looked at my mom who had somehow managed to climb out of the hole. She screamed for me to come. Instead the mountain lion snarled and showed her teeth. I shrunk back and yelled for my mom to leave and go get help.

I then realized I made the worst mistake of my like. The mountain lion roared. ' please don't attack me?! Please don't attack me?! ' was the only thing I thought, but my thoughts were useless.

The mountain lion took off in my direction. I screamed and shut my eyes tight, turning my head to the side and balling my fists, trying to prepare for what was to come.

The mountain lion jumped on the beam closest to me and lunged for me. Her mouth open, her teeth were very sharp and were showed from her lips that were pulled back in a snarl, and her paws were out in front of her as she lunged for me, her claws were extended and looked extremely sharp. Just as she was right at my face everything went black...


Well there you have it. That was the point where I woke up. I hope you enjoyed reading. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think.

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