💫 How it all Started
"Do you have any idea what you have caused?" The principal Said sternly glaring at the four of us in our seats.
"I-it's all just a misunderstanding-"
"MISSUNDERSTANDING?! You caused a fight at 8 o' clock in the morning!"
"We were defending ourselves!" I yelled clutching onto the arm of the chair. The principal scoffed, "you've left me no choice ladies. You are prohibited to set foot in both the homecoming dance and game, if you even do so, I'm Suspending you four from school."
"WHAT?!" The four of us shouted, "BUT IT'S OUR JUNIOR YEAR! YOU CANT DO THIS!" I shouted getting up from my seat.
"T-the others don't get this punishment?!"
"This is unfair!"
And so the scene unfolded of yelling in anger, causing us getting dragged out of the teachers lounge.
Now, most of you guys are probably wondering...
How the hell did they get into this situation?!
Well, in order to find out, we must start at the VERY Beginning..
. . .
In a time where dinosaurs ruled the earth-- NOT THAT FAR!
The Rodriguez Household
The Humble home was quiet and peaceful, as they slept on this fine cool October morning..
That is, until someone forgot there was school today.
I screeched at the top of my lungs, hopping around as I 'Attempted' to put my other boot on. "LENA! GET UP!" I yelled, victoriously putting on my shoes on now shaking my sister who slept peacefully on the kitchen table.
"W-wha...?" The bluebell eyed Teen mumbled fixing her tilted glasses on her face.
"Aaliyah... What time... Is it..?"
"7:15! Come on! We're going to be late!"
The dark bluenette's eyes widened and scrambled off to go change quickly.
"Adios Mama!" We Both said in Sync, kissing our mom on the cheek and practically ran out the door with our backpacks.
"Bye!" My mother giggled, surprisingly this isn't the first time this has happened.
The Anderson Household
"SOPHIE! RILEY! LETS GO!!" I shouted, banging on the room window obnoxiously. "SH! Aaliyah stop!! W-What if they're not home?!" Elena grabbed my arm, biting her lip anxiously. As I was about to opened my mouth to answer, suddenly the door flew open, revealing a dirty blonde teenager with a hot pocket in her mouth and her backpack strapped on her shoulder.
"Soph! There you are!" I smiled in relief, brushing my Ombré hair out of my face and walking up to the strange girl.
The teen waved, as another blonde stood next to her with a disgusted face. "I've been here for twenty minutes ready to go and she just HAD to eat." The blonde grumbled crossing her arms. All eyes landed on the dirty blonde as we blankly stared at her, silence erupted. "What?! I was hungry!!" Sophie retorted with a scowl, holding the hot pocket in her hand. I groaned rolling her eyes, unamused. "NO TIME!" I shouted grabbing the hot pocket girl's arm and running off with her, making the her squeal in surprise. The other two glanced at each other with a 'what-just-happened' look then shrugged running after us towards the school.
Survey Academy Highschool
"Hurry up Guys! Oh god.. We're definitely getting caught by Mr. Morgan for sure this time..!" It was Elena's turn to panic as she shut her locker and turned to glare at us." He's not going to catch us Elena.. Get a spine will you?" I groaned at my oblivious sister and looked in my locker.
Mr. Morgan. Our home room teacher, who for some reason hates us.
Okay... Maybe there is a reason... But it's pointless! It's not our fault the snapping turtle got loose! And made its way to the teachers bathroom.. Okay,okay... That's a perfect reason to hate us.
After looking through my locker My eyes darken at what I found. "Sophie.... Sweetheart, why is there a burrito in my locker?" I glared at my bright dirty blonde friend, attempting to burn a hole into her skull if I stared long enough.
"O-oh... Sorry... I saw a teacher coming by yesterday and.... I panicked! Since we can't eat in the hallways.... So I.... Shoved it into your locker by accident..! I'm sorry Ayla!" Sophie pleaded bowing her head in embarrassment. I blinked.
Why do I hang out with these people again..?
"Whatever, just.. Hurry up." I said shaking my head and Slamming my locker closed. After a while of argument and straight out yelling at each other, we sped walked to our home rooom, since running wasn't allowed.
Well, I welcome you to Survey Academy. The most prestigious school you can find and it seems as if it has a stick up its butthole for how Strict it is.
Finally, after reaching the classroom we walked in and sat in our seats quickly, hoping Mr. Morgan wouldn't notice. Luckily he was writing stuff on the board to even notice, surprising that he didn't as he usually catches us.
Pity point? Probably.
I sighed for like the hundredth time today, brushing my hair out of my face once again. "See? I told you we'd make it." I smirked whispering as I rested my elbows on the table.
Elena rolled her eyes, taking a folder out and distributing homework, that wasn't even hers.
"Elena, you should stop doing people's homework." Riley spoke up making me nod, "if people are bothering you, just tell me and I'll shove my foot up their-" I was cut off by Elena covering my mouth. I pouted, "It's my homework guys, don't worry." She smiled sincerely, pushing her glasses up.
I looked around, noticing people talking amongst themselves. It's the cliche as is, it's was separated in different sections, you have the jocks, nerds, Emos, gamers and cheerleaders. Then there's us, a small group of all those Stereotypes.
I've never Understood the stereotypes in highschool. Guess I never will.
"What are you looking at Rodriguez? Like what you see?" Someone spoke snapping me out of my thoughts, I snapped my head toward the voice seeing that cheeky smile I've hated since sixth grade.
"As if. I'd rather stare at the sun until my eyes burn out." I spat glancing away, some cheerleaders giggled, obviously laughing at me which I didn't care. At least my body is 100% real.
"Aaliyah..! Stop causing a diversion!" Elena whisper shouted making me roll my eyes. "You shouldn't care what those people think Lena, they're like any other person. They aren't Royalty of something." I said to my over-reacting sister. "Alright, quiet down class. Before I let you go to your first period class, tickets for homecoming can be bought during lunch hours, I hope you don't leave things last minute and approach your advantages now." Mr. Morgan said making some students cheer.
Right... Homecoming.
"With that being said, you may leave to your first period." Everyone began gathering their things including us trying to rush out of the classroom before-
"Not. You four." Mr. Morgan said making us stop. "Shit.." I muttered, stopping in my tracks to face the eyes of the teacher who hated us so. "Y-yes Mr. Morgan..?" Sophie said nervously smiling. "You guys were one minute late, detention." He said giving us the pink slips of terror. "B-but..! M-Mr. Morgan I-!" "I'm sorry Elena, but rules are rules." My hands balled into fists, crinkling the pink slip. "It's unfair..!" I muttered, turning around and walking out the door before I exploded my anger on the old man. "I-it won't happen again.." Elena said following after me, "I hope not... But, you never seem to keep your promises." He scoffed walking to his desk. He had crossed the line at that.
"He is such and asshole!" I yelled in anger slamming my fist into a nearby wall. "You should calm down Aaliyah.. He's just doing his job.." Elena mumbled, clearly upset. This day can't get any worse!! "Aw, did the poor girl get another detention?" I stand corrected, it just did.
"Noah, I suggest if you don't want to go home with a broken nose that you step away and get the fuck out of my life." I snarled glaring up at the male who only just grinned in amusement. "Now, now. Where's the fun in that?" "H-hey..! G-give me my glasses back..!" I heard Elena yell out trying to grab her glasses from another girl who was obviously bugging her. "Where is my English homework? You did it didn't you?!" Another girl said in anger.
"Why do you even hang out with these people Sophie? Your so much better than them." A cheerleader and a jock spoke up standing next to Sophie, "they're my friends." She spat out.
"Leave her alone!-" Riley shouted but was cut off by someone grabbing her arm, "I think they're just fine." The jock who grabbed Riley said making Riley growl and try to get out of his grasp.
"LET THEM GO!" I snarled glaring at the scene Infront of me. "What are you gonna do about it?" A cheerleader smirked placing a finger on my chest and pushing me back slightly. So I did the only thing I know how to do.
I decked the cheerleader right in the nose, making her fall back and scream in pain. That's when the girls began mirroring my actions. Sophie shoved the two away and Riley jabbed the guy with her free hand. Elena angrily stepped on the girls foot, achieving her glasses back. "YOU BITCH!" The girl shouted about to slap Elena. I shoved away whoever put a tight grasp on my shoulder and lunged after the girl, knocking her off her feet.
Ha! Who's the bitch now!
The girl screamed and a whole fight broke out, jocks and cheerleaders against us four. Not really a normal thing right? This wouldn't have happened if they didn't bother us.
Screaming and chaos yelling filled the hallway as I was punched square in the cheek. I growled lunging after the person who in fact punched me which was a jock, they have no respect do they?!.
Other guys attempted to pull me away but no avail, my goal was the ruin this guys pretty face.
Everyone froze, glancing at the person who shouted. Principal Davis.
Mr. Morgan stood next to him full on furious. A cheerleader who had a black eye began to cry and make up a story to them.
"T-they just began harassing us!! L-look what A-Aaliyah did to me!" She bawled out.
"That's enough. All of you, my office. Now." All of us nodded and I got off the guy I jumped on and walked by Elena. She glanced at me with fear in her eyes, as we gave each other the same look.
The 'we're-Fucked.' Look.
Hope you enjoyed! If you did hit the vote button!
*~TrueDisneyFan01 Signing off~*
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