Chapter 50
(L A S T C H A P T E R)
This chapter will be continued as third person.
Three days later
Aleena's busy in making macrons. This is the seventh recipe that she's been trying in the spam of three days. She's just trying to divert her mind from several things and Daniyal is the major one . He's been busy in his show and couldn't visit Aleena's . Without realising, She's missing him . She's on the verge since Amma jee told her about Daniyal. She's dying inside to meet him. But being a pure Pakistani girl , she needs to wait for him to take first step.However Daniyal has no idea about it and Niether anyone else. She's trying hard , not to freak out . She has mastered in controlling her emotions all life but as said , Love can't only blind your eyes but pauses all of your senses.
She called Palwasha but her phone went straight to the voice mail . "Hey Pal its me again. where you are?I'm really getting worried about you now . It's been a day now since you haven't reply me. Call me asap." She has just vanished after her big event. I know she must be tired but she's like Kim Possible . She can't sleep that long. Aleena thinks in a worried mood.
Than she decided to text Hamza to ask about his plan for today's.But when she doesn't get any reply she thinks He is also busy in something, "probably some surgery" . She exhales in a defeat after processing the situation. " Everyone is busy except me . You better need to collect your senses Aleena Imran. You simply can't waste yourself." She talks to herself. Talking to her own self soothes her soul , provides power to her and clarity too.
Bell rings at the door.
"I got it mama." Aleena tells her mother before going to open the door. But than she realises that she's home alone . Her mother is out with her sister for her niece' wedding shopping.
"Oh my God ! I can't believe you're here." Aleena hugs Palwasha. Hamza is standing next to her , smiling cheerfully , absolutely announcing his admiration for Palwasha's arrival " That's why your phone was off. Why didn't you tell me that you're coming." Aleena asks Palwasha , allowing Hamza and Palwasha to come inside.
"Because I want to see this leenu ." Palwasha said teasingly, pointedly at her surprised , happy , confused expressions.
"Oh my ! Did you tell her that? I swear ,you'll pay for it ."Aleena pointed at the nick name that she called her . Hamza calls her that only . She pauses , seems like she's thinking about something. "Wait ! You knew she'll come and you didn't tell me ." Aleena threw a cushion at Hamza .
" Whoa ! She asked me to keep it secret,not to tell anyone. I'm innocent." Hamza pouts and makes puppy eyes. " Yeah exactly." Aleena says sarcastically. She goes to kitchen and gets the jug full of orange juice , some freshly baked garlic cheese bread and macrons." You're in luck . No ones home." She grabs glasses, plates and folks from the show case. "Serve yourself."
" Oh my goodness! It smells heavenly. I was dying to eat them." She takes one bite of garlic cheese bread and cheerfully says "Oh my heaven! They're ah-mazing Aleena." Aleena smiles at her in response.
***Five days later***
Aleena and Palwasha are busy in shopping at a mall. Palwasha is way too excited about Pure desi stuff, or we can see that she just wants to talk to Aleena about something that is coming really soon and she wants to talk to her alone. They both placed their shopping bags at the table . " I'm starving Pal. Please order something really quick." Palwasha was about to call a waiter but before that , waiter pops up without any call.
"Yes ma'm , what do you like to have ?" He smiles. Palwasha is stunned by this gesture as this is her actual first time in Pakistan and she thought that people are heartless and rude in Pakistan. Thats what she watched in news . They ordered fried fish and chips . Palwasha wants to try Pakistani food but the food corner has only fast food. They are hungry and they were glad to eat this English food with the Pakistani twist in it.
"So what about you and Daniyal? I heard he helped you alot when you were in hospital." Palwasha notices Aleena's expression and states " I meant when you were at the hospital with baba Imran." Something clicked Aleena and that is Palwasha and Hamza's saying. Hamza once told her that Daniyal helped them when Aleena was in hospital and now Palwasha said the same . Now she realises more about the fact that Daniyal is the only one for her. " Yes he did... a lot. I will be forever grateful to him for that." Palwasha seems happy all of sudden and asks Aleena " So it means you're letting him in ?" Aleena smiles " OH MY ALLAH, you forgave him ." Palwasha jumps out of her chair and speaks as loud as one can hear from the miles away. " This is amazing. Let me call Daniyal and tell him tha..." Aleena interprets her and says " No , I want to tell him in person on his award show. I hope he will like to hear it ." Aleena looks nervous. " Ofcourse he will love to hear that." Palwash hugs Aleena " Alhumdulillah, Im so happy that I cannot tell you .When will you talk to your parents?" Aleena's nervousness reaches at the top of mountain Everest . Now she's worried about her family' and Daniyal's reaction too. Palwasha realises her change of mood and speaks. " Oh no, I didn't want to ruin it . I just want to make everything clear in my head." Palwasha reaches for Aleena . " Im so sorry . You don't have to worry about anything. Im here ." Aleena doesn't know that Palwasha isn't just saying those words but she actually meant them.
Palwasha came back to Aleena's place and is now thinking that Aleena and Daniyal needs help . She picks her phone and dails Amber's number .
"AssalamoAlikum Amber aunty , how are you doing ? I have something to tell you in person. When and where can we meet ?" She listens from the other side of line. " oh thank you . Im on my way ." She grabs her bag , adjust her dupata and march out of the house. She meets Daniyal's mother and father, whose are happened to her aunt and uncle. They talk and seem happy . Especially Palwasha feels really relaxed after talking to them.
Its 4 past 30 in Lahore . Palwasha and Aleena are getting ready for award show. Weather is as gorgeous as Aleena's looking in her red-full length frock-maxi.
She looks simple but elegant and classy. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and says to herself " Okay you can do it !"she breathes out " it's not as hard as you're thinking." Palwasha knocks the door and enters . She sees Aleena as a glorious lady in red. " Oh my ! You look absolutely stunning Aleena . Maa sha Allah." Aleena smiles in response . " Im nervous to see him. I don't know what will be his reaction. There must be thousands and thousands of people." Aleenna says with a worried tone. Palwasha comes near to her and console her " It'll be awesome . I have feeling about it . Dont over think leenu and lets go." Aleena rolls her eyes due to Palwasha calling her leenu. Leenu is her pet name since her childhood , when she was bulky and chubby. Hamza made this name for her. No wonder Palwasha is calling her by that name now.
"Is anyone come tonight Mama?" Aleena walks downstairs and notice hustle-bustle. Maria Shah , the mother of Aleena is pacing in the kitchen, making several things. " If you need help , I can stay mama." Maria seems to puzzled and couldn't say anything. Palwasha seems to notice Maria's panic and covers up for her. " Aleena stop worrying about everything. She must be making romantic Dinner for uncle . Dont ruin Aunty' plan ." Palwasha winks at Maria ,however Aleena and Maria , both blushes and embarrassed. " Let's go Aleena, we don't need to late." Aleena walks towards Maria and asks " Are you sure , you can manage?" Maria cups her cheeks and says " Ofcourse beta . You go and enjoy ." Aleena hugs her mother and kisses her cheeks . They both left for the show.
Aleena and Palwasha reach at the venue. Aleena is nervous like never before. She thinks that it's her fault that she misunderstood Daniyal for the whole time, she shouldn't assume things rather she should talk and discuss . Palwasha is dialling Daniyal's number. "AssalamoAlikum, where are you ? We're here !" Palwasha says . "Ahan all right. Good luck!"
Palwasha drops her phone in her bag. "He is waiting at backstage. He's nominated . We should get to sits." Aleena only nods in response . Palwasha giggles but doesn't say anything.
Few minutes later:
Hosts are talking and trying to be funny at the stage . Aleena is not listening to them or paying any attention to the surroundings.
The nominations for the best actor male are....
"Look at him , isn't he look super handsome." Palwasha says . Aleena doesn't know what she's talking about until she looks at the big screen infront of her. Daniyal is nominated for best actor .
"Any guesses?"
Crowd chanted Daniyal Hassan.
"You're right, best actor male is Daniyal Hassan." Crowd is clapping cheerfully. Daniyal comes from the back stage. Receives his award , cheers the crowd.
Aleena's heart is pounding in her rib cage, screaming to come out for Daniyal. She noticed that they both are twinning. She looks at Palwasha with wide eyes. "Dont say anything, he asked me." Palwasha says innocently.
"Thank you ." Daniyal says. Crowd cheerfully screams at him. "Thank you so much for your love ." Crowd replies. Daniyals smiles at crowd. Crowd chanted 'We love Daniyal Hassan.' Daniyal waves at the crowd.
"Okay , Okay , I think we got your love and excitement, but now let him speak for God's sake!" Host said with little irritation , kidding around the audience. Crowd laughs. "Go on Daniyal."
"AssalamoAlikum everyone. Im glad to have this beautiful trophy in my hands.Alhumdulillah . But this one is important to me . I didn't want to choose this movie script. Someone made me choose it . Someone's very close to my heart , soul my whole presence." He takes deep breath, closes his eyes to process. "These past three years have changed my life completely. There was a time when I started to believe that we're not good enough because of myself. I messed up things . There was no going out but today here I am standing here , announcing the most important news of my life." He comes down from the stage and tries to locate Aleena from the audience. "There is one person that changed my life completely." Crowd whispers. Aleena seems to be confused. " What is he doing Pal?" Aleena asks Palwasha , whereas Palwasha is way too happy and excited to answer Aleena but to get attention of Daniyal and everyone's . "She's here ! Overr here cousin!" Palwasha screams at the top of her lungs. Daniyal looks at the direction of sounds and so do the crowd. Aleena pulls Palwasha back to her seat "What's wrong with you girl? Stop doing hideous things." Aleena whispers to Palwasha. But Palwasha seems to recognise her anxiety in her whisper. " You'll thank me later ."
Daniyal comes closer to Aleena'. Aleena is frozen to her place , not because she's not willing but her nerves got her senses.
"Aleena Imran, the first time I laid my eyes on you at Amma jee' place I gave my heart to you . Later ,I realised that beauty is least of your qualities. Im fascinated by your goodness. The way you help people , no matter what nation, religion, breed or color they are, you just seem to help others. Your peace is in helping others.Im not perfect. But our love is . I was stupid to even think that we're not good enough for each other , although we're made for each other. I have the epiphany about us that there's no way that we can live happily without each-other. Each day , every minute of my life , I curse myself for letting you go like that. I love you with all my heart , soul and whole eternity. I chose you and I will choose all over and over and over again in my whole life. Love isn't about how much days , months or years you've been together , it's more about how much love, care, sincerity and loyalty you have for each other. We love each other with all these , no matters what situation is standing right us. The best decision of life is you . I wish I could tell you how eyes make me feel how my heart skips a beat when you smile , I feel complete when I'm with. So Miss Aleena Imran , do you take the risk of living your life with the crazy person like me ? Aleena Imran, will you marry me ?" Silence all across the place . There are thousands of people but seems like pin-drop silence, like world stops for everyone. Aleena is processing it while Palwasha is whispering 'say yes'. Daniyal is looking nowhere but in the eyes of Aleena. Aleena gulps before she answers " I have to ask my family first." Palwasha smiles like a mad person " Oh don't worry about it. His parents are already in your house for your proposal .Your parents said Yes to Daniyal's parents . Hamza just texted me, go on" Aleena looks at Palwasha and than Daniyal . " Yes I would love to be with you for the rest of my life and hereafter." Crowds cheerfully stood up from their chairs in celebration. While all the cameras are pointed at them.
"Hug her"
People from the crowd giving them suggestions but Palwasha comes with a rescue. " They dont hug or touch each other until their nikkah. Now folk you have seen the scene now excuse them ."
"Come with me ." Daniyal asks Aleena and they left , to live happily ever after....
Oh my Goodness! I can't believe it's an end ! A happy end! 😂 trust me as much as I wanted to make this a tragedy the same much my readers would want a perfect happy ending.
I would like to thank everyone who loved this book as much as i do.
Epilogue's coming!
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