Chapter 5

Aurthor's note :--

I hope you guys are reading and liking my story. Please feel free to share your veiws and ideas. I'd love to hear from you.

So Im heading towards plane along with Daniyal. Now my next task is to find seat before anyone else.I excused Daniyal and walked as fast as I could. After my struggle to reach at my seat , I feel exhuasted ,than a steward intereacted me.

" Assalamoalikum. How can I help you Ma'm?

" I cant find my seats. "I barely hold my breath

" Oh please give me your ticket and boarding pass Ma'm. "

I gave what he is asking. He took me to my seat. And guess what? A surprize was waiting for me. Yes you are right. ITS HIM! DANIYAL WHOSE IS ALREADY SITTING THERE...WOW!!!

"Good to see you again." Daniyal greets me.

" Thank you. Same here."

" So we are flying together. " said Daniyal

Im literatlly want to focus on what he is saying but Im too busy in settling down. Thank God he notices my struggle and helps me in it.

"Yeah! I hope I will not bother you again. "

" Oh Cmon. I already told you its no big deal. You were not bothering me before. You were worried about your phone. That's it. Just human nature."

" You are such a humble person. I thought you' d be arrogant..... " opps leena you messed it up again. Why dont you just keep your mouth shut.

Daniyal cuts her sentence.

"Arrogant! Because I belong to Media ?" he laughs and stares at aleena. Aleena is again a bit embarrased and not trying to act cool. She knows that she needs to behave .

" Im sorry. Didnt mean that...

" Its okay. Dont be sorry. Actually celebs and stars are rude and arrogant. I know so many celebs whose dont even bother to reply a Salam. You are actually right."

They both settled in their seats now

"But you are not like them  . You are quiet normal. " said Aleena

He hides his laugh again." Yes because I meet normal people like you. "

Aleena laughs

Assalamoalikum. Im your Pilot Fahad Khan. We are now about to take off.You We will be at our destiny in almost 5hours. In sha Allah

Another announcement
Assalamoalikum. Im Airhostess Anabiya Rashid. I welcome you on behalf of whole team. We are hoping that your journey will be fine . We will reach there at 5am In sha Allah. I request you all to fasten your seat belts and kindly switch off your Mobile phones and tablets and Ipads. Thank you. Have a nice and save journey.

" But I wanted to call my family. " said Aleena

" I think you should follow the rules. You may call them when you reach there. " said Daniyal

I nodded her head.

I can't call but certainly I can send them a quick sms.

No problem. I will call them when I'LL reach there. In sha Allah

Flight takes off and Aleena wants to sleep but her excitment is not letting her do so. She is tired and exchusted but unable to sleep. This usually happens to her when she is excited or  tired. So she decided to think about school.

Im sure , it will be awesome . In sha Allah. I should not worry about it.

Daniyal suddenly talks and  take away Aleena from her thoughts.

" You know talking to other passengers is not against law." Daniyal giggles and Aleena notices that she is lost in her thoughts completely and she needs to be in present.

" Oh ! Im just... You know... Cough.... " said Aleena. "

" Relax buddy you dont need to panic. " said Daniyal

" Yeah. I mean thanks." said Aleena

" So why are going there ? " Daniyal asked

" Im going to cooking school." says Aleena. " I want to be proffessnal chef"

"Okay so it means Im talking to future Chef. " said Daniyal

"Umm may be. I mean In sha Allah. This is the only dream I have in my life. Cooking makes me happy. " said Aleena

"Very well !!" said Daniyal

They soon falls asleep as they both are tired and ofcourse there is much more to come esp for Aleena. They  woke up for food when airhostess  came. They bothe enjoyed their food and Daniyal quickly falls asleep but Aleena cant sleep anymore. She is excited as hell.

Finally flight landed and everyone left the plane and headed towards the airport for their luggage. Daniyal stays with Aleena to help her as this is her first time . Yes Daniyal is such a gentleman Ikr.

" Let me know when your luggage come. I will pick them up ."

Aleena is a bit surprized. She never thought that A handsome hunk like Daniyal would be so humble.

" You ..... What ? " said Aleena

" Please dont remind me of my Celebhood" says Daniyal "

" But literally you're super star and now you are going to be collie ? " Said Aleena. I covered my mouth as soon as I realised the word Collie.

" Yeah thanks for making me collie but I already told you that this is all part of life. You dont have to be rude over something. It reminds me of urdu saying " Izat Allah ki dein hoti hai hum insano ka koi amal dahkal nahi" I truely believe on this statement. "" said Daniyal

"Hmmm you are amazing. Maa sha Allah" said Aleena

" Oh this is my bag. " says Aleena " Its going back !!! Its going! Its going!!"

" Aleena will you please stop shouting ? Its very embarrasing you know. Its not going anywhere. I'll get it. " said Daniyal

"Opps! Sorry. " said Aleena

They collected their luggage and now heading towards their cribs. They both said Goodbyes to eachother. Aleena wishes Daniyal all the best and in return Daniyal expresses that it was nice meeting with you. And they both leave.

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