Chapter 49

Daniyal's pov

I returned to the room with coffee and cinnamon rolls (her favourite) and saw her sleeping on his father's hand . His father is too sleeping. They both are sleeping peacefully and I don't want to disturb her. I couldn't resist but adore them from the distance. They look so good . I love the bond they both share . Its pure and divine. The father-daughter love awe me in adoration. I put the tray on a table and remove my jacket from me and put it on her. She moved a little but not enough to be awake. I make myself comfortable at the sofa , near the bed.

I look at her , carefully with unsaid passion. How did I come to a decision of leaving her ? For God's sake , she needed me the most at that time . She needed my affection, my love and most of all my support . But I failed and I can't blame anyone but me for this stupid thing. But lets think positive and hope for best , as pessimistic approach isn't for us (Muslims) We have Allah for us. Allah will never burden any soul more than its capacity. He knows what's good for us .


I woke up from the heavy voice of a man . I rub my eyes , which helps me to the clear view of the scenery.

"Beta??" I look at the surrounding and came to know that I slept whole night at the sofa of a hospital. Aleena's father is calling me . Whereas Aleena is nowhere. I get up from the sofa and reach Uncle.

"Yes uncle , do you need anything?"

"Can you call any male nurse to take me to the bathroom?"

I leave the room to check male nurse in the lobby but seems like they all are on the round.

"There's no one in the lobby or their station." I came back to the room and informed uncle.

"Okay beta . Thank you."

"You need to use bathroom ? Let me help you ."

" urhh no Beta its all right."

"Its all right . Let me give you a hand . Tell me if it hurt."

"Okay beta." He smiles at me .
Door opens. Aleena enters the room with the tray of food.

"Whats going on?" Aleena asks with confusion.

"Nothing, he needs to use toilet." I help him to sit on the bed and grab his shoes. " What have you gotten for breakfast?"

"Umm paratha and omelettes .." she pauses for a second " and orange juice. That's all they have right now. Wait ! No ! You cant do this . Let me help him."

"Well Why not ? And you cant do it." I smile at her cuteness.

"I'll call some nurse or help. How can you do this ? I meant you are the Daniyal Hassan ! For God's sake you're a superstar."

"So ? Superstars are not humans? Are they not suppose to help the people they admire?" I announce it in a low voice while entering the toilet.

"You shouldn't be doing this .." I hear her talking to herself as she doesn't want me to serve his father as according to her she has nothing to return as a thank you greet.As if Im asking for anything but her , but right now it's nothing. I truly admire Uncle .

Aleena's POV
Three weeks later

Things are going quite well nowadays. Baba had been discharged from the hospital after a week. Alhumdulillah . Hamza bhai took the charge as soon as he taken off the flight. He didn't even bother to drop his luggage at home first. He came directly to the hospital along with luggage. Palwasha could not make it. She has something really big , some sort of royal gathering at their restaurant, which is huge and Im happy for us . Although she keeps me updated to each and every minor thing of this event through video call , instagram story , photos, sms and with every possible damn way of communication. She's a total freak these days due to stress and work load . Not only she's arranging the menu but also handling 2000 cooks and chefs. Well that's hectic!

Daniyal stood with me , with my family all the time. He visits on daily bases, no matter what time or situation is. He really seems like a family but things are still complicated between us . He doesn't say anything verbally but his actions are. Im not sure about him . Half part of heart wants to forgive him but the other half tells me to be stern, and don't give him chance.

Aleena's mother enters the kitchen. She inhales !

"Smells so good ! I've missed these different smells from the kitchen beta." She smiles at her. " What's cooking ?"

" Im making some red velvet cupcakes , mini pizza and croissants. Infact they must be ready by now. Let me check."

I check the oven and take out the first batch of everything.

" They smell heavenly. Can I have one croissant? They are mouth watering."Mama asks like a toddler. I couldn't stop myself from a giggle.

" Ofcourse mama, you can have as much as you want. You don't have to ask."

"Oh thank you ! But dont allow me for all of them . You dont know, your baking is addictive especially croissants. They are the best in the world. I can eat all of them , than you have make some more." Okay is that only me who thinks  that Mama is behaving like a teenager?

" Thank you mama. Im making some for us too. Don't worry."

"Thank you mera pyara bahdor bacha ( my beloved brave daughter) ." She kissed my forehead and left the kitchen. While on the other hand I baked the rest of the batches . I can't wait to go there and meet amma jee and kids . Its been more than a year now that I last visited them. I couldn't go there due to Baba' accident. But finally Im going there .


" I will find you all one by one folks!" He mimic evil laugh, just to create more mysterious atmosphere.

" He'll find us here. This place is no good." Seema wisphers , looking little way too scared for a situation.

"Its all right honey ! Dont be scared, Im with you."

"1..... 2.......3.....4....." he counts from the distance. "5.....6..... Come out ladies , Or I will not spare you !" He again mimics devil' laugh .

" Gotch ya" Seema screamed like a mad person . She takes this hide and seek game way too seriously. Actually all of them are in a character when they're playing hide and seek.

"My God! You scared the hell out of me Saleem." Seema says with little annoyance.

" You know , Im a pro in this game . You should accept it now ."

"Yeah yeah , thats what everyone calls a self-obsession" Seema replied with a smrick on her face , just to annoySaleem , but who we're kidding ? Saleem is perfect in everything. He is ten steps ahead of his age. Maa sha Allah to that.

"Okay guys , lets eat now . I'm kind of hungry now ."

"Last round Aleena baji please." I look at their puppy eyes, which they're pretending marvellously and decided to ditch my stomach for awhile. I mean , cmon who can say no to these lovelies?

"Okay." They all jumped in happiness and chanted yay and yahoo!


I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and pour myself a glass of water. I sit on a chair to drink my water but before that I heard Amma jee's soul smoothing voice. "Amma jee" I call her cheerfully.

" Aleena beta !" She smiled back. " Have you played enough now ?"

"I can play with them all day and night, they're amazing." I drink my water .

" They are and so do you . Want to eat something?"

"Yes Im damn hungry."

" Okay , let me make something for you."

" Chicken handi  please ?" I said with puppy eyes. I mean she makes the best chicken handi . Even though I'm a professional chef I can't reach to her level.

"Ofcourse." She smiles.


"Umm yum! It's amazing amma jee." I have first bite of her version of chicken handi. She smiles in return. I ate my rest of the meal in comfortable silence or should I say that Amma jee is trying to process something.

"What's wrong Amma jee? You seem worried."

"Um , beta are you all right?"

"Yee-s amma jee , what happened? Why are you asking me ? I mean Im sitting right next to you."

"Beta , I had an dream about you . You were crying. You were asking something so badly that I couldn't make it in the dream. You were saying that he left you alone with your miseries and anger." She looks in my eyes . " Who is he ? Is he Daniyal?"

I started looking down , just to hide my the well in my eyes. These tears still are running through my eyes whenever anyone discuss about Daniyal and I. I don't know why , the pain , the sadness , the love , the affection is still here .

"Tell me beta , you can talk to me . You need to let go your pain now , its been a year and half now. You can't keep it to yourself forever. It's not good for you . It will destroy you little by little."

"Im unable to forgive him Amma jee. He left me when I needed him the most. I feel so dirty , so low of mine when I think of it . He left me because he thought that Im used and not sacred anymore. But I didn't let anything happen to my sacredness. I kept myself save from his dirty hands. He tried hard but every time I tricked him not to touch me. I even slept in other room. Daniyal should've trusted me. But he preferred to assume by himself."

" Oh my dear ! That's what you think?" She looks at me "Is that all you were thinking all this long period?"

I nodded .

"Oh my God ! Beta that's the totally different side of the story."

"What do you mean amma jee?" I asked in a confusion.

" He left , because he thought, he's not good enough for you. He was guilty that he couldn't protect you from him. He is the one who found you half dead at his cell. He didn't sleep that whole week when you were kidnapped. You know , there was a time when police declared you dead but he was the one who declined to believe it and started looking for you by himself. He is the one who got you the hospital in his arms . He rejected to leave you even for an ambulance. But when he saw you in that position when you shouted at police officer believing him as David , it broke him into million pieces and then when he decided to leave you for good . He had nightmares of you calling him responsible for all this . Once he saw your grave and your mother accusing him for your death . He was shattered and broke."


"That's not all beta . He often comes to me and cry for you . I saw him, how difficult it was for him to live without you when his only Dream is you. If you have gone through a lot than he has also gone alot but without letting anyone know about his pain. You both are made for each other. Perfect for each other!"


Eehhh! Im about to cry . Now she knows about Daniyal' . What do you think think what will happen next . And btw its second last chapter. Next will be the Last one .

Do let me know about your thoughts about Ending. Is it happy or sad ending?


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