Chapter 47


Present day
Daniyal's POV

I snorted out of memories when a sound of opening and shutting door came from somewhere from the house. I turn around to look from where it came and who is it and came to know that its from my angel. I looked at her eyes and our eyes connected to each others and lost myself in her eyes. She stumbles and stops at the door of her room, like some sort of shock attacked her.

"Why are you doing this Daniyal?"

"I'm so sorry for everything. I was so guilty and embarrassed for what happened with you and im still is . "

" I needed you the most . You were not responsible for that , no one but him."

" Im sorry . I was a jerk ."

" I love you Aleena ."

Door opened and Palwasha came out .

She walks to the kitchen.  Our little silent talk with each other left us stunned .

"AssalamoAlikum. Subha bekhair ( Good Morning)." Palwasha greeted.

" Walikumoassalam" Aleena and I greeted back together. I looked at her but she tried to escape from my eyes.

"Okay that's amazing." Palwasha giggled to add more embarrassment to the situation. I glared at her. " What ?" She asked innocently.

I got up from my sofa chair and walked to the kitchen to help Aleena.

" Seems like there's no room for me here ." Palwasha whispers and gets back to her room. I sarcastically smile at her .

" Let me help you ." I said Aleena.

" No thanks , I'll manage."

" You don't have to . ...Alone ."

She inhaled deeply but doesn't reply verbally.

" Aleena-"

" Look Daniyal , I understand and appreciate your efforts but I dont need them. Im trying hard to get back to my track. I don't think so you're going to be good idea in it." She turned to me . " Here , your Alu ka paratha and mint yogurt." She handed me the plate and bowl.

" But Aleena—— "

" Daniyal please , I dont want you any near me . I have had enough of you and your cold heart."

Hamza comes out of his room and Aleena and Daniyal parted their ways.

"AssalamoAlikum, Subha bekhair everyone." He greeted cheerfully but no one replies .

" Walikumoassalam." She replied with a low tune . She's definitely not happy for what happened a moment ago.

" Leenu , what's wrong ? You sound low ." Hamza asked with a concern.

" She didn't get this Alu ka paratha first , thats why she is down ." I try to save her for further embarrassment. She looked at me with her eyes wide opened.As she's saying ' You could've got something better than this to say.' I just nervously smiled at her and mouthed 'I'm sorry, it was abrupt', ignoring the fact that she just rejected me even before I propose.

" Aww leenu , you're such a foodie ! I wonder how do you manage to keep yourself away from food in the restaurant.

She glares at him and threw a bottle at him .

" Woah ! Easy leenu , you don't have to be violent with me ." He raises his arms in the air. " You can eat my paratha too." With that he starts laughing like a mad man and My Cherry Blossom is flaming up like a chimney. She ran towards him to give him a punch but instead tripped into my arms.

Times stop ...

I saw into her eyes.

I said sorry again and again but she refused to accept.

"Well , thats not my fault . Its him ." Aleena snorts , blaming Hamza . Who's very much busy in laughing and unable to caught us in a moment.He is in a jolly and fun mood. " Close your mouth , dare to laugh at me and you are dead Daniyal Hassan !" I came to know that I was unconsciously smiling but not in the sense of making fun of her but way too delighted to see them . It reminds me of Illma and I . I used to tease her alot no matters how much older than she is to me . But now as her ruksati is coming close day by day , it freaks me out. I pray for her all the time but deep down in my heart I don't want her to leave. But this has to be happen and it will.

Palwasha came out of her room.

"Guys what's going on ? What did I miss ?"

"Nothing Pal , these guys have gone mad . Don't bother them."

"Hamza and cousin , behave yourself. Dont tease my sister without me ."

Great ! She's too in the fun-making-planet! Arrghhh!

"Im out of it !" I grabbed my coat from the closet. " I'm going for a walk!" I picked my keys and walked out of the door.

"Man , she and her mood swings nowadays!" Hamza said

"She wasn't like this , it all started after that incident and ..." she looked at me. I know what she meant. I was one of the reasons.But now Im here to correct my ways for her . I can do anything to make my words , apologies real and worthy.

"I'll get her." I said , pushing a chair backwards softly.

"Knew it ." Palwasha whispers. I turned back to look at her , as my brain couldn't believe on my ears.

"What ? It was obvious." She shrugged her shoulders. " Go and get her . Let us eat in peace . I simply don't want to miss those lovely parathas."

"You hatred paratha Pal !"

" Yes I did . But now look at them . Who can avoid these. Aleena's the best."

" Yep . No doubt." Hamza announced with his mouth full of food.


I followed her but without being noticed. She's just walking and lost in her own. She doesn't seem to notice the surroundings around her.She knows where she wants to go. The area she entered isn't good for her. Roads are broken and water filled. Women are screaming at each other, men are yelling and fighting. In short, its a horrible place to even walk in . Allah knows what she's up to.

She knocks at the door of an old and almost wrecked house. An old woman opens the door with a humble smile . Aleena smiles at her and her eyes are filled with happiness. Seriously who is she ?

"AssalamoAlikum , I missed you so much ." Old lady hugged Aleena

"Walikumoassalam, I missed you too . I missed you ..."

" What's wrong Aleena ?" An old lady sat on the rocking chair and Aleena sat on a stole , in front of chair.

She didn't say anything but instead place her head on her laps.

" You're missing him , right ?" Old lady announced while combing Aleena's hair with the help of her wrinkled fingers.

" Yes , alot !" She pauses, " He's staying at my place . He said sorry Dadi (grand mother) . But I couldn't forgive him. He was sorry but I didn't accept."

"So now you regret it ? That you didn't accept his apology ?"

" I do dadi , but at same time I want to feel good about it .Because I was so angry and frustrated at him for leaving me in such a crucial time." She stood up and walks randomly. " I saw it in his eyes dadi , I cant ignore that dadi. When he said sorry , he meant it for real . But how I can I forgot the time when he left me ? The pain is still there , somewhere hidden in the corners of my heart." It breaks my heart . She wants to accept my apology but at the same time she's stuck in her harsh memories that I gave her . I so want to punch myself in the face, for being a blockhead moron.

" Oh my dear , thats life . People mistake , some of them realise and come back with a pure heart . However, some of them prefer to continue the journey of mistakes. You're lucky enough to have a man like him ."

"Than why had he left ? He could have stayed and talked to me ."

" Dear , thats so human nature ." She paused and looked at the tree. " Some human does wrong unconsciously. They don't know about their happenings. They think that they did something terrible and seek a refuge from it out of guilty. May be he was guilty too , for not protecting you . I think you should atleast give him a chance to clear his side . Least he deserves it." The old lady smiles at her while Aleena was faintly smiles in return as she is processing what she has said .

She bids farewell to the old lady and starts walking into the trees.  She walks until she found a lake in between the trees. To be honest, this place indeed is a beauty .  She sits on a big rock.  I slowly make my way to her and sits with her maintaining an arm distance between us .

"Were you following me ?" She asked, little annoyed by my presence.

" I have to ..."

She didn't say in return and started seeing a lake .

We sat in a silence for awhile but than I feel urgency to break the silence. "I know , I messed it up really wrong . But I'm sorry for everything." He waits for her response but she doesn't even move. So he continues " I should have stayed and talked to you about my guilt for not saving you from that trauma. I should have considered your pain as primary than mine.i should have stand by your side when you needed me most . I know I was a jerk and I also know that you have every right to shut me off but for once please forgive me . You have no idea , how I felt when I saw you half dead in the tub of blood . I stumbled, I found myself useless creature in whole world for not saving you from that psychopath. I should have understood about him when he first hit at you . I saw your clips and everything that how your tried and asked me for help . I couldn't think straight, I thought may be you deserve better than me, a man who could save you and protect you . Im sorry Aleena for being a prick . Im really sorry ."

She stood there still and eyes filled with tears . One of teardrop is laying  on her milky cheek. "hey dont cry . Please don't, you had had enough of them ." I wipe the tears away from her cheeks.

" I need time to digest it ." She stands up . " Im not sure about you or us ." With that she walks out . I sat there as frozen as ice in the winter, unable to move an inch .


Im so sorry for such a delay. I was stuck in so many things . Im in the hospital right now but I somehow managed to write .

Let me know how is it ?
What do you think about Aleena-Daniyal are going ?

What will happen next ?


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