Chapter 29

Aleena's POV

I was smiling like a retard when Hina knocked my door.

" Come inside Hina." I placed my phone aside." Since when , you're followering manners?" I tried to sound as plain as I could because I know why she's here.

" I was always a lady with full ethics and manners. You day dreamer never noticed." She snapped .

" My goodness! Now tell me since when you became a lady?." I giggled a little.

" huh , Not funny elder sista.!!"

I laughed and asked" Okay , come sit." i pressed my hand on the sofa where Im sitting.

She actually jumped at the Sofa.and holding my hands " Tell me , how do you know him? Since how long do you know each other? Why you came with him? Did anyone from the media followed you? Did anyone take a photo of you two?
Have you met any other celeb?" She threw a quick rapid fire round. She is after all a teenager.... Who lacks paitence and soberness. Lol.

"Whoa! Hold on Hina. "

" Tell me nah."

" Okay , but dont post it on fb all right?" I told her from the beginning after assuring that she wont tell anyone. She is looking shocked after the whole story but at the same time she is enjoying it.

" OMG, HE PROPOSED YOU?" she actually screamed it. I told her to sshhh.

" Yes!But I said No . So there is no way to drag it. It was like open and shut."I said normally.

"Ouch! Hina behave yourself, Im 5 years elder to you. Show some respect."She slapped my thigh in anger.

" To hell with this Elder-Respect thing! How dare you to say no to a gentleman like him? " she asked with her eyes wide open.

" Umm.... I didnt feel like to say Yes to him at that time. You know , I hardly know him ." At that time

" So it means , if he ask you now , You will say yes to him?" She asked with full of excitment.

" Umm lets see."

" Oh Man! You're a jerk." she crossed her arms against her chest. She adds " By the way, Ammi( Mother) is calling you down for lunch. She made Alu ke parathy for you."

" What ? And you're telling me now ? You are definately screwed up." I left the room and entered bathroom to take a shower." Whats wrong with the teenagers these days ? They only waste their time in nonsense." I was just pissing her .

" Yeah yeah, mature people.! Come down soon all right!"

Daniyal's POV

I cant wait to see my angel, my little Aleena. Im driving to Islamabad from Swat. I was shooting there and I packed up the shoot before two days because of this match. I never want to miss the chance to meet my girl. I had hard worked whole week , did double shift , just to complete my shoots before match. It will be great chance to mix up with Aleena's family. May be , Aleena would like to play too. Who knows?

I called Hamza and he told me that they left and I was unable to access their location.. But later he informed me that Aleena and Hina were in the house and they know the location of their picnic spot. I got the extra shine in my eyes as soon as i got to know that Aleena will take me there.

Isnt I am too lucky? Holly yes!

I called Aleena and informed that Im coming to pick her . I ringed the door bell and waited for about 10 seconds . She opened the door and she is looking simply gorgerous. She is wearing Baby pink short shirt about her knees length with the white Tulips. She loves white and so do I. She's wearing pearl locket and small ear rings with three tiny pearls, her hair are perfectly tied up in a pony tail with some lose romantic curls. She is not wearing much make up but a thin eye liner and some peach pink matt lipstick. After being a Media person for so long, you can easily describe the beauty products and fashion.

" Assalamoalikum. How are you?" she greeted me. She is looking so fresh and happy.

" WalikumOassalam. I was a bit tired before seeing you but now , Im so fresh like my flower , standing infront of me." I smiled and she blushed. May be thats why she didnt apply her blush because , she is going to blush naturally. My pretty Aleena!!

"Would you like to have something ? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? Kashmiri Tea?" She let me in and asking me to have something but in reality she is hiding her blush . May be now, she has started trusting me .

" If you are making something than I would like to have anything. " I smriked.

"AssalamoAlikum. Whats going on here?" Hina is talking from the stairs of first floor. " Oh , Daniyal Hassan is here."

" WalikumoAssalam. " I greeted back." Nothing special , we were waiting for you. We are about to leave for match. Lets go." I tried to change the topic.

" Whoa! Do you really think of me this much silly?I dont want to be a bone ! Im not coming with you both. "She actually shocked at our foolishness." I will rather read Shakespeare's Kinglear."She sings out the last line.

"Very Good , you know what? You are going to be my favourite sister in law( Saali) " I whisphered to Hina so that Aleena wont listen.

" I know.Good luck. She is rigid." She whispered back

" Aleena ? Lets go. We are getting late." She comes out from the kitchen. " But what about your coffee that I made for you?" She asked

" I will drink in the way."


We are sitting in my Black Audi.I came in my BMW but asap I know Aleena and I are going today, I changed my 5 sitter car to two sitter car. So that , she would sit at passenger sit , right next to me.

I turned on the radio .

" Do you like this show ?" I asked Aleena while reversing the car.

" Umm. Not really. But Hina loves it. She must be listening it. "

" Ahan, you know what? Your little cousin has more sense of romance in her life than you." I declared.

" W-what?"

" I mean it."

" Oh , not so . She just loves reading Novels, especially romantic novels. She has watched your dramas in which you are doing romantic scenes with you actresses."

I can smell the jealousy. That is good but need to clarify few things." That is my job and I never crossed the line and you know that. Btw, is someone jealous?"

" Why would I ? Drive carefully." She started pretending using her mobile.

So here is the next track which has requested by Aleena Imran for Daniyal Hassan. Here we go! ENJOY Aleena Daniyal.

"What? I have dedicated a song to you?"

Hona Tha Pyaar...
Love was about to happen

Love is in the air people!!! WHOAA!

Hona Tha Pyaar... Hua Mere Yaar (x2)
Love was bound to happen (between us) and it happened (my beloved)

We both looked at each other at the same time.

Aaye Nazar... Chehre Hazaar...
I can see a million faces
Hona Tha Pyaar... Hua Mere Yaar...
Love was bound to happen and it happened
Hona Tha Pyaar...
Love was bound to happen

"So should I take this a signal." I asked.

" I didnt do this. I was with you, how can I ?"

Tere Dil Ke Shehar Mein, Ghar Mera Ho Gaya, Ho Gaya...
In the city of Your heart lies my home

" Well, You might have texted him.You were busy in your phone."

Sapna Dekha Jo Tumne, Woh Mera Ho Gaya, Ho Gaya...
The dream that You saw has now become mine

" No , I was not." she insisted.

Doobe Toh Yun... Jaise Ho Paar...
We drowned in such a way as if we reached the shore


" I was just trying not to catch your gaze. Because if I did , i would drown ." She covered her face.

Hona Tha Pyaar... Hua Mere Yaar...
Love was bound to happen and it happened
Hona Tha Pyaar...
Love was bound to happen

Perfect timing.... :)

Thaame Dilon Ki Baahein, Hum Aate Saalon Mein, Saalon Mein...
Let our hearts embrace each other in the coming years

" Look Aleena, I will always love you with my whole heart. I know it is hard for you to accept but it is real and Im always here for you. I can wait."

Paaye Jawaab Humnein, Tere Sawaalon Mein, Sawaalon Mein...
I have found all the answers in Your questions
Khwaabon Ki Dor... Toote Na Yaar...
May this thread of dreams not break

" I know... " thats all she said because of her blush. The good thing is that she does not refuse or asks me to stop like before. This time , her reaction is soft and somehow an indirect yes. May be she needs more time to understand the situation and I can give that to her.

Hona Tha Pyaar... Hona Tha Pyaar...
Love was bound to happen
Hua Mere Yaar... Hua Mere Yaar...
And it happened
Hona Tha Pyaar... Mere Yaar...
Love was bound to happen, my beloved ...

'All right , this was for Aleena Daniyal. I hope they enjoyed this.Moving on to the next track.......'


We reached at a big farm house. The walls of the farm house are huge. The guards are also there.I like that. No one can come here to disturb us other than Aleena's Fam.

Aleena is busy in assembling the food or should I say that she is avoiding my constant gaze at her? Well she is not ignoring me like she used to before but rather blushing, hesitant now . I like her seeing blushing for me. The boys are busy in making teams. Hamza and I are in the same and this is good. I cant play against Aleena's brother.Hamza and I are standing under the shadow of a big tree. Its stem can hide two or three people behind it.

" Is it your first time?" Hamza asked.

" Nopes. I have played cricket till I chose this profession." I smiled.

" Okay than , It will be fun for you to play after so many years."

" I guess so, I just hope that I wont out at first ball."

" You look fit. I mean "Fit" is understatement. Im sure you will play well."

Aleena came with the tray full of differnet kinds of drinks i.e homemade rooh afza with basil seeds, Almond milk with poppy seeds, peach squash etc. Im sure she made them all by herself, I know my talented wife-to-be.

" Thank you leeno, I missed these. " Hamza said to Aleena while taking a glass from one hand and with other hand messing her hair.

" Hamza bhaaaiii!!! Seriously bhai ? You will pay for it later." she narrowed her eyes" very soon" and then she noticed me smricking meaningful.

" Um here, here-s your drin-k." I love this avatar of her , nervous trying to look confident but miserably failling in her attempt to look all confident and at the same time she is blushing too. Her soft milky cheeks look more attractive and yummy like cherries.

" Thank you leeno" I whisphered leeno.and that has made her jump . She is trying to balance herself but she needs help and I'd love to help her .Im holding her from.her waist so that she wont fall and with the other hand holding her hand which holds a tray. Her eyes are wide open like she saw some alien , her lips seperating each other and making entry for air.

" Its okay, no one is looking at us and Hamza is gone. " I whisphered in her left ear while making her stand on her toes .

" You dont miss a chance to make me blush." she pushed me and tried to run away but I hold her wrist and pulled her towards me at the other side of a tree so that no one witness our private time.

" Daniyaalll, stop. " Her eyes are now more wide open than the normal human could have capcity to opened them. " what are you doing-g?" I just love her expressions.

" Well nothing at the moment , but if you dare to run away from me than I will do something to make you near me." her blush on her cheeks is turning from pink to red. She is not making eye contact with me due to blush. I let her go this time because of her family and I dont want angel to suffer. She quickly walks fast and never turned back until she reached to her mother and gives me a tough look that I will.have to pay later for this.


We played match and our team won. Hamza definately play for International team of Pakistan. He is really good. But the fun part is seeing Aleena there. She also tried few balls but we were too strong for her.

We got home and this time Hamza is going with me. Aleena's father invited me for dinner and I happily accept it. I didnt say yes at first , I pretended to call my manager and asked if Im free or not I faked the whole situation because I dont want to sound despirate and than said yes to them. But Aleena knows it all. Her cunning smile is saying it all.

We.are sitting at the dinning table. We were served with starter first , the chicken soup but with Pakistani twist. It was delicious. And than Aleena and other people served the main course which consist Mutton biryani, beef nihari, tinday Gosht , chapali kaba, chicken Tikkah ,side dishes are salad and raita. Well there's always room for sweet so Aleena made The world most delicious Ras malai. I have eaten so much but still I crave for more.

The best thing of the whole dinner is that Aleena was sitting right next to me . , I dont know how , but she did and her family didnt even notice it. Im loving every moment with her. I just cant wait to make her mine. I will propose her very soon and In sha Allah this time she wont refuse. In sha Allah.

" Thank you beta for coming and giving us time. " Imran uncle said.

" Oh , dont thank me Uncle. Its more than honor to be with you all. " I glimpse at Aleena. she smiles and blushes.

" So good to hear that." Imran replied. I smile .

" Oh Uncle, I have got something for you. " I walked to the car and searched for cards. " These are the cards. You are invited to join my sister's memerable day. Please come." I look around and assure that everyone notices.

" Oh Congratulations beta. Maa sha Allah. " he read the card. Basically reading the details." But beta, Your aunty and I will be in Muzafarabad. I will have meeting there. " He pauses " but dont worry Aleena and Hamza will join you."

" No problem Uncle."I smile

"Choro mujhe . Hashim kia kar rahy ho tum. Choro mujhe. " Airah zor se bolti hai rooty rooty apna hath churwaty hoe.

"Mai kabhi tumhe nahi choron ga. Tum sirf aur sirf meri ho. " Hashim Airah ko zor se khinchta hoa apni gari ki taraf le ke jaa raha hota hai.

" Pagal mat bano. Choro mujhe. Mai tumhare sath kahin nahi jaun gi." Airah pher khud churane ki nakam kosih karti hai.

"Dekhta hun kon rukta hai mujhe . Dekhta hun kon dur karta hai mujhe tumse." Hashim rukta hai aur Airah ko qamar se pakar ke apne qareb karta hai. Airah bin pani ke machli ki tarah kaaph rahi hoti hai." Tum meri ho sirf meri. Tumhe ab mere se dur nahi kar sakta koi. "

"Please Hashim , yeh pagalpan na karo. Hum aram se beith ke baat karty hain.Please-e Hashim."Airah ke hanso aur taizi se nikalna shuru hojaty ha




Do check out my aonther book UNKAHIN. I really in love with that book too.

Why the hell was i writing in caps? Lol.




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