Chapte 21

Aleena's POV

Its 6am when I woke up. I don't have enough time for dreaming with open eyes in my bed so , I got out of my bed asap. First, I have to go to school and collect my stuff and than I have to book my ticket than do some sort of shopping . I have to do these all by myself because Palwasha is so busy in planning a surprise birthday party for Daniyal .

Ofcourse I have to join the party asap. I don't know why Palwasha is insisting me to come , although I'd be the least wanted and important person to join the party, for Daniyal as well as for his guests. But I can't say no to Palwasha because she's life..

I go for a quick shower. I have decided to wear simple frock style dress, which is amalgam of bright and sensational colors , adding grace and glamour to my presence, simple yet gorgeous.It is. so perfect for a busy day like mine.

I don't have time for breakfast but.... Wait baby! Who can say no to food ? Atleast not me. So I went to kitchen and made a quick Pakistani breaskfast ,that is Qeema ka paratha ( minced beef wrapped in wholewheat bread) with some mint and cilantro chatni and yogurt along with Kashmri chai.

Do you want a glimpse of heaven? Here it is ,Pakistani food is the token from heaven.



I ate my food in peace ,as everyone is sleeping until I found Daniyal coming from the outside.

What is he doing here? May be he just came from some party or club . I dont care , actually I shouldn't care about his routine.

"Assalamoalikum, Subha bekhair (Good morning) Aleena." Daniyal greeted me.

"Walikumoassalam, subha bekhair." I greeted him .

Wish him. Its his birthday!

"Are you going somewhere?"Daniyal asked me.

" Umm , I'm going to school ."

"Ahan thats great. I'm also going at that side, C'mon lets go , I'll drive you there , just wait here , I need to collect few things from my room."Daniyal asked.

He came with a file , his cheque book , and a bag , which is full of flowers. He must be going out for a date .

"Aren't you returning home from some party? Don't you need rest or sleep?" I asked him in a shock.

He smiles " I woke up at 5am, offered Fajar and went for a walk and now I'm going out for some work." He stares for few seconds and asked me to get in to a car as we reached at the garage.

Oh , skip it. I can't believe what he said. He can't be that straight.To be honest, I don't want to go with him but I have to complete my to-do-list in time. So I have to go with him in order to save my time.

In the car:-

"Do you really think about me like that?" He asked.

" unm what ? I don't get it."

" You know , like spending nights in clubs . Wasting my time in stupid ,senseless parties?"

" Oh , what I meant is that all the celebrities do that. There's nothing absurd for you to do have such activities."

"Well miss Aleena, exclude me from that category.. I have already told you that. Didnt I?"

"I don't need to put you in any category. Please keep that in your mind. " damn it. There is no need to be rude like that.He is being super sweet with me and look what Im doing.

" Anyway,lets have breakfast together. There's place I know which is really good "

"Umm thank you but some other time. I'd be late than and I had done my breakfast."

"Okay good. Palwasha told me about your breakfast routine that you never skip your meals and breakfast is the most important meal of the day for you."

" Palwasha is just joking about food and I. I love food thats why I'm here. You know ,good eating habits are healthy."

He nodded.

"Hey stop .!" I asked him to stop , not only because of my weird answer but also I have reached to my destination i.e Cooking school.

" Here you are, tell me when you want to go , I'll pick you." he smiles and stressed at his this " your driver is always available for you ma'm."

I almost lost my balance because of my previous statement and this driver thing. I'm so stupid and he is announcing it like all the time. That is why I don't like people from the showbiz. They are arrogant, rude and mean.

" Thank you for dropping me here and thank you for asking me further help but I have some stuff to do. Thank you for your concern and please have breakfast. Dont miss it."

" don't mention it and I will have Qeema ke parathy."Daniyal said.

Okay great ! Have it !

"And yes happy birthday. Have a nice year ahead." I can't believe that I greeted him .

He didn't say anything but he stared me like Im his biryani. He left and I went straight to my room and collected my things and packed them .

It didn't take long . Like of 45mins or so. Than I decided to walk towards Nearest travel agency. Its 15mins away from school. I bought a ticket and my flight will be next Wednesday and that is only seven days away. I will not inform anyone in Pakistan because it will be a surprise for them .


Its 12:30 pm when I've done my tasks. I rushed to the station because train is way more amazing transport for a girl like me ,traveling without any male guardian.Palwasha's mansion is one an hour away and I think i will manage to reach within time to help Palwasha.

Daniyal's POV

People are coming not only from Pakistan but also from around the world. There are Royals from Arab, sheikhs,there are celeb's from hollywood, business men and women but Aleena is nowhere. She's out from the morning and Palwasha told me that she's busy in shopping and other stuff but she will come to the party. I can't take my eyes off of the door. Palwasha is smriking like hell. She is busy with party arrangements but still she gets some time to make me realise that she knows that Its not only my bday but also a proposal day. This makes me even more nervous. I mean , I have done it so many times before, but only in Dramas and movies , not in real life. This is way more tougher than I thought.  You have so much pressure that you feel like a pressure cooker. But somehow I have to do it now because I can't delay it further. It's already been a year now.

" She's here." Palwasha told me about Aleena that she has reached and getting ready for a party. I can't wait to see her the dress that I bought for her from Pakistan. I know that she doesn't like western dresses as much and to be very honest , I'd prefer her to be in our traditional dress too. She will shine in it way more better than the any other dress.


Aleena's POV

I entered my room and I saw a beautiful dress , waiting for me. The dress is so gorgeous that I almost forgot to wear it , I rather stared at it like for 20 minutes. The knock at me door woke me up from that stare-sleep, it is Josh , who is holding a note for me.

Yes a note !!!

The note says
|| The only thing I want from you is your love. You're the reason of my smile.......||
and inside of that note is
|| this is the dress for the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm waiting for you in the party hall . Don't be late dear...

Your admirer||

What is that? I mean , I have a some secret admirer? Well this is so something happen in movies and novel. This is insane!!


I'm now in the party hall , surrounded by the guests. Niether I find Palwasha nor Daniyal , I dont know where are these people.

A minute later , another waiter comes and gives me another note , which says

||The only thing I want from you is trust
You don't know , how much I want you now in my life.
You don't seem to acknowledge my passion for you....
Thank you so much for coming and wearing the dress that I asked you to wear.

Your admirer...||

Okay this is crazy and I know who is crazy among us ?


It's Palwasha! She is doing it. I remembered , I played prank with her last time and now she is taking revenge now. Haha poor baby. I'll play like I dont know anything. I'm not going to ruin her prank right at the beginning but I will at end .

Good luck Palwasha!!

"Assalamoalikum , you're looking so pretty."

I was smiling at the note when Daniyal greeted me.

" Thank you birthday boy" OMG he is wearing exactly the same color like mine. Palwasha you will pay for it.

"Thank you pretty lady. " Daniyal said. Is he trying at me ?

"C'mon lets go , its time for cake cutting ceremony " Palwasha asked us to come. Thank God, I dont have to spend much time with him.


Daniyal's POV

I'm so nervous as well as excited. Aleena is wearing the dress that I bought for my girl.
Cake cutting ceremony went perfect. Aleena was standing next to me . Thanks to Palwasha.  Now I'm trying to sneak out of this party because something huge is waiting for us.

" I think you should go now." Palwasha says " otherwise it will be late. She doesn't feel all right out in nights. She is typically Pakistani girl you know."

"All right , I'm leaving she will be there now."

"Atleast tell me the whole plan. I'm dying to know about it." Palwasha said.

" Its personal." I smirked.

" oh whatever than. " she rolls her eyes and adds " Now go. I will take care of  YOUR guests , don't worry , you can thank me later for this."

I smiled and left for the helicopter . I have planned everything in Paris. Its 5:45pm and we will be there around 6:50 or so. I'm so excited to witness her reaction. I will be flying helicopter but without her knowledge.

Aleena's POV

I'm still getting notes and a waitress is again coming towards me. She has a note in her hands .

The note says :-

The only thing I want from you is my life.
You're the best that I can ever dream of my life.
You're the passion,
You're the reflection,
You're the one that I am dreaming all day long,
All dark nights under the stars.
The helicopter waiting for you in backyard. Please dont make us wait more.
Your admirer....

My God Palwasha, you're too much. Literally you're insane. But I want to see your face when i will catch you red handed. Haha

I went to backyard and found helicopter. There is no one but a man who will fly it. I didn't bother to ask him about our destination because I know I will be coming back here soon.

60 minutes later:-

Sixty minutes in the clouds are driving me crazy. I thought I would be back in 10-15 minutes but  Palwasha has some tough plan for me.

Eiffel tower!!! What?

Eiffel tower is right infront of me.  What the hell is going here?

The place is well decorated with flowers and balloons. There are white , red and pink roses.  In Fact they are millions and billions of roses all over the place. There's special path , where are  sky blue balloons with white lilies, making an artificial roof,just to compliment my dress.. There are musicians, playing pianos and the sun set is making it more appealing . You know this scene is even so beautiful to a blind person . He can also feel and see the charm of this place.

"This way ma'm." The waiter asked me to come towards table, which is placed beneath the Eiffel Tower and opposite to the sun set.
There's a man standing with his back at us. He is a tall man, can't tell more as I cant see him properly, all I can see is a tall man with some blue clothes.

Daniyal Hassan !!!!! What's going on ? Where's Palwasha?


Daniyal's POV

She's here!! Finally she's here. The most beautiful sight ! She looks a bit shock or surprised, obviously she doesn't expect me here .

"Assalamoalikum, finally you're here, we are here." I said

"Walikumoassalam." She pauses for a while and then asks " What's g-going on ?"

" I can explain Aleena , but please have a seat and let's eat first."

" NO! What the heck is going on ? Where's Palwasha? " she said with slight angry tone.

"Relax Aleena , you really dont have worry about anything. Palwasha isn't here .You're safe here ... With me."

" but Palwasha should be here . She planned this prank."

" This isn't a prank Aleena . And I planned this evening, this whole thing."

"W-what? What do you mean ? This dress , those notes , this Paris thing , thing and this heli---"

"Helicopter thing . Yes I've planned it. Eveything is for you Aleena. "

"You're playing right ? "Aleena said

" No"

"Than ?" She asked me with confused expression. She doesn't understand it at all. May be its her first time too.

I took a long breath..

Lying down on my knees... Holding a ring and roses.

"Miss Aleena Imran , I, Daniyal hassan is deeply , sincerely, madly and completely in love with you . I can't spend a second without you. You're my life . I fell in love with you when I first saw you and from that day , I cant get you out of head . You're everywhere. You're in my dreams , in my vision , in my scripts, in cameras.Im seeing you in everyone. I'm feeling you already. I want to grow old with you Aleena , will you marry me .


So far the most enigmatic chapter to write. I mean , i wrote and delete, again wrote and delete. W actually deleted this chapter like for million of times. Haha okay well I exaggerated it but I worked really hard for this chapter. The people who knows me in real life , know that how much hard it is for me to write this chapter.

Let me know what do you think about Aleena's answer. Is it yes or no ?

I love reading your reviews, ideas so feel free to share yours with me.



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