Chapter Six - Stream 4 (Tubbo finds out my name/Tommy joins a call=Chaos)
[a/n same music rules as last time lmao. also, at a part of the chapter i forgot what the fuck i was going to write, and i came up with a different idea... comment to guess where i forgot...]
"I fell in another goddamn hole!" Milla yelled. Ren laughed loudly having waited for only 10 minutes for her to do it again after the last time.
"...Rennnnn," Milla said, her face on stream glancing between the two monitors and her phone.
"Yessssss," Ren answered, raising an eyebrow. Milla leaned closer to the mic and in a normal speaking voice, "I'm stuck in the hole.... please get me some dirt. Or wood. Or anything."
"Okay, but why the hell were you so close to the mic?" Ren asked sprinting to her house to get a stack of dirt. "Because I wanted to, I dunno, I had the urge, so I did... my chat hates me apparently it was really loud."
"Well no shit, you're like right against the mic," Ren said as she dropped the stack down. "Thank you my best frienddddd!"
Rubbby donated $10 to SugarRen "How've you guys been dealing with the hashtags on twitter?"
"Rubbby, thank you for the dono, we've been kind of okay, we're both pretty confused to be honest," Ren said as she looked at the 500 ish people watching. [a/n yes its still a surprise until later lol] Milla sprinted over in game and plopped in a bed. Ren was swititching music when, "SLEEP!"
"Jeez, what the hell is with you and screaming??" Ren asked geting into the bed.
"Me spamming sleep in game chat and you not answering," Milla answered. "We're on call you fucking idiot," Ren responded, sightly annoyed.
"Well... it was funnier this way, what were you doing anyways?"
"Changing my music!" Ren said exasperated.
"That is actually more tame than i thought it'd be... alright. By the way, were alot more chill irl... well Ren is. I'm chaotic to be honest," Milla said to her stream, and consequently Ren's.
Tubbo donated £10 to Meimoo "Does your stream know your name?"
The automated voice read the message which Milla rolled her eyes at, "Tubbo! That's like the third time this week! And no, I kind of like the suspense and mystery."
Ren laughed and shook her head, "You're probably going to have to tell him/the stream soon, because I'm pretty sure a few people on campus have noticed us."
Milla sighed, "I know... tell you what Tubbo... get Tommy to friend us back on Discord and I'll tell you what my name is, then the stream... how's that sound?"
Tubbo donated £10 to Meimoo "BET. GIVE ME FIVE MINUTES."
Ren heard the automated voice through their rooms, "Bro he's such a simp, I swear to god."
Milla glared at her screen, and hit Ren in game, "Stop! He is not, oh look what you've done the chat is spamming simp now."
Ren laughed and hit her back, "As they should!"
"I need to go mining... how's that sound chat? Ooh, let's poll, 1 for mining, 2 for building... I'll let y'all choose too," Milla said glancing to her second monitor that had the chat pulled up to see. "I'm seeing alot of twos, so I guess I'll build, what should I build Ren? Give me a couple options then I'll have chat vote."
"Uhmmmm, a barn or a tree house I guess, I dunno I wasn't prepared for these questions..." Ren answered.
"That was horrible options, but you heard the lady! 1 for barn, 2 for treehouse... for some reason," Milla said glancing between her three devices as she had a bad habit of doing. "Is the music okay chat? Too loud, not loud enough?"
Bee donated $5 to Meimoo "you said yall r u southern and music louder please"
Milla laughed, "Thank you Bee for the dono, and I am yes. I have never said you-all. That's so weird. If you say you-all, I have slight beef with you."
The chat started to spam a little louder/louder in response. "Well the verdict is louder." [a/n turn up your music to about 3 or four :)]
Tubbo donated £10 to Meimoo "I did it. Check your phone. and 2."
Milla raised an eyebrow, "We'll see about that Tubbs."
Milla picked up her phone and opened the discord app. And there it was. TommyInnit accepted your friend request. [a/n I don't have discord so :/]
"Ren we did it!" Milla yelled looking at her phone then towards the screen. "What?" Ren asked confused.
"Check your phone! Fuck yes!" Milla yelled before opening her texts. She clicked on Tuboo's contact and drafted a message.
its milla :)
thanks Tubbs♡
Mission accomplished boys
your names pretty
theyre right.
while I was getting tommy to friend you , u guys were calling me a simp?
no chat was
because ren said it.
I defended you but they're right lmao
im offended
dont be tubbs
i just realized ive been on stream doing nothing for like the last five minutes talking to you
i gtg for now, but I'll txt u later
ok bye. ur welcome.
"Sorry about that guys! I was texting Tubbo to say thanks," Milla said with a sheepish smile and light blush.
Dashi donated $5 to SugarRen "she has Tubbos number! have we come up with a ship name??"
"Thanks for the dono... Dashi? And i've tried chat! She hasn't taken to any yet. You guys come up with some!" Ren laughed. [a/n srsly. please come up with one. and I'll come up with one for Ren and tommy :(]
⇜ ❦ ⇝
Ren smiled at her best friend that was sitting on her stream doing nothing. She looked at discord that had the new friend. What to do, what to do? Call or not call? "Hey Mi-- Meimoo, you going to tell the rest of us your name??"
"Oh shit- that's right! Sorry about that guys! I was just texting Tubbo to say thanks," Milla said with a sheepish smile. "My names Milla. M-I-L-L-A. Milla. You guys can call me whatever though."
The chat was freaking out until someone said whatever, then the chat started to spam whatever, "Oh haha guys, real original."
"Hey Milla, oh its great to call you that jeez, should we call Tommy?" Ren asked looking at her second monitor that had discord pulled up for their call. "I mean... I don't see why not. Let me ask Tubbo if he'll answer," Milla said before typing on her phone quickly. "Good idea."
if we call Tommy would you ask him if he'd be down? we're streaming rn and kind of don't want to be rejected live on stream...
offended you don't call me when streaming
you've never asked!
neither have you
He said yes
thank you Tubbs!
for everything today!
and for the 40 dollars lol. you didnt have too.
it got me your name didnt it lol
and yw
lol ig yeah
"He'll answer Ren, add him to the call!" Milla said excited as she quickly ran to her house in game because she was getting attacked by mobs while she was texting. The familiar sound of a call ringing ran throughout their headphones. They were very still but the chat was moving at a million miles a second. The call pickked up with Tommy yelling, "Hello girls!"
"Hello Tommy," Ren then Milla said. Ren was kind of losing her shit. Would she ever admit it? Fuck no. But was she a massive Tommy simp? Hell yes.
"Welcome to our humble stream compared to your 5K plus viewers," Milla said with a laugh, looking at their now 1.5k viewers. "Hello new people joining us because someone tweeted that we were calling Tommy."
"Ah, the burden of being successful," Tommy said with a chuckle.
"Oh get off it Tommy," Milla said with a light scoff.
"And dont sell me short. 5K? Peasantry..." Tommy said with a boisterous laugh. "Pffft. okay TommyInnit," Milla laughed.
"So Tommy, why did you accept our requests?" Ren asked him.
"Because Tubbo practically begged me too, and I had planned to friend you guys back because I remember the first stream, but I've been pretty busy with school and stuff," Tommy answered.
Milla laughed, "Relateable. College is kicking my ass. You'd think being an english major would be easy..."
Tommy laughed back, "I'm good at english, but maths and science not so much..."
"Ooh! You should ask Ren for help! When she actually pays atrention to the shit she's doing, she's great," Milla said with a laugh.
fucking talk to him
you're silent
im literally throwing him at you
Okay okay geez
"Is that true?" Tommy asked. "What?" Ren asked back in response. "That you're good at maths and science?"
"Uhm, yeah I'm pretty good when I apply myself. It's not my favorite thing, but I'm pretty decent I'd say," Ren said nervously.
"So are you offering assistance or is Meimoo?" Tommy asked.
"Why the fuck would you ask that Tommy?" Milla asked exasperated. "She's been my best friend since we were 8, I'm shit at math. Tell em!"
Ren laughed, "Its true. She can barely count her own fingers..."
Milla laughed loudy, "Oh well that's just rude! You barely passed AP Bio!"
"Oh so we're pulling out the big guns eh?" Ren asked, prepared to flame her on live.
"Ah women fighting... my favorite," Tommy commented which promptly stopped the fighting.
"I thought drugs were your favorite...?" Ren asked.
"How very true you are, but I also enjoy women fighting."
"What the fuck Tommy? That's kinda weird. Can I get a weird champ in the chat please?" Milla said.
The chat promptly spammed weird champ. Loyal viewers... gotta love em.
"Well now let's not twist my words!" Tommy exclaimed. "You literally just said 'Women fighting, my favorite' twice!" Milla exclaimed laughing.
"Are we going to cancel TommyInnit everyone?" Ren asked with a light laugh.
"No no no!" Tommy interjected.
"Ah yes, I think you're long overdue mate," Milla said smirking. "I'm pulling twitter up now, are you ready?"
"You wouldn't," Tommy said.
"You really shouldn't have..." Ren said sighing.
"What??" Tommy asked.
"Oh you've fucked up Tommy... you've fucked up bad," Ren said.
"What? What'd I do!? I've literally done nothing!" Tommy exclaimed confused.
"You've done everything my dude," Milla said before sending the tweet.
@Meimoo tweeted!
@TommyInnit thats kinda weird champ... loves watching women fight? I'm sure someone's got a clip of him saying that TWICE during @SugarRen and I's stream... rt and reply with the clip would ya?
"What the fuck Milla!?" Tommy exclaimed.
"You dared her! I said you fucked up!" Ren exclaimed, watching the chaos reign.
Did they just cancel TommyInnit?
Correction, did Milla just single handedly cancel TommyInnit?
[a/n ahhhh. me forgetting what the fuck i was going to write turned into a beautiful creation... wouldn't you agree??]
p.s almost 2k words. my brain hurts. gn.
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