a wise man in three tenses

a wise man once said that

what was once said is not worth saying

unless it has been said over and over again

each time slightly differently

the deviations not ornaments of difference

but symptoms of growth, of change

the tendrils of its nuance wrapping around

those parts of what was once said

that need to be heard now


a wise man is saying that

to love is to orient yourself

in sync with whatever comes

to be privileged in love is to be

able to have a say in what comes

your way, to be in love is to become

in time, and to become in time

is to be alive, to go on living

not because but despite


a wise man will say that

he was dead by the time

any moral came, will say

that only the story that shadows

the moral is what he had when he

was alive, stories that will not make sense

but somehow still make beauty

~ ajay


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